The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 16, 1919, Image 1

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    -11h 'rimes-Herald KM"
,lliry (o intiro homos lu llur-
.. Mum imv ntliir
Tho TImcs-llcrnId J an old
established friend of" dm people
of Harney Coiiity where It Imn
been ti weekly vbdtor for thirty
yearn. Wh Job department",
wjulppcd to M'rvo jour iieedn.
Lull (lM people UNO lllOH OOl-
I - ....X iiK'tlKlluAlllllllf .
vol. xxxn
Kin ao
, . . , , llWf 1M
lelegates Report Result of
Park-to-Park Road Meeting
When II c utmy soils food nt cost.
Milllon.s hock soldier pny pica.
Nnllon wutclicH Jown truck express.
ic&olution Adopted Recommending Construction
Govurnm nt Uotid from Crater Lake to Connect
with Central Oregon Highway.
Sam M rhoud mid Win. Fnrro, President, I.. L. Newton of Cody,
eirgiit from tho Hurni Common- Wyoming hh Secretary nud 'ono Vice
il Club t' I"' '''g Purk-lo.Pnrk President from ouch western State,
Uhwiiy convention hold hint wcok In Sydnoy Vincent, Suorutury of Port-
cllowMone l'rk, made u flue re- land Chamber of Commerce, ropru-
rt to the club nt Itn regular w.iokly nontn OroKon.
eotlng Inst night. Oregon had but "Thin now organization will Join
rec dclejcatcM nt the mooting and an Ibbuoh with llio Nutlunul Highway
am furnished two of them they Association, the- American Automobile
,,1 considerable weight; tho othor Association and the National Pork-to-
Park Highway AHHoelatlon for the
purpose of promoting, laying out,
roods or ronton mid cut ofTti, lending
to and connecting with main High-
canlntlon having for Itn purpose wnyn and National ParkH, imch routo
a advancement of tho proportion to bo adopted by tho Interior Doimrt-
l'ark-lo-Park highway, nlso n inunL It Ik not tho purpose of the
National build or aid
In tho construction of hiicIi roads ox
rept In oason nlmlHar to condition
existing near (Under Park whore
Itlt-pato was Secretary Vincent of tho
brexoti Htuto Chamber of Commerce
l I'ortlaiid. That gentleman wan
tie u vice preiddont of tho now
Umber of the resolutions committee
III throiiKb tho recommendation of
cr delegates, and an n result tho
Iral representatives got tho only
llrctt rctomtnondatlou made before nutomoblloM rutint bo shipped on. tho
railroad to gain tho entrauco to tho
park mid such construction would bo
beyond tho means of tho local com-
(Continued onpugc -I)
Lakes Found Dryest
In Several Years.
lit convention by having Inserted In
he resolutions adopted tbnt tho
Lrfrnmciit build rr connectliiK piece
road between Crater Lake mid tho
hnlral Oregon lllghwny.
Tho report mndo by Mr. Farro and
r Mothernheud Ik no complete that
t niioto from It rather than make
lit own comment. In part It fol-
And l.itirg to bo In attoudiuico
mlnntor meeting tailed by the Au
dited Common inl Cluh Presidents
M - a tho Orand Canyon
Ibtel In t! v Park for Auguiit Sth and
r.h, ami owing to unfortunate Hall-
id con.f' Mo itn which canned do-
fron J t ) 1 hnurH, your dolo-
aU-s f iur-1 it Impossible to vlidt nud
hnfer with Ontario and Ilolito Com-
ktrtljl Clubs, but hoiLucl''frence
llth the l rc 'Mont. Secretary mid
tber Influential mcmberH of tho
loamerclul Club nt Pocntollo, Idaho,
ed Interested that organization In
isdlnc a wide awake delegate to the
rtlng, the only ono from the Stnto
"A number of yearn ago thorn wan
fcrmtd "The National Pnrk-to-Pnrk
jlthway AsKOdatlon" of which Otis.
Iota's of Cody, Wyoming, In tho
tilrraan This HlxhwRy when com-
will pans through nine of tho
rint cities in tho United .States,
(bracing 4000 miles of scenic road
Mnecttng the ten National Parks
lid passing twenty three Nutlonnl
' "" ' W '"J W J 1 !. . ,
Govcfnrncnn Man Coming lo Direct Work';
Involving Fund for Purchase of
Poison Needed.
ini n. uaorioiRon, in chtmof tho
"'""' control work of JIiIm Rlito for
the U. 8. Hfrvey.ndnt n
few daya In thin ctdMyjlurliiK thin
week, He wan uccompanled by, IiIh
wife nnd little daughter, nlao Kvnmtt.
Horn, ono of hl nHRlnlnntH.
Mr, OabrlelHon wn here to confer
with tho county court nnd nUn u
moot with tho people nnd make a
pomonal fliirvey of the rabbit and
wage rat tdtuatloii. He met with en
couraging co-oporntlon with all whom
ho dlHcuHHod tho nubject and jib a ro-
niilt bo 1h going to oeiid one of lilii
nHMlHtantH in at once to do Homo ex
perimental work along the Hue of
poisoning rabbits.
Pol-ouliiK ('nuipalKii Ktarletl
Mr. GnbrlelKoii ntated that In nomo
Instance!! they have had excellent
huccchh In iiolnoniiig. rnlibltu during
tho Humioor moutliH but iih yet R Iiiik
not proven coneliiBlvely that It In
practicable, However, the only way
to niicertaln thin Ih to keep trying un
til It in uhown what resultx may bo
wifely counted upon. During tho
winter montliH tho Dlologleal Survey
will conduct a campaign of poisoning
rabblta In thlH county and tbn mini In
KOO.V CI.OHK l'OH HHAKO.V charge are confident of auccum as It
Iiiim been tried out and ilnmmmtrnt.Kt
fitnlth Crane wired this olllco from that the nestH mav h dimirnvLil In
Omaha on Aug. 1 1 to the effect that great numbor In thin manner.
110X1 "I'lPtiioiit of range hortcu The iroverninont men will bo hern
from Crane would bo Atiguat .10. Tho on their own oxi.ciibo. the countv nnd
auction Halo for HiIh month proved peoplu will have to co-operate with
good with the prjcea remaining about them and muko tho campaign count.
Hie Hiimo but the Mensou will noon it Is MUggosted that the coiKtv mako
cIoho for rnngo homev and It Ih Im- an appropriation for a rovolvlng fund
portant that groworn got tholr Htock with which to keon a minnlv of iioIhou
In for thlri Hhlpmcnt In order to have on hand. Holllne It at actual cont to
a rlMng prlco rather than falling. tluuo making application mid thu
Mr. Crane ban found tho horso turnlr.R tho monoy lu for more ooIboii.
Iimrkot keeping up better than ho Mr. OabrlelHon oxnecta to have n mnit
here for uh long a period as the oc-
ratlon warrantH and ho will bo at
the dt poHiil of the people,
ltouuty Too Kxprtihlvn
OrganlzatloiiH should be formed to
tuko enro of the rabbit poisoning In
each community mid the work done
systematically under the HiiporvlHion
of tho government num. The propos
ition of exterminating the puslj v
ihlh method Ih r.i. ho , -tor mi e.vp -l-
ment. an It Iiiih been jmovoii a Huccess."
Mr. OabrlelHon stated that In- rould
tnko tho amount of monoy that had
been Hpont lu this county on bounty
nlono and guarantee to kill every
rabbit enut of tho Cascade Mountains
mid have a Hiilllcient fortune left to
keep hint the balance of bin life.
It Ik up to tho people of tltla county
KufgrMed by Pork IHrrctor
"The National Park-to-Park High
ly Is fed by every transcontinental
ihway in tho Cnitod States, and Is
ie up of MJYernl highways connect-
5 'ha various National parks and
btr points of interest in the lloeky
otinlaln region The Idea of hook
( up tin' National parks wan first
(Kttted l( Hot, Ktephoi: T. Mather,
U'jiial parkH, Depart
I unor, mid tho organ-
I bv the YollowHtono
'S'omlng grow out of
' and became, tho Nnt
I' rk Highway. It Ih
. National Highway
Washington, I. C.
Aniorlcun Automo
rtor nf
ll0ll fr .'
ibwa'. "
III iugjr -i
M l'.ir.i
pt A80( '
"Tho ob
A reproMontntlvo of thin great re
ligious weekly accompanied Mr. mid
Mr. Ira N. OahrleUon and Kverott
Horn to the Malheur hake Wednes
day. At leant It had boon tho Inten
tion of the pnjrty t'o visit tho lake but
upon arriving nt John Ornves' ranch
they found tho water had receded ho
far that no lake could bo found.
Tho writer In not lu .tho habit of
visiting that section during this per
iod of tbn year, therefore ho wun not
prepared to find It no dry. In furl It
Ih tho dryest It ban been for yourtt.
Placed whore It In tho habit of some
of tho sports of Huron to shoot during
the open season for water fowl each
fall are no dry ono can cross tho chan
nels without getting their foot even
muddy. Mr. Graven In cutting hay no
far In tho lake bed that ho has to
take his supplies from homo down
there itn the distance In too groat for
tho liny makers to go back and forth
to their meals at tho house.
, Mr. Oubrlolson and Mr. Horn aro
connected with the U. B. Ulologlcal
1 Survey nud havo boon In thin vicinity
getting In touch with tho rodont nit
, uatlon and making preparations for n
i winter camnnlrn of poisoning the
rabbits. While in the neighborhood
they decided to view tho Mainour
bird reservation and it wan .for that
mi moan the trio was made. The
- -
party inaiiagod to get a blrd'n-oye
view of the lako by nncoudlng a high
Hand dune which wnH the nearest
wo came to any water to npeak of an
the mud channels mid tule thickets
would not permit n near approach
from thlH sldu. Mr. Oubrlolson will
take a trip out to tho rosorvo, how
ever, by going In from tho other nldo
of the lake and having the privilege
of the wardeu'H motor boat.
Untiling Mr. High Cost of Liv
ing ban developed some Interest
ing and effective nctlon nil over
the land. These lute uewa pic
tures nhow results.
Tho lino of waiting warkot
baskets shown how pcoplo of Ak
ron lined up to buy nt tho salo of
Army food which tho government
hns been distributing at cost in
cltlrn all over the natlo'n,
Tho big pile of bundled on tho
nlopn or the capital at Washington
Is of the C, 100.000 petitions for
six months pny tor soldiers, mili
um and marines. Homer Klierl
dnn Is presenting them to (leo, A.
Hnudursoiif secretary of the senate.
Tho truck lend of poultry shown
how tho nation In attempting to
profit by the example of lown'n
motor express lines. OMIclnl
recommendation hon been mndo In
Now York that nil army motor
trucks be turned to the Postotllce
department nud put to work car
rying imrJshablo foods direct from
the eountrv lo the city consumer,
eliminating the proflteer'a grab.
Bchool Supt. Clark Informs thin
olllco that tho annual Institute of I
the tuaehern of thin county wilt ho 'Wire
held on October 'il, 28, Hi). Shu will
have definite Information at to pro
gram nnd Instruulors li the near,
future but at present she announces
m&t, w so. IE. B. HILL FATALLY
to District Attorney
Requests Officers and
District Attorney m. a. iilggs re-
that State Hiipt.Churrhlll and Miss celved the following telegram this
Ida May Smith will bo two of the morning from Denlo, dated yesterday :
outside instructors present. MIsh
Smith Is favorably remembered oy
the teachers of thin county an un In-
HA.M.H IIOHHi: AtAHKiri' Wllil
. "B, I). Hill shot today. Ilrlng nocJ
oHsary omcurs, mso comn nnti tilings
On the trip the othor day Mr.
.. (SabrlolHon anil his assistant nocurod
s aM .t i. ffiik i t lit il US 111 it II
.ml endorsed by the "w
'm Interior tll0' aro K,nK lo mml"t n,,d c-rM"
' i the National Park- nerve in their collection for roforonco
Association is lo work In the olllco. Many rabbits ell
. tho went by bring '' "io flro of tho party on tho
op m. .omobllo travel of the w' "own mui mca, o8pec u..y
tlon tn,i ,,. a mllv mir.. Jln homeward trip oh a g-mt. got nt
"! op.(rMitoH for investment l carburetor of the Ford, or ho.i.o
Othor mlHlilip Wllicn inaoe il nam aim
it was through the kliidiiesa of John
Oravo.H that wo wore towed into
I own that night. Tio alow procos.1
ntrttctor in primary teaching.
Mm. Clark further states Iri u con
versation with thin oftlc'o that Mini,
funnlo Hugglnn, who In one -of1 tile
teachers In tho high school and who
In no popular with thu pupils, In at
present touring thu Yellowstone j
und will bu here beforo opening
of nchool.
Principal C. F. Hughes of the
Harney County High Bchool has an
nounced that ho will arrive about
August 2Gth to bo lu readiness for
the opening of nchool.
nocrisnry for embalming. Como to
night. Notify John Dlggn. i
No further Information has been
received, Thu district attorney, Cor
oner Clovenger and County Physician
Dr. Smith aro arranging to leavo for
the scone of thu tragedy today. Mr,
Hill wan a prominent stock man nnd
rancher of tho Denlo rountry.
1 Mr. and Mm. Hay Smith nnd chil
dren and Mm. Mnrv A. Smith, tier
daughter, Mrn, Toller and tho latlcr'n "hou,,, tombor tho war In over and
son, arrived home Wednesday night
Mr. nnd Mrn. Nnlllo Heed left Mon
day for Ileiid where Nollle expected
to he Initiated lu thu Blks Lodge on
that night and thou Join the parly
nf that organization that would head
for Klamath where there Ih a big con
vention of members of that order. No
danger ofethe Irrigation-ditches going who were members of the party
I nun,
from n tour of thu Ycllowntono Park
and other Interesting polntn between
this city und tholr destination. They
hud u delightful outing trip and ex
press thomsulvoH an being highly
pleased with It. Thoy stopped nt
had expoctod owing to tho high prlco
of cotton In tho south und tho In
creaseu iiumaiid for this class of
horses lu tho southeastern states.
Wo should boar In mind that wo
hnvo had n dry season and nro going
Into tho winter with prospects of f 20
hay nnd thtft tho clann of horses now
being marketed will not permit any
such high priced forage. Wo may
got an good or bettor prices next nea-
Hon nut wo are taking a chance. Wo
wo nro getting bnck to normal con
A sailor on thu PoniiHvlvimln. wIhIi.
Ulackfoot-, Idaho, on their return to!'K mi axtonslon on a ton-day leave,
visit for n short time with old time nutl, being .wine to all the old service to rid ournelvus of the trouhlOKoimj,
rrientiH. .Mr. mid .Mrn. Chns. noun, khc? auoui iiying Krn,iiuinotnorH wired posts and tho most effective way is to
. nLJkl . . ... . I
ty, also, aw comminuting omcer, . "Nobody Ket together and ask tho Kinnl.v court
dry over dhero while that bunch Is lu came on before the Smiths, arriving Hick, nobody dead, rotniest three-day to give whatever aid within Itn means
tjio neighborhood. earlier In thu week. ; exteiiHlon." Ho got HI
J Will Assist in Exterminating
f liomili'liiinK, to secure the
NU T' ' ' physlulal Improvo-
pt of i riiitiH seetloim of tho
ISOWilY ( , .... li..tliiL' firu'iinl
- - ............ - -
8 ! M r ,ed rontl ItH entire 'v,,, " ""V'u.tagoH
" -I" miles, and to 'these ""'l 11 anow,f'1 Hl,im,U.
fit elut.
"n nn
NIllK .
Ing r
16 lift v.,
: d. i.
r in
I 1 ighway aHsoelntloiiH.
delation itoi'it
general .miHiinder-
rlulit from tho ears. One eoyoto wan
udded to the collection on tho way
home, 'also.
Tho vlHltom wore most, hospitably
received ut tho OravoH 'lidmo where
it '
' real purpose of the M.Hi Oruves nvd Alburtu provldgd re
in a spirited contc.l rriinuiiitH for them. Nice 'homo
law. ruloH mid pr.ic- 0 i,foad, frosh butler and a gallon J
Montana and Wyo-' or two of milk were consumed by the '
-ul finally brought , foika upon tholr coniliiK l the
( tho Njitbinal Pnrkrt houso lifter being in Uio uwuiiip and
-iMon wlthquHolin's tulos for fcovorul bourn. Mm. Oraveai
"Vnliig, us PrefiJ: OeVi'.wiu always '.huvo a warm spot In tho
i Jieiena, Montana'.. iV UO), hnnrin of ihat hunch. ' . -
and to'tiHO thu ihouey economically.
Another Plan for
Railroad Connection
A,t tho.rogulur'yookly meeting i)t
tliii Hit run C.oin'u'ieie'lal Club last ovon
Injj xiU, p'roiijlllon of taking up tho
rails on 1 tjilja'rrlinan lino up the
Dose fi'u l oa using 'Iho road bod for a
highway und laying tho rails on east
fion'rilond' fo'r"a,'connuellon with tho
lliiu" lu tlilrt Vijliey was discusHod.
Thlii p)m wiib SjUggosted nt tho tlnm
thoWluriiH doltjgMpn wus bolero tho
Htuto Jilliwiy'euin'mlHslon in May but'
It waH consfiorbii more or loss a wild
dj-ean, ut .thut'f tlnio, altliongli tho
coi'nmlstiloii ' Hta'lod it looked upon
such mi li'rrun'golnont us possible. Tho
propofiltloti'V:!atf('fVom tho llond dol
egatioii inuf fi'lmttJ thai lime tho Ilend
peonlo" haVo 'tirrfbtl It and naked tho
rluh nt this p'htcOMo i;lvo It consider- , V
. . h . -i 'x. -n i v-i
tTpbii tho rec.olvt visit or ropreS 'j, -a, I Ifljf
,rtvJs,,f'r8ui,,ulT,clty to tho l MM
voiVt,a,,i'i K'enowfttono Parfc V,