The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 16, 1919, Image 5

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Music with a KICK in
For Singing and Dancing there is one Player Piano which lias earned supremacy over all others. It plays the latent music with all; ; K
the haunting melodies of a full Jazz Band. Saxaphone, Ukelelc and Banjo are imitated with startling thruthMness. ' 'J:W- '
I he LuphonaJr layer Jrtarm
is all that any Piano can bo. To those who pe'rfor the classics or old time ballads, it gives a faithful, reproduction.
A GOOD PIANO forms the keystone of family life. To both young and old it is an 'unfailing center of enjoyment. No
matter how luxuriousJcv well equipped your home may be there is an incompleteness, a chink unfilled, until this versatile in
strument be installed.
A GOOD PIANO is a life long-companion. With moderate care it should last a life time. THE EUPHONA PLAYER
PIANO has twenty enthusiastic owners in Harney County MODERATELY PRICED REASONABLE TERMS
The Wiley B. Allen Company
J. FELLOWS, Eastern Oregon Representative at Burns
0. A. DotnnrlH of Ilucliuuati wan In Tbu llttlo ilaiiKlitcr or II. J 1 ItitiMOti
town thlH weok. Ih reported quite III.
Kd KkII Ih over from the much ut
Frank FoHtur wan In town on hunt,
m yesterday.
Dr J W. deary ban moved liU
p'IIcu from tlio Totniwaiua butldliiic
1 1 hU liotuo.
Mr ami Mr. -A. A. TIton were
jimoiiR our out of town vlnltor ilur-
HK the week.
Thev my Unit n proapcroUH iiiiui'k
bmliitt-. Hjn'akH for IIhuU It iloe.
aruiiKh u ailvortlAliiK.
Or v.t lluitMpontli U In town from
lit" lii hsiB been IIviiik for
o jitt't Mr In 'hurr of tlio bin noli
tf i f 'u' Hum Curh Stum
WiIIIiikIoii Unull left on yuMer
i ay Vra SIhko un III ruturn to
II home lu Hpoknno utter hpuiiiIIiik
Atty (leo. W. lluyn wm " ironx
Vale for uveral daH tlurlii tliu week
vrlmarlly to vlnll, IiIh motlior and
ither rulutlvoH, unil lookliiK attur
Mmu liiihluuHH urfalr.
Itev It S MukIikh of tlio I'nmby
riiiii ihuich. accompanied b' 111
family wont out to Hi" Juram 1'nul
ranth the foro part of thU weok. ltnr
HukIu ilfhlru tho nnnouucetneiit
fia'1 h t tS'om will bo no further
m-mm-h lit tint I'mHbyturliiii church
until the flrt Hominy In Heptoinbur.
We extend our Hympiithy, eoiiKrut
UatlnriH. nuil commendation to our
f vi In ruiiKrH who hav KlVeii
p i. or Mx wookH vocation In order
' i ii tc tin Kravi) problem which
i ui Ihk o much unreal In tho
miiiry jut now. Wo linto, liopm
'I A ,ii.. thiiiK laimlhlii will cotnu out
Vuiiiik'uii MomuthliiK Hint will
t zc the dollar, ruturn coiidllloiiH
o normal, allay thu growing unr-j-t
f the ptopli, and lirlnK wr.i.lty out
f tin ihactlc condition which now
xurro 'inl uh.
Tln llttlo duuKhtor of Itodnoy H.
Williams, who wuh lujumd In u run
:iway iiccldvnt Homo tlmo uk. wuh
brouRiu to town thin wuiik for furtlmr
uc Ural nttontlou. Dr. J.' W, Ouury
-wa (ullud to nttuud tho child at thu
tlmii of thu accldunt, but owIiik to
Mwt-UiiiK round It ImpoHHlblu to dotor-alni-
thu uxtunt of hor InjurluH. On
later examination, Dr. (Joary rouna
aur riKht arm wuh dUlcxatud ut the
Htiou'dcr Dm. Baurman and Urunot
eri) rcijuuHtod by thu attending phy
tlclun to replace thu Injured roorabor,
With tho aid of u well-admlnlHterud
anuHthotlc by Dr. Oeary, the arm waa
"aillly replaced In lt normal pol
Save Your Eyes
W. D. lluftinun wan In town yvHter
day from hin homu.
Cecil Irving nnd wire were DuriiH
vlnltorn durliiK thu wuuk.
Dttvo Crow and Itobt. llradfuu wure
In front tho Clover Swale country
thU wook on bunluuH.
Dan I. 'Jorilan and family have re
turned from u trip to I .a (Iraude
whore thuy vliilted with frlomln for a
Hhort time.
Mr. nnd Mm. CIiuh. Kulil and Mr.
Moon wuru lu thu ulty from Diamond
Wuduumlay lookliiK after hoiuu IiuhI
noari alTnlr.
Hlinon KuwIm ami wife npent a por
tion of taut week over oil Silver Creek
vIhIHuk with relative ami frieiulH.
Mr. LdwIh Hta'tim that crop are very
Rood over hu that favored dlHtrlut.
Mm. CIiiih. Ileekley,( who .wuh ho
Herlounty hurt In a run-away ucolduiit
j hint week, underwent an operation
I ut the hand of Dr. Hmith on Monday.
An X-ruy picture hud heun taken
which Hhowed the kuue to ho frao
' til rod nnd thu IlKnmnutn torn looxe
from their attachment.
Fred DIckeiiHon loft thu latter part
of the week for Idaho polntH, where
he Intend to work for thu noxt few
I week. Fred Hiiyn hu will otiiy Home
t!iiu. depeudliiK how work' turn out,
I unit may decide later to return to
: Camp Lewis and ruenlUt lu thu Army.
! Many kooiI opportunities for udvaucv
, munt or lunrnliiK u tradu are now
ottered lu tho aurvlcu, which I parth.
uiarly iloslralile with thu Hhort term
unllHtmoiitH poriMlhle to ex-Hervlcu
j Thu deer iuou tlirouKhout Ore
Kon will open Heptemher lt till year
uud will continue opened until Oct
ober :t 1 h I . uccordiiiK to an announce
munt niailu by Carl D. Hhoeumker,
Statu Uumu Wardou, today. Thu only
uxcuptlou lu In Union nnd Wallowa
countlc where thu houhoii will opun
on Heptepiber 10th and cloiio on Nov.
umbor 10th. Heretofore, thu huuhoii
Iiuh opened on AukumI IGth In DU
trlct No. 1, which coimlBt of all coun
tie WoHt of tho Hummlt of tho Ca
eado Mountain. Tho kcuhoii thin
yeur Ih uniform in both dUtrlctn ex.
cept in thu two countluH heretofore
mentioned. Tho bag limit Ih two
door with horns which I thu naniu nu
Ijrit year.
J. V. DuvIuh wiih a biiHlneit vlnltor
to our city during thu week.
Mr. Clifford I'UKiley and her clill-'
dren were over from Dluiaoiiil for ti
Hhort vImII during thin week. They
were guentn at the Levenn.
Henry Htrnet, who Iiuh been a pat
ient at thu new Allen HoHpltal, ban
now recovered, and expect to leave
tlie flrt or the week for IiIh homu lu
Hllvnr- Cniek. ,
Mr. mid Mm. (leo. Mamdeu were lu
from thu Hear Valley ranch hint Sun
day ami on thulr return wa aecoiu
piililed by llttlo Kdlth IllggK who goeii
to vUlt with her 'iiiiclu, Will llyram
on Canyon Creek for a Hhort tlmo
during the iiIihoiico or hur mother In
Mr. and Mr. Chan. Itohn arrived
houiu the fore part of thl week from.
their tour of the Yellowiilouo Park.
'I hey preceded thu other mumbern or
the party, Mr. and Mm. It.iy Hmlth,
Mr. Hmlth and Mr. Teller nnd hur
, xoti. wlio ntopped at Illackfon', Idaho,
'to vIhU for a Hhort time before com-
l!iu on homu. Mr. Holm I etmliUHlL
iMlle over the tour and mild It certain-
Hy nu a delightful way to Hpiid i
vacation and a moat attractive pluct
to Vlrttt.
I. WuliiHtuIn tho I.awen merchant,
arrived home from Portland Tliur
day. Hu wa accompanied In by hi
daughter, uIho IiIh oldent Hon, Abo,
und a cousin to thu family. Ml Vine
Mr. Woliihtulu and hi party mudo
the trip from Portland over thu Col
umbia highway In a now car which
hu purchased whllu away. Hu expect
to go to Dunlo today accompanied by
hi olduHl hoii, to laku Htock and
charge of the Htoro nt that place
which hu ha bought from Dell
; Henry Dalton took hi departure
I 'I .. , uuuniooit in hi car for
'North Valclmu where ho goe to Join
hi family who have been veiling
there. They will tour thu coaHt
I country In their car, vlnltlng Calif-
ornla point during thulr vacation.
Henry will hu alment from hit por
tion lu the bank until next month,
thoy are coming homo to hu In roadl
ne.'iH for thu opening or hcIiooI. Mr.
Dalton wa accompanied by IiIh Hlter
Mildred wh went u rur u Pralrlo
City whoro Him will vlnlt with her
HHtor, Mm. Almu Davi.
Now we are told that hy 1924 to
liucco will ttlno he oil thu prohibited
lift. Well, at any rate, w:i can roil
ti,i n '.le'il or a tot or puff. til to
rivo :unr that are eft u - provhh.ih
w can i ic dig up tho prh'
D. It. Thorite, an ow.ier of landH
-Mcli coiiHtltute a portion of thu
Hllver Creek Valley Irrigation Dl
trlct, Harney County. Oregon, did on
tho 11 iUf or July 101 'J. rile wiih
the board of directum of mild illntrlrt
IiIh petition, praying that tho follow
Itig deierlbed laud, owned b) him
and an dexcrlbed In hiiIiI peiltlon be
excluded and taken from mild dlntrlct,
HW of auction II; the H'4 or
the HK or Hectlon 11. the NWVt
or NWVi of miction '.:i. nil in town
vhlp 123. South, Itauge '.Ml, F. W. M .
lu Harney County, Oregolt Said lamlH
are bounded nnd drM-rifieih n. fol
Iowh: Ilugluulng at thu"iiiarlor corn r
on the wchI nldu or Halt! ttectlon 14,
going thence one-half mllo to the eun
ter of raid hoc t Ion; thence HOtith one
ftiurtor mile, thence east one-half
uillu, thence nouth ouu-iiiarter mile,
theucu west three-iuiirtur mile,
thence nouth one-iuarti,V mile,
theucu wot oim-quarter tulle, thence
north three quarter mile to the place
or heglunliiK.
All pumou InteroHtcd In, or who
tuny hu effected by tho change or thu
IniuiidnrlcMof unit! dlHtrlct, urn hereby
uotlllod tdwteur at tho'otllcu of the
board of 'frVctor or ald dlHtrlct, In
thu Orange Hull In thu yilyer Creek
Valley, at the hoilr of;fc o clock P.
M. on Tuesday, Heptembe'r 2nd, 1910,
(Hiunu being the flrnl regular meet
lug of Haiti hoard next utter thu ex
piration or thu tiiini for publication
of thl notice,) mid nhow caiiHu.
In writing, If any they huvo, why the
change or thu houudnrlu or mild dlH
trlct iih propoNud In mild petition, to
hu then and thero huard, Hhotild not
bu made.
J. C. Cecil.
Secretary or llonrd or Directum,
Silver Creek Valley irrigation DlHtrlct.
FilMt publication, Aug. 1G,
DONT throw away that old' suit I
Bring it to our shop first. If we can't make
a good looking, new appearing suit out of it
it, then indeed you may throw it away with
a clear conscience. You have no idea how
much good there still remains in that dis
carded suit. We have reclaimed so many
that we hate to see yours thrown away till
it really is useless.
Clothing Company
Kye Htrain cuuhch hcadncheH,
nervousncKH and other trou
bles. I fit kIuhhch accurately
und Hcicntifically.
All Work Guaranteed.
Office with Dr. B. F. Hreith
a -J I..J..I.I,. 1.. UtiiaMiil, tn Ml !!" IM"-El
Animmentt problem in reconstruction confront! i the ,P"J r5tlon
Are yourmrnoit io J
Oregon Agricultural College
n . I C..t.mkar OO tQlQ
Three rcaular termsru term ockius hii"iu-'
. . n i i i i in if 1
Mate or
Datu or
ijiMt publication, Aug. .10,
Good Judge
You men are saving
every cent you. can. You
ought to know that this
quality tobacco costs less
'to chew not moreK
You take a smaller
chew. It gives you the
good tobacco taste. It
lasts and Lasts. You
don't need a fresh chew
so often.
put ut in two styles
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is u long fine-cut tobacco
TIIK KSUiaiKAfJ, Wffin -
tut vv""a '
Don't Hurry Your
' They are all stocked with high-grade, speak-for-,
themselves eatables. ' f .'
a good supper on the table is worth two in our store. ,
So tuck some of our groceries under your arm and set
the whole family smacking their lips.
Farmers Exchange
Burns, Oregon
A. OTTINGER, Proprietor