The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 09, 1919, Image 6

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Shoe Styles Every' Stitch Yank,
"fv kMtmmw - ... ityrtvt
I Fine Business, Indeed ! . f
A KiMillonnm who "ouriiM" IiIh llv- fnillH pithoni'1, why tliuro win a
Iiir by wittchliiK tlio slock UeHor, ami hunrtrod per -ont utillft In tho .liitV
fho Ih forovor roucliliiK nliout tin , prlco, unil ih-i uhlto K"wor ciiilil
coat of llvlni:, told uh tho olhor iluy ' Hho It, or lot li.olr cropn rot on tri'im,
Mint If CoiiKruHH wiuin't u tliirneif fool ul Imiih, ami lnu.
thlH blKb prion itRrloultiinil combine. Tho romilt wuh that Mr. .lap bunt
would bo broken wldu open In u fow ul it nutnber of American ranehors
yunrn. Ho Biildi vtilu opon, and took ovi r tho ruins
"Why a Coiu:roHHinnn koI up and ant1, today in nuinoroun illntrtcta the
-wanted to oxeludo tho Jhph beeaiiHO JnpaneHO nionopollzo tho Hold.
ihy work twenty liourn n day In' And onin they monopolized It, their
tholr Holds, and run out tho whlto motto Is all Iho trallle will bear,
farmers. Kino IimhIiiuhh; thiit'H tho About tho worst IIiIhk thitl eoubl
way to el (heap rood: lot tho Juph happen to thlH eouutry would bo to
havo a rhanee. and If thoy eau ralwo become dopoiidont for lt dally broad
our food for tin choapor than wo can, on the nood will of an nlleii populw-
let them rnlri It."
Kino buRlnoM Indeed, for tho Jap.
California fruit Kroworn, some
yours nno, tried the nystom. Thy
eontrartvd with JapHiiono to Kather
tholr eropc. At first thoy xuvod mon
ey, had plcnlv of Hklllod help when
they wanted It; every! IiIiir was lovolv
it tut a white mnu couldn't find a Job
in tho entire district.
tlou; any nihil population.
! And rt , If (lio American furiuor be
forced to comnHu on oiUtit trnu
wltll worker who aro willing to work
for nothing, and board UiuniMlvt
until they can Hucure a monopoly, In
miiHt (iill.
Tlii) old i;amo of kllllui: competi
tion with low price and then, once
liiivlnn totcured u monopoly, mllklm;
Ad about the tlmo tho Japanese tho trade for double profits Is iih well
luul a monopolv of the fruit harvest- known to the oriental as to any fill
ing, about tin time tho bops bad to biisterlitK plrato of high finance, who
-ho pinked, and tho raisins dried, and ever cornered a wheat market or an
t'iu oranges p-icked, and tho small oil pipe lino.
i rr i t m m 1 1 w
WHEN you want
to dig a ditch or
post hole, u foundation
cxcavuliou or a garden,
you need good tools to
do good work.
We are prepared to
supply you with digging
tool of nil kinds tools of
quality thai give depend
able service. Before tuck
lintf tlitit next job,come and
pick out some real help
ful tools that you will like.
Picks and Shorels
Post Hole Spiift
Drain Spadti
Drain Cleaners
Angers, Digitri
Garden Forks
Garden IroweU
Hoes, etc,
f Ono Icsron that Iho wnr tnucht America wns tbnt wo were not
dcpcoilliiK upon K u rope one half much for ntylu Ideas n wan popu
larly iiippocd, Tho now summer and fall shoe have proved tbl out,
bocauso, while .l'nrls styb lendorn wnro IryhiK to shovo tho Cuban
heel down our tliront. Amerlrnn women nro koIiik their morry way,
with tho graceful high heel In pump nnd shoe that Is too per cent
Yank. Mllntlv In here shown liuiinliw: out a Hue of Hoasonnble hose
but It's tint a wash distend the newest in woven transparent pat
tirn and a few embroidered atylo.
..r Jill r full of nil torU of V.VMt UIHTOK VIHI'IK US
,...n. MCot DMlltMra. I O.V VAVTOroNI'ltllUXr:i
J Tho first fall
1 hat! That l
trio most im
portant Idea In
every woman's
head Just now
and her dreams
aro ii medley of
velvet, ontrlcb,
silk, and Hew
ers. Any wo
rn a n would
0 curled ostrich v
promptly d o
scribe as "a
lovo of n hat"
thin graceful
broad brimmed
picture hat of
black panne
velvet with Its
two Hweuplnr,
plumes of un
1 1., v. li'Ink. hMttttr V tnr
H i ' - t 4p tins on tk ' pum
llalKlli .
tto vll. u StMd ttl,l lM hi n ' I -
nir4nt ha Wait. wt
Mii.put" .."rry It ount te know.
wiiii. i: tin: i-iim.ds imi:
There Hrw (HriMln loiiK-whukered
theorlata who hp- worrying abniit tho
irobabl result of nilnwliiK Cermaii
labor to provide for monatrurtiou
in tho drtutoil area of Krauci. It
ia on behalf of tho French thst I bay
are worrying. Thoy my so.
"What will heroine of the I'miich
workiiiK man?" thy lament. "Tim
Cerman workman mint be kept alive,
It N r, atlv tho Cenii.m v Ci whom
thoy are yniiallilzlnK. Till Is Just
ono more or tho numcrou comb:
iHiKoiioN wltli wblrb tlm pro-flor-ii
t .i try to hMo ihi'T t4eiliy.
Old Alnn Doodle atiya hi uooillo la
full of boodlA when hu dnwma.
Hoinn with ii. Hut, will to rolalo,
wo linvo been unable to liidueu our
oatliiittble Kroceryinan to accept a
l'rf:nttAl baoa are again twss
! Ihk arouiHl looking for lb ontrwiicw
I to the oillulal Utvo. Wo Marott. Imw
levor. i hat aauiM of thaw ar only
If ho Ik to work for Franco: ho will chek on dreamland for bis pestlfer-
bavo to draw wages, and tint French ous monthly account.
-workmen will bo out of n Job. If tho
Frenchman was allowed to do tho Homo day, let us hope, the leaRUo
-work, then ho could draw thu wages; In enforce poacn, will produce some-
but with employment transferred to thing besides a political scrap.
others ho will starve."
Thoru Is n slight fallacy in this Among Herman generals a popular
argument. If thoro wns only n limit- pastime consists of telling each other
ed umount of work to bo done In how they won tho wnr by crying
Franco, It might seem plausible, but I "enough."
tho trouble In that country Is a i -'
Jicarclty of men not of Jobs. It ls Women's aklrtii, they tell us, aro
ossontlally an agricultural country, I to be much shorter, but let us hope
and tho fields of grain are rotting 1 tlm hosiery will yitniilu full length,
"nway for lack of harvest bands. Al-1 .;yo strain Is too expensive these days,
roost every suiuiro foot which would ( . . . ,
produce anytiiing nns neon piamei.,) y urhll jH wonderful in-
nnd the crops are going to ruin.
If evory man, woman and child
lout ii hand In the fields, the situation
tiould not ho saved at ihls date. And
Franco must keep up a targu army
to provide a human bulwark agalnat
(tcruian military ambition where the
demobilization of the llrltish and
Americai) armies loaves the rampart
The loug-whiskerud theorUtw nooil
not worry about tho Fruutdi worklng
in. -iii'h Job. lie Iiiih all tho Job ho
needs for. tho next fifty year. Hut
It Isn't the French workliiKmiiii whom
Hit) whiskered ultruHU rmillv wbdi
to protect.
volition until II takes a tiimblo.
Home mull are horn tired, some be
come tired, wlille others aro too darn
ed la.y to even get tired.
Wo havo a faint recollection that
once upon a time a man wont wab
bling down our main street ami peo
ple said ho vtw boozy. Hut, then,
that was a long, long time ago.
Thu blaaMri stnmHOfi at Mm to not
bit a"oo!iitlttlaic or KMsaMrt.
Kvary ita tk prtaa aU faWbtttffa
Uku u friMb Jump w gal a aautinn
liungry atiot.
Hi-fuif coilgrtfaa confer- nuv . r
nittiiviit high rank upon am oilir.-r .
oll-i.r than that which Is already ,ri.
vldod fur In our regular army. nn
havo a report of tho Htewardnhlp of
such olllrors. Let uh first know wheth
er or not they aro worthy of ui h
honors in thu wny of lifelong promo
(Ions. The sous or the fathers and
mothers must make up tho next army,
nnd It Is but fair tbnt theso saint
fathers and mothers should know (ho
mental callbro and qualifications of
the otllcers who aro to be placiMl In
supremo command of tholr offspring
Mr. nnd Mr. Ueorg Monllnrtou
Curruy of tit Vnlf Htnirlt. top
1 ! ovar In thu city laM Saturday
' night whll on thlr way for a sisht-
aavlng trip throNfk tho Canada
Mountain awnltvii while n rout to
attend tha Motional Kdltorlul A. iol
atlon mooting In rciloou. They
. war making In trip In a Ford car
and Inuwdart golun oy way of ( 'ruler
' Uka nnd through tho Umpnita Vol
lay on down to Portland. Tha fur
roya aro ploasnt nuwapoiwr folks
land ar wtilo-awnko to th gauio.
;prodrlug tha boat waokly parwr In
oil of Hoatorn OroMOii. Tlioy bava a
good flald and that community la
iProgriMMlng In tha way of dovrlop
utnt. eip.tilnllv along tho Una of lr-
,rtgtlm, tberefure tiny havo a bright
future. Ilarnoi otiitv should profit
It) the OiumplH vt by our neighbor.
If you buy it from
us, it s worth
the price
I. S: GEER & CO.
AU Tukfinu Cur
Lanoes Hurtm Monday, Wedticmiau, Friday, Saturday
Lviwcn Iknd Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday
Fmiv IliiniK Id Portltiml vin ('niin with bt-rth sl'.'UH
Fun Munis to I'.irtluiul via DimkI with liortli -10 !,"
Ship Perishable Goods, Express and Fast Freight
via Bund in Our Care
FAKE, $10.00 GO lbs. baggage free
On inantwl ISc.rJ 2mm, 35 fJ.
Goes Agpfkere Aay Aot. t
BRIGGS A BURPEE (X), lac, MitWidartri
m llawDwrn At.-, l ortJi.
SJ It IbbwUm iU lKutrlJ CircaW
Thoy say. howovor. that Iho devil
Is miiob coiicoruod over tho fuluro of
bis realm. lie has no plum vile
enough for a profiteer.
LINK'S Business College f
"The School that aets results" l
10 per rent discount on all term tuition paid from
August 1 to 20.
Write for special circular giving outline of courses J
ana oiner inionnation, ur
Mail your check today and receive credit for the
full term payment based on the following rate3 and
with the privilege of entering at any date to begin
your course.
Hegular Unto 10 Discount
Twulvo month 120.00 108.00
Nine month!! 100.00 $$$00.00
six mouths 7fi,oo
Three inonlhu -I"-"."
One mouth H.00 13.00
Opportiinltloti. bettor than during the war,
FokUIoiih guaranteed to graduates.
W.H. Coppedge, Manager B, C. Boetham; Principal
Phone 80G 1015 Idaho Street. Boise, Idaho
Wm. Farre Burns, Oregon
Practice Before U. S. Land Office and the
Department at Washington, I). C.
Specinl-Desirahle Stock Ranches
I.WSl 7 H A N( "10 I iihui'i , our hn.vii.nd propfrt.v
in tin North Ih'ttish ami Mercantile
or Colonial Fire l iulorwritiMs
lo make you rich ?
A ri(!h iinclo may (litMind leave ,you a roll, but
Tew rich iincli's have this hiibit.
U'.votii.'t rit'h, Mie (jluiiices aro .you will first
lmvo lo snvo enough intniey in order to nuike an
iiivnstiiiunl that' will pH.v. s .
Thoro aro pleuly ol' investiiiientK iVji tlio liiaii
with a little roatly rash. u
1 1
Dutiiti is up lo ytui to save eash, Tho host
policy is-to deposit- a portion ol your salary.
A Hunk is better than a hole in your pocket,
through which your money fan slip away,
Make our Mank YOCI! Hank.
20,000 Acres
with water rights for sale on
Blitzen River in tracts of 80
Acres or more. Reasonable
prices one-fifth cash balance
easy terms, six per cent in
terest. Eastern Oregon Live Stock
crane Company oregon
The Plumber is a Robber!
Only when the man in
side the PLUMBER is
crooked. Our aim is to
give honest service, and
install honest goods AL
WAYS. If you want
any such goods and such
service in your repairs
or in new work, it's easy
to get it. Just call us
Our Specialty Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work, Repairing
Agents for the I)e Laval Dairy Supplies
Paint, Oil Limited Supply Ammunition
Economy Fruit Jars at Right Prices
In our new building opposite Lampshire's garage
i 4.