NEWS OF COMING PHOTO PLAYS "JOHANNA ENLISTS" IS MARY PICKFORD'S NEXT For Koniitnoly dollctoun humor unil timuly lnlorcHt, iwihoiiiicuiuuiil Ih mnUo that Mary PluHfont'ii nowoHt photoplay, "Joliunua KnllntH," n 4tcroon mliiiltlon of Uuiuirl HurIhm' nuecoHHftil Htory. "Thu Moltllr.atloii of Johanna," wlilch will liu hIiowii at thu Llhurty thoatru Sunday Hopt, 7, In norliu'im thu inont pIimihIiik olTttrlni; of thu hoiikoii and In many roapiM'ta ono or thu moHl novel anil ilolliUitftil volitolos over provhluil for thl fanioiiB clnoma ntur. Ono tost u re of ttntmiml Intercut which ntaUen thlH photoplay most notuhlu H that Hih .military wonr with whlrh It hIioiiiiiIh prcnontu th munition of (ho tlllnl HoKlniii.t, Klohl Artillery, of which MIhk U ford In tho honorary colonel. Tho troopH wir otimnipiMl at TTitivorHt1 Jtanch In ('nllforiiln, whorn thn hi-oiicm woro "nhnt," anil (hoy will, of enur-i', ho nhRolutt'lv rMillntlr. cvon t a omirt martial whlili Ih curried out with cvury attontlon to ilutitll. , RIIms Plc kfortl Iiiim a chnrmliiR rolo In this picture. It In nald to ho cpilto llfforont from any kIio-Iiiih oHHuyotl hurotoforo. Kho In a frock led country i Klrl with a highly romantic turn of. mind, anil whou oho iIccIiIoh to take a milk hath to Improvo her beauty. Intori'HtliiK itoVDlopmoutn occur. Joaloun Kohllor am) It Ih rival, an offlcor, provlilo tho nltuatlon which Allllll l. .... .. .....f..t " ! ynuiiK (ionlon Apnlohy rolurntnl to ,imi mi' inn 11 ui mi' mini fin ' ... tho hcoiio. Of conrms tho finnlo In hln woalthy anil oxcIuhIvo family In happy for all eoncoriiiMl. MM l'lok-ono of tho wimlthlonl anil mint ox ford U t i liMiill.lly Mi.ppom.d hy n cHiflv olllun of Oio.HiiHt, ho liroughl i.nni in picMcii imuvitm, our ii'.iiliiiK aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aw.,v, 'm.t n t . Anna od the &r MAFty PICKFORD W'JohnniK Enlists AiiAJjrcuAinviaic ii.'in holiiK l):iii;ii.4 Maclean. o- JAl'AXHHIi UTAH IN "Till: with him a certain yoiniK woman oiiKlnecr ii h hlii hrhlo. llur acceptance hy tho Appluhyn IIONOIt (!' HIM IIOUHi:" , wan anythltiK hut oonllal, hut In her nluunro, itralBhtforwaril mwiinor, Tho HKO-ohl Nltuatlon of two man . Malda trlud not to notice, mid If hIiu nnil woiimn Ima heon akillfitlly woven ,,), l0 ,!onvlniio hortolf that U waa hor ImiiRlnatlon. Conlon'H ohlor this ro.MWiv m iim: i 'IM.Kh WITH I.AfdllM .'Hart Real Portraycr of Western Types Into tli plot of "Tho Honor of HIh Hoimo." which ! to ho hKowii at tho , "wr """ v..,...,.., Uharty ThiNitri. Siimlay. Auk. 3i.hrothor Mortlmor In particular, l Wrlttun Iy Marin Fairfax. "Tim Honor of III lloiiHe" ha hn Ita Htar Koaaue Hnvftknwii, tho brilliant Jap-, ntiKM mtor. aiipportixl hy Kloronoe ' Vldor ami an enpeclally ood cait , InoludliiK .lurk Holt. Mayin ICuIno. I'onmt Knbiiry ami Tom Kiirnliara. Tho illrwtor. WlllUm C. He.MIIIo. I hnn aeuoiitpllhhoil much In tho wny of , iiiiumuhI photogrHphlc ofToetn, hoiiio of tho iiieii afttir tho wreck of tho I iitejuner. taken on one of tho wlhliMt -mid moat beautiful of all Him mall ' irilHtnlf of th I'm lflc. ImsIhr prll ill arly lieautlful. MU Vldor U clii 'i mi opiorluiill v to wnr come of the Howim for which Him It fn'moiu. In tiluitlng one dlnnor froclt of brocubil toitlti with which nho WRHnt penrlN and orohUU. Anotber IntrriMtliiK co-' ttitiio coimlntM of a tlcer nklu. Rofl . hrlllliint hued chiffon and leave. "HN Hiunlhcml live" Hih t'titiiinl Htory With tlieHt Hltiiatlon. When n roniRUIlo trfifft cur fon dut'tor par.idM aa a roynt to win thu !(' of prwtty 'r! thori Ii houiH to m aomothtUK dolitit orry inlnut until th cliimu la rni tid. This yaito iron Inaxifur n "HIh Hmotb Ml lote," the. lata! rani iiuniitt M.ieh HHiinatl. with t'h tr o. I 'Dorothy Dalton Has Little Use for Her Dimples in this Play Homuouo han uald of Dorothy Dal ton that without her dimple hIio would ho muroly modlocro, hut In "Lovo .Mo," tho now wlMful, ruthor nnd Dorothy Dalton Iiuh fow occur Ioiih to flash those allurliiK dimpled Htuilun of horn nnd yot In moro ador able and a hotter nctrona than over. "Lovo Mo" wah written for MIhh Dalton hy C. Oarducr fiulllvan, ulhor of "Tho Koya of tho Right ouM," and other photoplaya mid tho director wan Hoy William Nolll, who, under tho Hupervlnlon of Thomaa II. Inco hlniHelf, han directed ho mnuy of her recent plctureu. It In a HtralKht Xorward IntoroHtlnK narratlvo of tho HtrttKKlu of Malda MikIIhoii to win tho love mid reHpect of her hunhand'a family, and Incidentally, to koup hln -UKaliiHt Kreat oddn. In tho IiokIuuIiik they hud mot In mi unconventional way durlnic tho oiiHtructlon of a hrldKo In North J)akota to whluh ho had heon hhhIkiioiI after the unexpected departure of a follow oiiKlnoer. What was li Ih mir prlHo on nrrlvliiK. to find tho work rnpahly proKroHHlnj; un,or tho dlr- ootloii of a hiiiiiII hut Dikii ii,. i., ,i iti. . jwiiiiK imiy, iiko iiiuiHolf a recent Krailunto of a school of oiikIiiuoi'Iiik. Tho frlitiiilHliin rni'inii.i HlreHKfiil tluioH of their work mid on ,, , mo last i:lorloiiH day when loKother. ' "' MBHfHfHfHfBBHfHfHfHfHfJ'' amlles PRODUCTION THE VH ISPERING CHORUS seemed bent on coiivIiicIiik (lordoti that ho had niiido a sad mlxtako In the cIioohIiik of his wife. Ho It was who! watchhiK Malda at a certain party one hvoiiIuki noticed her Intense watchful oyes fixed on Kenton, a man of thu world mid admirer of (lordoii's married sister whoso hus band was at that tlmo "somewhere with the fleet." .Mistaking Malda's motives, Mort imer follows her when sho loaves the party and as ho expects, finds her In Ponton's rooms. Tho fact I hat she had come merely to save lliclr sinter Is broiiKbl forcorully homo to (lordoii mid Mortimer mid Malda conies to lake her rightful placo In her Iiiim- hand's family. An especially good supporting "'"Hi It la conceded that Mr. Hnrt'a por trayal of iinlnuo Western typos lone, alnm oxtlnrt, Is as near tio real thing aa art and historical reaesrch can auggW. Old plonoflr hIio have seen Mr. Hurt In his Western plcturas, assert that ho lu thn reincarnation of tho aplrlta uf tha old 'days of roiiiaiica wlilch hava vsnlnhail hefoie lit rltmtleiM marh of rlvlllastlou. In "Tha Titter Man." his latest Art crart photoplay, which Is to ho pra santwl at tho Liberty Theatre next Thursday ho presents a new creation, clear-out aa a cameo ami as convinc ing as any which ha heretofore has essayed. "Tho Tiger Man" la n bandit of a typo not often sioju In picture. Ho moat his fit to In the perKon of a 'pratty young woman, the wife of a I minister of the uoeptd. Mj fi'rcw hwr to leave har Inulisnd for )iliiitflf, t hut when sho uitemp .'Uic'dn to i-a-cupe tha horror of hi t ir. his ' HlutHhorlng Mini. atNiiel In crime, Hwakaiis mid ha la reformed To old her religious doslxna ho cheerfully 1 tiiirremlora hltustflf to the autliorltlos, but alio Is unconscious of the great t.irrlflro ho has made In her behalf. , The various scenes of tho picture are thrilling to a degree, the action rapid land tho heart Interest Is well sun-tulned. "Whispering Chorus" of Surpassing Interest Hurpasslng In Interest any pic ture heretofore displayed at thu Mhorty Theatre, "The Whispering Chorus," a speclul Cecil I). Do Millo production for Artcraft will ho pre sented for thu first time in this city at the Liberty Theatre next Satur day, Sept. C, Tho story Is hy Perloy I Conklln, Harry (Jrlbbon and Mario Provost, Is concerned, "His Hmoth-' I'00 Baoohan, a leai'.lng mngnxlno ered Love" will ho shown at thu Liberty Theatre next Weduosdny. Conklln Is a conductor who falls In love with tho fat roll of, Mario Provost, as well as with her writer and thu plcturUntlon Is hy Jennie Macphersou, distinguished authoriof such notable cinema sticces hos as "Joan tho Woniim," "Tho lliili.piiilni.,1 I n iim; Kiii'il nii,ii, IMK ciimi r ,. .!. ,,u,,"l' Wmi Conklln. Jack Holt. uoiiori nicKim, liorcas Mathews, Mel bourne MacDowoll, and Kllnor Han- c. Lovo Mo" will lie neon at tho I hoy watched Its opening, r0W I,,l,0!ly T,,owtro ,,oxt Wt-duesday into a very ondurlnu love ,.,. wi,.. 0Vu,,""'' A two rool Mack Bonnott liersoual charms. Ho shortchanges Woman God Potgol," "A Little Amer- tho mother of his Inamorata und (.nn" nnd other pictures lu which poses him. Then Mario consents to , " ' ,,",,,ra woro tho stare, bucoiuo tho bride of Harry (Irlbboni Kelf-sacrlflco Is the iloinlnanl mid In revenge Conklln sends what tin mo of this iiiiiihii.iI olferlng mid ho helloves to ho a bottle ut iiolsoned ' ,., ,,,ayt,r w0 Mi)evU): various wine to tho coup e for a wodd ng' -, ' , . nresont ro l'H 'or,n HU "KKrogntlon of htc'u Killed with remorse. Conklln he- ';'' Houiom tr .iv. r grouped together glim a iiiad ehasu of the bridal couple I t a single pholoplav. The anion U to prevont them from drinking tho ,-,,,,1.1 ,,,,,1 dramatic nnd it hfnt! supposed polHouod wlno, and tho sll- ......, ...... ... llllulllll , , ,.. uatloiis that eniiiio uro lixtromoly ,,I',,m,1 011 ' f HI,Hl,lU forc"' ,ho; laughable. Tho comedy Is ahsol-t,,tor' ltf developed arllatnallv mid utuly without suggestion of any klud Uio various portrayals, guided hy Hum and may ho seen with profit and master mind of Cecil II. Do Mlllo aro enjoyment by old mid young alike, exceptionally convincing. DON'T be like the man who locked the barn door after the horse was stolen. Be on the safe side and put that lock on now. Ve carry a large as sortment of locks of nil kinds for nil purposes, ns well Ji3 other means of protecting property. When in need of such hnrdwnro you will find the best right here. Deor Lock Seti Padlock, Saih FaitcBn Traniom CilcL Casement Fattntn Spring Ukitt Door Hold tupboard LatcU Drawer PuIJi Hingej, Ilatpa, 114, n v - j If you buy it from us, it1 a worth the price I. S. GEER & CO, WRAY'S AUTO STAGE All Tourltiif Cam Lvuvob IluriiH Mondau, Wi'ilncadau, Friday, Saturday I.vuvck Haul Monday, Wcdncnday, Friday, Sunday Kinv HnniM to I'ortluiid via (Ynno with liwth M'.'I.Ol Fnrn UiiniH jo Portland via Head with borth fl!),15 Ship Pcrishitblo Ci'oods, ISxprcss and Fast Freight via Bend in Our Care FAKE, $10.00 50 lbs. baggage free HEADQUARTERS AT REED BROS. 20,000 Acres - SAGEBRUSH LANDS -with water rights for sale on Blitzen River in tracts of 80 Acres or more. Reasonable 4 prices one-fifth cash balance . easy terms, six per cent in terest. ; Eastern Oregon Live Company CRANE Stock OREGON Wm. Fane Burns. Orfio-on l'racticc Ileforc U. S. Land Office and tlio Department at Washington, I). C. . KEAL ESTATE BROKER Special-Desirable Slock Ranches ,N'SI;i! n'N' v':",'H',"'" 'vo1"' Plrliy or tnloiiml l.'no L'lidowritorB Phone B124 ICE and aaafc i Coal Delivered to your home regularly or as desired. Ice and Coal ih Any Quantity FRED A. YOUNG The Plumber is a Robber! Only when the man in aide the PLUMBER is crooked. Our aim is to give honest service, and install honest goods AL WAYS. If you want any such goods and such service in your repairs or in new work, it's easy to get it. Just call us Our Specialty Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work, Repairing Agents for the De Laval Dairy Supplies Paint, Oil Limited Supply Ammunition Economy Fruit Jars at Right Prices BURNS HARDWARE COMPANY In our new building opposite Lampshire's garage CALL AND INSPECT IT r