The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 09, 1919, Image 2

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WOltlil) VIM HTIMj MOVK ON. keep right on rijlvltiK nrg
All the wind in WrmiilnUon nboiit tho nun at Iti roKtilat'oii np
' hiivIiik dayllfehl" will Imvu'no nftut" wl flher wo powwow o whlhir l
ThonsniuH or ItiiMhcl l'ropngatiMl
from llnlf ItiiMhol Heleetnl II)'
.l!pcHmeiit. HUitlon Olllcd'
wji'itover on tho oarth. Thn old bah bow wow, il
' From u half butdml of puro frty
f uhl wheal iiolectcd by Hubert yithy
flmnltft, Huporliituudnut of the Ibuitorn
Oregon branch Htntloii, Union county
1st XtiX""
Heorge llobun, Dm beloved Italian
Pronch i h irai'tor nrlor of I ho ncrco i,
ifnrinuru huvo propagated iiIiuohI I itt coming to tlto Liberty Theatre on
30.000 bushola of clean, unmixed J next WcdiKudny, Aug. I it, In bin now I
tmil whoul. Hit purity ami fltuoHH out.' Unrainount picture "Quo Morn I
for nluuting huvo boon uortlllod by American." 1 ThU wan wrllton nntl
CJ. U. Ilynlop. chief of fanu crops at
fiijU',r'lculturnl coHorc.
Planting mlxoil wheals cnt Or
aiOfi fannorn many thounundrt of dol
lnrn tvry your, myn rrofwwor I ly-
llj'uitoil by William ('. MuMlUe, the
notoil writer and director of photo
pluyn, who linn directed uch pIcUireB
an Uorahllno t'urrnr'a "t'anuun,"
"Th WarroiiH of Virginia" and oth-
ln. It n'Mills In mlxoil c:roiui, ulildi 'or. The curt Includim Helen lOijily,
uro graded down from flrul grade to! Mr. Ilohnu'ti leading lady In no many
linvor, with a Hovcro cut In price. u
jpluntlng puru need on clean ground
)il loss rouhl ho prevented, and In
uinu (Mihoh at IouhI a higher yield
KnrmerH In lmiitllla, Wuhoo and
fihurmuii ontiiitlcH iiIho huvo obtained
liuro peed Mtoek Turkey red and
while hybrid through nounty iigontH
from K. II. atephena, of the Moro ex
aorluient Htallon. They have kept
UiIh Hinall Htock unmixed mid multl
jilted II until many thouHitudM of
aiiiHholH of thiMO choice varieties are
lvnllablc for Heed.
- U the need I taken by other farm
ers and planted thin fall the value of
ibo Oregon whunt crop for 1920 will
Bu Kreatly IncrcaHod. If not. the tin
alautel portion will Mlmply he turned
4vnr to the miller with a hit; Iohh to
tfnrtnerri who plant mixed gralim.
The Hooda Helooted by the Ktatlott
men are multiplied by the ,furmcrn
-worhltiK with county agents, and the
fioldu certified after careful Innpoc
ilou by farm apcclnllHlrt of the collogw.
lJstN of varlthm ami amnuutH may be
7ind by applying to the county agent
f the several cnuiitlcti.
of bin former pictured, f'amllle
Ankawleh, Raymond, llattou, Jack
I loll. HrnoM .toy and othorH an well
Alio "ltttihn Lady,'' a two reel
Mncl: SSrnnatt comedy.
it Hunt; wr""
At the UbPrty Theatro on Hiitur
day. Auk. 10. domuru lllllle llurko In
bur latoMt Paramount picture, "Kvo'm
Daimhter" from Alicia ItaniHeyV plcv
by that imine. Im to be tho Mar. The
Mtory dmtli with tho life of a Klrl,
Httilduiity loft a little money by her
father aftir a life of reprcHidoh and
hardnhlp. How uhe nearly outiHepH
the botiiidii of convention, HpendliiK
all her money in "one kooiI time,"
only to be navod In time by tho man
who lovcx lutr and a Klrl Mho Iiiih
helped, make up a IhrlllliiK and at
t linen humorouH utory that will prove
highly enlertalii'liiK. Other plutM-ftx
on thu program will bo a rnp'.cdy en
titled "liiHtallmout I'lun."
avouk toit tiii: sot, mints
WliiHomo M.utfuerltu Clark I now
uppearlliK III oiij of tho iiiohI talked
or Morten of tho year "UuIi'm Hurx
lar" which orli;lnulb' appearel In
the Haturday KvciiIiik l'oM and which
wn- written by Mary ItoherlH Itlne
hart.. The Htory wan followed by thou
iimN of readerd all over the country
who will rcroKUl7.u in Mii Clir't i
rorfeol "type" for "llab."
Younger xlntor of an attractive (jlrl
of twenty-four, mid even more roman
tic than tho average boardliiKHuhool
Klrl. Ilab'ri elfortx to marry on her
older Muter aro creamliiKly funny
and her exporlouucH with her thoiiH
aml dollar allowance which r-ho
Mpeiidrt In two weukn, Ht 111 funnier.
Director ,1. Harle Dawley, who linn
directed many of MIhh Clark'n blKXeitt
proiluetloiiH, watt iiIho renpotmlblo
for "llab'H llnrKlar," which will bo
hliown at the Mbcrty Theatre on Hun
day, Au. 17.
, Uil'l
' -; '-(til
Delivered to your home regularly
or as desired.
Ice and Coal in Any Quantity
Uy far the greater part of our
you it k men com I nr. home from the
war aro troiiK and well. Outdoor
life, plain hearty food and vIkmitoiih
phyMclal exerelrie have combined to
build up their phyHluue. I
MNiiy of them who wure Ifnloor,
workers before the war find that the
abundant vigor they hare gained In j
Mplren thorn toward life In the open
I'ur niuu of iIiIk luclliiatlou the farm'
Tho aviation miction of tho Marino
Corpn Ik urKntly In iiwmI of four yarjf the country offor an excellent oj
nlUtod men for koh engine inecbmi
m. imiphlue ahop met htilca. elMrtrl
RtftMi, wlrworkerM, woodworker,
wnldor. blaekHmltliK, etc. Muu of
ovl character and mcliKiilclly In
alined are nattofactory. Those en
IltiUur. for HiIh duty will bo went to
JdRro Inland, California for the rofU-
Tho working mmioit U on mul tin I
farmorH aro calling for help. Tlu
are willing to pay wages that xre
eompHrntlvaly high, when wu couMd
r that room and hoard are lucluit
m. NiHMNMary oxpeiuort are few, mo'
that a young man could hkvo ne.irly
lur rocrult tralnli,i; anil after com-H f UU waguM. Ami In the mean
ylotlHg that, will bo trHnMcrrcd to uuiw he Ih living a wholesome life
tbo regular Navy mechaiilcrt nchool nl nji H necurliiK a knowledge of prai
:re;t (..iken, Iltlnobi, and receive a ( tlcttt fnniilng which In tho future may
thorough education in all or part of ' f KTMi value to him.
tho above trade. Thy will he Heat in caH u, Miould denlre eventual-1
to Hie flying Mutloim and rucv u J iy i() ,uy a Hiuall farm of bin own
Hiorough practical training In mo-, t,u Information which ho ban gained
fhanlcal work. I about noli and location will aid him
Thin Ih a wonderful opportunity ' hi liln iielcciloii ami prevent him from
tor young men to Itarn a profltuble i mukliig a poor Jnviwtment. j
trnd at tho nipmiNo of Hie govern-, Wo Would rscommund to the young'
Hieiit. A lurxe porntKn of iiIhii'-oii roRt, Wb U doubtful about li Ih em ,
irrUtlkiu duly are Hot-etiiiimUlonil I
tnoni Mild mom of tliAUff reclv In ,
'MltflUoii to tkelr rAKiilar pay, K0 purl
vl iurrMiN0. Moclianhvi who outwr-1
i4 t tli httKtiinlnit of ib war vlth(
nlIflratloiiii allowing thorn to iNirn
only '1MQ or 18.00 pur day In civil
Iffu are now ovnrt niechaiilc4 and are '
aurb',Tf I'moh UHcharxM. poMttoii
Mrig $10.00 to i 1 2.00 per day.
Furthur Information regarding thN
nnttauat offer may bo obtained by
'A'rltliiK to tho W. H. Marino itecrult
la'c Station, 'Jd & AIdr HtH., Port
3&iid, Oregon.
. j
Our ire rreamn aro (lellcloiu and wo know how to make
it. J'urc mil:.. :.:ib grade fruits, nure flavoring. uiiumuuI
MKlll ami perlei t Hiinltatlon. All of thetie rigid roqulrcmoiitH aro ex
ponnle. but our volume of huMuo.tH onablen iik to meet the prlcej of
ordlnar ami iiiikhM Ice i renniH Ol'lt H'K CltKA.M KODAH aro mad
under tit 'iiiiik ri'fUlremiitii. Our nodan are liejlthful, luvigarit
ing and delicious.
e's Sweet Shop
ploymeut to take Into couolderutloii be Ih tit prcnent. And by that time
farm work. He wilt at lcMt havtt tbure may he a lurgur field for em
well paying work for novon.1 inoatlm. ploymeut of every kind than there Ih
which will leave him iim "Hunk)" a now.
Tlie fednrul bureau of markotH re--tiori'u
over fifty million huU of
wheat in tho lvatori anil More
Tietincn on June 1, not Including tho
r.tnrJcH on larini or commercial hIocUh.
Tb'ro Ih twenty por cent moro wheat
'ttotir on bund t'jan at thl time hint
Vary much tho name condition
jwoiiM to okIhI In tho cttBti of many
)"'' hlmlfi of fnnilutuffft, and wo havo I
tor liomo time b-on assured that, bar j
doc the nt04t loi(robob1) contlngen-'
sit-., the 1919 wheat crop will h
iirrnouy, I
will bo well to bar thOT fadi'
U iiiiad next winter It tho cont of food
unikOri any cccefitrlc rlseH. It will bo
luiov.'o then that tho cauxo Ih art-1
if'cial (and not natural) xcnrclty,
U Hhould bo fairly euxy to place
t'io blame. It may be the fault of
mirket rlggari and opera torn, or the
camI of tranaportatloit, or a iihortago
t freight cirrt. Ir either of theHo, r.r
If nuyfithor run-on. It Hhould ho eauy
for tho government to ferrlt it out
Thai i wbjit liavo a government
foi . ,
'tut It will bo necoHiury, under any
- roi(litloji, to trace thu trouble to
(.oino cau.w. C'Odtly food meuiiH In
MifllQleiil food; uml thin, in the '
if, lhi iuUlviiluul, muaiiii work ptr
fVo iued at. a handicap, with half of '
rfifjoncy with .in undernourlithod body, j
.V'he, riy,ult will lie curtailed pro-'
(HiCHon ami dimiuirihed proHpurlty. (
It 1 un to thij governmont!
18 cents a package
titnUHcillj nld pttkijti of 30
olitmttit or Un pekfr 300
ei1nU) In a IUin-ppr.
carfW csrlon. Wm tronjly f.
ommtnil thlm csrlan for Ihm horn
rudlem vpplyor whta youtftmL
They Win You On Quality!
Your enjoyment of Camols will bo very fircut
because their refreshing flavor nnd frapjanco
and mellowness is so enticingly diflerent. You
never tasted such u cigarette ! Bite is elimi
nated and there is a cheerful absence of any
unpleasant cigaretty after-taste or any un
pleasant cig aretty odor I
Camels are made of an expert blend of choice
Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos and are
smooth and mild, but have that desirable full
body and certainly hand out satisfaction in
generous measure. You will prefer this Camel
blend to cither kindof tobacco smoked utraightl
Give Camels the stifibst tryout, then
compare thorn with .-my cigarette hi
the world at; any price for quality,
ilavor,. satisfaction. No matter
how liberally you amoko
Camols thoy not tiro
your taste!
VimtonSalcra, N. C.
SEt secret
W & y) and spcdal I
3 and personal for I
' in its air - ticht " I
! ji scaled packace. I
w ft aoody that is I
ki J 'A worthy of your I
ivif la$tln ur6 I
ij ff because of its I
I rj lastlna quality. I
g Three flavors to I
suit all tastes. I
I Be SURE to act I
I Sealed Tlsiht JSfe W
I Kept R,fiM wH
I Flavor Lasts jHI