'.cuKTWT KOUIWTIill UAUNUH II. ItlC TO (H'TMNK I'liANM IMck-llofM' Inspection to Ho I'liilel1 tiKin In Northwest to Chech Over All Hiiiiuvn 7-YEAR-OLD COW CHAMPION MILK "PRODUCER, On a trn of Inspection tluough ntit tl"1 j-tj'-Iiik "rem or tho north west, W'il H.fi",' tiHtilstunt foroMt ,,r in charge of grating, arrived In Portia ..I M' t-rdiw from Washington, I), c .Vr Hitmen cxpoetH to, go over thin territory wlllt puck liorHoa niul raiuplng outfit, being accompanied during part of tho trip hy K. N. Kavnuagh. forotder In charge ol gnu nK in thlH district. Itnittlly u movement was launched to turn r the control of nil federal r,rnii ' t0 forestry depart-; I , ,.v or tue posswio log- i ,vii g the forwit norvleo tho i uthorWy, Mr. Humes I iciUl Investigation Of , i it. Hu will luy out I' r tU'lltlHI Of tlllH lirtllU'lt rno in the northwoit. vi ifmg forester praised tlio wont h'ut MAV IIH GOOD KOJt HOMHTIIINO r.r of lb Tin rhnnn.lri, , irnr" CW WOlKllllJC 1015 poUIHlH, clnllllR lO b(1 the l ni L nV" ,rodMCW of Wor "I"' I" Uaphaolln Ai;glo III., J loin oln-lrelMini cow. owned by Napa Htnta Hospital In California Him in Hhown hero being led by (lovcrnor William Stephens of mil- iNiv , v i 1 V ( V,1 Ucr- fU.10 nl,".? ,,roko th0 ovon.ilny. thlrty-dny nnd SicHv fy records, .with l10.8, 3785.1 and C870.7 pounds re ftockr.it n t f Oregon mm wnsningion ror tht lr uitorpile In handling gnu uf l.i .mI - 1 l followhiK tlio methods fURRcsted by tho forest service. Through regulations tho number of ttock on the national forests has lieon Incrcn oil by more thnn 1,000,000 head of sheep since tho opening of the war, Mr Humes reported. Kor entry r .pi hove also IihtohsciI In lhiMirlix.it h Hald. Orogonhni. MUSSER BACK INTO BIG LEAGUE AGAIN 1 -w dropped. I'lilvonlim I'lan IlnilorMtil. Tho roprodontnilvo to hu mint by thu Kovornineiit will havu tho ndvwn taKo of Mr. Ward s work In thin coun ty, and will ko ovur tho reports of varloim poIhoiiIiik oxpcrlinentH, 'In preparation for the coiiiIiik of winter woather and now," which will nmke the who of polnoii onporlally uffsctlv1. Until that tlmo, It lg' admHtl. Itttlw enn li doiiH pl In the vp of rftblilt drlvtHi, nd wlitl thouvi midR imiy ho nhuiichtorf) by this j niDtho'd, It 1m polnlfd onl tlmt onlyj liv n Konrwl polionlnit miiTWlltn nrr i ii litt rMiiltn to ln ohttn0(I ngnlmit Clilim Htromiotmly iiIiJim:(k to hnvlDK n Roodly hIIco of hnr torrltory turitid ovor lo tho JapH. And, by the hiiiiio tolton, wu would niiiko a inlKhjy howl If tho ponco voufuroiico worn to pro lioxo haiiilliiK over ouu of our rlchent utul'HJ to hoiiio other country. o VCICIIMOItS aui: Ai.ii TAItKINti AIKM'T IT Hilvi S)s Tniiliic ItiiN Unlit hit Vlf mi Sin N WmliliiK l-'nr the I'lrnt Time In Twelve Viiim "Yon iltoulil hwir lhu way our nHirhborn nrn tttlklnv about Taiilnc i nttifi my wlf nmwry." nnltl W. r.ilil'ttn. while It In pmtMlesUf th only , . . t, , ,. ,, , ... , , . "Tr, A. Bplvey. iiMllurmnH tor th KniiHii I'Jhk Hlilrh ' in b nl Willi tuccoM . .A . . . . . lay MBiriioiunH mrt-ji uhiiwiij himi i i mIM;i o(T i h .ig latH. iifiit l)iiniMH Uiniti In ttti lfiK.'i''il ilmtrtrt. ranrher s. r. tl'iriitr th uprlnn and tiiro- ' 'it- r ' niiith-. to kn-p ti tilnrktalli 1 l -mi in k i.iir! n-'iMiiiuhlit number, lint in Ui ill) InihI iwetloh, whvro th" pruliloii wm net ulllelnil . iri' to ftdtiilt of tha un of the0 t i'.iuh. thi "jHcka" havu liMiiniu iK I I. loi il fulluraa. Oiip the Hiipply of lood I ashftiMtod on the noml-flrld Un'l . u iiijxrRtlon of blrktll to Hi" trrlxatrd land l fwird. Kor tb ltenoftt of tho who nr tlllllfc 1M)WII MKfilllit tM hmkhthU. Mr. Wnrd tti Hint m proportion of living at 110 South Church HI.. Olath. Kaniwa. Hh'il hn In Hior hanlth for four tNii vw.tM." hueoHtlutlwl, "Hint uovnr got any rallvt from KtiytliliiK vho took 8hM hud no appall to and the jllUlt aM did oat nourml on br to.n arh. and w would form and make her Hi inltMiniblii nho'd liuvn to lli ; down. Bho had an awful pain In the ..-,. uir. M. ii-iumu m, f , , w , ..,ff,r,M fmm .iitlful that atteuuua to mm any ))(Ut ,1(ja,,Ilfl,H.Hi nml ,lu would .ind of crop have jirorml almoit' . . ..,., Ulun Cnrl Muy, undcrhnuded pitch r of the Ilonton Itcd 8o col pcvvi-d at mnuur.er Kd llnrrowii nJ went home, ho p.ivod the way for thu iipltbnllcr I 'a ill Munxer of tho !) MoIiicb. In., WCHtern club to makn his Hi-cnnd IIk I en nut np i-Atniue HarrowH boiiKht Miih t who uum funiKily with thu ClilraKo Uliili- .Sox. COVKUVMKXT WIIJ4 IIKM AOAINHT ItAIIIIITK mi uir)' at tliiiuM iik to aiinoNt tall. Sha wiih wi nrvoiiH alu oould IMirilLr uleap and twlcii hIih r.ot mo btril off that wo r,uvu liar up. "I i;ot hor n hottu of Tiinln' about (tirotf iiKiiitliK a- iRd ho Iiokii 1 lmror" Ht oi.c oi 'aMiiK he hw a good aniMti'n unw and an ent on. ounce of atryelinluo to 12 ouarf j , wtulU ., ll0V-r OI OaiH II Il IIIHtll IOIIIIH III III) Ull! IIIIMH effect I vu. WISH AND OTHKItWIHK. Thu following wnn clipped from a eetnl Ihsuii of tho IJond nullotln. It applied to conditions In thl county anil we tar. havo the amo advlco and Mai'ar.'r ironi tlio Kovcriuneiit in any tmve toward the uxtorinlnatlon f t'si f t'i In thin county. Wo can alno Kit aid from tho county a: pro vided I- k-BiHlatlon IiinI winter, ho It is 11 j to the people of tho county 'o organize and Htnrt tho campaign rlr in order to bo most effective. Tin I ilh tin Hays: ''''' uliijj tho need for action liHxitnniiiutlnK hlacktall rabbits and a!" 1 ' in ('mitral Oregon, tho U. I ' urvny will Hond a rep ' HiIh Koetlou within a 1 idato a relontlesH war 'le.structlvo rodoutH, It. 'lo I'lmt National Hank, morning. Tho action ' m 11 In rotipoiiHo to a letter Mr Ward to tho biological which ho wan connected '.th, in which he told of tho lucreriHo niado by rats and 1 1 r it in. , p.. 1 liii. unit. 1 , for hi I'li'irmou r ult li flilu nnl iin'it-liu .nn 11 1 Irm ...... ...... iij .... .a . w. lll''i Mill firi'.-i iil'nil .11 mini lirii tnu n ..., ...n-. SEE 0Connor & Carter For fresh fruits and vegetables. Famous Delicious Apples Special prices on ton lots. We can alno aipply you with Frehh Meats Coal and Wood Grain and Kalcd Hay Phone G-1F "writs Hotel Bullrflnfr NothliiR hut uiiiHCiilliio renpentahll Ity ami fuuilnlne moilimly Ih ovur out of tho ordinary thoiio davit, Kvery year hankit aro recoKnlzliiK ndvertlKliiK nil a tangible imuet to bo coiiHldered au HUbHtautlnl micurlty. nt all from mnir hIoiii.icIi or k' end lpi Han khIiiimI twmity-olght pound li tha pant two month. Her head aulum aro gono, her back doen not hurt her anymore, her nerves are quiet and nho sleeps flue all night. Hhu Ik doing all her housework, too, for the' first llmo In twelve years." Taulne Is sold in Hums by Heed Hros. and In Crane by Valo Trading Co. If tho league of nations don't begin leaguing soon tho utiles will bo Hcrap ping among themselves. No, tho Ohio landlord who volun tarily reduced tho rent of his tenants Is not a candidate for public olllco or matrimony. HO Is Just living in tho wrong agoan ago In which tho Golden Utile has been kicked Into tho discard and forgotten, whllo greed and avarice havo taken Its place, CONTItAOT Ol' AC3KXCY Hot tho diimpH, brother? Cheer up It will bo worso. When tho cost of grub goes higher your spirits will bo lower. Wotjtler Humor Kerosene attach ment for cook stoves exclusive right in your county for f 1 CO. Net profit on 16 sales pays for your Investment. 50 sold In Jefferson county. Addross, N, O. Hohson, Hohhon Cufu. Madras, Jefferson county, Oregon. 8-2 IfOL'HK WOIIK IN HOT WKATIIKH Why bother with swatting tho fly when the world Ih full of wasps and profiteers? Hot weather brings no relief from housework drudgery. If anything, woman's work Is more trying. Over work nuil worry cause kidney trouble, reuniting In backache, sore musiW, stllf Joints, rheumatic pains, tired fooling and other distressing M'tnp toina. 1'oley Kidney IMIls help weak kidneys. Hold everywhere. ICverijlhiitfj for Evci'iibndjf AiijMiinp for Anihodu BUY IT FROM US IT PAYS This is a Konerul sloro and wo aro supposed to sell every thiiur, and wo liyo up to tho general supposition.. You can buy anything you want here, from hardware to groceries, from needles to a good smr-ke. 1 ' It pays to buy from us. because we soil for cash, and an enormous amount of goods, and wo can therefore selj at a closer margin of profit. , , ' You CAN'T lose, and you WILL gain. Now docsn'l this lino of argument appeal straight to your good common sense? LUNABURG, DALTON & CO. BURNS, :; ORIWON "Piiro kIuhh 11 couplo of moiiulaliiH of ll, :;ooo feet uhovo tlio plain, thai. Is what (Hans llultoM aro," uald .lumen Morris, former clly engineer, later it Itlti 1 tt of onglneerii and now In the contract lug game. "These butles are In the northeastern corner of Liiko county, on tho roAd between Hums nnd llond. Tho gland looks llko rock, from nutrition up to tho slzo of your head. Tho ntnlT might bo mistaken Tor rock tinloiiii you toko tlio trouble to break 0110 of tho hotildom and thou It Milliliters. Tho glans Is evidently the reitult of volcanic, action and while It Is clear you can take u piece tin thick as your hand and hco through It- It has a smoky appearance. Tnho Homo dark hour holtluii and melt thecu down and you havo a olosu Imitation of Hu! glnfH. I mijp6ko tlihTpire j;I(1hh could bo melted and nh&ed for commercial purpopos If nnyonl want ed lo try It." Mr. Morris 1ms a bonni er which he Intends luivtilg cut lntr pnpcrwolghtii. Oregonluti. - o - - Huy a War Having Slati.p. rJm JW Jw JSF JjKMw JKKtw JBEU jESmw a They Prosper M Wli C! Tia ost THIS is the old motto on which wc arc building J our business. Our experience is proving it as true as when first stated. Our first consideration, there fore, is to supply you with the character of goods which time and service have proved to deliver the highest degree of satisfaction at the lowest possible cost. That is why we take pride in offering you A 4 Tires, Tubes and Accessories Made by the leading specialists of the industry in America's largest exclusive tire and rim factory diey deliver that kind of service which will make us all prosper most." Because Most Milc3 per Dollar will keep us buying from the Firestone factory and will keep you buying them lrom us. Every feature of ourservicc is in keeping with these lurcstone ideals. At your service. Universal Garage Co. WHINS, OREGON ifl kivi GoiMToBuiM? LUMBER FOR ALL PURPOSES " Build your house, barn, outhouses, sidewalks, and all else that is constructed from lumber out of our material which is the selection of the choicest strippings from the best wood in the country for building purposes. Large quantity of dimension material on hand and any special order will be given immedi x ate attention and turned out on short notice. H. THEIS 'i Emigrant Creek Saw Mill t; I