The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 30, 1919, Image 8

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    I ' i
m . m
ram to m
rne m
Loral jkisk
, 'When the time convs in seek credit, n
bank will want to-know what you ARE as
well as what you HAVE.
That's where tho moral hrfsnrcl eomos in.
And you can't establish credit over night.
Rather, it is a matter of becoming KNO wW
at your bank, of establishing confidence by
tho way in which you have kept your ac
count, regardless of the amount you have
to your credit.
Get acquainted that's the first thing.
Then develop that acquaintance into friend
ship. It will stanch you in splendid stead
when the time comes. Remembering also,
that this bank oilers you a complete banking
First National
Mrs, MitBlok of tho flchwnrU Store
Iiiih lioon l Portland iilura tho flrnl
of tlu in on tli huylni? tho Into Hum
mer ami full idoolc. N'ow'kooiIh nrci ho
b'liuiltiR to itrrlvo and thu ImlU nt tlie
nlork will bo horo within ti wuuk.
Tim yonltv Cloak A ShtU Oo. of
Now York, H1 sund tholr Poi'tlnud
reproiionlHtlvo to Uunm uboul 0i. 1.
H will dimilny hit H no of Coiil.
BWtn ft DrtM In my utoro for 8
Auyn, Wtyrtl tills no! hum for rrtofr
tifflttltA mrohHitlon n oon nd I
ki.ow i lio xaft ditto,
1AII I.Otttl.H.
rurnlahod rooina. Suo, UloVonuor.
(QiilVBi'tfiiliii,' Is ilia moUTor of ImikI
liww, lUilftd liny nt A. A. flurry' l?ood
All' Umon4 having Inwn ImluhU'd
to I. Hrlnvnit, and wIioms mvonntN
mo unpaid tiro t'lMiiu'.Hti'tt to iiiitko
M'ttlcmout with I ho niidoiflutinl nt
her More in MumiiiIo UmIIiIIiij:, Horn,
H-.'M liSTtlltlt RCIIWAUT',
(loino (o dm
Mehiiol ik 10 n. in.
Kor Hent Fiirillnliod houuo and
rellnr. J, It. Gould.
Inmii'o your liny,
nlioii Wm. icnrri. '
wrlto or
linltorloa repaired properly.
Onto, lmrloy and whont for onto nt
1'orry'n Ham.
Flvti I'luMii fiiriilhd homo for rotil
Frank Wolconio.
Insure your liny.
Uhon WnuPtirru,
wrlto or
Two furulihud rooms for rant.
Mri. Holla Volnior. 0-20
Mr. mid Mri. A. I. IUrhnrdoii
arrived homo Sunday from 1'ortlnud
jwlicr tliry had heon for a h ort
vUH. Th(y mnut the trlji down inn
ltak tn their ant.
l Duttory und olootrlonl rapalr work,
TlionioH ftWetr h"i th tnlifor-jojcyricolyluiio waldliw.
tun to hovw bin ivrli mkit Still-' llulro.
A little touch of ndvarLJtliu; umkut
tho wholo world kin.
Jaolc .Mo-
jL,. fl
Mr. nun Mr. Leo Iliirhnnnn wore
In from tlinlr farm home Wednesday.
Qtuu HUemore wmk r
visitor ThiindHy.
Jninw Smith who recently dUnnted
of lib farm to Will Gould, ha Ukm
hl dupnrlurn for Southern, Oreton
whoro ho oxpoctti to I o en to.
Krod Otley Jr., NcrompiuilNl hy two
of IiIh chllilron, vtm up from thu
l.awun nelitliborhood durlttK the
Itov. Fathor TIioiihih urrlvod here
tho foru part of thin wook from
Wtniock. WnHhliiKton and will re
main In thla pnHtomto iih a comtR
ton of Kathor FranolM. the pniter
of the 1 al Celholle tiliurch.
Dr. Smith ro moved th tonsils of
lioldle Stalil hint Wodliosday
Coitiity t'lork ChoHtor Dalton and
family aro homo from tholr mention
trip to rottland and other' outslda
Mrs. I.loyd Johnson and hor daugh
ter Ada woro In town Woduowlay
NottliiK tholr homo In rondluoeH to
more in for the cuiiiIiik your.
, II. A. ToiiKor. district snloa mnn
Bir for tho l)olco-Mj;ht prodnctM.
was m biirtliioeH visitor to our city
Thursday In thu Inloroet of It In con
cern. iu hpont tbo day calllm: uiion
(ley hy falling itom n i ud of hay.
lie was haulltts Imy from Hio fltttd
pd ntunrtluK ut thu rar of His wanoii
wlien Ittn t-nm alerted up auddetily
throwlnfc him to the grnuiul. Ure.
Saiirinan h Unmet redurad Ihe frac
ture. Mrs. Alma Davis and hor I'lilldion
came over from I'ralrlO t'ltjy Inst
woek and wore guestH at the homo of
Mm. I)vg's perry 1 1, Mr. ami Mia.
J. M. Unlton. until Tlu.r day when
thuy took their ilarture for tliwlr
hom ntiain. Alum remo nvrr tke
flri i r thl woeW and Jolatil tlt ' for
a uiion ilin!' before It was n vntury
t uirit to Prwirle.
Mr. and Mre. W. it. ilyram wero
in town t)io first or this weak on tholr
way to DetlHrls, Wa8hlni;tou whoro
the Mect to visit a eon for several
week. In fact may Hpoud (lie winter j
(hero. "Daddy" was In to sua the I
mnunijor of this shop whilo wnltlm:
for, bin car to be ropelrod at tho
unraKo and Hold he was not IrttrliiK
Harney county permanently but
would return with tbo birds in Ihe
sprliiK If wo would Just store tin a
little moisture over In Callow for him.
Harney county boys who went to
help Uiirlu Bam jjft the Hun, iiuno
tludlllil (if HlirtiK III lotiiittmiv ti'lll. If
home Tuesday nlitlit. Dale was for
0. Smith of tho Hums (lar.t;. looai ' ,,,,,rl' ,'ldoyojl In tho I. Brhwartz
aKonm for tho Dolco ilKbt s-atoiuH. !,'"',''l If woll known to thofltlxons
of thlH city wboro ho received a
I.ot'n not lay down on tho Job of
kuupluc thliiKH movltiK In this com
munity. If wo can help stnrt nomo
thliu: that will hrliiK buslnoDH to our
town or attract favorable attontlon
to tho community, lot's be right on
the Job witli t be propor "dopo." If
an act Irs part tnkeii In the doings or
the Commercial Club will lirlns this
We should not nelct the baflt
to, be derived from attract laic the
tourist truvttl thrnuwli IkU hupI nt
ilm touotry to and from the and ltnnl WB nhwM Uk" lhftt eUrt prU
10 Callforola. We bave the mo-t dlr-!
aet route and the class of sceutry
Um lodrlst la lookli fur.
home from their vacation trip to lite
('uxcada inouulaliu and sttveral sum
1 wp raaorta. Tlmr bail ilaliL-hlfnl
y K. T. flnr,ht arrtvod home the fore out lag and are ready for work aualu.
part of this week from an extondiNt Th'y woro arcompnnletl home by
ottlou trip to places of lateral la rns McOowan who will remuln In
ru u . i o 7 V. . V ,ow" ,hl" whiter with his Brntidiwr
tke n..srhut. and Cascade .Mountains Mr, IM, Mri Ultrry a g;Hli
region. liu was alwent for five weeks ami attend cliool. Mr. anil Mre.
d'trlng which tlinu he whs eamped at' Arrhlo Mcnownii. who vm ano out
various trout stromas ami summer with ihem. wont on oei-r MiMirord
... -, i...w. !,,.. .. end Aahland to which point they
roeorU. lie comae home lookli.K Mno touk Wr wm Mr..-a.o. Mcdowan.
nud states he Is onJoyliiB tlio beat or An-hle and wlf. nxpect to bu home
,,on,t,, about the 15th or tho month.
hearty woluomn. Ho wan fortuuutv
oiioukIi to Kot ovor to Krnnco wlitire
ho Hpont six months. Tim youiiK
man norvud In tho naval aviation
department. Mr. Porter come buck
with the Intention of mnkltiK Harney
county his home.
Ornut Iteyuolds -will nrenee your
windmill for you durlOK the summer.
Cell phono tfo. (il l 7. . if
lor Sttlo 700 lb. Tubular unction
food Shnriilosa Croam Hoparator,
nourly now. Chns. Wilson.
INiur roulHloroil Jouttoui or wilo
ror.lsternd lack at 'stand, Wlthern
Itancli, llarnoy, Orejion.
('111111' out I.) Ilia .Services at (lie
N'aaieuo C'ImmcIi, Hermiiii 1 1 A. M.
Hei'iiiuu H l. .M. Ooml Coiiio.
Two new rott.' for ret. New
IVnl truck ror sale. Hhp uitly to
buy a ranch. J. K. Itnuiifovollo, ;
For Halo 2r. or 80 tons of hay'
and 700 aero of flno jvanturo In'
Warm flprltiKH Valley. J. C. l'roo-l
man, llurus, Oroi;on.
Have about SO ton or kooiI rye liny
for salo. lift. 00 u ton to party tnkliiK
It all.l'rlcu ronlck, ltlloy, Oregon
Two naw cntti-f fur icut litv
Dale I'orter another oue of the)''or,, fuok formal . Have party to
ration. J. IB. Itouunovollu,
friends Inform as lial Herb Mat
tlnon and his wife, iccouipanlod ty
W. K. Dedgerwood, left PortlasuJ last
Tnesday for this city, InteiiAIac to
m.l il. ... ' iilentv of runulnr wnlir nml itlixta
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jfi. 8mUh ar6Niv""" ""V""" ,H ,vm" "v " '', ... .. V V."
Four lot, South Wont, town of
llurus. Will soil cheap or trndu for
cows or cnlvoH,
I'houo SFll. 0-0
f (10.000. "Tllli HANK VllAI'
MAKItH VOtMt )f t 9
if KA ",i.
For Keet 500 acres of nood pas
ture 1 1 lolls from Bums. IMne great,
laud all wader fenco.
Uurus Oregon.
to arrive the first of the month whua
ihm door sMikon opens. Mr. Mattlson
and his wife are favorably known loj niyT NAV,ONAIi ,WXK 0
tbts city, he being a Linotype onotator j ,li;IUNHi (,MTAI, A!iU sintlM.fS
In the Oregolilan mill hit wife wae .kkmiOII. "Til II HANK THAT
iwiinurij .him itnnir wuwuni hmh , .MN Vlll'll M M A U , l,H
who made her home here for several
Qo. Fry arrived br from Callf
ornla last Sunday afternoon and will
Prompt service ' nui courtvous
treat uiont will alwtvs be aceurded
IOioi:l uf the Hums Jloul ItorWr
The Ford Factory has not yet reach
ed normal production. Jt will lake
some time, after being entirely given
over to war work. We arc getting a
lew cars right along, and suggest that
you leave your order with us as soon as
possible, llunabout, $.500; Touring
Car, $525; Coupe, $050; Sedan, $775;
One Ton Truck Chassis, $550. These
prices f. o. b. Detroit. Don't forget the
service wo give in our shops, genuine
lord Parts, Ford skill and Ford prices.
Fire and Frost Proof
remain for at least n mouth. Mr. Kry H(l,UB Hl ftr Uonf t)f u;
uas not uoeu enjoying tne noel of
health of late and hopos to find thl
Muctlon lioneflclal in Hint run pent.
Ho Htatud to a rojirimiinlatlvo of this
paptir that ho bslluvud It wan a ml
tako for a man who hud boon active
up In thin altitudo ror years to ko
to Kouthorn California to rnmaln per-
niaiiently an tho iihaiiRU wan too i;reat.
Mr. Fry had alwayn lod an actlvo llfo
In Huh community for many yearn
HIh many frloudti hopo ho may re
cover his hoalth and llvo ninny yonri
lo enjoy It. Noun or tho other un til
hers of tho family ciimo up with him.
da). (. W. Simmons, I'ron.
Superior babbitt metal may bo ob
talnod at tho Ilurns llardwaro at a
cheap price. This Ih from typo nuitat
ud In better than tho iiHiial run of
(hut motal now on sale. . I
s iHiiiiiniH m
... .
MIJMlMMIIlIlHlItMfilllllJm ".
A Bank
String in its resoul'ceg, con
servative in it management, pro
gressiva' in its policy, with ample
capital, modern, equipment,
splendid organization, officers of
experience, and a strong direct
orate. Thousands of customers have
found our services entirely sat
isfactory and do not hesitate to
recommend us to their friends.
Your patronage is solicited.
""3 he
HaniBtj Dnuiihj Nalioiial Bank
s a mill
T . ri
M mi jKinniiiiiuM
School Hooks change this year. You will be allowed;
lo trade your old books in for the new onos. J
Money must be sent.with all mail ordcra for school'
books or we will send them C. O. D.
The Rcxall Drug Store
See Us For
Harvesting Season
Is at Hand
- Deering Binders, Mowers
Rakes and Sweep Rakes,
also Binding twine and
Repairs, Tractors, Farm
Machinery, Gas Engines,
Groceries, Dry Goods
and Shoes.
Wc Can Fill Your Bill Mail Orders Promptly Filled
Vale Trading Company
to tiii-j pimuu
I am rmiioilolliiK my homo for a
liOHpllul. Will Imvu clean, IIkIiI and
airy roomx, nnd luitlontu tnu)r my
caro will ruculvo tlio boat attention. '
Wll) liavo a flrHt claHa nanllnry but 1
Kory In connection, with tlio Intent
moilulH of oiinljiniont. Am worldiiK
with I)rn, Haiirman ami Hrnnol, who
will ho aalHtod hy n Krailnato Hiir-
Klcul uurHo. Will aimroclaio all favorx
hIiowji mo, ami will try to kIvu vahio
Hplomlld (iKrlouIt ural, llvoHtock, and
Imlnutrlal oxhlhllu, hli;li 'oIiihh uiuuho
inontH, a Hiiiiorh rnolng card, hlKlloi'
and hotter than ovor.
0'29 , Salem Ordcon
For Canning Purposes
$1.50 PER BOX
Crawford's Elbertas
Delicious and Jonathan
Orders Taken Now