i The Times-Jieral d ! Tlte Lirgcit Circulnllun Of Any fjowipnper In Harney County. JULIAN HYRD SUUSCKII'TION KATK3 On Year ... ilx Month . . Vhrn Montlia 32.00 . 1.00 . .7fl I inoro convoiilonl - If lio had It In Htoi'k. Hut Iiuh hu7" Woll; Unit uyrl of It Ih liirgoly up to you. If n local Htorukuoiior fludii flint you will roino to tt 1 lit I'lntl, mill j'.lvo hint u clmiiuo of Alimvlui wliritlicr j liu run dollvor, hu Iiuh it niollvo for Mitnnucr , Kittln in luroHfopo mill Hlmlylm; thi) iioeiillur iuiuiIh mill tantOH of pun )lu. Dot not li ItiK Ih liiot'O illHliunrloii Iiik to u ilontor Hutu to do nil tho uitoroMcopi) work In vain anil to flint out. aflor ho Iiuh Htookiul up to thu himt of IiIh jiiilKUiniit with what no uiiukh wo noun, tnai wo navo iu (tliloil to ilopiiuil on tho mutropollH unit thu iiiuIIh. Folks of HuriiH, wo don't want to ho tin tmltiitliiii Nnw York, an Imltn Corn l?rocKicts; 111,11 t',,,o,,K"' m itt ! now or IUIIIIH. 1'lllHlllirK, I.IUVUIIIIIII, Ol. I.UIIIM. Ho who iilwaya iiuoIoh Ih iiuvor iiiot ml. Hu who alwayri linltntoH In uovor linltatud. I.i!'i 'rnw. folk of Ilurini. l.ot'n ho Molt dtioaiU)iit, Hidf-HiKlU'liiut. iii'lf HUpiirtiiiKi and hoiiih day we'll ho hl I'liuuitli to hui- nlliurn ImltutlliK uii. ! Hut imtny. AtiKtiit Uil, KM II. Demonstrating liOi'al Htomi aro dninoiiHlrntluK tho ilollrlous dalntkvt It Ih pohhIIiIu 10 ntnko'wtth Maola oil. a corn pro- thiol iiHcil whi'rovor luril, hutlor or tlivo oil Ih (Milled for In t joking. Mm. Myrtlo Uncoil and her (laughter, MImh Mary Foley, of HoIho arc tho donion tt'tratorn, and aro prcmttitlttK rullurtt nt IliO illffurout ntoreii with Hituipk of.tholr culinary art. They worn at tho KnrmorH KxcIuuiku 5'ojitordny, 'anil can ho found at thu tttbro of Ij. H. Ueod today and part of Monilay For the rcmnludor of that tiny, and nil day Tui'mlay, this Hums CiihIi Storo will ho their ItevdnuarterH. WednoHihiy, tho hint day of tho ilom (otiBtrntlou, will find them with N. ltrowu & Soiih. Tho domotiHtrntod product hit heuti ' on the market for Huveral yriara. nod Ih prepared hy an old catahllHhcd firm mnkliiR a npcclnlty of corn pro ltictft. Tho trip to Ihirus Ih mndo at tho ri'ijucrit of n HoIho wIioIuhiiIu Iiouho to acquaint local hounuwlveii with tho inurltH of tho kooiIh, and Is tint n deuiouiitratliiK tour. TI.AV I.N VOlflt OWN IIACKVAItU. Millinery Including thu littoHt and mimrtoHl Spring and Summer Creations IOxcluaivo itKont for Victor Tailorlnp: Company with n full line ot Sprlna Sam pirn for Women ' Suita and Mrs. Lelah Millar At the Schwartz Store IFI nsnf? saner Special Sales NOONCHRSTFR'S It Ih handy to he nhle to riiI a thliut 11 hooii an you need It. It Ih prefer uhlo to he ahlo to do thin- -heller, at liuiHt. than to wait a week or two, while a loiter tnivoU from you to u tuail order hourie, ;och throuKh var ioiiH olllcim and factory dopiirtuieutj. Jttnl finally Marta a inoveuiuut from thu atockrooiii to tho nhlppluK depart taunt, reHiiltlug In your ultimate at tainment of what you wanted If It la really what you nnkud for. ' It Ih more couvunlout to hu ahlo to Ko down main Htreet, pick it up In your hand, and nay "how much?" to thu cleric. "Yon," you admit. "It would ho Furniture Store 25 SEWING MACHINES must go at reduction of All New Rugs and Furn- "I Ciol iture cro at reduction of AUO -9 All Second Hand Goods must go at reduction of 25 This Sale will continue during August only isri! TENTH ANNUAL MALHEUR COUNTY I Ontario, Oregon SEPTEMBER 9-10-11-12 TT fiS Aid B E ST YET Expense has not been considered in booking attractions or securing exhibits. - DAYS OF REAL THRILLS 4 Rumiintr Races by the best horses obtainable. Harness Races by the fastest horses bred. Roping and BulldoggiiiR that will make other Fairs and Roundups look sick. Buckaroo stuff that will make yourJiair stand on end. A real Curtiss Flying Machine piloted by an "American Ace (contract already signed and cash bond put up.) Motor CycleRaccs in the Barney Oldleld class. HI 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 H n III II H 1 1 m I m i H ) W 1 f 1 1 1 I THE FAIR OF FAIRS . . Fastest Racing ever witnessed. A"Aeroplanc stunt flying. I- Innovation? new ::irl startling. R-Remember tho tlates. SEPTEMBER 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th Something doing all the time ; no delays. Come and stay the week. H. H. Tunny., President F. Leslie Body., Secretary DODGE BROTHERS Motor Cars It THE UNIVERSAL GARAGE has been appointed the" , Harney County Agents for ' DODGE BROTHERS DETROIT handling the Dodge Brothers Motor Cars and at complete stock of parts. The first machines will arrive about . September 1st. - n LIVING UP TO the faith thus shown in us, we shall continue' to . give our customers the same high quality service we have in the" past,. , in . expert uoage car ana otner repairing, vuic?nizmg, etc. v UNIVERSAL GARAGE Burns, Oregon irestone Tires and Tubes DODGE BROTHERS M6TOR CARS Goodrich Tires ar.d Tcb FORD PARTS , Globe Tires and Tubes DODGE PARTS it, in I