The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 30, 1919, Image 3

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V Wlut is the Lenguo of National
A A niimii of tin' Ntrongoat cl Mixed
rations formed at t lie conclusion of
die wnr.
2. What Is lt object?
j in, to promote the Pence (if
the Wot hi I'.v agreeing not to rcHort to
war. Second, lo deal openly with
etch other, not by secret trrnllon.
Third to Improve lutcrmitlnual )uv. to lo-opointo In all mnltorH of
cohMiii'ii concern.
3. Does It presume to end wnr7
A No mete than tiny government
cum 'uiiiio. It chiliim to reduce the
l,,,t t . v u,r,
4. Wh..t will bo done to any nation
that o .ikc war?
M no boycotted nun oliior
vv i i 'l-
5, How else will the probability of
war be lessened?
I .hmtnry, unit imt ntul pro
U i ( disarmament ; by oxoIiiiiik
i r, liifornniltoti, by pi vtMnu
i r i ''"Hi by protecting each nil
ttw titxrlal Integrity anil by edu
cating t ubtio opinion to set) thu folly
of w. r
0, What elio does the League pro.
poie to do for Mankind?
A. (1) Secure fair treatment for
(.i mipjiri'KS tlit White Slave
Iraltir, the nolo of dtitifiurorj
lime, ami thu (ralllc In Wtir
( I'titrol anil prevent DLirnsc,
( i pnnnoto thu work of thu lied
( I 'H.I, 1411(1
( -iMla!i International Hit
i iiih for other Cannon" that
ern thu human nice.
7 Wro are to bo Charter Members
ef tHe I' 'gu?
V I niitl fMnte.1 of Ainrlcn,
I'. ihla. Until), Iirltlah l!m
Auatraila, Smith Africa,
i. l. ludta, China, Cuba,
ik!a, ICurftttor, , Frunro,
(. internals, Haiti, Med',
. 1 1 nl.v, Japan, Uborin, XJc
I run. 'rti, Poland, Portu
m. Serbia, Slnni, Uruguay
' uliic stale which aro In-
: Local and Personal :
Ktilpli ntul I)r. Catloi'Hoit were up
Wotlnomluy calling upon friend unit
attending in BOiuu hitHlnoim mutter.
l-'roil Hollowny, ono of (ho pioneer
roaldutitH of tho iiotitlioni pan; of tho
County, watt up during thin week on
James Taii whm In town Tuoodny
lookliiR for a tnaehor for tholr hcIiooI
In IiIh neighborhood. Tonolioro are
scarce thin year.
W. W. Koonoy and daughter of
LowIhIoii, Idaho, arrived hero IIiIh
week to innko Iholr homo. Tho wlfo
anil mother will arrive In a nhort
time to Join thuni. Mr. Koonoy U
related to Mrt. A. 1). Jones,
Representative of Portland
Paper Interested in
Malheur Lake
l.oin Lowe wiib down from tho mill
l nrliiK tho week IiiivIiik hroiiKht In a
load of lumber. Air. Lowo Iiuh been
running IiIh mill during MiIh hoiimou
ami Iiuh Koino In rubor .on hand nnd
roaily lo turn out more tihoutd IiIh
ciutomui'H iloniauil II,
V. II. areonln, n representative of
tliu circulation department of tlio
rortlimd Journal, pont several day
In thlii city (luring IIiIh week. Tho
gentleman manlfuHtcd a lively Inter
est In local condltlomi and whllo In
IiIh vicinity tuado Itniulry Into tlio
Hliilun of nrfnlrn an affecting tlio lr
rli;tlon poHKlhllltloH. Wlion ho
icarneii or the attitude of tho people
In ronior to tho bird 'ronorvutlnn
nnd whnt II ineanl In rolntlon to Iho
IrrlKittloii-of tho laiidH of thin Vnllov
ho at onco tuado note of the factH and
boKtin gatherhiK data Willi which lo
orffuU tho proiinKiindn of fitato IJlo
lolnt Klnley, iih ho found that tho
people of tho Hlato had a wrong con
ception of iho affair and ho oxpocln
to ennui uio uoiiiuuiH or iho Journal
,t placo tho mntlor right boforo tho
Loo Mlllnr lit li n in ii tin iv, ..,
nectnd with tlm tiKiKiiiiniMMi ,i I people of Orogon.
mont or aviation in tho imvy from' . 1,0 wnH "limni '' ntUliorltallvo
tho tlmu he oullHled until IiIm (IIh-' ?,",om,"!M 'l'"1 Mlllui Llo had
charge tho SSml of thU inonlh. The , ,7,(l"r".,l 11 "WHP ' iIpcImIomh
young man Ih homo lo Htay and will " ,,,u V ' "l'i'ru'i or me inter
tako up IiIh work on tlio ranch. Loo '?r. nw "H ",,CV w," !'0,,t"1
whM ono of thu onorgotlc hoya who f Oregon for Iho honeflt of the
1UII 0 t 10 Oest of i m onnrlnn 1 1 nr. : "'"'" " "i biiuhhi remiun in
Inir hi ni.rvin.. .in.) ,.,,i,,,,u n..i .m. .. the posHeHslou of tho nlnto. It may
good tuchnlcal knowledge of incchnn-! !!l,,V(",Mj,,10, ,,iat ,,1,H "ptlu ,H 0,1
Ich which ho will ih.l t.i irnn.i in I """I f 'K commorclal magultudu
future. IIIh many old 1 1 mo frleniU
are glad to welcome him homo.
Al Colo was In town Wednendny.
In convernatlon with a roprcmnitatlvo (iro
and an projecting In being pronecut-
ed on the bordorH of tho lake for oil
II might bo In tho entlro Mate. Why
Hhould Mr. Flnluy'a plan to cede UiIh
to. the government bo coiiHldered tin-
it 14 1 llwitlt lllflllilln.iu ...I.A..I..tKi
of hla paper ho Hinted that ho con-1 xvll0 ,t ,,, ,norn ,,, UKoly nolthur
. "7 mr"y m"vu.l";Ii Irrigation pinna or tho discovery
u.iii. ... im, miimii yuur an iu r wnlli,i itl nnv wn hilnrferii
..... r I.I..1....I ,i i. ... i.. - ' - w
nuu nun iiiimiii.Mi uiu uikiiiii Kraue tuitli tl,.. ,,p.,u..i ., ,.u ,. i.i.i r. .,,,.
ntul waa ready for high school. Many ! .,i. i.r.-n.i.. i.,,,.F,.rii.
111 111 Itkll'dtUl J 1UIIIIIII III III 1
B v.
9. W
A. ..
le to ttitf coreniint; Ark'en-ii'-,
Chill, Colombia, Ueii
. iiitida, Norway; Paragtiny,
' nlor, Sweik'li,
t trier natlans may Join?
- .;' inri nlUtC Htale which
' tlta rtllim of lh LviiKtie,
i ' I. cairn u aceepla It.
u Agenelca will the Leaguo
are tnklug iiilvanlago of Iho nuperlor
hcIiooI facllltleii of niiriiM to move In
for tho winter. More have hIkiiMimI
thla Intention tltirlug the piMt week
than had been expected nnd -It looka
favorable to having full school hoimw
In tli fM city during the coming year.
' o
1TV Complotu lino woll grown atook
llhoral commission with ennh advance.
Write for contract at once.
Hnlom, Oregon. K-30
ecopt porslbly temporarily.
MctVacKen Coulilit't Hat Or Klcei
To Do Any Coot! Itefoie
Taking Teniae
"Tatilar prnvwl to bf tho very thing
I naeded. for It soon put an end to my
trouble." aald 1). V. McCrarkei), 82f
An Aftwiably, compOKeil of
i . i rem-ntHtlvos of all thu
i ,( mber NhMoiik,
(.in Council of Nine,
( u a Secrclary-Oeneral,
(I) a Mandatary CominUxlon, to
look after colonlcx, etc.,
(r; a I'eriaiinciit CoiiiiuInsIou, for
inllltnry (iuchiIoiim,
(' various International Hun-nun;
audi na thu Postal
I'tilon, etc.,
(?) Mnndiilnrlea,
10. What Is a Mandatary?
A. Sornu ono nntlon deslcnatrd by
the lnuuc to nltcnd lo thu welfare of
"backward peoplra residing In colonies
of tin; Ccntrul Kmplrea, or In terri
tories en from tbeiii." ThlH In to b
"nired irust," and In selecting a
tnatiilii'iiry t lie wlshra of thu propla
of (lie area In iifritlou shall be lha
prliidpal coriHlderallon,
11. Does the League mean a Super
nation? A No It Interferes In no way with
ny v inii Sovereignly, except lo
limit 'k ) ower In altaek oilier mitloua,
12 Can any Nation withdraw when
It wlihet?
A Ves Tho I.encui) la Advisory
and ( i 'icrallve. not coercive.
13, Does the League put Peace above
Juitice and National Honor?
A V It putt) Heason before Vlo
leu I
14 Does not the League take away
the Cirstitutlonal rlnht of Congress to
declam war?
I )..' League can ihIvIko war;
ti ciiii Declare war.
n it destroy the Monroe Doo-
II -
r r
"y the contrary. For lha
liMnry the nlher uiillona
'i. e Monroe Doctrine;, and
nil Iho world.
16 Does it not Interfero with Treaty
Making Powers of the United States?
I Is a Treaty, We can iiiako
i ' wt pleami.
17. Would we havo had the Great
War if wa had had this League?
'Unit War cost the world
S i v 7 iHiKj iivoh and 'JlKi.OOO.OOO.OOO
ili .;
18 Of what Importance la tha
I' i the grcnlofit dcoil of man-
i 'ho hlHlury of the world.
19, Has not anyono a right to ob
ject to the League?
A ' '1 Ills k a freo country. Any
" i u rl;;lit lo any opinion lie
20. Why Is the League so bitterly
Opined by a few?
i 'ik'. unfortunately, nny
)' I. ai,'iie miiHt bo niado by the
Mi'l a l'nttildunt Ih choheu
. -i'al lin rl v Timt ii i ii 1 1 v nw, in.
I,l'i' ' f tl.D oppoNlto Party think they,
tuufct U-iy wlmiuvcr liy doca. 'j
5EPT. 14
Since the September auction of
Range Horses at South Omaha
will be the last this season, it has
been decided to hold all stock for
a final shipment on September 14.
Ship your stock now, unless you
want to feed them .$20 hay all
liver u thin u
Any body
This is a general store and wo aro supposed to soli ovory
thintf, and wo live up to the general supposition.
You can buy anything you want here, from hardware to
groceries, from needles to a good-smoke.
' It pays to buy from us, because we sell for .cash, and an
enormous amount of goods, and we can therefore sell at a
closer margin of profit.
You CAN'T lose, and you WILL gain. Now doesn't this
line of argument appeal straight lo your good common sense.'
Bocond Avo I)nllan,'Tox night hup
erlntoiidonl of tho Dalian Oil and
Heflnlng Co,
"I had been troubled with Indigna
tion for over two yoam," lie contin
ued, "ami wan going down hill fanl.
I wiih coiiHtaiilly belching up iiour
food and didu'l dlgeiit enough to lump
up my utrnngth or do mo any good,
and I lived iihiiont entirely on cerealn.
My Hlomanh foil llko thero wan n
knot In it and hurt me all thu time,
and I wan Hwollott up with giia'tlll
tuy heart would flutter and I would
gel dizzy. I could hardly alcop when
I wont to hud and got little rent at
"1 had tho best treatment money
could buy, and kept getting worm) all
thu time. 1 wiih Induced by a friend
to try Tatilae and It fixed mo up ho
I can eat and dli;oat anything I want
and Hleop f I no at nlghl. I havo no
more uart on my Htomach, no palpit
ations nor illzzlnonM, and 1 feel ho
grateful for what Tanlae ban doifo
for in j that It la a pleasure to ludorr.u
Ttinlac Ih mild In Huron by Heed
llro.. and In Crane by Vale Trading
f.n malca imu rVi ?
v v m v w j w m ev
A rich undo may die nnd lnavo you n, roll, bul;
fow rich uneloH have this lmbit;.
Jf you goli rich, tlio uIiiuicch aro yon will
havo to hivo onoiigh iiionoy in order to niako an
invoHinionfj tliati will pay.
Thoro aro plenty of invcHiinontB for tlio man
with a little ready oashj
Hut it is up to you to Havo cjihIi. The bost
policy is to dopom'ta portion of your salary.
A Hank inbotlor than a holo in your potilcffc
through which your money can slip awny.
.Mako our Hank YOCIt Hank.
SAY, you'll hnvo n streak of smokeluck that'll
put pep-in-j'our-smokemotor, nil right, if you'll
rintf-in with a jimmy pipe or cigarette papers and
nail some Prince Albert for packing 1
Just between ounielvcu, you
never will wise-up to hiuh-appt-Hinoku-joy
until you can cull a pipo
by ita first name, fie, to hit tho
pcnk-of-plcasuro you luntl squuro
on thut two-fisted-man-tobacco,
Prince Albert I
Well, sir, you'll bo so all-fired
happy you'll want to Ret a photo
graph of yourself breezing up thu
pike with your smokethrottlt wide
open I Talk about smoke-sport I
Quality makes Princo Albert so
appealing all along the smoko line.
Men who -never before could
smoke a pipe nnd men who've
smoked pipes for years all testify
to thu delight it hands outl P. A.
can't biie or parch J Both are
cut out by our exclusive patented
process 1
Right now whlta the going's
good you get out your old jimmy
pipe or the papers and land on
some P. A. for what ails your
particular rnwkeappetite t
I hat tUity. ptmttltml fund ttfital tlmu humltUr with ihi
m4fr tp thmt ttu in mth pmtfaO nJitin
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. Cm
''ggP SsSsBBaBBBl
mm a r i ' i" 1 1 1 1 , ' iMaas
Build your house, barn, outhomes, sidewalks,
and all else that is constructed from lumber
out of our material which is the selection of
the choicest strippings from the best wood in
the country for. building purposes.
Large quantity of dimension material on hand
and any special order will be given immedi
ate attention and turned out on short notice.
Emigrant Creek Saw Mill