bathers' pause to embroidery Here Come the Prk rrr I ' - ' r ' v . . II I I ii i -i- n " ' "" " I v1 '"'J ., " bwti . (k, IO(J ( AT At TOItS IN "I-'IUKM) lll'SUANl)" Admirers of Yoitdy, llio Groat Dune dog, iviut Poppor, thu lioumi cut, who nro froquonlly booh In Paramount Mack Honnott comedlert, wilt hnvo an opportunity to hoo thorn perform loam work In "Krlond lluHband" at tlio lilliorty Theatre, next Wednesday in commotion with Julian Nltlngo In "Tins Wfdow'a Might." Thl fninoilH dog and IiIh Hide partner )la' oonnlHt iMit roles In thin broehuro, anil t hoi r okoupiuIoh aro extremely ttitisliiK- Tho coined y Ik oloau iih a hound' tooth, the fun uproarlotiH anil t ho notion pro- '(iimIh without a' hitch from Htart tol rinhih. Thu comedy doalH with an offer invito to a chlldles couple ly an unolu tf( tlio hUHhand, uainoly, to give Mm $10,W0 provided Ito Iiivh a Imbo In 111 ranjjjj. Tlu unolu Im about to arrive, but n thoro Ih no babe, tho reward inunt ho loxt. Tlio bUHbaud and a HympnlhoUo bachelor frlnnd iach ideal a babe, and tho dog llko wlno kidnap an Infant. Vhun tlio three liable aro proMontod to tho dnz imI undo, trouble fotlowH, but whit those roiirornod aro In agony of ap prohoiiHlon, tho audlenco nocoHHurlly Buffer repeated lit of cachlnatory convulsions. - ii fnniiiriniiiMiBirMnf -fjJ' T rffl Douglas Fairbanks' 'Headw South' Am mill IHP I LNrtttlM - Julian KlUnge, Amorlrn's popular fomluluo lmpornnntor, who has tout jiorarlly deserted tho ntago for tho (croon, will appear at tho Mhorty Theatre on WeduoHday In hi newest l'arainount picture, "Tho Widow' Might." Thin I a roinody drama, written especially for Julian i:itlngo by clover Marlon Talrfux, and allows thu uotud nctnr-artro to display hU-hor powor . I ! t lltik Iml ti it lit ti irit III IIIIIIIHI H r IIVOI IMHHIHrV ...... Tho d.roctor. William r. do Mill Jlakj... J"",; . ... . . I i fiH 1111)4 WllH KlVll UP for IOHI YtUim KaifbankH appear In hi most lulor- - V ,, iHoain. i it. . strong, Klkhorn, Win., Is to promote Ih ..!. n II.. !.. chartorod fro.u l.o AiikIoh to NoRulM U.o ook o run ch of I 8 ta o which lucludod olKht IMtllmanH and o"k ' " " twolVoJrolKht car. lranHpottlnK over A, C I tobm UullollnH. two hundrod pooplo and anoijunl number of homo, amoiiK which wait "Bmlli'X," tho famouH ralrbank pony. who ha a uumbor of Btronhou ncoiin. I "UliiKur." tho AlaHknn malamuto. who I FulrbaiikH' favorlto doK. wa i lIl'N ntr brother and hU war tog SaVo alMer , nn l '"i M,?. UlmmlnR a ahown hro I popular A (;k.t moht i.wns MUST TRY TO MAKE WORLD FORGET of thu outdoor bit and oomo of tlio vowh aro oxcoptionally beautiful. Tho Htory wan mohtly nuppoiud to happen t.t "Coroaalla," a faxlilonablo Calif ornla roaort, and I'aHadona furuttuM thu aeouory, tho bountiful hotel and Hinartly Kowned kuohIm ho neewwary for tho correct "atmoHphertf." Dluk Tavlnh dccldoH to bo a r.iurli or, and tho fact that ho I the rank .osl Nov York "tondorfoot" that ever foot In a pralrK dow not dolor hi in In tho lout. Dick. U no other .than Julian KIUiiko, the fammu fum- Jnluo liaiiorhonator, and tho way Ium wlim out on tho ranch proportion, of' . couno. through tho dUuUg of n woumu makH an oxtromoly enjoy-1 . nblo plolur wlilcl wlU-lie shown ut tho Mhorty Thoatry on Wednohda. ThlH t "The Widow' Mlnht." Thl vtw written for him by Marlon Kiur- fax ami dlrcla by William t i Milbi. "Tho Houmi of th Hwiry Hour ami. "Tho Oardon of DoHisht" rv two of tho mortt dollclitfully symbolical hcoiiu rOr ithown on ih motion pb -turo iKireon and form onlv a mall lart of tho charm "Madatno Jal ouny," In which Paulino Fredrbk will bo mjoii at tho Mhorty Theatre next Huiiday. Tho outlrn emit Ih mado up ')f sym holloa! llBiiro HUch a "(.'bane ' "Troachory," "JoaloiiHy" hernolf and "Valnr." the boro. A perfoct ro uiauco N carried to a happ' tloh', tbo chaructoM all protravlni; tho, SaiotlouH for which thoy are mured Jo.iloiuy trlo.i to Interrupt a love if. fuJr hotwoon (!harm and Valor, and f-ilMnK In that, brlnRM her nervant. Ti-j'fhpry, MIchlof, Uumor and Bor ro..v to thorn aftor tho woddlnK. How a litby which comou Into ho IIvob of O.irm aud Valor auccoodH In bring Im; atioul po ico and happlnoHd iiKaln, drinK Joalouay away.forovor, make an froodlnJy IntoroitlnK Htory. ThU wild wr'tten by ticoro V. Hobart ai d iti."'!clod by llobort VlRnola. v!(?(m Fairbanks will bo Boon ut toe. Llborty thootro. In a now Art -ciift plcturo ontltlod "Headln' South' . -I Haturday. It la a thrilling talo of 'nrdora Mexican and Canadian ' with tho capturo of a not , 1 of MexIrnnH who defy all 'rumcntal warning. ' by Chlof Director 'ting FalrbaukH In he wa on A hunt for prune iiukh. ( ' o AiltorlMiiK Deteriiilne" Voluiiie . Failure to brlnn hU HtorenewHf be fore prospective oUHtonier In the rea koii why tho local merchant fall to atop tho mall order concern, ay Fred I. Mann, president of tho North Dakota Ilolall Dealer aHHOclatlon, DovIIm Lake, N. D. Mr. Mann Invent iKated trade practice and condition in 1 00 title and town, and found w K ajp J On tho flrt or January, 1 920, a law roo Into affect by which th finance committee of tho enato and the way and mean committee of tho houne are to form a Joint com mlttee to tK what p.xpendlture'aro to be undertaken for the financial yonr. And when the llKure have boon reached, mithhiK cln be added to them oxi'ept by Intervention of tho pre-ildont. or by a two-third vote o( tlio rommlttee. Thl I better than allowing twenty dlrftTent committee to authorise ox pendlturen whenever thoy feel like It. It Ih oxtromoly difficult to keep track of account In which the Horn tolal III billion. It Ih difficult to do the" thing, oven when tho outgoing nro all recorded In one book. Hut when a whole llhrury of ledgr la kept, reiordlng the financial Jazi-concert of twoat roinmlttcij. th agglomer . itlon I aluipl) a kalfhtotnopo. " No wonder that thl ha boon the iniiKt oxpoiiHlvely run country In the world. No woudor tliere Itavo been taxe on everything, from inedleln to children' toy. Tho recently pan i nod moanuro mark the beginning of a better day When account arc kept In audi a way that wo can really tell what wo aro Mpundlng, wo will probably apond lea, and need Ioh. ne omj, fate diilnllc, oven alild, , le Miii:ii(t uliere, 1' ,rra,j Willi (bill lm itmterliil ilough ttml t(u bake oi iiihI out, l-eae)0uror, cakes or oil btllliH, And do not fM icmeiiikT (Ju cheaper un, more nmirn), bii) ur i Koodx hi thl, woalhtrthMi I hem )ouivl Pag SWEET ! Phone B124 ICE Coal Delivered to your home regnla or as desired. Ice and Coal in Any Quanta FRED A. YOUNG llorr (lutav Itauer new (Jer mau premier ujion wbnse alioul der falln the ta4k ot re tmlalillHli lug rolatioiiM Mlili tho runt ot ho world J f ' I r-J J ma wiiigleySl! til il wmEiKYCl it mii- ii I . not tnouch to m mm i J yiuAJl - WMGLEYS iood. wt must KEEE It iood until 1 ,ij you fct It. I i i mm 8 HcncA the icaltd pickitc I m m w m lmnnrltu.Drnnf tfuirdlnft. 8 3 i who trail hlH Mexico ami r to tho dorcur-ruiiH Hence the teiled Packite -Impurity-proof -ioardliK. preserving the dcllcloue con tents tb beneficial toody. The Flavor Lasts KEPT RIGHT J m . Your business can be by advertising we have W yoi that for years. And ydA lievejn taking our own medkj With ret'ent additions andato aligns in Tle Timorf-ileraldijli Department, we are i lepar' turn out a much largoi quanKj' work. We still have our Hw tions, but you will be siirpisw find the variety of thmpswecr do with paper, ink and HRAII Our outside connections vri large establishments enable usi handle anything that is prinle YOU get the benefit of our e pert advice that way, and at cost no greater than whcnT order direct. v Have You Ever Thought of the Tim You Save with printed forms? If you to write out all the blank fon you now have printed, JJ whole time would be spent tj way. And if you ARE still ing, let us show you the aavj tage of compactly printed ton for your kind of work. Make Your Ranch Distinctive Prints Stationery for the Rancher. The farmer or rancher is eiP to well printed stationery JJ as much as the business J? Every good ranch should name perhaps we can su$ one to use on your lettern Ruled or blank, for pen or W writer, you will find them necessity. Envelopes to bp of course. Ask us for ideas. Sip tntps-ifralit Job Printing Department Hutlnett Stationer u That Fit$ T,v llmltun Pamphlets - - - Tabular Forms - - - Posters r Butter Wrappers V iiijr a- jnodi Outh"x IIIIIIMIHM