PAGE SIX 'run t i m k s . ii i: it a i d ,K U II N H , ORKOON WILSON ANSWERS ; SENATE QUERIES ' AY a HE SEES NO REASONABLE ! OBJECTION TO RESERVATIONS ON LEAGUE OF NATION3. MEETING AT WHITE HOUSE President Assorts United States 8ur renders no Powers and May L Withdraw at Will. I WnpliliiRlon. I'Yonlilont Wllnon nml tho inomborH of tliu fori'lKii rulntlotiH !ninmllti)o of tho floimto mot at Mm Wlillu IIoiiho Tuomluy to iIIbcuuh tho puncu treaty. Tim proHlttotit oikmhmI tho illHciinBlon by liniiroHKliiK on tho HoimtorH tliu tir wincy of prompt rutltlciitloii of tho trcnty tvltliout nmonilninntH nml with out n.'Hi'.rvatloiiH Hint would n'WJlru ro nulimlHHlon of tho treaty to I bo other niKiintnrloR. onpoolally aurtnnny. Tho rtrralilcnt mild thnt tho IntorotU of every cIiihb of people, tho farmers, InihiBtrlal workeru ntul employeri, do mnmloil prompt ratification to tho end that ntahlo conditions of Indimtry, a rlculturo and omploymuiit ho ro estnh IlHhcd. Tho lircsldcnt'n add reus, which won In effect an addrons to tho country, follows : "I hopo Hint thin coriforenco will Verve to expedlto yoir connldorntlon of the trenty of pence. I Iipr thnt you will pnrdou nod Indulge mu If I analn iitko thnt practically tho whole tnnk of hrliiKliiK Iho country hack to normal condition!) of life and Indimtry wnltn upon tho declnlon of tho nenato with regard to tho tertiiH of tho pcaco. Early Ratification Urged. "1 venture thutt unit In to utko my nil vice thnt tho action of tho nenato with reward to tho treaty liu taken nt tho on rl lout prnt'tlcnhlii moment, ho- rutiNt) thw prohtuuiN with which wo nro face tn far In the roadJtiNtment of '.tho llfo of IIih nation nro of tho mot prcHnlrm and critical cliarncter, and will require for their proper notutlon tho moat Intlmato and disinterested cooperation of nil parties and nil In terests, and cannot he postponed with out manlfcNt peril to our people and to nil tho national. advantages wo hold most dear. "Tho copper mlnos of Moutann, Ari zona, and Alaska, for oxiimplu, ntt lieltiK kept'open .mil in operation only at a great cost and loss, In imrt upon borrowed money; the zlnr mlns n Missouri, TonneHsee nud WIhcohsIij are ImiIiik operated at about one half tholr capacity; the lead of Idaho, I 111 noln and Missouri roachea only a por tion of Its former market; (hero Is nn Immediate need for cotton heltltiK, and nlso for luhrlrntlnK oil, which cannot ho mot, nil hornuHo the channels of trado nro hnrred hy war when there Is no wnr. The same Is truo of raw cotton, of which the central empires alone formerly purchased nearly our million bales, and these nra only ox amplrs. There Is hardly a single rnw material, a single Important food stuff, or n slriRlo class of manufactured goods which Is not In tho saroo case. Our full, normal, profitable production waits on pcaco. Military Plans Delayed. "Our military plans of course wait pon It. Wo cannot Intelligently or wlsoly dpcldo how Inrso a naval or military forco wo shall mnlntnln or our policy with regard to military training Is to ho until wo have peace not only, hut nlso until wo know how penco Is to he sustained, whother hy tho nrms of single nations or hy tho concert of all tho groat peoples. And there Is more than that difficulty In volved. The vast surplus properties nf tho army Include, not food and clothing moroly, whoso salo will affect normal production, but great manu facturing establishments also, which should bo restored to tholr former uses, groat stores of machine tools, and all sorts of merchandise which must Ho' Idle until peace and military policy nro definitely determined. "Tho nations that ratify tho treaty, such an Great Britain, llelglum and Franco, will bo In n position to lay tholr plnns for controlling tho marketH nf central Kurope, without compotl. tlon from un, If wo do not presently act, Wo hnvo no consular ngeiltH, no trado representatives thuro to look after our Intcrontii. Future of Europe Remains Uncertain. "Thoro nro largo areas of Kuropo whoso future will lie uncertuln and questionable until their people know Iho final HOttlomentH of pcaco nnd tho rorcos which nro to ndmlnlster nud abstain It. Without doturmluato mar kets our production cannot proceed with intelligence or confidence, Thore can bo no easy or normal industrial credits hecauso thoro can ho no confi dent or permanent revival of huslnesH, Thero can bo no stabilization of wages because thoro can ho no settled condi tion of employment. "Evpry element of normal life amongst us dopends upon and nwnltH the ratification or tho treaty of poaco, and wo cannot afford to lose n single HUmmor's day by not doing all that wo can to mltlgato tho winter's suffer ing, which, unless wo find means to provont it, may prove disastrous to a largo portion of tho world, and may, nt its worst, bring upon Uuropb con ditions oven more torrlblo than those brought by tho wnr Itself. Cannot Understand Doubtt, JKoUilug, I am led to believe i.tapdf , In tho wax of tho ratification of the trenty except doubtH with regard lo tho mennlni; and Implication of certain articled of the covenant or tho Luuttuu of Niitlonn, and I must frankly say thnt I am unable to uiulurnlnml why iiucli doubtH should ho uiitOrtainod. Yntt will recall that when I had I ht! pleasure of a conference with your committee nnd with tho committee of tho house of representatives on for l?n nffnlrn nt tho White House In March Inst, tho quentlonn now tnont frequently nnked nbotit tho League of Nations wore nit canvassed, with vlow tn thejr Immediate olnrlfluatlon. Tho covenant of tho lenguo wnn thon In Its first drnft nnd subject to rovl slon. It wnn pointed out thnt no ox proHn recognition wiih given lo tho Monroe Doctrine- that It wan not ex prossly provided that the league nhnttld have no authority to net or to expronn a judgment on rnnttom of domestic policy; thnt the right to withdraw from the lonmm wnn not expressly roc ngulzcd. and that the constitutional rights of tho eouuiesii to determine nil qtifstloun of pence nnd war was tint sufficiently safeguarded. On my ro turn to Paris nil those mattuis wen taken up again by tho rommliislon on tho League of Nntlous and every h in gestion of tho United Hiatus was nc ceptcd. American Vlowa Accopted. "Tho view of tho United Htatos with regards to tho questions 1 have men tinned had, In fact, already been nc ccptod by the commission nud there wns mppoNcd to ho nothing Inconsls tout with them In tho drnft of tic covennnt first ndoptcdtho draft which was the subject of our discus slon In March hut no objection wa made to nuythlug explicitly In the toV thnt all had supposed to bo implicit In It. "Tho Monroe Dortrluo In exprennh mentioned nn nn understanding which In In no way to bo Impaired or Inter fercd with by anything contained It tho covonant and tho oxprosnjoii 'ro glonnl understanding like tho Monro Doctrine' wan used, not boonuao any one of tho oouforrnr thought there will bo, any comparable ngreemenl anywhere else In existence or In con temptation, but because It wan thought best to nvohl the nppenranco of dual lug In such n document with policy ol n single nation. Domestic Issues Not Affected, "With regnrd to domestic questions Artlelo XVI cif the covenant express! provides that, If In case of any tils puto nrlslug between members of tin league the matter Involved Is clalmcc by one of tho parties nnd Is found by the council to arise out of a matt which hy International law Is nolol within tho domestic Jurisdiction o that party, the council shall so tepor nud shall make no rocnmmuiulatlo! as to Its settlement. Tho United Suit.- wns hy no means the only governmen Interested In tho explicit adoption o this provision, and thero Is po doubi In tho mind or nny nuthnrltntlvo at it dent or International law that sucl matters as Immigration, tariffs, am naturalization are iucontuslably dr mestla questions with which no tutor national body could deal. t 'Thr right of nny Male to wlthilrsr hud hren tukrn for niulilnl, hut no ob Jcclloft wnn iriaitn to innkln It niilrl llitlrnl. no kmiii un the vleWN aiprciik'.l n th. While limine rnnfrrrnrn wrrr In l hi-fern iho communion, it wiiN m cm. rollc-i-ilt-il thai ll wiim irul nni ... I....... Ih answer to no linportunt n iiimtloii I-1 imrrriirr, nu iinioui wtm muilr u rr up nny tribunal lo imai Jmlcnirnt mu uir ijuriiinn wnnnrr a wiuiiuuMliif nn . tlon h In rct fuinilrd all tin "litri I national obUsNllonn nnd nII Ha obllf utlom uuuvr inv (.iiTriimii. Withdrawal Matttr of Contclsnct. "It wn i r.rognlji-.l that that nurstlni mint tic lilt In . rMiilvl l.i- . ...... Nrlrnr of th nullun pretxMltiK to with I Irnw, ami 1 nniM suy that II did no 1 rrtn io mti worm wiius to propons tliu lhi nrllrln U nmde more ixp)l-i hcrniiKi "l-'OIl tfl.fH J)KVIIi OF IT' An production tlliulnlshon, scarolty grown. And then tho law of nitpply anil domain! gutn (o work. Wliou iltipply dluiliilHhOri, domiuitl grown, Bo iirlcoH I'Iho. Whonovor a body of workmen ill llko tho prlcett of commoillttos, they strlko for more pay, nud production dlnilnlHhoM. Bo prlcoa rlnn still higher. The grlovancu which tho strlko wan to euro Is only IntottHlfied by tho strike. Tho medicine makon tho patient worse. Jt sontun hard, but tho patient In partly to blumo, A carpentern local In n mldtllo wentorn city utruck for $1.00 ah hour. They woro offered 02 contii an hour, hut rofusod It. T.'ho atrlko dragged on, unit finally a largo number of tho carpontoni wont lo tho ohlof town of nn ndJotnliiK statu, whom tho union HCitlo wan K0 cents an hour, and worked for u dollar it day lomi than tltoy were offered at homo, although It coat thorn more to live in (heir new HUrrouildlngs. Tlfy struck "for tho devil of It,.' and woro losing money all tho way. Ah Iiipk an strikes aru organized "for the devil of It," and not to euro a grievance, production will languish, LoiumoilltlcH will ho senrco, and prices will rise. Lot un fervuutly hopo that tho farmers' will not take a notion to strlko "for tho devil of It," AVIHU AND OTIIKHWIHU. 'T HAVE NEVER SEEN THE EQUAL" That Is Whut Mrs. Cope Says n of Tanlac All Her Trou bles End. "It certainly Ih wondorfal how quickly tho right tnodlclno will not a person to fooling right again," said Mm. Mary tl. C'opo, residing at 274 North Hick a slroot, Los Anglos, in a recout ntntomont regarding the bono fltn alio line derived from tho uso of Tiinlne. , "I nm now tiovonty-two yearn of age," continued MrsCopo, "nnd hnvo had IoIh of oxperlonco with modlr'nM, but I hnvo never hooii tho oqual of Tiinlac. Why, Idiico It hnn holptl mo no much I Junt toll every one that noetla medicine about it nnd so many out hero In my neighborhood are Inking It' thnt wo have a regular Tanlae colony. "During tho npst six yearn 1 hnvo had lota of t rouble with my stomach. I could not oat anything without bloating nil up with gun and fooling miserable. I wan also troubled with thin gas nt night until I couldn't nloop or rosl. I wan very nervous, ami so rundown nnd weak -that' I Just felt badly nil tho time. "I had read a good deal how Tan lac had helped In cases llko mine Just to keep ourselves on tho movn,. and, going on tho Idon that, 'What's why can't wo scare up a presidential kooiI for one Is good for nnothiir," I boo or two l.i this burg? 'Twill bo t,!!f'. "' t TC ic uu i fin ii-t ii v mints ,,M i i WHEN you have any cuftting to do you want a keen edge. And keen edges require good steel. That is the only kind of nutlcrial we believe in dcllinn so you am make no mistake in buying your cutting tools and instru rricnls here. Our stock is very complete, permitting a largo field of selection. Let us show you. Kitchen KsItn Fecket Cutlery Shears and ScInmi Axes and llitcWb Saws and Pits Sickks and SettL. Hayaad CornKsim Nippers Prunen Gists Cutters free rnco for nil, with modesty toddl lug along several lap.1 to Iho rear, 'I nrvrr H-lf propoup to wlthiltuw rrm Hit Iruuue If Itn i-iiniirlt'iii-t. unit mil iiilrli . rlrur ii x lo ilm fiilMllmrni or nil Hn Inii-r iintlnnal olillKMlloriM II lum nvrr Mllt-d In ruKIII Ihrm nml iifvor will, "Arllrln X Is III no rrnnrrl nf ilinil.irul inrniilnic wlinn rvml In iho llichi nt Hi. rnvrnmil nn u wlioli- Tlii miincll of the uii nut only 'mivlite Uun' Ui iiiruim by Wllllli t tl ft cililliratliiim nf Hint HI SUlt nrl rl nro to t.n glvrti fffi-ct. I'iiIckn Hie t'nltnl Hinlr In ii purty lo the policy m nollofi In iiyi-Niloii, hr own ufMrmnilvr Vole III UK) rollllrtl In- lli-rrkanrv lir.irr. nny nilvlrr run lm kIvcii, Torn unaiilmoui vnu or inr council I M-nuirnl, i Oblloatlon Morsl Only, "If nIi In h unity. Die Iruilbln In Iim nnyliow, nm llm uiiiinliiioiis vein of Hi' council In only mlvlcu In nny caxn l-tiui Kiivrniui'iii Is free lo rnjrci it If I' inciinrn .miiiiiiik; cuiiiii imv ix-tii iniul morn clear. lo In i-otifurciice tin ilKbt of our comrruMH tiiuier our rounil 1 11 1 Inn lo nxrrrlHii IIm linlniiil.iii tn.i.. iiion t In nil iiiiiIU-in or iinit-v nml win Nil fitti'liinl was iiiiiiIh tn iiiil-hiIihi m limit Unit right. Tliu Uiilird Htatos will.' Indrnl. iindi'itiiliii iiiiilrr Aitli'ln V tt, 'r.i. ' spi rt, unit iin-.iurvii as . iiKiiliiNt iii-riia' iiKi;risHiiii inn iiirriioriui inicvilty nml t-xUunif iiolilli-iil iiiilriirnilniu-c of nn. .till... IlKPU t.t III.. I.. .....Ill ' .1...I .1.... ........ - ' ..IM, .Mill IIMtiHH' , incut ronNiitntiN u very Kiuvn nml snlmiii nionii oi i kiiii hi. nni. ll in ji iiiiikii, mil 11 IfUllI liliUuulllifl. iiikI 1iui-dm our , .ii..-r..u. nliHoliilrly rt ! In pin Hh own Intiirprviii Hon upon it in nil mst-H Unit cull foi arltnn. "Arllcln X st-PifiH In mo to coimtltulc Jim very Imililiorie of tlio whnla covviiant Wllliout It tliu It-ijKiiit would liu Imiillj mom than an Iniliifiiitlul delm tttiK siKluiy No unjeciion to Bepardte Interpretation. "It hns si-voinl llmcM liei-n hiikkcsIciI n litllillc ilelmtu nml In nrl VHtH ,ali,lf.r- fnco. that Interprotnllons of tha neiiHc In wlilcli ihu tJiiltcd Htntns iiccepiN th rn KHKnwnis oi uiti covcnunt uliould he I ciiiowuirii in win iiibii uiiiuiii or raiiiicn on i in-rn in ii no no rciiHniianiM oriM to bIiow Intitrnritlnllnuv Ii if Iho art nf rnllflcntlon tirnvl.l.,.1 n...... do nut form a purl of tho formal ratlflcu'i nun linen, inn, ii sticn iiiierprolutlona. should roimlltutn a part of the frmal resolution of ratification, long- delays! WOUld III) the IllliVltnlilu rmmnniiKiwi. In. I nsmuch ns nil IIih many uovernments comcrned would hnve to urrnpt, In effect, the laiitfUiiKo nf IIih in-ntv hoforo ratlfl- ration wouia ua completw. The assent ofi tha Oermaii assembly at Weimar would, have to he ohtnliu-d. ninonff the rest, nnd I 1 11 11 H t franklv inv Mini f rnnll nnlv .uiiki tlm KroatoHt reluclunce approach thnt n.' semldy for pornilmilon to read tliu treaty ns wo understand It and us thnso who frsmed It oulto certainly undnMtood It, if the Unlti'd Htatfs were to qualify the document In any way. moreover, I am confident from what 1 know of tliu many conferences mid debutes which nccoin' pained the formulation of tlm trnntv. iimt our (iKiimpIo would Immediately hn fol- ,..n.;u ,i, ninny 1(11111 inn, in hoiiio iiisuinceM with very sorlous roHervatlons, and tlmt the mfunliiK and nperntlvii force of the reuty would presently ho clouded from I hnvo only taken four hollies no far, hut I ntn fooling as good already as I over did. .My stomach Is In flno condition. no gas forms, and I ran eat what 1 1 want nnd enjoy It, and thnt tired, nervous feeling linn all left ino, loo. I sleep soundly every night mid fool strong and well all tho tlino. Tnnlne has iictoil with nm Just llko the per- i. ...... i.,..i.......i..i i ...,..i i., ii... r ... I d I. . ..... l,Mll.. Iu .... n.lll IIUPIJ tl-ntlllltfllllll I I .Hi. I ll, I III. I uoitrmuuiii. iii" in ...!- , ra,H(M, ,,, , ((lko ,t m,( t. ...t.l ll... ....Il.i ' Z . - . . ... . . ... my npiiroaeiiiiiK nm puun m ihiiu-,h ,11)1 wiu. "r I mil giati to recoin InntloH hy tho mlnorlly. It la tlinu tiloutl such a tuedleluo and hope my for thinking mull to do souiolliliig ho- talmont wll entiso others lo find 1 r.illnr " Side drOllltl. 'I',...l., i u,tl,l In llnnm In- llrorf., mid In Ornnu hy Vale Trading Don't lei tho nhrlnluigo of tho dol lar prevent your paying up that do llnnuont sulmcrlptlon ygu owo us, It still goes nt par lu this sjiop. If you buy it from us, it 's worth the price In iho good old dayn we usd lo say that "inonoy vniiuui uusy mu. kmh easier " Hut now it tulom a log chain to drag It In mid u sho wiring to Jerk It out ngalu. I3veryliody Is hantllng old HI Cost n klek oxcopt the fellow who getn tho dough. No, tho advance lu cost hns not nff feotcil tho deinanil for iiutoiuohlleH. It Is still posslhlo lo innrtngo u homo. Co. Adv. Cow ToMIiik TrlplOM I'rofllN Tho 12 pur cent of tested dnlrlo that supply cream to tho Hover, Minn, creamery draw down 30 per cent of tho cheeks, not with larger herds hut hotter. Tho returns of these mom horn for January, sayn Ii. I.. Wist over of tliu federal mid O. A. C. dairy otlonslou service, was 114.10 per cow, mid of uon mouthers sctHi. At this rato tho tested cows would return $100 more n year than Iho N'o. Willie, don't Invest lu a now map of Huropo for n few days at ( tion-tostod. Tho result was aceoinp- least, uncio nam may nnvo io oveu- tually nhsorh tliu whole lilooniln' tor rllory In order to effect a peaceful ; snttlomout. Ilshod hy weeding out Iho poor pro ducers mid feeding tho remainder i according to production. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTl Special Sales NOONCHESTER'S Furniture Store on end of Its clauits to the other, SEWING MACHINES must go 4t reduction of All New Rugs and Furn iture go at reduction of All Second Hand Goods must go at reduction of 25 10 25. I. S. GEER & CO. 20,000 Acres - SAGEBRUSH LANDS -with water rights for sale on Blitzen River in tracts of 80 Acres or more. Reasonable prices one-fifth cash balance easy terms, six per cent interest. Eastern uregon JLive otocK crane Company oregon This Sale will continue during September Phone B124 ICE and Coal Delivere m min Minim i ttfii iii ii ii mmmmmmmmmmamBam The Plumber is a Robber! Only when .the man in side the PLUMBER is crooked. Our aim is to give honest service, and install honest goods AL WAYS. If you want any such goods and such service in your repairs or in new work, it's easy to get it. Just call us Our Specialty Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work, Repairii? Agenis for the De Laval Dairy Supplies Paint. Oil Limited Supply Ammunition Economy Fruit Jars at Right Prices THE BURNS HARDWARE COMPANY In our new building opposite Lampshire's garage CALL AND INSPECT IT to your home regularly or as desired. Ice and Coal in Any Quantity FRED A. YOUNG Wm. Farre Burns, Oregon Practice Before U. S. Land Office'and the . Department at Washington, D. C. REAL ESTATE BROKER Special-Desirable Stock Ranches lNSUHANClO-lnsui'o your hay nml property in fcho North British and Morcnntile or Colonial Piro Underwriters