The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 06, 1919, Image 1

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    Tho Times-Herald Roea- re
gularly to mor homes iu Har
ney County luii any other
HOWMuipor. It you Wish to
reach tho people uso tlicao col.
Hams for your lulvcrtinewcat.
Tho Tlmcs-lFerald In nn old
established friend of (lio people
of Harney County where It Iiiin
boon a weekly visitor for thirty
years. IV it Job department In
equipped to ncrvo your nocds.
NO. 45
Must Handle Strictly Local
. .. .. . e r i n. V.
Weekly meeting oi tomracrciai oouy
Finds Little Work Done by Majority
of Committers.
A conunltco to moor with tho city
council on the proposition of Install
log a well ntul pumping phuil at tho
cemetery was nppolntotl at tho com
mercial club meotlntc last night.
Way ami menus or rnlslng Hinds
for such u purpose wore discussed,
and tho uho of tho town clock fund
was suggested. Tho custodlnu of tho
fund Is agreonblo to ho Idea, If tho
people wish tho money used In that
A member of tho council present
furnished tho Information that tho
city had recently purchased 12 neroa
adjoining tho prcsont site, and had
bad tho eamo Hurvoyed.
A litter from George Qunylo, kco
retary of tho state chamber of com
merce wax read by K. II. Connor, In
which Mr Quaylo highly r ocom
mentlcd a Mr. M. (). Kvann fo rtho
poaltlou of secretary of thu local
.body Later Information received
this nuriliig wan to tho effect that
M, Kvat i hnd received two other
offer km h more attractive than that
taado b l,irns, and would bo tillable
to at it hero TIi In Is n keen dls
appoint! i i.t to tho present secretary,
as lie U a iXtoun to bo relieved.
Borne i .inmettt on tho advisability
of H'niri.K a pnld secretary from
'the nitnl .o right at thin tluio has
kn hrnrd A dissenting opinion In
totheerft t that all of Ilurnn present
prolitetr are purely local, and that
It woul I Uko a stranger oonsldor
nulc lii; to acquaint himself with
local pc pi and coudlton Wore our
problem th'ixu of colonization, tho
arf timer t v,as advanced, an outside
roan9 with some advertising ability
would do very well an it Ih, our com
mercial cluh would hardly auk anyone
to come in and settle on our dry laud
when the liody known very well a
tiring could not bo made. Tho argu
nent was further ndvaiieud that if tho
club aecurcH a man who Ih really cap
able of tilling tho position, ho would
not bo of tho sort whom thu club
could cxptK-t t otako caro of tho club
roomi, as was recently suggested.
Another argument against tho Im
mediate service of an outside man,
was tho expense to which tho club
would be put, if ho wuro really to
' (Continued oa age feur.)
Court Takes .
Recess Diriit Mcetiif
Tho September term of county
court has been continued until tho
Indue and commissioner return from
Portland where they have sono to
attend tho annual convention of
Judge and commissioners.
Jurigu LeveiiH and Commissioner
MeKinnou convened court on Wodrtoa
'ay and transacted sonio of tho busi
ng before thorn but found. It Impos
lble to dispose of thu business beforo
them In time to reach tho convention
therefore took a recess until thoy re
turn, One Important matter coming be
fore them at this lorm Is tho Irriga
tion dUtrh t Tho Hupromo court has
paiied upr ii Home matters In connec
tion Hpii tie districts and HiIh will
como Ik f ,r the court. Owing to Its
Import ' aid tho wide Intoroat tak
en In P it it win requlro consid
erable i ( , l0 doubt, to adjust and
Vm upc M e Hubjeet. Just what
rcHult u l,r readied or in what
nape i' n. nor wj fy bo loft
"Wot kr Hvn Ifowovor, It Ih Jiopod
jomo ii- t(, action may bo found
to expel)' matters and bring about
wine p , i(t W permit action.
Amoi.g o'lier thlngH disposed of ho
Joro the iu jiarturo of tho olllcorn tho
following wcro given conslderntlon:
Hoad n utioned for by August Mil
ler and , Cawlflold was ordorod
viewed 'i he same action was tukon
with roiiH petitioned for by Ham
firabroll and Arehlo McOowau; Wv
i. Vandcrvcer IJ. J J. Uathrlek road
ordered opu.ed; i, s, Wolttonhlllor
road petiiioi, donlod; II. D. Pugsloy
road continued hocauso of luck of
bqnd f I,rf r "0t,t' U'"1 unu,Bll0(l
Jap M( Klnnon was mado a member
oj tho board of road vioworB.
V, Podge was appointed county
J. H. Uould employed bh janitor of
'no court house and tho high achool
)ra from Novombor 1 nnd March 15
at salary of $fiO per month.
l,f!K,,t waH ,na,, with T. J.
ti Jn""1'1 011 tl1" contract for fonc
"K the hiKHwuy and ho wiib roloasod
'rom tho contract and bond,
fi,. "fV tr,uk lltt(1 recently boon pur
in , 1,y ,ho (owty and Hoy Moul
Pen ut 01n,,oyc'(l tn br,l'K 11 ' rrom
Arrangements hhvu boon completed
mr tno tencuerH reception next Tiiom
day night. Short uddrosHOrt by pro
inlnont eltlrens and a ntimbor by tho
Indies ipturtctto eotnprlso tho pro
gram. Light refreshments will be
ah erroneous Impression seomn to
havo nrlsen tlmt tho reception Ih to
bo tin Invitational affair. Tho enter
tulnmont commltJou of tho Cummer
iim iino wihiios u uuiierntooii tuai tno
public Is Invited, especially putrotiB
of tho local schools, and parents of
pupils. In anticipation of a largo
attejiilaiice. the eonimltloo will not
bo able to caro for tho younger chil
dren, nlthough high school studonts
will bu welcomed.
If plans inado by tho committee aro
successful, ovory teacher in tho high
and grndo sohcols ttlll bo prosout
Patrons can show tliotu their work
wun tun younger goiiorntlou is ap
preciated by making their acquain
tance at this gathering.
Come out and meet tho people to
whom you havo entrusted thu educa
tlon of your children. You will llku
them, and they will like you.
Lnily Newborough, formerly
the beautiful Grnce Corr of
Louisville. Ky hits Just bwa en
tertulnt'd at Newport for thu first
lime In 16 years. This recalls
the romantic courtship and mar
rUge In 1000 to William Charles
Wynne, Lord Newborouich'of thu
llrlllah peeraiie; a marriage of
love rather than dollars, tor the
late Lord Nowborough was
wealthy. Her husband held a
commlsaloa la the Welsh Caanls
durlag the war aBd fell la action.
Lady Newbe rough was tbea a vol
uateer la the Woaaea'a Auxlllury
Core aad served until aftvr thu
raletle wu declared.
Bvris Sctals SUrt
After Lng Vacation
Tho schools of this city resumed
session for tho year this week after u
long period of Inaction. Practically
no scnools were open in Hums during
lust winter because of tho prevalence
or influenza. TIiIh long period elf
Innctlon Iiiih hnd a bad effect upon
affairs as It la hard to adjust matters
and got back Iu smooth running or
der. Neither I ho nubile ticliool or high
school havo an many enrolled tho first
week as a year ugo and this Ih accoun
ted for because of conditions men-
'tinned In tho above paragraph. It
Is expected that more pupils will outer
during the noxt few (lays, iiiougii,
tluis bringing up tho nurollmont to
practically what it forniorly wiib,
Mr. Button of tho public school
gtvcH tho enrollment of pupils as
follows: First grado 40; Hocond gniuo
21: third. .'10: fourth, 28: fifth, 18;
sixth, 25; Hovouth, 20; eighth, 2G. Ho
has not yot gotten tho program to
moving in Ills usual' miinnor but says
ho will havo his touchers proporly
placed and ovorythlng ready for bitHl-
HOhr noxt weok, ho JiopoH.
High school HtnrtH with ovor CO
BtudontH and with hii ontlroly now
corpH of teachorfl.. Tho faculty Ih
not yot complete uh ono Instructor Ih
yet lacklirg. Four of tho teachers
liavo boon In tho Hchool hIiico opon
Jng and a fifth urrlvod last evening.
Tho teachera not horotoforo montlon
od aro MIbh Margaret Whoaldon, who
takOB chargo of tho commorclal do
partmont: and MIhh Ilazol Froaso, tho
latter arriving Jimt yoHtordny, who
louchoH domoHtlc Hclonco.nd art.
It Ih learned that tho commorclal
course In very popular and (hut ono
luBtructor will not bo ahlo to handle
tho olnHHUH and MIhh HoIoii Purlngtoii
Ih to go In uh un aBHlatant in that de
partment. ' ft)
A Woman for
rrna qeobgii
BAB 9 4?
' With the woman vote In "rnm
n.n (iDitest fsctora fnclng leaders of the btff political parlies, inu
J a Sm Wli a wo mar. bo vIce-Bfealdeatt" U now confron Ing poll
Uetan A n. ng tlTo posalnle candidate, already being cons , lored aro
Mr? Meom McCormlck. chalra.arrof SJg; ,S S
tlonal Kxecutlvn Coramltloo and Mrs. Oeorge Uaaa a loader in uio
Democratic Women's National Party. -
Be Advertised
Portland manufacturers and Job
bers, through tho Associated Indus
tries, of Oregon, aro this week launch
lug an advertising campaign of
magnitude, through which it Is hoped
to reach retailers nnd consumers and
to bring homo to thorn tho advantages
of purchasing Orcgou-mndo goods
from Orcgo firms.
A main feature of tho campaign
will bo tho circulation of advertising
"broadsides," showing Iu exact fac-
smile a series of advertisements
which aro to bopubllshed in 115 news
papers of tho state. These "broad
sides" will first be sent to tho niiinu-
factuiers nnd Jobbers for their crit
icism, following which thoy. will bo
mailed to tho retailers for a similar
purpose. After manufacturers, Job
bers and retailers have inspected tho
proposed advertisements thus por
trayed, tho campaign will begin In
Tho "broadaldea"-aro being mailed
to Jobbers and manufacturers this
weok, and September 1C will ho aont
to 5000 retailors. Tho newspaper
advertising campaign opens at once,
hut will not reach Its full awing until
after tho middle of tho month.
The entire publicity campaign Is
being managed by tho Associated In
dustries of Oregon, and tho advortlso-
moats havo boon drawn up by a apoc
lal advertising committee composed
of manufacturers and Jobbers.
Tho keynote of tho advertising
campaign will be co-operation of all
oooooounnnl .
Industries In Oregon for tho building
up of a greater mauufaceurlug state.
Vice" President?
Goods Will
by Association
Co.OjH'nttloii Is I'rgoil.
"liecauso we believe In Oregon,
because wu aro so' sure that Oregon
can become it big manufacturing
state, and because wu know that Uh
manufacturing Includes
manufacturing Industries will benefit
all of us," nays tho broadside, "tho
Associated Industries of Oregon ask
your co-openjtlon In developing Ore
gon's industries.
"Naturally, tho way ot get more
busluenii Is to treat right tho business
wu already have. Likewise tho way
to gea more Industries and move in
dustry In Oregon Is to treat Oregon's
present Industries as friends. This
'wo can do by discriminating, when
buying anything, In favor of pnuluclH
or Oregon labor. Discriminate, show
your favor and encouragement to Oregon-made
goods, Just as you show
favor to neighbor or your frloud. For
Oregon industries aro tho friends of
all Oregonlans?'
The advertisements which havo
boon prepared by tho committee will
appear In newspapers published In
every section of Oregon nnd will bo
read virtually by every wan and
woman, girl nnd boy In tho state.
The advertisements aro all attractive
and havo strong advertising "punch."
All bear the "Oregon quality" trndo
mark In a conspicuous placo.
Among tho titles to tho advertise
ments are tho following: "When
Oregon (Iocs to Market," "Somo
tFactH Worth Knowing." Oregon Una
aroat Natural Hescources." "We're
Proud of You, Oregon," "Wo Now
J Kxcell Where Wo UHed to Imitate."
Handy Leonard and F. A. Fossler,
who havo boon giving the recent
dunces In Touawama, promise n real
treat for trippers ot tho light fan
taiitlc. Tho dauco hi nchodulud for tho
latter part of tho month, and advance
notice Ih given this early so patrons
may make preparations.
The event Is to bo In tho mituro of
u carnival, and to add to tho gaiety
of tho evening toy balloons and con
fettl wilt ho available. Ho much (lis
llku has boon expressed for tho ordln
n ry chopped confetti, that tho miina
gomout ban decided to supply tho
serpentine variety.
Tho Mothers Cluh will supply rc
freshmontH for the Inner man (and
woman), adequate preparation!! for
which aro being made.
An augmented orchestra will ren
der tho latest Jazz music.
To assist In" carrying out' tho car
nival Idea, patrons are requested to
appear Iu costumo, unmasked. While
It Is not desired to limit Individual
Ingenuity In tho matter of costum
ing, It Ih suggested that tho fashions
of long ago he taken uh a key note.
Attractlvo decorations will trans
form the hall Into n fairyland for tho
evening, nil embodying the carnival
spirit, and designed primarily to dis
play something entirely different
from tho usual run of such affairs.
Further details will he published
later, us plans for the success of the
evening are worked out.
Ty Cobb, who hua just celebrat
ed the I Mh anniversary of his In
troduction to professional bane
ball, is upsetting a few ot the
dopentera who figured be'wouldn't
last. Tx Is at the head of the list
on general averages and his work
this year aa a butsniau shows he
Is Iu prime condition and lb not
through by a long shot. ,
Where to Find News
First Pago .
Advisability of paid secretary doubt.
Public Invited to teachers reception.
Carnival dunco announced.
County court recesH.
llurns schools start.
Orogoiwnudu goods to ho advertised.
Kccoml Page
Homo productsH advertisement.
Third Pngo
"Ood hiivo China from frlondH."
Tho Croon Klbbon.
Why hurry bo?
Fourth Page.
Frod Otloy seeks Information.
Hums Commorclal Cluh, by secretary,
Is It profiteering?
Local and personal.
Editorial comment.
Fifth Pago
Picturo Hhow iiowh. v.
Local and Porsonal.
Hlxth Pago
WIIhou aitHwerH osnton quorloa,
"For tho dovll of It."
Keventh Pago
Legal notlcoH.
Klglith Pago
Local' HupponlngB.
Thornhurg-McFuddon wedding,
r r'e
Frod Smyth and boiiiq companions
aro over from Diamond today.
FriopdH in thlH oily received tho
announcement HiIb morning o ftho ar
rival of. a baby girl to Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Llohlng at tho Sbattlo Qon
eral hospital o Friday, August 20.
Plan Ac omodation of Trav
eling Public.
Harry C. Smith, Manager of Burns Garage
Will Have Attractive Place Rady
Next Summers.
Ono way to got business Is lo go out
after It, and Harry C. Hmllh mana
ger of tho lluriiH Onrngo, Is a man
who bellovcs In stopping out. Mr.
Hmlth ban bought tho three-quartern
block across tho street wont of tho
roar of tho IJurns Oarage, and will
uso It for a modern camping ground
for tourlfits. Tho property was for
merly owned by Doug Ilaker, nnd
makes nn Idea) location for tho uso
to wltlch Mr. Smith Intends to put it.
A galvanized Iron nbed will bu built
around tho outside edge of tho entlro
property, with siilllclent stalls to ac
comodate CO cars easily and 75 with
a little crowding. Tho ground under
tho shed, and for 1C feet nut toward
tho center will bo covered with
gravel. In the middle it Ih planned
to havo a grassy plot, with u small
building iu tho center.
This small hnlh lm:. possibly to bo
of octagonal shape, will ho one of
the main features of tho camping
ground. Iu it will bo located comfort
stations and what tourists will most
highly prlre n shower hath for
ladleH ami another for men. No
other thing will bo so much appreci
ated by tourlstH coming In from a
long dusty trip than an opportunity
to renlly clean up. A well and wind
mill on tho premises will supply
water. Klectrlc lights from tho llurns
flarngo Dolco plant will illuminate
the grounds, giving the guests tho ad
vantage of making camp at what
ever hour of tho night they may ar
rive. Stoves and a Dutch oven .will
penult tho tourists to cook their
Tho camping ground, with Uh ab
solutely freo service to tourists will
be completed In tlmo for tho begin
ning of the tourist season next sum
mer. Tho Hums Oarage has at pro
sent six stalls for cars In tho rear of
their building, entninre to which mny
bci mado through tho building, or
from tho street In rear. Thi plnco
ban iiiceutly been equipped with elec
tric lights and a stove for cooking.
Fifty cars ran nlso be parkotl In tho
storage room.
An entrance to the new rnmrlng
ground will be mado opposite h9
rear of the garage, and tourlstH can
either drive tlirough tho building
from 2nd Steel and across, or from
First Htreoi, tho next to tho west,
without passing tlirough tho garage.
Sufllclont additional business Is ex
pected, of course, to make tho venture
pay, hut thu Hums Garage people do
not Intend .to placo any sort of re
striction on their guests, and wilt
olfer this hospitality without charge.
Mr. Smith saya tho garngo Is mak
ing niQUoy now, hut Hint It Is being
Hpont nt homo, and will continue to
bo spent here. HIh eirorls to provldo
for tho comfort of our summer vlslt
orH moaiiH much to tho town, for tho
better accomodations this place, cm
offer, the more people will want to
eomu HiIh way on their travalv. With
u national par1-to-park highway
parsing tnitigh bore, camping
grounds will be moie of a lecewlty
than ovor.
A road map of Southern Oregon
will bo painted on the front ot tho
present storage room an soon as tho
artist arrives to do tho work, whtah
Mr. Smith says l further ovldonce of
tho claim that tho Ilurna Onrago
knowH hut one rule, and that Is "ser
vice." Tho house Iiuh a local reputa
tion as the "homo of tho Ford
which was amply sustained last weok
by tho Halo of nlno Ford cars and'
threo Ford truclcB.
Tho freo camp ground on tho river
it mllo and a half from town nt prp
Hont maintained by tho garage, will
bo continued for the benefit of pop
plo who prefer tho hnck-to-naturo
method of camping;
O L. James Arrives
from Galifornia
n t. .Tmnes. and his sou Harry
lniiina n rrlvert 111 tho cltV thlH WCOk.
They drove through from tho Impor-
lal Valloy or cniuornia.
fm Tmtinrlill VllllttV lOOlCQU OXllCt-
ly llko thia country boforo wo got
irrigation down mere, mu ....
jamos, shortly after hid arrival. W
had tho Bamo arid lands; and oven
tho chuck holes in tho roads woro
Mr. Jamos was formerly a Htock-
r ii.n Tmnnrlnl VlllloV. llUt llU3 .
;nu nu,a !u,a.wa i
tho ronmlmtor. no mii n
haruoBB for aovorul years, am flow
wants to lay It naldo und play a UUo.
Mr,. James has Joined his wlfo.ftt 'I
tho homo of their daughtor, Mra. I.
A, Krumholz. , . r