The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 23, 1919, Image 6

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H tr it t
Fire Starters Fined
When Blame Fixed
War Environment
Affects Children
Si! r&
e y o ti
I w ft"
A flro which liuhioil over tWouly
flvo Hcros on tho Kroinoiit National
KoreH before It wim Hurrountlml was
fnunil to liuyo orli;limteit III tho Hlieon
ortiiii) of Kcllahtsr ft Klynn, urolmbly
not hy unlit from Kolliihur'H plpu. Mr.
Flymi iiKrood lo accent tho rcupoiml
hlllty In Kollnhor biihnir and wont
before JiihIIcu of thu l'euco J. 8. Mur
tin, who fined him ten dollar. I'lynn
tmtd tho fluo and itKrund that IiIh
men would earn for tho fin, untl' II
wan out. This flro' wcih ruortoil nl
nioHt BlniultaucouHfy hy ForoHt hor
vlco looUont mull HtatloniKl ott lluicor
Moiiiitalii and llahl Mountain.
t. J. Mock tiiid V. I Bniltli, 'itnn
era on tho U' National loroit.
ro arnmlfd by Deputy Huiwvuwf
I nby at YulilnfH and tnHon bofofo
J Mtico Roy l KIiik. whuro they lilenl
iKUllty lo luaviiiK cautprinm uiuxlin-
i:ulhud. A rorniniiieuiliitlnn of Ion
leuey wan made, and tho moil won
f I noil ton dollar) and oomIm.
For leaving a ctimpf Iro unuxtln
(MWIitul In (Irayn dutch, on thi Whit
until .Vallonal Koront, 0. V- Potior,
cunp tender for Bpray & Temj.loloii,
of Hpray, OruKou, plnhrt ftlnVy"Wrri'
Don L. Wlllard, Jiinticv hf'T(hh p6a'i:h
at Sumptor, OroRon, and waa flnt'd
twnnty-flvo dollam. Tho flro wan dlK
covorcd and put out by Koront HanKcr
CharluH F. Orooin hoforo It hnd Riiln-
od any hoadwny.
Hcilrs of DciiriMlatloiiH Alli'Ki'd To
Unto lloi'ii oinmttl'l hy Vnti
I ci !., OatiM' for I'vlt'tlon
On Mlrlt't ordure from .Mayor J.
A. KaiitcM, a hand of SO KyimlnK, who
hit vo hoou inaklnc tliclr hnadiuar(oni
In IltMid for tho litHt fow dnj'ti, do
parted ytMturday afturnoon from tho
kII v Thoy hud I'oinu to Iloutl after
Ih'Iiik ovkti-d, from IturiiH, hut whuru
thty went In 'not Xnown to local
I authorltloH.
I Tho mayor'ti action waa prompted
hy a itumhor of cumplalutK of a
kitIi'n of duprudatloiiH ulleucd to
have Imioii rommlltud hy thu wail
dtrcrs hunt, raiiKliiK from tho pur
InlnliiK of V,aoll.iin from nu autoino-lull-
tifloncliiK to John 8ttldl to tho
l it ft of liotatooti from HarduiiH plant
ed hy rfMldontM f Hond. Tho Kypuhw
wn toht hy Mayor KantoH that thoy
hid until 4 o'clock to K"t out or
iowii .and hto oiiMro hauil wart Konit
, well wlthli) tho tlmn limit allowed.
Two or tho bund had tukon out
llt unno at roituuu tollerH. Hond
I4vrtHM-k KxhlttU KncouruKl
Hlockmcn who oxhlhll at thu Mal
hour County Fair thU your will ho
plrancd to uotu that ovurythliiK P0
itlhlo In hoi n b dono to mako thu Fair
Krounda altrnctlvo and co;ivcnlont.
Tho cattlo hariiN hnvo nil boon ro
il ovn ted noil tho IuhIiIo will bo whltn-
wnshod, thtjs, hIiowIiik tho cattlo up to
much grmttor adrantnko. Additional
watnrfnR trouKhn will .be put In at
convonlont placon,
Tho dlroctora aro now workliiK onj
tho nlan or bultdliiK a Htnall ihow
rim? with elevafnd noatH, no that tho, "V0 I,H woun'1 ',r,)0rt' nl,,, 0,K'lt
partlon donlrliiK to wUuohh tho ahow-; that thoy would bo, at loant, a guar
Iiik or tho flno ntook ami hoar tho e My. Ho hnd foiiKht lo
Jutluen' ntntomttnUt roirardliitc tho : Proiiuii inn iojio.w.couiiirymmi tor
IVith hun loani"i a ittrtfou.
Fh in'(i ntHkN ilmnj li eitnio
Itt Hi- i-'ttualitui tint I i!w tlit; l
HUii tivy tnin iiH'Ut Alii 'i
lcii tylc Whllu AmorlCM . n
woiittiK nliort ttklrOi tlurliiK '
pi .J of Urn wirld wjr-f
W4 a. t lUlHOIiitlHK hfl I lllltl ,' .
in iii . Wlnin vsiir outlet! I'niM
Iouk uii (ho nhijrl Kklrl, tt'i
r.i t, id panivd on to (ho lonx tirl t
liuliWln Parlrt Rttnid by Ha ' t
hKui. America hohhled on. Nnw
(lit- mpromlHo hour, littn arrivitl.
Pmii li)iii:tliniii)il iim Hklrt, Ainot
lea hIioiIciiimI hunt arid hum I lh
now fall tityln. Tho niati;rlnl In
Hurj'.o. mitln, Milk (rlcolntln or laf
fula with laco a favoreil trlitt
iniut; and any color you may do
Chicago Race Riots
Extend to Sofdier
A terinlu American cltlxti"', ' 1
yoani apu, cot Into tho world war
without waltliiK to bo drafted, Ho
Nitrvod threo yeart with the Canadian
army in France, wait wounded, and
wan alno badly Kaiutcd, like many who
woro thcrti In tho early dayit before
tho munkH were tlepeiidable.
Ho wan lately (Uncharged, and went
to vlnlt relative In a town In thu
northern ntaten. Whllu pnnliiK throvt
tho central part of tho city, ho wna
attacked by a K""K of totiKhi, ham
mered Into unconMclounncttit, and loft
on thu hlduwalk, an Inert heap. Ho
waa afterwardn picked up by a police
man untl taken to tho htatlou-hoiuo,
where hU Injurlen were treated.
On roturnliiK to counclounneHB, ho
nxproHHod a natural ntirprlno at tho
conduct of bin annallanta. Ho wiih
wuariiiK hU uniform at tho time
Mopt children lit Muriui who nro
about tho iii;o of hIx havo gained mont
of their ImpruitftliiH In tho hint "four
yearu, And tho majority of theno
IniproHHlonn caniu durlui; tho Inrtt two,
Tho im in o Ih truo of Kuropoail chlN
(Iron. When French children play,
thoy pretend that thoy nro ohootlnff
nploM, (IIrkIiik trennhoo, worklnjr
machlno unn. Their noiinb lmpron
mIoiih havo all been Kalnod from whnt
limy havo ohnorvud In tho laut four
I II linn not been n parllculnrly
healthy environment for children to
'form their bleu In. It In not partlc
1 ulnrly healthy now. Many or the
dally occurnuieon In France are not
of tho kind that wo would want our
(rowing ehlhlruii to wUiiom. Wo
would not miloct thono wcenen and
moiiiiiIm iih a fertile broetlltlK frouitd
for the liiKtlnnU which wo want our
t'hlhlreii to rultlvate. It hiu 1ioit a
land of blood and learn of torture
and rnpliiH. It In to day a land of
poverty untl HiuohlerliiK hatred of
nodal and liuluntrlal uurent.
( Hero In a fairly nouiid. muioiirtwlf
! wo eau think of 'luv other for' pre-
HtvIiik In thin country nuch cohdl'
tloiiH an will not twlnt the pliable
inlndn of tho rlHliiK Roneratlou tho
wroiiR. way. There In a tendency Junt
I now for everybody lo declare that ho
Ih boltiK robbed by homebody elao or
everybody olno. Ami no tlotibt there
am many who have real Krfcvanron
IJUt In a nniio country fow of tlione
crlevanctnt aro lurupablo of ordurly
liiiljtiiitmoiit. Kettlumaut by vlolance
RUtoinatlenlly croatmi tyranny find
that In what tho count It ut Ion of tbU
country wan framed to prevent.
llookuoperM will hIiow wlmt in up
tlurvrn tmnnut iltfiitoiiKtnito wlmt the
KrtMH proflln of all iitrprlau aro
what the nut profit - how much ruvo-
i Hue can 1h tlttvottul to wiiftfln. and n(lll
leavu oiioukIi to provldu nnlimt com
mtirclal hazanlM, to otfiut Ioimoh, to
expand Into now field. It In a mat
tor of nrltlimatle not mwflMlnatlon.
about mstu
'.TkiiTapl .... "1
MUn Julia O lathrop, dlroctor
or Chlldren'a Iltironu or tho Do
purlmcut or l.ubor, ban tnadu nuch
wontlerrul nhowini; In child con
nervation and welfare, nlnco her
appointment by Prcnldcnt Tart ,.
1912, (bat nhu ban been anketl by
tho t'echo.Hlflvnk i;overnuiuii( to
vlnlt Kuropu and tell thciu how
lo do It.
prize wlnnerH will have no dllUculty
in tloiiiK no, Thin will,' alno, attntcj
miiiiy more people to thu JuiIkIur.
.Mr nutl Mm. N. it. Hred or Huron
puHHcd through Mend Tiieriday while
on their way lo Klamath Falln to at
j tend the Kilts convention. Mr, Hood
I wah rorinerly Identllled . .with the
lit rton l)rui? C-t , whgi It wtu
known iih I
1 1 la liiK 'hero
.1...... ... . ... ........ it....
a tirtiK ntiiro ut tuiriin ami ntaiim itiai
IiiihIuiHu at that point Jh in excellent
coiidltou. Mend Promt
totfil a HoraMJJnctJ,i''i'111
,,o Huh l55iffriJ-r'ViiiI tnWn
iliruu. Vimm. mill .linil ttliirtiul ii 'i'lll.
... j ..... .., , .
Hldcritbltv. llino buforo they bail I
thotiKh or partlclpatliiK. Ho hit had 1
'expected to be Hitfo on reachliiK Amur-j
PerhapH ho would have been cafe "
In lliirnn. Ilu (IiIh tlltl not happen!.
here. It happened In CIiIciiko, and
the wounded itoltller wiih it colored
man, The IIiukh who commuted (ho
outniKU tllnapproYor of hlu complex;
Ion, aiidcomphixfon Iiiih of laic hn n It
fretient pretext for nuirtler'lu tlutt.
Notlco In hereby Riven that mif
llclent runtlH are on hand to pay off all
Ounurnl Fund Wurranta Innued and
reentered up to and IiicIuiIIuk July
1, I Oil. InteroMt' ceanen Aur. 11,
1 1 1 0.
t . ' . W, Y.-KlUK
- ..County TreaBuror
DON'T be like the
man who locked
the barn door after the
horse was stolen. Be on
the snfc side and put
that lock on now.
We carry a large as
sortment of locks of
nil kinds for oil purposes,
us well us other means of
protecting properly. When
in need of such hnrdwure
you will find the best right
Door Lock Sets
Suh FaitcBtn
Trawera Cilckn
Cauneat FastmJ
SpriBg I.alebei
Door Bolts
Cbain Door Fitlt
Cupboard Latcsd
Drawer Polls
Hinges, Hasps, H
'J t '
If you buy it from
us, it's worth
the price
I. S. GEER & CO.
AH Tourlnu Cam
Lcavoa IitintH Momluji, WcdncHilau, Friday, Saturday
Leaven Jlend Monday, Wcdncndau, Friday, Sunday
Vmv IliiriiH to Portland via (VniK with berth $!!l.01
Kniv Munis to Portland via Hcnd with berth liU.'i
Ship Perishable Goods, Impress and Fast Freight
via liend in Our Care
FARE, $ 10,00 , 50 IIjs. baggage free
20,000 Acres
water right's for sale on
Blitzen River in tracts of 80
Acres or more. Reasonable
prices one-fifth cash balance
easy terms, six per cent interest.
. i
on JLive
17 : m
' o-
lleuvy Hor.neM Htlll Hcuito
Willie there Ik u HUrplilH of JIrIiI
ItorHeH on (lie fnruiH of tliO United
BtiitcH, tlierA Ih.hIIII ii notable defleU
euey lu heavy, tleHlrublo ilruft lioroH,
way liorHoiucu dt thu United Stutcs
neimrtinont of AKrlculturo. Laflt
year, thoy nay, there wan u troinend
oiih decreiiHo lu iniircH bred, hut dur
ing the HjirliiK of 1010 u very Inrgo
precentace of good inures were bred,
which Im expected largely to moot the
future doiuuud for hnrHOH of tho bet
ter typo.
Vo yilRht, however, elrcuinveilt
the s:iO hIioTjh by Htiivhij,' winter oft a
year or two, Our bupjileHt tlnys wero
when wo toddled around lu our bare
' -kK .II- ill. . 1 1
If The Plumber is a Robber!
19 .... ' ....
On mn cut. lfioid 3 mm, 3p crilk
Gees Anywhere- Any Mm t
BRIGCS & BURPEE CO., lac., Mincls
279 lUwlhotu. Ar- Iorttnil.
3nJ for InoinalloB bbI lUuttrt 1 Circular
MI persoiiM having beiui Indehled
lo I. Hejiwiiil. nnil lionii. account
are iiupulil nro reinieHled to mako
hett lenient with tho uuderslKued at
her htoro in Mnsonlo UulhlluKi IIiii'iih,
Wm. Farre Burns, Oregon
Practice Refore U. S. Lund Office and the
Department at Washington, 1). C.
Special-Desirable Stock Ranches ,
INniANClU-lnwiru .voiir lnxyniul pi'inw;.. ,r
), , iS'ortjIuJii'itisli jukI iMorcnntilo
up ("oloniiir Fire I'mlorwritorN
i y v. ui
i.v warm lawc:
i i vwf aiai m. a
Only when te man in
"""sfde the PLUMBER is
"Wotiked,' Our aim is to
give honest service, and
iristall honeat goods AL
WAYS. If yov want
U I : .1 K
LI nilV 1UL11 lIIIIIIX Mill, 5. 1 1 L I I
H'l M.v J
W ' iervice in your repairs
off in new work, it's easy
to. get it. Just call
Our Specialty Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work, Repairing
Agents' for the De Laval Dairy Supplies
Paint, Oil Limited Supply Ammunition
Economy JPrilit' Jars at Right Prices
In our new building opposite Lampshire's garage