The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 30, 1919, Image 2

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E. J. Owen Recommending
- Cental Route to Travellers,
But Says Should Offer
(ly tlm Horrotury)
If all tlm world woro Kly iloform- noxl uiirlntf. f
13. J. Owuti, :i roiiroMi'iitntlvL' of n
Mtocli powilur mill tlli coiiihtii, miiciiiI
a fow ilnyti In thin vicinity (luring
tltu ltt weolc. 1 10 truvow oxteiiBlvoly
over tho wont, inaldiiK IiIh Ituiulmmr-
torn In California liunwoiiilliig nuicli
of IiIh tliuo In an uuto on the road
tlirouiMiout tlio outlrc uorlhwoaturn
'territory. In ooiivormitlon with a rop-
roHontativo of thin paitur tlm othur
day tlio Kontk'inun Htatcd that ho hail
lioon liiHtriintiMital In hoihIIiik a kooiI
innny toiirlHtH through (IiIh part of
tlit country who woro trnvvllnir. from
"Yellovrntono rk through to Crater
I.ako and on to California, Mr. Owuti
wWtl thu toiirlHtH aro lookliiK Tor tho
ncouury of Cuutral Orison, tho nuw
ncAH of tho country anil tllffcrouci of
Interior tovriin. Tlioy faro nothing
for tlm ordinary railroad town iih
t hoy hio many of thorn which aro
JiiHt iitllco In moHt respect ho far iih
thuy appeal to thu toiirlHt, hut out In
tho IiIk npon country with Hit nil ten
of KraxiiiK laud and Rood natural
rondx they find HOinetlilnj; now mid
TIiIh man has made a Htudy of tour
1st tralllc and Iiiih olmorvi'd how lliuy
are recolvol In dlfforcnt cltlen and
towiiH; that thuy are ti factor tnwarJ
tho development and IiihIiiohm ndvati
cement of the country, lie In convin
ced and cite lnntuiieen to huar out
IiIh convletloiiH. In many placen tho
auto tourist not only fludit a plcaHant
campliiK crotiud hut fludit It equlpcd
villi ruutiliiK water, IIkIiIh, ftml and
la no me liintntiroH uliower lintlm. All
I IiIh IioIiik furulHhed free hy thu mun
icipality. Buch towiiH receive much
advurtUliiK hy toiirlHtH and are thu
well paid an It brliiRH more people
uml..cach car In Kood for several dol
lur t'H'l' night
Mr. Owou fuelH that Miirni and I hi
Interior country doen- not appreciate
"what nilvautaRCH It offer In till lino
and urgoH an awakening tn the I in
porlnnce of iidvertlHlnn our ponHlhll
ItloH not only ih a ncimiIc rout hut
I ho moHt direct between the National
I'arkM and the mute htwoon Hi"
oust and California. lie nay we
really have better romli than the
main lino ot travel except where II
In paved that we have nothing to
KpoIoKltu for In that connection
n,H he ban heou over every road
through California, Ore 1:011, iiiohI of
Idaho, VaHliliii;tou and Montana
nud we have JuHt an nood roiuU an
any of them with tho uxcrption men
tioned. Mr. Owed pointed out that by pro
per advertlHliiK and placing the ad
vautiiKen of thU route before the tour
IntH that wo could brltiK at leaHt
91200 worth or htiHlnenn throuuh our
town every month during tin tourMt
KeaHon. That mettim new lunlno
In It worth RettliiK?
Ity would be no monntor. Dunni hi
11 fair city, nuHtlliu? on tho fnothlllH
In full view or (ho timbered moun
tains, overlooking tho miiKiilflcoiit
Harney valluy and HIIvIoh river: woro
It not fair tltu many uupa.luteil liotimw
and HhackH, tho wooiIh Krowlnj: ho
undiHturbed on vacant lota, In iitroctn,
on, through and along Hldewalkti,
rmikliiR a convonlont nhado for two
ntory brlekH ind dtiHt ruga or Indloi
HklrtH, would not bo hucIi an oyoHore.
A bad wound may bo cured but bad
repute kill; Ilurim iiiuhI remody
such condltlonn and put on a new and
neater appearance or bo known iih
the city "that wiih."
l'ormer effortM In UiIh dlreutlon
havu been rather HpiiHinodlc, Inaugur
ated tine week and forgotten tho next.
Lot tw make thin effort liiHlHtont and
proHlMtout. hut within roanon and no
compllHh reHUltH. Coimnonco now to
hummer down thu "high heaihr' In
the HldewalkM, remove the weodH, ho
ropulHlvu and hucIi a monaco to town,
and get your paint brunli ready for
Willing for tho time being to 1 011
ci'dn bigger and belter towim than
liuriiH, but not bigger or better
people, it In our determination to
make liuriiH the hoHt city in the big
gout county In Oregon, l'cnuiiiitnu
Ih bettor tliim force and the Club
wantH to avoid the noi.'OHMlly or urg
ing thu city authurltluH to take pre
omptory action. No great Improve
iiieutH have over been accomplliilied
without women -they Tlon't let dirty
root ho wnlcomo In tho parlor and
why not imk them to uho a little nor
HitaHlon along tho IIiioh HUggoxted;
"They talk about a woman'H Hphero
iih though It had a limit,
"There'H not n place In earth or
"There'H not a task to mankind
"There'H not a bloimlng or a woo,
"Thero'H not whlitper ye or no,
"There' not a llfo or birth,
"That Iuh a fculliorn weight r
"Without a woman in It."
Wildest Horses in Country
and Hun Shooting Aviator
Secured for Neighbor's
Annual Event.
When Tuumlay, Kept. 9th, nrrlven It
will UHhor In one or tho hlggem uvenU
that Iiiih ever taken place lii Oniarlo,
iiaiiiuly: the Tenth Annual Malheur
County Fair. Btockinuu, farmery and
fruit, grower aro JuhI on tiptoe to
hoo their exhibit judged Mid com
mented tirori Thin Fair Iiiih been
termed "Tho liont Vet" inanmuch us
thlfi will he the banner year for fruit
ami irulii crops and there Ih an at
moafiliere of proHperlty provulllng not
IirovlouHly experienced.
Word ban uIho been clrculuted
liro.idcjHt auotu thu purnou thin yoar
for buckrtroo iiportn. Tho prlzoH of
fered aro p.irticuiarly attractive bo
Inn, i0Q.0i) ripiit In threo wayHj
Sifi'O.OO J 100.00 and $00.00. Thu
cWefU.mU must outer tho flrHt day
uml rtdo earli of tho four day in
order to bo ollgiblo for tho flnulj.
A. ftnMt number of aplrnntn have
ulrevHy ootlfie-J tho flocrotury of their
lufiintexiH of entering for tho big
nidiiuy Ilia I'alr Hoard has aocuAd
tho wildeut honi04 In tho country
whicii mij.uirt that tho beHt cowhoyr
mvo lfl J1 to rink thtiir reputation)'
in rinn to ride thetie anlmuU.
A a.di prlx or 200.00 each, upllt
in (lireft wayn, in IhU tho roping and
liuildogiutt contents ban been appro
priated whl-'h will guarantee a hot
content for Huprom iry In tliCHO oventH,
IL im;lil be 11 ddl that at thin Fair,
I ho lit!,it f rom the Went will come In
(jontuct with tho worat from tho Kant;
le(uune. the Fair patron.-! will nurely
i;eo an exhibition of kll) and "atlek
toi(.ve'io;i" never before wltueHHod.
Kuiinliin horae that have compoUd
in the fawtoHt race on the continent
aro already lu training for the big
ovmit. IlorHOH that have made time
within one-half aocoud of tho world's
record on the half milo Htretch and
o i 0 (! I nth ot a aecond of tho
world';! record on a mile iitrotcli will
l0 fljoro
Vothui but tho beat ban boon ho
cured or contracted for. Kven the
aoroplrtne muu has provon iiluiBolf a
'o etter und bin oltlclal rocord for
ipvvriln fluu tilanetj apoakn for tho
l tick und uervo of pilot, Wurron
Tho Drown Amuaemont Company
of Hun PraucHco, haa been engaged
to nrovlde the carnival attruciioiiM,
These puoplo liavo the lurgent merry-
Kn-rouud lu thu entire Htuie and a
S 10.000.00 ferrN wheel in itiltlltlon to
uumerouH kIiIu-mIiowh and conceHHloiiM.
Tint clan auiUHemeiit I clean and
healthy hut full of fun and frolic.
Ontario storekeeper will bo out
en maHHo to give thu visitor the time J
of their live. Htoru nusiiicttn win no
ut Hecoudnry importnuce, and tho
main biulnes will be to outertatii
the "fair" guestH.
The program ror each day Ih cram
full or Interesting featuren ho arran
ged that there wilt h no delay be
tween turn. Kverytblng will Work
like clock-work, and In order to ap
prelate to the fulloHt degree till
Fair, patrons should remain the en
tire four da.
Would Bring Mew Peeple, More Prosper
ous Famil'es, Schools, CLurches,
Dairy Herds.
(Continued from paso 1)
coiiHtruetlon of thu dam hut now it Ih
in demand and Ih being taken mostly
by outside partluH who know tho val
ue of Irrlguted laud. Kvery acre
;liuu far disposed or Ih being cleared
or sage brush and gotten ready for
tho plow. Olio advantage lu llicsu
Hale Ih that new capital and eueigy
are added to the cummunKv, which
by the way, wiih in unine reuptictH like
vour own, that i having a lot of
people who do not Hoem to eppiei lute
the rescourceH tliey have at 'heir
'our. Hy bringing lu llio. uew
pio.b with nw IdoiiH ainl moduli' up
iii"i:t hih or running we nr. nr.; 1 to the i'( iiimuulty. I .'till y x
peet to see all tho company laud that
hue Ihmiu Hold (lilting thin iiai-ou 11 1 -i
r shut proi ct in full cror itulde of
three yuars, rallng alfalfa, grain nnd
"Vale and Ontario people have hcoui
ngly been negligent of the big bene
fit to bo derived from (IiIh new Irrl-
tlie dltchuH and. lateral nro complete
and were put to use oil some lands
during thu past year, but the Inst unit
or tho dam will not bo done until
it bout tho rirst or tho year. This
mcaiiH that water will be stored nnd
ready ror thu entire tract next year
covering 28.000 acred, Our company
Hold It entire holdings under thin
project, Homo 7,000 acres within
ninety dny arter the contract wn
let ror the construction or the dam
and It Is selling today ror twice tho
hiiiii .0 charged for It when disposed
of It to private owi r.
"It's a Hhame that you people
don't see these great benefit and
realize, iih I do, what Irrigation would
do ror tlilH Valley. Tho projectn I've
mentioned have nothing over this
country lu ract you have thu best
of it lu that you have such a vast
greater area to bring under produc
tion. Hccaiiho Malheur county Ih low
er lu altitude and can make a hucco.m
or fruit Ih of little couseiUeiic when
ou slop to think of the vnstiitiH'i (If
this Valley and Km proilucllveuoiH lu
alfalfa and other forage crops and
It advantage of adjoining range for
iitock. I know Just an well tu .my
unin living in Harney Valley what
cnii ho done and that It U primarily
a slock country, hut you are not get
tliifc what It Ih capable or bundling lu
that line by big odds and you -know
"Just take, lor liiHtance, Charley
MelMietiTH, Frltx Mace, (leo. Whiting
and other places, what place that I
overflowed annually along the river
hy thu spring freshet can coiu.i.ire
wltli those places ror productlvuuesH?
Yet every acre could and would be
producing two crops of alfalfa each
season sure with a possible third
crop lu favorable seasons--hut any
way two crop with a flue panturu
that will carry hundred of stock
until feeding time.
"Hut you don't Htop there, ns tho
Installation of tho Irrigation project
tho river will not only plnuu
;ntlou project thai Ih adding Home
ilS.OOO acren or productive laud tri
butary to thexo towns. What I moan
by adding that iiumWr or nere Ih
that without Irrigation the crop
grown on them would he negllKiblu
ih compared to what It will produce
under a ytem or Irrigation.
"Another feature of the Warm
3prliitfH project over predecessor Ih
thu ract that thu men lu charge nro
proiiiiiig iriuii mu exi'uriuui'u m mi
jllicr III Installing drainage ayHtum
right along with thu Irrigation
ichomu, In former day UiIh Iiiih
hnon neglected with thu re 11 It that
thu land haa become clogged and Hour
and It has taken time to drain it and
bring It back to It iiroductlvene.
Tho Warm Springs project land will
tot experience thin delay and disap
pointment lu after yeuru,
"Tho Ochoco project was started
before tho Warm Spring work but in
not u fur advanced that In toward
reclaiming the entire Inndfl, ulthough
thousands, of acres more minor pro
fitable production hut it will bring
other thing. Including new poople,
more prosperous families, rcliool.
churches, dairy herd ami goodness
known what nil. You are now dis
cussing among yourselves and your
Commercial club thu posMhlllly of
; manufacturing uutorprltto. An Irrl
1 gallon project would bring such
thing without any consideration or
promotion upon your part. As a
result of tho Warm -Spring project
a big flour mill I now being erected
at Vale. TIiIh hIiowh, In a way what
hucIi development bring forlli."
Oa mi cttU I B carJ 1 31 tfi.
Qm AiywWe Aiy kd: f
iMCCS k WtfEE CO. he, UtnUtMrnt
Ever Occur to You?v'
ays the Good Judge
That it's foolish to put up
with an ordinary chew,
when it doesn't cost any
more to get real tobacco
Every day more men dis-
cover tiat a little chew of
real good tobacco lasts
longer and gives them real
There's nothing like 4t.
jut up in two styles
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
They are all utocked with high-grade, speak-foi'-tliemselves
a good supper on the table is worth two in our store.
So tuck sonic of our groceries under your arm and set
the whole family smacking their lips.
Farmers Exchange
Burns, Oregon
A. OTTINGER, Proprietor
r w
i tiMl Mr
Cigarettes made to
meet your taste!
Camels tire offered you ns a cigarette entirely
out of the ordinary a flavor und smoothnrv
never before attained. To best realize their qua'
ity compare Camels with any cigarette it
the world at any price!
Camels flavor is so refreshing, so enticing, it will
win you at once- it is so new and unusual. That
what Camels expert blend of choice Turkish wv
choice Domestic tobacco gives youl You'll prf r
this blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straight'
As you smoke Camels, you'll note absence o'
any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or any un
pleasant cigaretty odor. And, you'll be delight J
to discover that you can smoke Camels liber. ,
without tiring your taste!
Take Camels fit any angle they surely sup.
cigarette contentment beyond anything you i r
experienced. They're a cigarette reveiatic '
You do not miss coupons, premiums or gitf,
You'll prefer Canfels quality!
18 cents a package
Oftvf f oW rvtywbm In tnrnltfistUy rM u. k
itof30r titUmarttniclAit 300tfirrttrri 14
ilftinpMpmt rov.raj Ctrl on. W ttronj y ircmrw: I
thltcurtnn forth horn ot o7lr tupplyoi wlnnfou lrtrl
R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Win.ton.S.lem. N
All Varieties of CANNING PEACHES
per Box
At the Burns Hotel
Special prices to people who come to the ranch to
put up fruit. Range and wood furnished ft ee.