The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 09, 1919, Image 5

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Music with a KICK in it
i 7r"
iff 4- B IM
f. i
For Singing and Dancing then is one Pla.wr Piano which lias earned .supremacy over all others. It plays the latest music with -all
the haunting melodies of a lull Ja.j Land. Saxaphone, ukelele and Banjo are imitated with startling thruthfulneSB.
The Euphoria Player Piano
itt all that any Piano can he. To those who pcrfor the classics or old time ballads, it gives a faithful reproduction.
A GOOD PIANO forms the keystone of family life. To both young and old it is an unfailing center of enjoyment. No
matter how luxurious, ho'v well equipped your home may be there is an incompleteness, a chink unfilled, until this versatile in
strument be installed.
A GOOD PIANO is a life long-companion. With moderate care it should last a life time. THE EUPHONA PLAYER
PIANO has twenty enthusiastic owners in Harney County MODERATELY PRICED REASONABLE TERMS
The Wiley B. Allen Company
J. FELLOWS, Eastern Oregon Representative at Burns
J.Otili AND rmMKAU
(looil udvortlsliiK lit tho houlth of
r bunlnt'H.1, allouce, Htt ihImi.
AIIhtI Johnson wan ovnr from hl
filter Creek homo yeitordny.
Mr nuil Mr.i, M. II. Urt?nton have
''turni'il from tholr rtimpitiR trip in
Sti'luV Mountain ron 11 try.
V T hunt ha IlmhoiI tho Hay it
holo ntudlo anil will opun up ft l
.-ry at oi
Kr.i nk Htinx and wlft woro nmnnic
ur out of town vhltor.i durlnic the
I.t-e C titut'M lott Momln owning
r ( r.v wlurt h took tho train
tit' fji u , mornliiK for Onturlo on
Tli" 'ai iih or the late Henry On Kl
ill tit- ir to prM through thu
oltimnt o thN nnuor tlu'lr .ulnporo
.ratlturii r tlio inuny kludu.iiM
hown them by their old tlnio frlondfi
i thU viiiMty duriiK tlu'lr nd hour.
A II ( r.ti liflelil mid family cum?
ver from Cut low c It w fore part of
Mi week on thli'r way out to linker
Jhere they will make tholr homo for
. hll' Al lutx hoon huviui; l onclil-
rublu Iroulih' from rhoiiniiitUiu hut
i lniiro"ic
Mn II t Vttt-itt wan here from
luutliK,rt, f'.r n fow duyn thU week
:.' " '...r'littii, Mr. ut:d Mr. II.
-i. 0-th' rfhtt In kIi'K to iniiko hor
lumt hi ll'i'illttKton u alio Iium it
wm! )u thuru with thu rnllroud
lt'i an opportunity for promotion.
V. II Connor, imidikT of tho Flint
I'atloual I'auk, took hl.t ilvparturu on
'rMay of woek for uutxldo polntH
o In abif'i' mot of thin month. Hu
ent from Vre to JlnUo ami lutondod
' ro from that nlut: to Hpokano,
blllriK In Ht-attk', I'ortbtid and othur
oat poln. later.
Uwla HuKhut. onu of the hitch
Hhool hoyH who nmpomlixl to the
ll of hU country In tho wur, arrived
home .Sunday ovuiiIhk ufter behiK dln--ItarKi
N I.owIh did not Kt ncrosa,
" he took thu "flu" Junt before hU
tompaiiy wan to Hall. He wm on the
'aMeni roast for n conHlfleruhle time
huw umth of hU own country
lurlnt; IiIh period of enlUtment. Hu
Kone out to thu ranch to aid In
, 'no Harvest,
IV H. VNolttonhlller wua In town
Holiday ror h abort time. Mr. Welt
tenhillvr put in a prop out on the
farm (.-ant of town thin aoauon but
wntlrm.jd drouth ban dUcoumKcd
Mf and he nayn he Ih golnt to quit
rylur to ralne crop on the dry rm,
rrocs and urgna we batten tho Ir.
niation. "Theras our uentlraonta":
nil we aro roady to aid In any way
Pilule. We'd HUKgeat that about
tht first thliiR along that line would
b thoroiiKh organization und co
opfiratlon among thu people favor
"I'lo to Hitch u ibovo.
Marrh-il .hhi Saturday afternoon,
Auk. 'l, t the Nazarono purttoiiago,
MIkk Allnin Hnilth und Molvln A. Clay
nnrrul by Itvv. George Wurd,
Ihooniy witnoHHOH being Mr. und JtJrH.
,l(,l't Drink water, Jr. The bride Ih
"e J'o iigcvt daughter or Mr. and
Mr W K Smith, plonoeru of thla
cectlnn Siu Imh roMlded hero all her
life umi H WH, known ft,i bnd
hKli t'Hti'nm by her many frlondH nnd
'lualiitnnc);H. Mr. Clay In u roHld
nt of (Vane where tho young couple
make their homo. Wo Join muny
McihIh In oxtondag host wIhIioh for a
wppy wedded lfe.
WIUIm ll.irber wuh In froin IiIm home
In Catlow Vulley during tho wer-k.
Kd. Kgll wan over from the ranch
during thin week.
' F. K, Bwope took IiIh departure
y'Hterday for Portland whore he goen
for a vacation of a few wuekn.
1). U. Thorn wuh among our vIMtoM
from the Hllver Creek country during
thli week.
Mr. nnd Mrx. Oco. A. Hmyth, Jr..
ttru up from their home at AudrewH
on a vlult with relatlvrn unit frlondH.
lloni Friday, Aug. 8,'to Mr. and
Mrn, Fred WllllnuiH, a daughter. Dr.
J. Hhelley Haurmaii wiih tho attending
Clyde Olhboim. of Hih SIIvIoh val
Uy country, wan a vlnltor In town dur
ing the week. Clyde recently hud the
tuiHfortuue to break IiIh lug In three
plncex. and (he vUlt wiih mainly to
cniiHult IiIh pliynlclaiii, Drn, Saurutaii
nnd Druiict, u:t to ItH progreri. He
wuh quite plenned to learn that he linn
a Htralght und ueful limb iigalu.
riarry Wlthorn and family were In
'.own TiicHiluy for a nhorl tlmv. hav
ing brought hU mother down from
(he home near Harney In order that
Hhe might lake the Hinge out
day morning on her way to Hood
Paul Finke wuh down from IiIh
mountain place the other day and
made u nhort call at thin olllce. Mr.
F:ne ktaleil that It would be tiecen-
nary for blm to buy hoiiiu hay to feed
hi Mock during thU wlutur uuIuhm j
no jotct I hem.
C. T. Miller wax In town Monday, i
HIh duughter, MIhh Kiith, arrived
home Sunday evening from Mon
mouth where Hhe hud been attending
the uummer normal hcIiooI, und Mr.
Miller came up from the ranch to
meet her and accompany her home.
"Daddy" Ilyram came In thu fore
part of the week from Catlow. He
;wan accompanied by IiIh little grand-
hoii who came over to hcu IiIh dad,
Hoy Klphurt. Tho latter ban been
Hojdurnlng In UiIh city ror novernl
weekH becauHe of nu accident In
which be lout u finger.
James Johnnon wiih hero Monday
night on IiIh way to I'rlnovlllu where
be got'H to vIhIL with homo folkn foi a
few duy. Thin hI IiIh flrt vlnlt to thin
city nlnco he eulUtud und bin frluuilH
wero pleiiHed to r.reet him and Und
him looking ho well. Jim hivh on IiIh
return In a few dayu hu will -itay over
nnd sua more of IiIh frleudn In thn
Old time frlendn of tho Caldwolln
hd the pleaaure of a Hhort vlnlt with
tho fatally lMl Saturday. Wtllo
rtbey, came to the old home on a nun
I A thu hliutiulllt unit
lUIQafvM, liw nm . '
faVtier) yet It woh not void of Ita
componHatlon in. renewing acquaint
ancoa and finding thu Hamu warm
boarted people atlll hero to glvo thorn
a word of cheer und oucouragoment.
Tho funeral of John Arthur Togo,
little Hon of Mr. nnd MrH. A. H. Page,
who mot hU death In u run-away lie-
cldent at Dlamonu on Bunuuy uvuh
Ing, wan hold from the Prosbytorlan
church on WodnoHduy nrtornoon, tho
Horvlco being conducted by Hov. 1).
8. HughoH. Intormont wiih mado In
tho MnHonlo comotory, Tho Jlttlo fol
low wn born on Hoptombor 10, 1917
ami died on August 4, 1019. Ho wau
u bright llttlo boy nob lovod by nil
with whom hu camo In oontuet. His
parentB nnd grnndpuronta lira highly
roBiocted cltlzons who havo Uia sym
pathy of tho ontlro country,
Jameit J. Douegau Ih rimtlcttlug at
th- P Itauch.
Jnmt'H Cary wan In town for a nhort
vhlt during tho wiift,
F. K, Townley wan down from IiIh
moiiiitalu home Thtirmlay und ntated
he wuh In the tuldnt of haying,
Mr. and Mm. (.enter William were
over from their Hllver Creek home
John Suvedge came In the pthvr
day from Portland. He ban recently
been vUltlug at Medford but came to
Portland where bin wlfo and hou are
living. Ho came out to took after
Home hurtiiuHH a flu I r.
Chun. Huckley and bin hoim came
over from their Catlow home early
thU wuek upon being Informed or the
accident In which Mrn. Iletikley wan
ho painfully hurt. Mr. IWklcy Ih
the merchant ami pOHt maoter at
Peter ChrlHtotiHon wnn up from thu
ranch at l.aweu during the wuek talc
ing down a wind mill at the Allen
lllggn home which he will take to IiIh
much to aid In pumping water ror
the Mock.
Charley Frailer came In from hli
farm home at Diamond on Monday
In company with Mr. und Mrn. A, H.
Page, arHlHtlng them In bringing In
Mrn. Hockley und the little boy ufter
the unfortunate accident of Sundny
uvuiilug. f
Hov. Win. Heard, of linker, the
Sunday School .Mlnnlomtry who tuaken
regular trlpn Into the Interior part or
I Ills country, wnn a pleaHiiut caller at
tlilu olllce TuoHduy afternoon. He hud
heitn vMtliiu home of the field In
Harney county In company with Itev.
HughoH of the Preflbyturlan church,
Itev. Heard Ih n welcome vIMtor In
many Harney county homed,
Im. J. P. WlthorH look her depart
ure Wednead'uy morning by way of
lluud for lood Itlver ufter upending
u few weekH In HiIh vicinity vlwltlng
her children nnd looking nfter bunl
iiuMH anfulrH. Mrn. WltherH U one or
thu pioneer women of thin county but
Ih at prcHout making her home with
her duughter In lfood Hlver where
Hhe fliidH the cllumto more agrecabla
to her health.
Mr. und Mrn. (loo. HovIiih were pan
Hpngem In on Wruy'a Htugo laHt Wed
neHduy evening. Ueorgo recently re
celyed IiIh dUchnrgo from the army
and they uavu returned hero for a
Hhort visit and to look after mmo
hUHlnoHu affair. They contemplate
returning to Culfornltt for the pre
Hent to mako their homo but will re
tain their IntoroHtH here with tho .In
tention of returning, at nome futuro
Adam (Icorgo wuh among our hul
ueH vlnltorn during the week.
V, It. lUtt wan In from Silver Crek
Horn Friday, Aug. 8, to Mr. and
Mrn. David McLaren, twin daughter.
Dr. Smith, who attended. Mitten both
i. ..I, t.. i ..ii .. n
I jiiiiiik luuivn itiii i mi' nun an tuinuiii-
I ed ure doing well,
uck Cradilock und wife were down
from their home In SIIvIch Vulley
U'odtiomluy. The Cruddorkn ttlwayn
rind a welcome among their many
old frlomlx on tholr occuHlonal vIhUh
to HuriiH.
W. P. Davliliou and Frank. John
hou of thu Oregon & U' tern Colon-
' Izatlon Co. were here Tltiimduy on
their way from thu ouMcru part of
the Htate to Prlneville. They will
'return thin way next week ami re-
, main for a fuw dayn.
Mrn. J. P.. Slzomoro and her Hon
i Virgil wore In room tho ranch on
1 WeduuMduy ami were accompanied on
I tholr return by Mrn. Schwartz und
her little daughter. Hulda, who will
t vllt with thu SlaomoreH for a" fuw
Dell Dibble, u veteran on a header
but or recent yearn landlord at thu
I HuriiH Hotel, tried IiIh hand again
; thin week out ut Vic Coad'n ranch
i and although It had been many yearn
I hIiicu he operuted a header hu Hhowud
he had not forgotten thu Job ami
Muck to It until the field wuh com
pleted. Ho braved thu hot duyn In
performing thU task and coiiien nut
DON'T throw away that old suit !
Bring it to our shop first. If we can't make
a good looking, new appearing suit out of it
it, then indeed you may throw it away with
a clear conscience. You have ito idea how
much good there still remains in that dis
carded suit. We have reclaimed so many
that we hate to see yours thrown away till
it really is useless.
Clothing Company
See here." says the Good Judge
Hinlllng llku a good Hport.
j v(,'roulng Old Itcforo Vour Time
Sidney trouble tendH to "Mow up"
men ami women In middle life and
, thoy fear" oncoming old ngn whott It Ih
j only tho klduoyn that are thu fault.
' Foloy'n Kldnoy PIUh ohMM Nature to
restore a sound, healthy condition
and to banlnh tmckacho, norencsn,
lamtmens and ntlfTncsa, puffy eyoa and
other fiyniptomii. Hoi verywftr'
I want to remind you
about that small chew
of this good tobacco.
It tastes better because
it's good tobacco. Its
quality saves you part of
your tobacco money.
It goes further and lasts
Put up hi two styles
RIGHT CUT is u short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
Save Your Eyes
Eye strain causes luMtrinchcH,
nervotifincKfl and other trou
bles. I fit RlnHKen accurately
and scientifically.
All Work Guaranteed.
OHee with Dr. II. P. Smith
Don't Hurry Your
They are all. stocked with high-grade, speak-for-themselves
a good supper on the table is yorth two in our store.
So tuck some of our groceries under your arm and set
the whole family smacking their lips.
Farmers Exchange
Burns, Oregon
A. OTTINGER, Proprietor
H n fllg