I JV A H vm mm nm ny. mm mr IK! m vm w ju jy w . . . ill sic witn a h&'X'Xlte fcvhich Imsearno.l OTnmcy owr all Mm. It play, the latct music witiotl in. munun.. on mints in a full Ja..z Hand. tNMplioiio, Ukolelc ami Banjo art- itmuiletl with startling tlmilhfulnees: -,''-' reproduction. m ki u bfl.or w - w v ill -MC&. in it . . 'm 7ne himkona Plover Pinnn !. ll iknl ntui l!im in.. K rp. i 1 ...i. .. . . . ,a uiu uui u. iu uioso wiio porter tuo classics or oltl time ballitcls, it gives a faithful mi? i for,irs thr kylo of Wo. To both young and old it ia an unfniling center of oajoynwnt No Ziment bViiwuK W oclu,l'Pocl your homo may bo there ig'an incompleteness, n chink unfilled, until -this vmtiilt in- m aSPiP? NO f is a life long-compnnion. With moderate care it should Inst & lio time. THE EUPHONA PLAYER PIANO ttas twenty enthusiastic owners in Harney County MODERATELY PRICED REASONABLE TERMS ID 01 i, 0 The iley B. Allen Company. J. FELLOWS, Eastern Oregon Rtpresentatir at Burns TT,",1.'!',"1 TTT.1 lll .. i AND I'KKHON'Ah. JAHUI. ,fJ IlUK)!mi4 Mr. A. C. WXromfl arrived homo Mr. irtd Mr, r. r. parkar. mum. Hund.iv from l'ortUnd lit company pnnud by thtdr nlee. mimh Alberta 8tMr the -i -ml .t.nii ii.. k w,th lh0 ierdou. Rft-r short w as In towu for few "ni wenk. I vacation vlnlt In the metropolis. i ciMrivy Miller of llul 1. U, 8. Co., .tupMl WM dawH from was n umduet- vlaltor Tliuredav. , iMIwi IWI ICIlla fooe over lo illrer i r,,..k yMMrdnr. ; R Jf e,tk I hi. mk U l.o In reiiilli.aat lo l ii n Uad Imr toHella ami uiutiiitaln much Tliurnduv. uon teaclilng the Mlmol there next '( r moved T Urn. Suuriiiaii P.. ' tincr . Ilo aJcia k ,tl Ilrjitet lnt wook. Mr tln-w Irwin wrltoii her htit litul t .i' (din hait purchiiHed n nlco ijuH In Kikor whert' hIii? nnd tho vMMron ttttentl iiiukliiK tholr homo. J V lit). Imiinii war in town IIiIm KrnnddiuiKhturrt, tMk Iuvihk ' Oino In when ho found JoshIo Shonnrd. !ioii It1' had to underKO nn otmru- tiin fur .iPI -mlU-ltln. j. u jt,llkll(, umt h H0, s J n-i-.m. non of A. J. Johnson. Thou. Jonklim, wero In from Moiulnv. i.iui.) oniric Mi'KliutlH hnd hor tonsils nnd iiduiinldH miuovcd Tliiiri-' t A. llrlttliiKhnni and family ar day uy I)rs. Huiirmaii and Ilrunot. j rlvod homo Hunday ovonln rrom an Wnlter rrn.- u-n. ,iu... r, xtnd!d vlMlt to Wlllnmulto VnlSoy Creole aunday. accompaulod by his vIhIHiik at Mr. llrlttlnKham'H MIshoii Cora and and I ho t Sin ' v underwent an operation lountain shuoii ranch Mon- 'rut'' I it ls of Dm. Snurmnn and day. Mr. Jonklns reports hottur hay former homo near Lebanon, and other places of Interest, Tho Journey was iiitule In their oar and at easy ntaRes, stoppliiK frequently nt places or luler ost. Mr. llrlttliiKhaui stated that ho had novor seen tho Willamette Valley lm H I "I III I I I I iHM ' W i 1MB I I..IIMI IIIIUMIIII" II 1 1 I Mil II.1 I I.. ' m I. la. I I llll MM I .1 III. .11 ' II mL .... I ... tr, .1 , 1. . . niii.Mi.M,.,.iM.i..iMj.'T-.. .- ...- ... . , . , . ,r hi mbi niiu ij.i u i j irr, i.-ii i uvnuii; pi for I'alslei' where Ihcywtll vUH with . Ji. Parker and family ami other relatives rur a short time. Junnlta 8I0011111. tlaiiKhter of Slncum. formerly 11 hlacksmlth 11--ttoclated with V. W. Urlukwatur In this city Is attain In towu. having re turned from WauhliiKdiii where they had boon resldluj:. Mr. Slocum died lust fall from an attack ot liifluouza. When the history of tho vanished frontier, so pregnant ot perils and plcturesiiuo characters which confron ted tho pioneers In tholr march to ward the stiiiHot laud In tho days of Kohl, finally Is written It will ho In evitable that tho virile Western look better as the Kralu. fruit, and r l.iy morning. cro,M i 1.1- ...dehlmrlinml l.ui ..i nllVrons. In fact were the b.t.t fur I chnraiterliitlous of William B. Hart I, i Miller came In from Uto raiiKe was becomliiK very dry and I years.. They returned by way of M,l"u '"-'"Iso a powerful lufluenco rorthuid and over tho Columbia I HkIi way. kIvIiii; them an opportun ity of vlewliiK tho uiiiKiilflceiil scen ery of that route, as they went down over the mountains. M '.en i-'T KkII the other day that fall rains were necessary to ni I v muK wiio iriuiius m mis keep stock In right condition to enter ty f r.i h. rt time. thu w,UjPt Mr J 'ie Fay was In from her' jn '' I 'w-n this city und Laweu Word was roceived the other day mil.,: M,-k to have Dr. Smith that Frank P. Oowan Is aalu In " in r "umIIs. private llfo, havliiK received his ills- 'charjio from tho army on the 20th tp. t i i ...... i.t. ..ii ...i.i .1 .. i .. 1. 1 .... . . ..... . . ak .in. . ii. .ii... vi. i i,ini nt enicruo inu employ or ine iiureau ubv I i moved down from tho f public HoiuIh tho folloMiif; day Fmlitru' reek dairy farm and will unt jH ow iloned at OriIuii. lie stum- I" .r town resldonco ilurliiB jm,i previously taken tho civil service 6e,,, ' " r exnmlnatlon had filled himself for He r kwoll was hero durl..K1HUl,h a ,,08,Uon he k Me rame In on other bust- . , i Inn Hi.,,!, finilliiL' until., vurv fat A mnrruiKO license was ishiikii eu- ittlJ Z Mi ,ns rlnL ndsnl, ,,0H,lu" ('om,,' Cl"rk ,a,,0,, 10 .J If . . . . ! "? A '.?... Uhabl1 I.l)yl U Sherburn and Mlsii l)njsy upon tho historian. Fotv keenness of conception, ami lldellty to truth, these Impersonations are unrivalled, anil they are rapidly heromliiK a standard upon which tho popular estimate of these characters may bo ARRIVED Tin- Ideal l.ttdiii" Tnllorltijr Company's Wonderful New Fall and Winter Line of Tailored Suits, Coals and Skirts aro here In those New Woolens an SII.VKIt TII'PKH ItOI.IVIA pkach ih.oom nt'virrv.v Kihvint toni: TiticoTixi: ti.n'.mkiioni-: (ji.oth ' kpaukm: cloth nml many others. We (,'iiai nntce Perfect Fitting (.'iinncntM Come In and See Our Samples Williams-Zoglmann Clothing Company ty of bu ii some of them. Douelr. These youiiKi people reside Ar h (. t.on was In to see us the' I" lio Dnnlo country, tho bride IioIiik 'her 'l v He is now ono of the daiiKhter of Mrs. Doll UefeniuiUKh. tDvirT , trapper nnd his -ork w'" l,n, resided In that neighborhood 'i liti , t over the country. At r years. Tin I lines-iieriiid is not , - " ' in the Van section. Informod as to when the Important event Is to take place hut wishes to Vr I .1 Jnklsch wns In town extend host wishes. ' it i .ik some shoimlui: nnd - , I truthfully based. Here Comes the Pride i r? r r.i.nds. Sim Informed a " " i in- paper that It Is her M i i-.n-h In Crane this yoar. '''( H .i Krv" Smylh was over for i few da- t 'i it wook. Ho stated they rni Jj ' trmpletful hayliiK nn tho -Ve 1 i,i had a very K'1 Top il the ifu.ility this year Is above the awriKc Mr and Mrs Homer Reed and tholr nttlo ilnuKhter Itoselle nrrlvod homo wedncailay form their vacation trip hlch look them to Portland, tho ahore a.i other points of Interost. ne idt't- daiiKhter camo homo feel K '.'I. r :ck but Is Improving. Save Your Eyes Mr Mrs Waltor Cross and r M.f.rt wore down from ' f. ek homo Wednesday uid (tuartora for Mrs. MUsea Corn and Jessie ' " ipy for the coining tulw. alenoKrapher III!;, arrived home .hi it i iiort visit to her ' I'rflriueli. fcttia was ac b' r iv turn by hor alster . Mub. r. who will visit lor a i line. i . v ,r ma Wiley 11. .'d lp ton-it 'ruaithjy " -nt "fur .1 couple of v l.! h time he Vlslte l p.irt of thla ooun'y. va i a (l want as f r ! rn -ioU ne ' U reKlgaad llll (lat'tii ( ashler of 'in y :.'.i ioiiuI Dank A .1 ; i ir. fa the Pt i !1 " . vliero he li.iu ( 'a in the car All , irleirds, Mr. r!y liK'd io Pendle- l i t 4. a bunk there ' Uy. lie has always rot urn to Pendlolon ii i. opportunity of f?o u.iM for hlmsolf hellovo ' r opportunities than tho Hi liKinv frlomlii in I lily .oin- nu"1' ''I h him wall In llle now bus-. " v. nt urn. Mra, MoKlnnoy and tho hey, vu-til ronmln hero for n wh!lo before Joining him. 4 Eye Hlrain causes heatlaclicH, ncrvotiHncRs and other trou bles. I fit kIuhmph tiocuratejy and Hclentifically. All Work Guaranteed. MAURICE SCHWARTZ Optometrist Office with Dr. II. I Smith of llakery (,'immN from the best bakery hi town. Our pant, lien are always dell cate dainties of Hie oven Mhlch cannot be surpassed any uheie. IVresli bread dally vtltli that home like material In t h e doiiKh and the illit bake on the Inside and out. Leave jour order for cakes or other spec ialties, And do not ferret to remember that It Is cheaper and much more convenient to buy )our bakery Koodi In this warm weather than to cook them yourself, Page9 1 SWRKT SHOP DON'T BELIEVE IT! If you Arc told that the Tenth Annual Malheur County Fair will be "THE BEST YET," but come and sec for yourself. WE CAN PROVE IT LIBERAL PREMIUMS assure a generous display of exhibits LARGE PURSES guarantee the pick of sports AND OPEN HOUSE warrants the largest attendance ever. 1 1 . f. . tr . It r : Imi k E A LEADER toll iiiiiithtJf Mil in iV .o-.i .lily JJ,i4t lift 41 Mliv 4Hn" -lit An immdnW problem in reconstruction confronts ilic present iienerntion. Arc you doinj; your utmost to prepare to lead in its solution? Oregon Agricultural College Ti.im ,if Itulnttiip in I he luJumifi nikl jnof.nn n. foll.,wf IIOMK ECOriOMlC5 AORICUI.TURK. COMMl'-RCK. I.OHH8THV. I'llAUM ACY. MUSIC. VOCATIONAL, IiDUCAlloN. CIVIL UNO 1 1 'Ba KINO, laiiCTICKAU KNQINUIiKINO. MKCHANICM. llMOINKItXINO, CHBMICAL KNOINKBRINO, niuaTBIAL ARTS, MIMJNO irNOINBKIUNQ. LOOQINU UNOINBBRINO, MILITARY aCIBHCE Thr CHnt IHU liKludti cwifici In KiulUh. Bf iomle. Ait, MalhcmBlict, MiJf n Lnugtt, Pliytl UdutMUin, ln4uiiriul JwJnllim, Hmuitl Sdcmci, ik! till (Mol). U An cdmnlion. Tlirce regular termsFail term bcins September 22, 1919 liitnniiiirfrt aiuili,liiiriiil l4terAW I S IHi i 1 1 it V 7S JBCil MJHWWFMMMTiIMnWMl. I'or Collme CdIoIok. IlljilratrU Hw.klfl nd cift lnfom(ion Aiiu Ttllt IICOIUTRAII, Oregon Aunculluul College. Corvillit YOU WILL SEE Tho beat collection of horses, cattle, shoep, swine and poultry. The host variety and grade ot fruits, grains and vegetables The finest assortment of Fine Arts, broads, canned goods and fancy work YOU WILL WITNESS . Flying by ono of America's greatest pilots Hulldogging and roping by the country's best cowboys Running races by horses within half a second of tho World's record. 'THE WAIU F FAIRS PT rami 01 1mm12 (TV MALHEURCOUI nfcario, Oregon FAIR o M, H. Tifnny., President F. Leslie Body., Secretary ira 53 1 I Jon i I