The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 23, 1919, Image 1

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    Tt.p rinuwllernld
ilnrly "'mM 'I0,,IC" ,lnt,
v than any other
Tho Tlmc-l!cniM In nn oIA
established friend of (lio peopl
of Harney County where II )uih
been a weekly visitor for thirty
years. I (. Job department In
equipped to servo your noods. If
n'n . . .1 ....I-
., for jour n
u hii i cv u.i iiiiii k innuii uiiiiii niv mi i li
n 1 1 I 1 1 1 II 1IU mmm v
Bad Men. . Day on r aim
(iiy tho secretary)
I. lit! April it number of progressive men, roallxlug tliu general unsatisfact
ory conditions in llnniM ami Harney Count v. undertook to organize a Com
merrlul Chili on u permanent IjiisIh mill ninety one public (minted men iind
women plodded themselves to monthly payments for the mnlntcuuuco of
hii me. Permanent organization wits oftnr'nl July 3rd on (lie basis Unit tho
power Holt cnterplller traetor on the CMuli should bo financed exclusively by the people of Hums, but Km activities
to oMeml to tin) romoteHt part of tho County.
The move wan timely. About that time u loeat business man full out of u
second Htory window of the Liberty theatre and It didn't hurt blm u bit,
because ho was mo slow In railing. One of tho problems to ho hoIvoi! ay tho
Club Is to Ret renewed vigor Into tho entire community.
Owing to tho war and to unsuol cllmnte conditions, Harney County Iiuh
experienced two or three adverse seasons, and while, some of uh may bo a
little disappointed noun of un have any reason to bo discouraged. Uod lntH
grnccd tho country with noil and sturdy people ami If we Mitccccd In maUliiK
io mur DL'TBAV MIlRnPRFR ! The William llilnlev romiiiUiv
Ol l m Ifll. II LILil 1(111 i
. 'Installing a now model 7f. horse
, . 'power Holt eaterplller traetor on tin
. n ll'.l. WliBII Khnt . niiiimui: ,.uv. ...... . , . i-iiiiiwi. . v. .iiiiuihiiiii. rmir,H
1 1 U. . - -, . I --- - - - - - - . - - -
onliitlvo of tho Portland agent for
tho traetor, In In tho county to super
vIho unloading tlio new inaehluo and
loading tho old one for Hhlpmont. Ho
will iiIhii attend to having tho now
tractor In perfect running order and
Instruct tho company men In tho fine
polutH of ItH UHO.
Electrically etiulpped and with
strong elect rle searchlights. It Im pos-
Two Mexican Suspects Held for
"Dloil from gunshot at tho hands
, ..u uiiVnown
Such was the verdict oi uio coroner
nr hourinc the ovldiinco In the K.
HccallhiK ?nrly pioneer uuh witen
...ii. t...iintiu nml "lukil" white men
. i . in., urn. tirlmiM. I lie Metllmz of
tint, lu .1 T-Il Til II 1 1 r lit till,
......... Mil.. a frmn linv neighbor.
n a nmnll open Hpnce union,; tho
.. .. I...-. .. miiiiii nml Iriiiirh
... t... i fur vviiiiirliiL Hloek. Mr.
wax hot to death by a hidden
i.,l.. , uMiltir fur III
A half nolo cant of the hay enmp
n thn Hill MU'-li. tho wlllown have
from ti Minall oleco ...... .
' i nun yiuuij in iijipiiriuini iu iiuneri'
frrouml to pnniiu- a oriiiKiiiK piaeo(1lu olr0(.,H of irrigation on otherwlne
fere with any matter pondliiK lu tho Court! for action or declNlnu, hut uh
toon tin the Honorable County Court has acted on the inundate of tho
m . .111.. 'V'.in llin f r 1 1 1 11
or i ii it n j ' w . - - - - im - w
.ihih tint 4nitii uttitifA frrini
nil m inn ii ' i n - -
t . . ...I.m.. m kltllt IIia linv
I ., .. ill la ri Imrluul U'trn
. ... .. t. . . .
tu r, tiii -
About 0 liul Friday uftomoou.
.. .. . 1 4.. AI.I-. .....I..
r ii u.i'i i if ii uw n ii i
.... - . .1.1., I r il.ttiiniiii(iftlt flin
nrai iiriivn in .1 in iiiTiiiiiiinii ii iu msav
.mtlltltllT ItlllfltWI 1 1
in "in. 'ii urvii uuii ii ir iwiiiiiirii
I ...... . f ll. . iktt.kllllll kllUll fl
r.n mi" i fin n i iiiii rii: in k " nun
i. .. ...... ...! I.. . I...
II ill'' I' I ''iiuii iiiinvtiiuu in tit"
mi., l.. . ii.... f in..
Tracki lu the duHort dunt Hhowod
uuproductlvu soil. Ho Ih naturally
an entliunluntlc IrrlKatlou booster. lie
cited tho limtaueo of tho 1'hoonlx iro
Jeot, whoro irrigation wan made pon
Klblo through tho couxtrurilou or the
Itoonevelt dam. NothliiK Ichh than a
dtwert before wntor wum put on tho
noil, It Iuik nlnce beoome a (jardeii
wpot. The namo bl channo IB pre
dicted for thin valley. A country
' tlut KfowH wcuiIn ami naf;briiMli In
Him profUHlon hIiowii locally, will
Krow anything with HUlllrlont water.
With tho romlui; of irrlKiitton. our
furniom and rnnchorn are koIhk to
find the tractor ronl neciHwIty.
Mr. JohUHton report novum! In-
Hlblo to run tho tractor at uIkIii an " produce, the peoplo will pronpor and ho happy.
well um day, and It Ih undorntood tho; OrKnulicd wo am a (tower, without It we are nothing hut a mob each
company bo intendx to uho It. Trom individual pulling to itonh purpOHim. The Club can not umlertako to Inter-
ir to so acres of broken laud and IU
to ir acniH or unbroken laud In nald
to bo tho machine h dally capacity.
It w(il aluo bo uned lu road makliif:. Supremo Court In reformation of Irrigation dlntrlot No. I, at thu. regular
a use to which Hoveral Oregon couu- September term of Court, tho Commercial Club will, tako declKlvo(actlon
Hon havo put It, according to Mr. j ctttior on general or upecltlo IIiich for tho Irrigation or our rertllu aeros and
Johimton. 0lr rjcj( H)) wlj ,1(J ,,aj,!( 0I, (0 prodnro wealth for the tlllorn and tner-
Traveling over all partu of th , , . , , . ...
, ..I.. , tenant, and fod ror a nlarvlng worl(.
country an ho doc5, Mr. JohnNtou hat
HlghwayH anil goon roaiiH aro oilier imrormni prouiemH. umng uio real
ngeulH or civilization nml development or tho tourlHt tratlle, ho Ih combatting
tho deHlgiiH on Malheur Lake; limber rennurcoH and railroad touuago; purkn
and eampliig place for tourhttM; mall routH and poMtnl racllllleH; demand
for adeiiuatu Hervlco by public fiirvloo corporatlonn; ontabllnhmunt of IiiiIuh
trial onterprlKt'rt with attomlant payrolln, an well uh much needed elvln Im
provementri, etc. etc.
IIuhIuimoi and professional mtu mIiouU enter Into tho local and civic life or
tho community; thoy ahnuli! meet with tho rarmurp, utockrnlnurtf, lioiniMiioad
orM nml omployeH and hoo ir thoy ininnot uhmIhi them along tlm linen or co
op ration. All IntorcclH aro liUnthuil'. and tho merchant or proftMwIonal man
who only oxpucU to tirnU a profit out of IiIm nnitomem or cllentu whether
iroi.1 'll y or country, without being willing to lake an Intortwt In their
altalr i"'il holp to nolvo tholr probleniH l nothing but a iKinullo on tho
Ilubhlltig roolldh vanity of tho rurh stone orator who dellghtH In orltlxlH
Inn nnd.rlilloullng what he Moldoin, U over, knowii anything about, lioforo an
admiring audience Ih rexpouxlblo ror much inlnlnforinallon. Dig up a little
UM'fil liUHlnenH for him to attend to and enter ,lnto the progressive hplrlt.
The young mnn or today will ho tho leadur tomorrow, all Join tho club, tako
p.iri in Itn ilftllherutlonH, liylt to HOlvgjind nccowpllMi thlngH ror tho benefit
or lluriiH and all or Harney County.
..iriw in i ti tin, nrlcii nr tln miichlno
hit tho munl. rcr ha.l come through " t w)ri w s lllU(rtf8lui,, epeelally
lu tho Hinallcr hIzoh.
Postnaster Taking Orders
For Govermeit Stores
List Remindi Hungry Scribe
of Good Old Army Days
Houncholdem of Harney county nr
given on opportunity to navo tholr
hard earned HhekolH by tho purchami
of rood BturfH rrom Undo Sntn. Tho
IluriiH pontofflco has received price
lUtH and order blankn ror army Htorim
that aro being put on tho market to
help combat old h- c. or I,
Kvervthlng from bacon to tomatooii.
' c miirdoror niHHt have nipiinbellcally Hpeaklng, Ih Inciuuou
rcrn. nun i:iiii 1 11 iviiii inn n ii uivnra
w i. uiii'ui tuiiit Diiiiiik uurvaa a n
bzii nrv nr.iwH nun n nrv irriiraiinn
irn rrn a inn 11 men nviri inn m
(ttr mnv Inv hln unilnlnr In (In,
Some illitagrcernent uxlntn among
be exact snot In whioh thn nnsaAMlii
uioci wnitn rnn vnini unnv v na riritii
A cow path through tho wIN
nn anii an cany meinoo oi renen-
---- wi I ' f aJV IJ
I . - . . ...
mice w ' 'nk( n of t li Ih tnrt. OtherK
rjucMa fr. tn Mie ponlllon In which'
ceboilv n
eo'l (', " irdi. rrom tho ronco, !0 tj0 Uh(. U makon an old Holdlor
4aiif j n. .irdH rurther rrom ! itomoiilck to no hiicIi an array or
Uil t'' l. Iiullel nnlereil llin ...... linur nml 00 IIieHH HOrgoaitt
. . - . ,
' ' I Hi I . II Hill,.. HIIIIIHIlllllf l. u .ill ,',V,1,I1I1 lllllll.I ,,l."
" in p.,H.
rouRh oij'I Irenklng tho loft nrm,'(0 reduco oiio'h Hhadow ho I ! rln-
faki'B i inn. fjfth ami nlxth ' tanco, tho writer hami't had a goon
'b im: . .r .y lung. Hovorlngj ffld of boniiH army baked beaiiH
Woa.i . .1, ,,t IW iioart. uud (0vory Wednesday and Saturday,)
'kliiK I,'- i,,,, portion or tlmt Knro Uncle Ham wto him tho boot
rwn ,o ... of hi,, inniii. n mo-! u,.i,i "'H your hat what'H
os"ro' .. ..ild ho found larger your hurry?" (InvltatloiiH accepted
n a r' rti..ut. iiocordlng to ilV mall, nhono or In pornon.) Hut
hU theory that n ; arm. food wan not all baked beanw.
inshpowor ririe wasifor K00d Idea or the variety or oatn
; Unelo Bam fl HIh iloughboyH, golm
f blue grniiH niid I n,j mrlneH can ho obtained by look-
iu tmgu five) lug over tho Hut.
. 1 Tho boyH at tho pohtoiuco win ....
nin,i to exhibit tho list, fliiPl'ly
nhf V QfvciVimm .nr.inr blankH. 'and r.irnlHh Information
-w, . .,, Mtiuuuiu . . . .,..., Ih not ISO-
it i -. -. IICHirUII. I
'i till if l n fi'i km mi i 'in.- mil) im i. iiiii mi.". -
r 'compolo with local merehan.H, but;
issue or Railroad & "fn,,H of !,,rlal" iU,"'
! or
Iks. r,
A Hinnll hut onthulatlo attend. All organUutlonii mich h Stock
anco at tho Commercial Club meeting growern Annoclitloti, water UHflrii,
hint night took up tho following mut- noldlem and HAllom Invited to mako
tent or Importance: tmo uno or tho club roonni ror tholr
I.eimo ror club room proponed and meetliiKH. in im niirtintl. Kntcrtalnmont Commlttoo to got In
Commltteo appointed to aiccrtaln touch with Secretary Correll of State
amount or wood needed by club ror Htockgrowem Aimoclatlon ho nn to
tho winter and to necuro Hame. have full Inrormatlon about Stock-
n..,.iiilnii in (In. (oiiimerclat club Krnwern meeting at DuriiH next
room to new tcachern, with an appro- Spring.
prlalo program wan referred to 'lie- c'inn up end flro workH nt next
ceptlon Committee." meeiing
IM,r ,
til :ini.
alo w.
t Will M ,
nlra f.r,
bo Sou'lcr. I
h Ori'Ro.,
-II0H I r
''no Jit H
' HI. 'I .
men u, ,
'TDilc ,
"I '-orn
A .. ..
. , 'UHiial condition, ami Himuiui.....n.j
orn h,.H made for-; . Hlonl of anny
"hiiIj In (ho Hum of 1,1 0,
' derived from tho
railroad bulldl
rirhejit territory
1 Alter Office Rooms
'.niiud will coiuicct, Fred Cllngan l hiiHlly id work In;
tie at Klamath and , tho olllco or tho Harney County Ab
iinglou llallroad & Htrael company, making hoiiio repaliH
"I the Oregon Short J and liberations. The partition he
' 'ho Oregon Short ! tween the two front roomn Iuih buen
I'acllle at nuniH. ! removed, giving ji largo olllcfl much
"ii tho unit plan, more Hiiitablo to tho conduct or th(
- tho umali amount IiuhIiiohh. It makoH a mont pleiiHiint
"I to rioat. place In which to work, and forum an i
mllofl of road advantagoouH arrangomont for oxpod-
omplotod Hytom, i Itlng.Horvlco. Three roomn in rear oi
tho front olllco aro being proparoii
".I la nn-. I,
.. .. i,,r UJIIIJIIl1.;i
Petition Circulated for
Extension ot Street
Would Open Washington
Street East East to
One or the moat prdgroHHlvo movos
llui'im cltlzeiiH havo uuderlakeii for
hoiiio tlmo Ih now under way, A potl
tlou Ih being circulated rc'iucntlng
tho city c.ouhcll to open tho ntroct
running eiiHt and went pant tho Kind
National Hank from Hh proHent ter
mlniiH on eiiHt to tho river. Tho fer
tile land lu that portion or tho city
inakeH a homo thoro particularly ilcn-
Irahlo and cltluoiiH havo recently pur
chased proporty thoro.
Tho prcHunt meatiH or rcnchlng tho
houRen to ho bcnorlted by the HUggent-
ed oxtoiiHlon In ovor an uiiHiitlHfactory
board walk through a field. Should
tho proporty owner require thin walk
to ho taken up, roHldentH or that sec
tion would rind It necessary to go
around Hovoral blockH to tho north.
In tho wet weather or early spring,
communication with tho huslnesH iIIh-
trlct would ho greatly hampered by
Hiich a itoooKHlty.
lllght In lino with (bin progressive
inovo, In tho nnKKOHtlon from u local
buHlncsn man that tho unsightly
weeds growing In such luxuriant pro
liricaoy all ovor town ho cut down.
The delogatoH tho commercial club
Mont to Yellowstone park called our
attention to tho general unslghtll
iiohh or IluriiH uh compared to other
Hinnll towns they hiiw en route. So
far. only Individual affort has been
the roMpoiiHo. Some few business
places have taken steps to get rid or
tho weeds, hut tho great majority aro
Ht 111 growing lu tholr caroWs nboncl
on. o
Local Garage Is
Given Dodge Car
Agency in County
A now assignment or tho Dodge
car agency was mado In tho county
Saturday, tho Universal (Jarago being
chosen uh Harney county representa
tives ror this woll known automobile.
It. 11. Morse, who Ih Kastern Oregon
and Idaho representative ror Dodge
llrotherH, and B. H. Morlln, the
Pacific CoaHt representative, were In
town to conror with tho management
or tho garage, and tho appointment
to tho agency In tho result.
Tho Initial shipment or cam Is ex
pected about Boptomber rirBt, with
more to rollow oh soon uh transport
ation racllltlos will penult. Twenty
rivo machines woro Included tu the
order put In, which number will In
Include buslneHH as well as pleasure
models. A ready market for the busl
uefs models, or light trucks. Is ex
pected among local rancherH. Pro
HpectH for Halo or the pleasuro models
aro ulso good, art HiIh make Ih well
and favorably known In this territory.
In addition to handling tho Dodge
Urothers cum, tho garage will carry
a comploto lino of purtH, and he able
to glvo expert Dodgo repairing ser
vice. It waa also learned by a representa
tive of thlsiaper tlmt tho Universal
(Jarago will noon havo painters at
work decorating the rront of tholr
business house. A hketch him been
submitted for a doiilgn to cover tho
entire end of tho building, In which
their apgclulltleH will bo prominently
They aro ut present working on the
enclosure lu tho rear of tho building,
making u camp ground ror tho benefit
or lourlHts. , When HuritH becomes
known uh a place that can offer such
jaccomodatloim to tourists, wo can ex
pect to rind a groat many ;ioro of
them visiting uh.
Hauled Fighting Tank in
France. ,
Contractor Again ih Cify Preparing for
Active Operations When Crew
Pastor Will Meet Principal
Itov. It. H. HuglicH and family, and
Mrs. A, Uurchtorr, tholr guest,, havo
gone out to Juntura to meet 1'fof.
C. P, HttghoH thoro today. On their
reurn, tho parjy will sop nt Drowsey
over Sunday. Tho program for Sun
day includoH a sermon by How
Hughes in tho morning, a plenl at
noon, and an address lu 'ho al'tor
noon. Subject of tho orternoon ad
drotiR will ho "The Hope of Our Coun
try." Thoy expect to arrive In Burns
Monday. Prof. Hughes, Is Uo now
hluh bdiool principal. ,
Captain J. W. Morris, contractor
with tho Pncirio Urldgo company on
tho IluriiH-Cranu highway, Ih again
In tho city making active .prepara
tions to carry on tho work. Ho It
accompanied by Mr. II. J. Strlechor,
bin assistant and superintendent of
Captain Morrhi earned IiIk tltlo .
and rank during tho recent uuplean
nntncmi, being one or those fortun
ate mortals who saw service lit '
France. His branch was the engineer '
A recont telegram received by blm
brought the news that a largo gov
ernment tractor was shipped rrom n.
New Jenny point about tho lUth or
20th. Thin mfichlnu, was especially
built to haul tanks lu Franco and 1:
understood to bo Very powerful. Tho
machine built for commercial ami
farm purpostMi has u maximum speed
or two and rivp-olghts miles per hour.
while It Is Captain Morris's opinion
that tho cnterplller to be received
hero will duvelop iib high uh twolvo
miles K necessary. Tho state or Ore
gon wns presented with this mauhluit
by the ldral government and liai
been leased ror construction of thai
local highway.
V6ry little common labor will lur
us'd lu tho work, as mont or It I
done by machinery calling, ror tiklllci!
operators. The crow will arrlvo hOoi
after a camp Ih established and other
pn paiatlons aro made ror their com
fcrt. Local men will he employed oi
the highway If they can bo foiimC
with suitable experience, otlnrwlHi
men must be brought In rrom the out
County High and1
Grade Schools Start"
September First-
The county high school and city"
public school will open for tho winter
turm on Monday, September first.
The high school teaching slalf I
Prof. C. F. Hughes, principal, matlio
unities; Mm, Hazel Trlska, domeitlir
iclence and art; Miss Margaret
Whealdon, commercial; jind Mls
Helen Anderson, Bngllsh. Although
strenuoiiH efforts were made to flint".
,i teacher ror manual training unit
agriculture, It wiih ImposHlhle to do
o. A telegram received yesterday
urteruoon brought Hie resignation or
Mlux .lennlo HuggliiH, who had boot,
re-elected ror history and Latin.
The grade school teaching stair hat
many new members this your. ProJY
W. M. Sutton will again bo tho princi
pal, and theaeh tho eighth ' griulut.
Other inoiuherH aro: Mrn. Nova doer.
Mrs. Helene niggs.'MrH. Zella Hagoy.
Mrs. Francos Huston, Miss llda Mayei
Miss Lulu Hayes, and Miss HutU
Miller. Assignment to grxado Un
not as'yet lioeli derlilltely settled.
The new text hook's ror the lonv
havo been received by a looul boolc.
A groatcarclty or toachnrs In rurat,
schoolH Is causing district boards coin
slderable dismay. Harney county
offers higher salaries than tho nvor
ago rural' community, hut It Is all If
found extremely difficult to secure
suitable teachers. SalarloH paid njt
year averaged $8n,por month. nnoV
tho avorago has boon Incroasoi!. thla
year to $100, Tho minimum now re
quired by law Ih only $75. It wimtr
he taken Into consideration tlmt tho
teacher Works but eight or nluo
mnntliK ouch year; and tho ainiun'
salary therefore Is muMi smaller tuum
commercial positions offer. Tn hi
county or magnlflcant dlstancos suol
as Harney, union1 schoolH prasont a.
most dllllcult problom. Woro It vaml
blo to comblno novoral dlstrlots Intft
ono school, a salary for a staff of
touchers could ho offered that would
bo nioro Indueonunit Umu lrtven.
- U"-
Melvlu Doau, farmer and stock
raiser front" Fluids, in lu tho elty.
for uao uh storo rooniH.