The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 23, 1919, Image 2

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Price of Lumber Is
Shown to Be Low
, Uruttnt root's roconl review kIiowh
iliul.) prlii'H of moid of tint tn-ci'mdiluM
of life, lilflutlliiK ImllitliiK niati'rlnl,
hunt ndvanml tn t ho hint your, it ml
:ost on to nay that "ho Iihik iih tlio
jirmlucliiK world til umbo! Moil wjtli
liir;M hod (oh of Idln innu nnywlioro
11 ml with HltortiiKOH of food and raw
snatnrlal In many plnYuH, and with
eLlppltiK and rnt'roiM Ir.uniport si 111
it!uiUiinato thnro will bt not only high
but uiudimdy irlooH," TIiIh only kooh
(ohIiow that lumber Ih not IiIkIi, com
jturotl with othor couiiundlllnH, and
Jlradrtlroot'H nualyrtlx polntH out, fur
ther, that comparod with numl othorn.
lumber antnally In-low.
CJntrli'H 8. Keith, ox-proHldoit of
tbu Honthorn I'lnu tiHunchitlou, who
rrtiiMilly xlnttml tlio. NorthwoHt, inAkim
thn following atialyHlH of the lumbur
situation : "The Hiipply of lumber In
tho United Statoa Im Iomm than one
"half of normal. Production duoruaH
J durliiK the war heeiuiHo the IiuIum
try wax not an uimnntlal one, Druftu
juailo upon lumber labor and ruHtrlv
fioiiH placed on ItultdliiK eaiiHod Her
Iouh curtailment of produetlon. With
tn tlio two-year purlod ending Doc
crabor .11. 1919, fully 20 percent of
the production of the South will cnimo
operation becaunc of Repletion ot
raw material. On the other hand
counumptlon of lumber ban boon In
xcoan of production hIiico January
7, 1019, and thoro Ih no pronpoct of
fnrxeuxud production next year nut
rlidont to offnul depletion of produc
tion In the South and other hocUoiih
ot the Uulted Htutvii."
Never were proHpectM no bright for
tbu lumber InduMtYy and every wont
;rm plate with timber roHouriKM
fihoutd exert Itaolf to uurourao In
tlnhtry to uxp.tud In It different
Vir.tjiobert Including domestic trade re
flulroiiioutN, export and hint but not
InmI the manufacture of our i-IiuIm.
and nnd one other article) whlcti wilt
utc every hitmp of lumber and utlllxe
thin Kreal resource to the maximum.
KlUhen cadlneU, !,llo and the thoUrt
Jealouy" neparnton the fnmlllofl of
tlio two yoiuiK people, and In the end -
ovhi "CMiarni" mil "Valor" thoie- Hntp f OtTlfQ
ciOvcn. "Valor" HlnlcH Id tlio level ot - V-VfAfiO
u brawl with It Im own father in a
I ii ol'e rei.lnurunr end thereafter '
to'leweil "vir by w.iU hfill 'Keiiiorr.-- "
l el, i one of ".loaloiiBy'iT' nervan ,.
J',ii;iirn tie from bad to ivome until
tilt advonl of a child at Ilia homy of
Chiirin ami Valor brine Valor hack
'.to Charm, repentant and wltli hi
eyeH oponod to IiIh own piMt uiiworthl
I hum. The paruiitH come nlno (nidrt)iure
jilt the builiildf of Charm, a , lntiiiK
' reconullliltlon taken place. V.lonl
l oimy" and her i'rviuitn Mllnlt abiii!d (
to the biickuroiuid uiid at, mat,-are
driven out by the force of Koodne.m
and love which In workliiK In thai
ratnln. Ah ".loalouny" kIhUh .Ipto the
iuIhiiiiiU of life Hho ealla out un
avallliiKly to her HiirviintH to 'help her
mid crleM at tlio lunt: "1 o from you
but other and mill other will call
mo Imok no beware!"
lolle Take Notice
No Love Story in
This Hart Picture
JRate Change Blow
to Wool Industry
Tim propoHal of railroad ndmlnl
tnttlon to rate on wool from In-1
terlor to Portland In n hard blow at ' ","
" niuy Whnm' Uawdeii." with Win.
8. Hart In the title role, will be the
attraction at tlio Liberty theatre on
next Sutiirday. TIiIm will be the
fourth appearance of the famoiiM Inco
iitar In Arlrraft pictures, and pre
Muutri him In the role of a hardy lum
berjack In the frozen wlldit of the
Canadian North went. In place of
tlio familiar western outfit In a figure
clad In blanket coat and fur, and
hard-rldliiK wftern type
lljw liidtiHtry. The prehent rale wan
Mimile to compete with water linen. It
)ian ntlnnilatod haudllUK of wool at
iTE'ortland to the point whero thin city
. iia becomo the hocoiiiI wool market
In the United Htaten. It Iiiih alno
fjn3iilateil woolen manufucturo on
)'acltlc fioaMt. llocnusu wnter oouipo
(Ition with the railroad Ih potential,
not actual, and becatiho the railroad
. ailniltihilralloii need more money to
juake nood Un Iiuro ileflclt. It Ih pro
jKMtod to nilMtthe rat ho much that
wttol would no OMtwprd to lloitotl
nfi all iliu luiKtiieM wlildi him bleu
hnllt up bur would b dttroyil.
The purely temporary, abtiormul
HAture of proAuut conditions catisud
liy war and Kovurumout reKiilalloiiH
or uotau HhlppliiK doltiK away with
wutor competition doen not Justify it
(ihuiiKO in rat cm. Tlio groat Injury to
tJie wool bUHlueiH and v'oluii iiiauu
fneturers of northwiMi MateH forblbt:
it. lloforo another wool clip can be
Marketed thoHd condltloiiH will prob
!ty have panaed and tlio time will
ifuvo arrived to undo what Im now
proponed. Then why do It?
replaced by habitues of the report
maintained by a nnioKatlo KiikIihIi
lean to Depurate the Umber man fruit
their hard-uarned watton,
Th05.M ftCQ'prQsen(s
Wm S HAQTBIucpBlazGsPawdp n AnAurcnAiTPicti
Tlie entire Hart company wiih traiiH-, en for her by Oconto V. llobart,
ported to the northern wooiIh to film author of "Kxperlence," "Kvery
the exterlorH for " Mllue lllazeH Itaw. Wife" and other allcKorlcaf pluyn, uh
den," and miffer! coiiHlderable In 'well iih a noted writer or IIkIiI opera
convenience from the cold weather, and comedy, itobert VIkiioIii, who
bllzxardH Hoinetlmen confluliii; the directed the production hint kIvcii
actorn to the nhelter or the rough full pluV to till It Ih latent artUtlc abll
HhackN for dayn at a (line. ; Ity. The cotiimoH are oxqulHltu mid
AccordliiK to Hart, who directed an elaborate chureh weddiiiK which
the production in addition to playltiK , taken place at the commencement of
the title role, the absence of horiten the Ntory wan carried out to the hint
wim not rellHhed by the tueii who detail,.
practically live in the middle In (.'a I- "Madame JealoiiHy" hIIh hroodltiK
Ifornla. and who performed the hard In her Htately home, known iih "The
wrrk of dniRKlui; mIuIkIih by linnii HotiHa of the Heavy Mount" and .at
tiloiiK the trallH. Uliu commeiicemeiit of the ntory tloen
" Mllue Mazeri Hawden" wiih writ-' h.r boot to Interrupt a love afialr
ten for Hart by J. 0 HiiwUh. and Ih between "Clmm" and Valor" Her
unique In that there Iv no love Htory. purutitH, "Treachery." "Mlhchlef."
".Sorrow" mid "Humor" Htirroiind her
.and nld and abot her In ciiiihIiik the
IVTiirltimP TpJllmiQV .ultlumte Hepnratlon o the younj:
.uv.vw. vyj vmAit aflw ,t)r ,,,oratwu,t vmXy
A 1 1 Pfrnr 1 PI n v
G ,; ID1 whlnperliiK tales or Hnraltltful-
iiohn nnd hiiMlnoHH rivalry. "Madame
Vematlle Pauline Kredrhk N
hIiowii at the Liberty theatre tomor
row In the Paramount photoplay,
"Madame Jealouny." TIiIh wa writ-
The KoMtpr Cloak & Hull Co. or
New York, will Head their Portland
repreiientiillve to Huron about Oct. 1.
He will dlHplay h Ih line of CoatH,
Bultii Sc. DrenHQH in tny More for "I
diiyM. Watch thU column for more
definite Information u: hooh ax I
know the exact date.
ihe Pride
r Maliei A d iU
Im ni the hcM i iry
In town.
I U'H are nlu.iv , ,., .
' cale daliitlcH i,r iw '
iven v ltlcti iMiiimt
be Niirpas-ed y,
I'Yn'Hh bi-eiid dally
ultli that lioii.e kr
materlil in tlm
.dough ami the t-f tclat
bake on the Insip
antl tint.
Leave your onh t- for
nikeit of ot In r (.,(t..
Ami tin not fmrt 0
lemeiiibcr that It 4
cheipcr nml unidi
more convenii at p,
liny )tntr Imkt-rr
KmhIh In tlilt watn
weather than to rook
tlietu joiii'H-lr,
n 9
Delivered to your home regularly
or as desired.
Ice and Coal in Any Quantity
if iockef rller V.Hh O, A. (J. Itlcaw
tohn I), Itnclcefcller'rt foreoter ban
written Director A. H, Cordley of the
C A. C. experiment Htatlon for Intent
idiiM ou luyiiiB out an orchard. The
ep.'ter it Alex. W. OodRO, a Krad
jntv In ngrlculturo, who after two
4i,'trd yearn In the military service wan
m.vJo chief fort-Htnr for oil the Hocko
fc",ii-r OrttatoH and forc'Ht. Mo Iiiih
Voiu onkod to lay out an orchard in
icmony with tbu lundaenpo archi
t'scturo of tlio favorlto Hocknfoller
Pocantlco hills. Me uuyn ho
jyctH later to call on Dr. Cordley
tr.r a manager for thin work, aa he
ia iiuro the director iu always In touch
with the boat.
"Madame Jealoimy." TIiIh wan writ- .M
m. . p
! I
J- J,
W 'ru
Be Sure to Get
Mold JunH Hent (. A. O.
tnclo 8am haa uhlppcd a three-
fucit four-Kim battory, a IiTk rrench
CJ.r,, and a modified Drltlsh 7f bored
Joeat Amrricau and French amiiuii
(.too an the flrrit liiHtallmeut of the
iiiHIIIecy unit authorized at O. A. V.
f'iiu battery HectloiiH aro drawn by
tfi horKoH to each kiiii and cuIhuoii.
M laltoa 'JO horrtOH to manouver IIiIh
4)tw battery. The I-'rench fjun Ih drawn
. W n tei-tou tractor and Horvud with
JirtUiuulUon by a Kteel truck. A clover
r.iflo tlovico rcnonlri the KhotH, which
'' hct made, with, blank iiholl.i be
saum of-the ptttt rafiBo'dnd deadly
jipwtir of Mio field plece,
Wrapped to insure its perfect
condition in all climates and
seasons. Sealed tifiht kept
right. The perfect sum in the
perfect package.
After every meil
The flavor lasts
Job Printing
IliiBlnei Stationery That Fit The Duint
PantphletH - - Tabular Forms Posters
Butter Wrappers
Your business can be increased
by advertising we have told
you that for years. And we be
lieve in taking our own medicine.
With recent additions and alter
ations in The Times-Herald .lob
Department, we are prepared to
turn out a much larger quun! of
work. We still have our limita
tions, but you will be surprised to
find the variety of things we can
do with paper, ink and BRAINS.
Our outside connections with
large establishments enable us to
handle anything that is printed.
YOU get the benefit of our ex
pert" advice that way, and at a
cost no' greater than when you
order direct.
Have You Ever
Thought of the Time
You Save
with printed forms? If you were
to write out all the blank forms
you now have printed, your
whole time would be spent that
way. And if you ARE still writ
ing, let us show you the advan
tage of compactly printed forms
for your kind of work.
Make Your Ranch
Distinctive Printed
Stationery for the
The fanner or rancher is entitled
to well printed stationery quite
as much as the business man.
Every good ranch should have a
name perhaps we can suggest
one to use on your letterheads.
Ruled or blank, for pen or type
writer, you will find them a real
necessity. Envelopes to match,
of 0011180. Ask us for ideas.