The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 13, 1919, Image 1

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n.. rintpjifler1d ns
The Times-Herald In an eld
established friend of the people
of Harvey County whoro it has
been a weekly visitor for thirty
years. It's Job depart mcnt in
equipped to servo your need!).
wilarly to noro 1. Har
ney County thnn any ether
i,ewMmer. to
rMjrh the people nwo theso col
BW9ffor yotir advertisement.
NO. 46
So Says Editor of College
Utht Rainfall and Low Terapcratara of
Recent Years Abnormal, Manon
Records Show. ,
I nrosntritv of Himoy
founty nutl lt capital of Durns la
i.ri!Cly a question or succossrul agri
culture," Kft C. J. Mclutosh. ngrl
eultural press editor of the Oregon
Agricultural coIIcro who visited tho
bunch experiment station at Durns,
this week. , ,
"Utllliatlon o( tho surplus wntors
(or Irrigation Is an essential part of
Iho system of crop and livestock
farming most profitable to tho Indl
tldual farmer and to thu whole com
munity." tho 0. A. C. man continued.
"Tho unused waters may bo brought
(o Iho fields either from storage res
ervoirs or by pumping, and dlstrlb
ul?d ly t!ihis. flooding or seepage.
ot tho manner of using the water
but tho using of It Is tho big mattor."
Tho abnormal conditions of light
rainfall and low tomporaturo iVfl
Inought by somo persons who havo
btcn hero but a few years to be the
natural conditions, Mr. Mcintosh
fount! by Inquiry among tho farmers.
An examination of tho station records
ibowa that scarcely one nau mo nor
mal rainfall fell during the last throo
year, and that moro than tho normal
.number of Juno frosts occurred this
iprlng. Successful dry farming with
wmo crops Is possible with the nor
mal conditions but when tho water
mpply U cut In two crops suffer.
Tho crops to grow under Irrigation
and on dry lands, tho strains that
luccced best undur conditions as winy
actually are and tho methods of cul
ture that bring tho largest returns,
ore problems not as yet fully solved.
When they are and the Information
applied to agricultural practice not
only will moro profitable crops bo
produced on tho lands now tilled hut
many additional acres may be brought
Into successful cultivation, Mr. Mcln
toih thinks.
"And It Is Just this work upon
which tho station at llurns Is now on
cased under Obll Shattuck," said Mr.
u.intn.i. "tin lii lust nrenarlng to
threih tho station crops, when the
yields will bo measured and relatlvo
raluo of tho different livestock feeds
grown thero this season ascertained.
This Information will be available
to the cltlxons ot the county and all
central Oregon who are Interested.
Tho third crop of alfalfa Is near
Ing harvest stago and Is In excellent
condition. Much of It stands 30 to
J Inches high and will yield more
than ono ton to the aero. A five ton
per acre crop on the Irrigated plots
" (Continued oa pace-4)
Darst Accepts
Poistn Creek Scbnl
hp .iii iipa ii in rH i i-niiiM ituvf ii
from their mountain home the latter
part of lsrt week. It was their In
tention in romaJn 111 this City from
now until Hnrlni- ax conditions wero
not such hh to bo desired In living at
the mines during tho cold and snow.
They began looking for a houso whon
8cbool Hupt. Frances Clark swooped
down on tho peaceful household and
Insisted that .Mrs. Durst help her out
In furnl hlng teachers for schools, as
lnru r nro at n premium. Mrs.
bar r x consented to tonch and
wi'l I v, v tho Poison Crook school
.'Hi- uHbn n n",,s
up to l mountain homo tor a Vhort
time, ln w)U return later find havo
a"jr ' n this city, whoro Mrs.
Dar-.t r ,ino In and spond tho wuok
fcwis, , , ift,gt formerly taught l
I'll M n f Imi L'lrlhnod davil lllid
ri.Tt lr. 1 ,i, l,r tine untin lini'K
U v r by forinor patrons
nd k tif vicinity.
- o
Grand Matron Will
Visit Burns Chapter
htir rhaptcr No. 0, Order of tho
Kastern Hiar, Is to bo vlHlted on next
Thursday, Heptombcr 18, by the new
ly Installed Worthy Orand Matron
of Iho r'ato.
Olltcrn and mombora of tho Chap
ter win pIpuho take notice of this
'act, and bo on hand to give hor ii
royal reception,
Tho Grand Matron will drlvo
through from Lnkovlow to pay tho
""Ms Chapter this official visit.
Visiting slalom nnd brothers' nro
invlleti io join Ju making her wel
come. o
A I. ... 1. , 1,1
iihi'uii mi, imiUllJli; (j inu rrun-
'ytcrlan Ladles' Aid. .will bo hold at
tno homo of Mrs. Farro on noxt Wed
nesday afternoon at 2; 30 o'clock.
All members aro urgod'toiboipresent,
Teacher Arrive to Take Mu
sic and Art and Sciences;
Assistant in Commercial.
Tlu high school faculty wnn In
created Moudny by tho employment
ot, three additional teachers.
Miss Itose K. Johnson, of Port
land, has token tho classes In music
nnd art, Miss Ilnzol Froaso, Into of
South Dakota, but moro' recently
giving Corvalllu as hor address, has
the home economics and science de
partment, Tho commercial course,
which proved so popular last yoar,
ban again appealed so favorably
that an assistant was found necessary,
Minn Helen Purlngton, of this city,
was, elected to that position.
Teachers who began tho term last
week, with their classes nro as fol
lows: Prof. C. F. Hughes, principal and
mathomatlcs; Miss Helen Anderson,
Kngllsh and Latin; Miss Margaret
Whealdou, commercial course; Miss
Llbblo Krlchtsky, history,
Second Week Finds Staff of
Instructors for Every Room;
All Local People.
Teachers have been assigned to
grades In the Hums public school ns
W. M. Mutton, principal and eighth
grade; Mrs. Nova Cnor,,soveuth; Mrs.
Ilelono lllggs, sixth; Miss Holene
Dalton, fifth; Mrs. Zolla Hagey,
fnnrMi Minn Ililn HllYRS. third! Miss
Lula Hayes, bocoihI; and Mrs. Frances
Huston, first.
The second week of school finds
a permanent' Instructor for every
room. Tho fifth grade was found
somowlmt difficult to fill. Miss Heleno
Dalton accepted this position for tho
term. Miss Helen Purington substi
tuted last week, but resigned to ac
cept a position at tho high school as
assistant In tho commercial course,
All of tho Instructors make their
homes In Harney county.
Artesiu Water Foul
at Two Deptks WUe
Drilliit at Swai Lake
Woril Is received from the flwan
Lako oil woll that Mr. Howell' and
his associates are sinking for oil,
that two artesian flows of water have
been struck lately at different depths,
ono being somo sixty feet deeper than
the other. These aro said, to bo
quite strong flows and have Inter
fered temporarily with the drilling
for oil an ono Is Insldo the Inner
easing. Mr. Howell states It la nec
essary to undorream the casing Inor
der to shut the water out,
While this Is a disappointment In
delaying the oil prospecting, It Is
nevertheless a valuable Btrlko and
one that may prove of much beueflt
to that locality In tho way of provid
ing nmenns to Irrlgato land that oth
erwise could not bo reached.
Season for Ducks
and Gcesc Open
Tjuesday, Sept? 16
Tho Federal senxdilfl for duck
shooting will bo followed by tio
Btato (iunie authorltloa, according to
an announcement mndo by Curl 1).
Hboomakor, Hlato Oamo Warden. For
all of Western Oregon, or dame Dis
trict No, 1, which takes In. all tho
counties west of the Biimmlt of tho
Cascade Mountains, tho season oponu
on October 1st ami cIohoh on Januar
Kith, both days Incluslvo. For East
ern Oregon, or Came l)strict No. 2,
tho season opens on September 10th
and closes on Doeombor 31st, both
dUy inclusivo.
Tho courts havo uniformly hold
that tho Federal law Is supremo and
if uouHona aro to bo changed they
must como through tho Federal Gov
ernment and not tho Btato. 8j)orts
mon throughout Oregon will, there,
foro, obsorvo tho Federal lawn and
seasons with reference to tho shoot
,lng of ducks. IIorover all other
provisions of tho State law, with tho
oxcoptloil of tllo opening and closing
dutuu, will ho enforced us there Jh no., i.rllli rnfnrmirn to hllK limits.
hours for shooting jind irtelhoda of
pursuit. Tho bag limit ior migniuu-y
blrdfl la twonty-flvo In any ono day
und not to excood thirty In any novon
consecutive days,'Z!)Mt
Hail, the Conqueying.Hero Comes
Now York aiaormon appropriated as tno city's snare to aid
In wolcomlng General Pershing on his roturn from Franco. Gen. Persh
ing arrived In New York barber last Monday. '
Local and Personal-
Mrs. A. II. Pago is In Iho city.
Mrs, Mildred McCormack was In
from her homestead tho foru part of
this week.
Mrs. Lloyd Culp nnd her little son
aro guests at the homo of her daugh
ter, Mrs. T. J. MacDonald.
J. K. Loggan was on sick report
yesterday and unable to bo at his
post of duty at tho garngo.
Mr. and Mrs. It. K. Drako aro en
Joying a visit from his father, who
arrived tho foro part of the week
from his home In Wichita, Kansas.
Mr. Drako surprised them, as they
had no Intimation of his coming. In
fact, his son was In the mountains
hunting whon his father arrived. Mr.
Drake, Sr. Is a manufacturer of Ice
boxes and refrigerators In Wichita.
Mr. and Mrs. John Graves and lit
tle daughter are up from their homo
on Malhour lake. The little girl
came Into the offico to get ono of The
Times-Herald cups. Mr. Graves In
forms us that the water has receded
for such a distance that thero Is no
ovldenco of any lako In his neighbor
hood. Hunters are going to find
places for shooting rather scarce this
season around tho lake.
Where to Find News
First 1'aro
Prosperity question 0f agriculture
High school faculty Increased.
Teachers assigned to grades.
Artesian well found.
Open season for gnmo birds.
Hoy dragged to death.
Local and personal.
Forfl Shipment received.
Kalnlt poison experiments.
Tea hers reception well attonded.
Ornid Matron coming.
Odd Follows prepare to greot officers.
Mrs, Darst accepts school. ,
Outing In Steins mountains enjoyed.
Hctend Pago
Picluro show news.
Third Iko
Good roads.
Illustrated news.
Local and personal.
Fourth Page.
All Dad does Is dig,
Fifth rage
Local and Personal. )
Tnft outlines league plan. 1
; Sevestth Pace
Tho Green Illbbon. ;
Legal notices. ,
KlgMh Faft
Local Happenings,
Small Son of Mrs. Charley
Arnold Killed by Fright
jened Animal,
Tho distressing nows waH Tirought
In Mi l,i i'IIv TiinHdnv that the llttlo
eight-year-old non of Mrs. Charley
Arnold liuil been ilracKcd to death by
a inulo at one of tho hay enmps of the
P. L, 0. Company, tiio animal was
tint will!, vi 1 1 urn Inforniod. nnd wan
'used ns the power to pump water.
According to our information, uio
llttlo boy had loosened tho hitching
chain and had wrnppod it around his
body. Tho mule suddenly drow back
and in doing so throw the hoy down.
This frightened tho animal and ho
started to run, dragging tho unfor
tunate boy. llcfore ho could bo
stopped tho llttlo fellow waif badly
Dr, Haurman was called, but the
Imv ill iil tmfnrn bo could bo reached.
Tho body wan brought to this city
and prepared for burial. It was
thon taken to Windy Point cemetery
for Interment, Tho boreaved mother
ad father have tho deep sympnthy
of many friends.
Burns Cash Store Manager
on Trip to Complete
Joe It. Thompson of tho Darns
Cash Bloro has been absent during
this week visiting Jobbing houses at
linker and Ilolso In preparation of
opening a wholcsalo store at Crane.
This project was determined upon a
short tlmu ngo and tho firm Is mak
ing preparations to place a stock of
goods at the railroad town from
which to supply local doalors.
They Intend also to sell to the re
tall trade In caso lots only no bro
ken packages being handled.
Grover Hudsprath will take charge
or this branch or tno uusincss ami
will un nvnr hint ns soon as ho can
bo relieved or his duties as postmaster
at Illley.
New Stipneot of Ford
Cars Received Here;
Soe Filly Equipped
A now shipment of Fords has Just
boon received at the llurns Garago,
somo o fwhlch aro fully equipped with
electric lights, self-starter and de
mountable Irms. These aro certainly
Improvements on this popular car and
will bo taken advantage of by those
who aro In the market for a moder
ately priced ear with all such conven
iences. Mr. Loggan said tho self
starlor was a "hummer" and would
"kick ovor" any Ford englno with
the thermometer nt 25 below.
A feature of thu new shipment is
tho new nrlco for full equipment.
Thoso prices may be seon In the llurns
Garago advertisement round in mis
Issue, r
Bioligist Returns
With Assistant
to Poison Rabbits
U. S. Ulologlst Gabrlelfion bus rp
turned from his trip In Portland ac
companied by u assistant, D, !
JnmlBou, Tho$a gontlomon took a
short "vacation trip- Into tho moun
iiiiiui iii ctiiinniiv with P. A. ltvrd
Kn'd'.Foronf Danger Kobt, Dennett to
hUHtitor rtoofyw low uayH uotoro pro-,
coo!llngwlthtb4lft rabblUpolBonln
oxpifrlmontK. i'.TUw' fnlloimoKot fty
. Thursday Mr. GabrlolHon nnd Mr,
Jamison put out n quantity bMiolson
at tho Paul Loeher farm bolow tho
Warm Springs, using, groon alfalfa
tops ror bait, nut tno rosuua wero mu
na innil nn hn d boon honed ror. An-
other ibajlvvlll bQ tried out now.
Mr, llllliriOIHUll imurnin una
Dial nlinlliilP tlttHlntllllt. Mr. Ilom.
will bo In uctlvo chargo of tho rabbit
polBpi)HB fftinpalgn in una county
when It slartH (his winter, aa Mr.
JamlBon bus nlroAdy undertaken du
tloa of a similar chnracUJr
Mr, Horn will bo horo In amplo tlmo
for tho Nyork and wlfl Ooyoto. all the
time necessary to carrying forward a
campaign1 to a succobs it givon tho
right support by tho pooplo of tho
Tho carnival 111 miqunco(i laat
wook.wlirbe givon on QnturdaniOot
obor 4th. It Ih planned to bo dir
rpront fro;n anylhlng of tj9 kind ovor
attempted., It lu, to bo a costumed
ball; ''FuVthor'iiort'lcillnrsSvUl bo
publlshetVlnthe-near-futuie, --
Dr. J, Shelley Saurman Ex
tends Welcome.
Prof. C. F. Hughes Compliments Energy
and Intelligence of High School Posits;
Nw Instructors Presold.
The reception or tho teachers by
tho school patrons and citizens of
this city Tuesday evening at tho
Commercial Club rooms was well at
tended and proved a very successful
and pleasant affair.
Tho reception wan under tho aus
pices of the ontortnlnmont commit
too of the Commercial culb and Llout.
F. A. Fcsslcr prosldedi Ho called
upon Dr. J. Sholloy Saurman to
welcomo tho teachers and tho doctor
extended the hearty welcomo of tho
eltlr.onu to tho new teachers in a short
nddrosH. He was followed by Prin
cipal C. F. Hughes of the high school
who responded In behalf of tho
tennhcrs, thanking tho people of
Durns ror their cordial welcomo and
assuring tbono present that ho nnd
his Hssoclnteifeworo horo to glvo tho
schools their very best. He further
assured tho patrons and friojids that
tho entlro corps of tcachoA worn
agreeably surprised to "find tho
students such Intelligent and ener
getic young ladles nnd gentlemen.
Following Mr. Hughos' romnrks a
vocal selection was rendered by Mm,
A. 0. Wolcomo, Mrs. Chester Dalton,'
Mrs. M. A. Ulggs and Miss Evelyn
Mayor C. H. Ijonard closed tho
formal part of tho program with a
few woll chosen remarks.
Principal Hughes then presented
each of his young lady assistants to
thoso present and tho chairman an
nounced that the audience was priv
ileged to greet them In their own
mannor. For some llttlo tlmo fol
lowing this announcement the young
ladle wero kept busy responding to
tho greetings or tho people who gnvo
them a hearty wolcomo and assured
them of tho desire to nld them in any
way posslblo to make thu school yoar
a comploto success. Tho tcachorn
have all made a favorable Impression
upon tho patrons and from expres
sions heard from the students they
aro held in high tho school.
The reception marked new Interest
In tho schools, which portends better
results and a closer understanding.
It gavo tho teacher oncouragemont
and will provo of a benoflt to all con
Light refreshments wore served
during tho evening, cafeteria style.
The Times-Herald hopes the good'
start made toward giving the schools
such a prominent place In the minds
of tho peoplo "will not lag, but will
continue to tho end that Hums will
witness tho most successful Bchool
yoar of Its history..
Most Pleasant Outing
Steins MounUias
A most pleasant outing was enjoy
ed In Steins mountnlus last weak by a
party of local peoplo. Mr. and Mrs.
Waldo Geor, Mr. and Mrs. Obll Khat
tuck,Mlss Kllon Geur, Kldpn John.ion
and Glen Jones spent a short vacation
time camping near Dig Fish Lake, la
tho mountain regions. Not a day
parsed that the party did not hlko
from ten to twonty miles, visiting'
tho head watdrs of jiovernl crooks,
hunting doer, and getting back to
nature. Miss (leer had tho misfor
tune to bo armed with a light rlflo
when sho saw n door at somb distance
and before sho could polntMt out' to
her companions, ho had disappeared
in tho brush. Tho young lady, who
Is quito an oxpora maricamau, uor
rowed n hotivlcr' woapon to carry on
lainr nvourRloilR. OllO dcor to tho
'credit of Mr. Johnson lo roportoil,
which ho snot m tno noignuornoou oi
Fish1 crcok.
Local Odd Fellows
Prepare to Greet 1
State Officers
T.nPrti nihl!mvH nro uinklnc nro-
panitlonH to havo a big tlmo horo on
October 15th and loth wnon notn uio
Grand Master and Grand Chief Pa
triarch of tho stnto will bo prosopt
nnd make olllclal vialta to tho local
Ipdgo and oncampmont. It will also
bo tho occasion of taking In a lnrgo
olaaa ot candidates in notn organi
sations. Moro information on una
matter .wlll bp 'given later whon do
tulhi'nro orkod, oijt.
v' ' '
MIbs Dolly Durk hna roturhed to
homo n.t iDalhia; .-after spending tho
tmuuner horo with relative and
rrloridB. MIbs Durk Ib a cousin to
John und-ClmrllQ-LogBttajotiliiaMSlly