The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 09, 1919, Image 1

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    V I IIH r-
rtlnrly ' homea In llat
J,, County tlwn y tr
wWM)rtr. " "
rch til' WHpto use thcao col
for your iiiUcrUnomcMt.
The Timcfl-llcrnld Im an old
(wtnbllNluMl friend of lio people
of Harney County whero It hnn
been n weekly visitor for thirty
yenm. It'H Job department la
equipped to Hcrtc yoir noeds.
VOL. !xxxn
NO. 41
. iMi nut
First Gun Booms in National Anti-Tobgc6o FigKt
Delegates Sent to Yellowstone
Park Good Roads Meeting
uiir.n.i i.miu leiiaLi
Follows Hnn oi secretary
a rr
ie t...i r.:i.i rn..u r.n
Site Enough lo Pay for Fi rm from
It; ProJiul .
Hopra-fi.liitivo N. J. Slunntt of
. I . I . .. . . it... ..... I A A .. .
OK ROM iTiuiruiiiii ui wiu V.UUUUUUMJ
Hf rccntntlv?H has reported tint
tfoniltll II'". 'I. 11 known as
.ilnnrtl sSnlillura i.if I tiitii.ittf Art.
1BC '....v... ...... ... .,,
TheMondolI Hill which In ulong tho
Ian of Secretary Lane's plan. was
-a) mnfprlnllv chanced liv tiui Com.
attee which iin noni inmost dally
kutinra nun mi'i'i iiil-m in I'liiiNinnr
..11'" " ' .............
. . . i .. . ........ 1
The HIM contumplntoH tlm roclamii
.. ....1 .1 .... .1 .
.... ... a........ nmlitKlH It. ......I. .it..,.. If M.I. MAY IIH VM IIP
-I I .. I . ....I.. ....1.1 I .. I -
n ii miL:iieti 111 unnini Kiiiuuvrn 111 -w n 1 ra n vrtni m x abmhi
t m wm rm wam m ka jb n s u
... Imp 11... 11. 1 1 mm iiHnnr.i. .uru 11 r
H'hn nurli a project hnn hei'ii dev. ' -
1 1 q nRiKif'BiLLulrnb6boo.60:
S OlO lAi EVIL.- apQQjbOftQOO.
ED U CATI O N-----420,0Q0;0Q0.
Tobacco..,- nG2,ooo,ooo.
the Bkdoii dry J oil a lUrleycora & (k f oor Uklag tk eevat tk int jb'Iuu WomM 1b1
attMk King NIcotlna'B Ihrono Ih a UMtloa-wUtt Bt.totMceo cpUr. IB. II. Col 1 1 a. of
polli dtwicRcd and palatM ttiU flrat slra for dlipUy at the Cmv-mMob hld at ffetkaj-y
Park. AuKutt . Thlg veteran lce-emiiader In crtdlted with havlaj. arreted Ua rit astl-lM towiar
cant of the Ilocklaa la that BMnoralilo OikU,.H!ithl)r Water Holding Back Great
nutation r,. in Ml condition for HOW II tlaim Of Oil Man;
TeiU High Quality.
ncjiiif. iin 1 i'.i .tin ii': lilt iiifii nun 1
'irsi hi tin' tiill iin riiniirlfil in thin
Young Couple Wed; i Runaway in Diamond
Surprise Friends : Has Fatal Result
... . ' 1
Conflli'tliiK rtitmirri urn currnnl ron J A ",0!,l llrlromlni? accldont orcur
roniltin n wodilhiK of inoro than UNiial ri-d on lant Hiiinlay ovonlnj? at tin- C.
Latest Commercial Club Activity Seeks Benefit of Entire
Counjy; On Direet Line Between YeHowslone and
Crater Lake National Parkn.
New Hospital Is
Intori'Ht. hut 11 hiiiilnimn nmtoclntu of
tho Hiippottfd Kroom Ih our iiulhorlty
,, " that the cormnouy haa actually takuu
Mai uoy alloy Iium u produclnc oil rt.. Arnirdlni! in ir,,r,Mi
A povmoit of 5 por cunt of Urn nwordlUR to an Int.-rvlow with Karl lliiKiy and MUn Zulla llardwoll
, "vt I l i I'HU lilt iiiin TUI1lt Ui
. a .. m . ' l.tilmi.1 lit., ,
" , . ' - r. iitinu. ir. niiKuy iuii lor tno city
41 UIU HI f UUU WW IIIIUUI IIUl'IUUIIl wp inuni H'HJ IIWIII 11U1UU t tUl I ... I lUItII III nil 1ftliil.tif ul I.,.
A - ..111 . k ll.ll ailli.AK-u ..I,. ......
ni 11 mi a. n urn unifiii 111a aLiBL I'm iiiiriiL'iiiL- miivih .1 uiiiuv iiiim . . . . 4 .
' - iiii'v iiiu 111 mil iiiiii inn I'iiritiiiiiiiv wiim
' " - " ltll MM 1111,-11.
c iriuir iiir 1. 1 am- 111 11 ii'i'i iiiiii "nmn r;irwtt i."..b.i 1 ......
1 iiuh; in 11m mi 11 111 iiiiii m
itlirn nullum which tlmo I10 1 " 1 untiioraid huh h.'.-ii iikmi Hnrnoy rounty'ii oIiIhI nloiii'iirH. Mr
' " I WfaaV " III' ITKU IlllilllV. Willi IIIIH lllltll 11 IIllr
After th f.irms havo bvon alloted. (nr tliTP''Vnrul wuikh hut nouo . hunt of UiIh lUv for Mnvurnl vi.nrn
ilttJiin. I m ho Rivun the soldier 'vtf Klvt-n out hUih MHir :ih cimo Klir H . ,,, inturuHti'd In tho
. T l.a. 1 . . ' I a .tA fKAlH ll.l llxui I ..... I .
nimiini innii iiriiviiimi rur tiiiM ihip. m iiiinniuiu nurii 1111 1111 Willi iat riitiiii i ... ... . .
I 1 umu; luitiMit'ti uuiii tnii ; i;urn lit iitu
osr DCinif sii.uii. xiiiti inn iti mn.uu i mvi u uui u iwr iiij nip iiti nnon r ...... i... i.. . m
" " - nuiui'iT in uiiviu nil 111 n iiiivj. uu
" w. - - , n Ul() , iiiirim riHIHK OIIIIK UUHl
ri nniB mm ' . imp ji n v n r
ProTlilon is also mado for loann to
ihhh riifii. who Ih rapidly hulldltiK an
unvluhln ruputatloil for hard workliiK
Tho uuw Mrn HitKoy In aluo from
0110 of our olduHl plonuur famllloH,
The llowoll well, to which tho cllp
pliiK hnlow rofum, linn hcon clond
down for MuVorul wveka awaitiui; tho,hl, dauglitor of William llardwoll, at
urrlVlit of (imlliif. U'n ull Ilium It will1. . ... . . .. .
....... w. 1. uiuuu itn lunun ... " f" ( irtficiii uauuiy niocK iimpocior. nno
U Midler nt'ttlcr for tho purchauhu out uvon hottor than thin report. iIM juilt rinlahcd u courno ut aumtaor
r iftisaiiu .1 . ...1 HM..H int. fliPH i iii'rn mi vm iii iiiii 1 'nrr iuin . 1 a w . 1..
. it aiu.a w(u viuiiiwi;iii i)UIIJJl BLllUll Hi mull IIIUU i II III IIW
k oailmum of hucIi loam being .Humlay Journul: Iporatlon for teaching In tho public
UOO, or 76 per cont of tho total
1 ui 11 Tfiurv iivi.ainir ami 1. 11
- - - j mm w y -n,wa V "
W I'raxlcr homo over In Dluiuoiid
whmi tlm little noli of Mr. and Mm.
Arthur Pu icq mot hN duath mid hi
Kraudmuthur. Mr. Chan. Dccklcy, won
Morluttidy lujiind in a runnway.
Mm. I'uj mid hur mother with
tho llt(lu tiny wiut to tho Kraxlitr
homo rnrly In tho day for a vIMt und
to Kvi 101110 vitKutahlt'H. Thoy ro
iiiHluod iiiiUI uftir dinner and upon
takliiK thoir dopurturo thu toam thuy
wro driving hocauiit frlKhtunud at
Mimo luoiu homun It tho fluid aH thuy
nimo down hy thu Iiouhk ruuuliiK and
Illusion, ciiiinIuk thu toam to run.
Mtn. PttRii had thr'lluca hut tho
rlj; was a llacttt hiiKKy nud nho wuh
unahlo t9 Itold thoin. After niiinlni;
Tlm Uurmi fomnirnlal Cluh hail
nunln Miown ita progroHHlvcnoHH hy
HCmllllL' ft llnllll'flHrill In,.......l Ii.
Planned for Burns !nl 0,0 n,wji,B otKomi romia onthuHi.
. "to at Yollowrttono Park.
UuniK will ho in a hollor ponltlon ' T,l T'"H.Iiurald had a utory Inst
than uvor lioforo lo caro for medical , u" ,n tolincUon Vlthv tho propoHl
patlontM whun pinna inado by Mm. "on ' c0,,nctlnR tho auvornl Nation.
Tom Allon to ronvurt li7iinmi lm ,,HrkH '' il Mithviay nnd biirkcnIuiI
a modern hoxpltnl nro comftlutcfl. i (llnt thlH clly e,t bu"y 'n" milUt'r
Tho platiH at prununl Inclutlo runovn- "W"B tnko" up by tho c,ub at ,lH rK-
tlon of tho cntlro houne, making tho M,nr wceKiy ,lu,ut,"B Friday night
rooniK nn annllnry iih thono to bo,,MU " ,,0',n,, ncl, mken at
found In tlm lanrimt rllv luiKiilintu. I ,llat tl,uo 1,111 nrningod for an ml-
and tho limtallatlou of a coniplotoly Jm,r,,t,tl nwotlni: on Bun.lay aftornoon
oimlppud nurgcry. : ,f' ,,,HCUH" "latlor furlhor. At tho
A largo room at tho from of ilm """"'O' mouuiig wnya anil meaim worn
hoiio dowtiMtalm Ih to bocomo thu',na, nnl fonr ,,oIWt' noliwiuil to
Mirgory. and will ho r.-.f ImImIumI wiin Ko; 8nm Molhorheail, Oiiib. .l. Kaulk-
it now floor, whlto woodwork, nml ! ncr Wm Furr Julian Ilynl. It'
piinltary wall coverlngn. Dm. Saur-' 1,1,(1 ,,t,on tII lmt Hio ropronont.
man and llrunot will Inntall tho iiiomI nllVtoK ro hy a,Uo 10 at,eml ,l,,rt
niodurn and un-to-dato MiinHciil In. '"8 hiler liivutlgatlon hroughL
Mriimi'iitH. iih wi-ll iih oporatlng tablui. "ul t,,w "nHkollhoinl of thorn roach
mid Htmltnry riulpmunt. TIiuho phy.
Iih: tho Vullowotono Park In limn to
. 4. J i
a -iiort'jBinncM uio rrigmuncii luai.i tho practlco of M profession, und
luft tho rood and ntrlklu eomo rockH ontum this now uctlvlty well propar
Ih.' rig won dotnolliutfd and tho oc-fd to carry It on nuccefully. 81m
c.ipunta thrown out with tho result j will bo aHslsted In thin work by grad-
xlclnnn will Hiiih Im uiiahlud to por-' l,"r",,,l,, l tho ilollhuratloiiH of tho
form most of their major opuratlnuHIIM,,""", ,,ar,; frvl"o oIIIcIiiIm, thurt
at tlm hospital. UHlng tho uiiilprnunt foro U WftH "oownry to maku tho
at tlmlr now ollUo for minor cnst'H trlp ,,y tr,,"
and I'XumlnutloiiH. "foreseen clrfumstnncort uroso
Another fvatura of tlm OMUlpiuont i W,,,CM I'rovonted two of tho dolugatuM
to ho provided, Ih tho Installation of i 'r"ni KoK, Mr. Faulkner having
ipptlal brdM for frncturo cases. I H(,mo '' of "rgent naturo
Owing to tho considerable amount ,,,nt I"miiiIeiI IiIh pursoiial attention
of work ncrennary to convert tho , n"'1 JuUan nr, WM 'HwIho detaln
bulldlng to Iih now use, a deflnltu vl' 80 -Mr Farro aaA -Mr- Motherhund
duto whnn It will he in readiness l"v K,l( t0 attondtlm meutlng.
not known, hut It Ih expected thnt!T,ll,y nru n K001' wn and will
arrangumeiitH can bo completed on or rf0'mllKh resultyj
before Reptumher 1st. I T,,'H ,B an lMo7tnWmattor to thin
Mm. Alton Ih ono of tlm pioneer ! ,,art of u, M,a, an,, U,w c'l,b ,H J,,H"
women of Harney county, und has lUh'i """'""K , l'lw ' "l
hud extensive experlenco in nursing van,aK0H ,w,ora 0,0 WthorliiR or
and caro of the sick. For somo tlmo - nwu Wo nro ,n ,llrocl ,l,,u ,,olwo
nil.. UHUHf...i flu. int.. iu,i juiiowsiono iiihi uraier i.iiko rarna
that Mm, IJecklay waa dragged a (lie-
lance and had both legi broken, ono
at tho knee where the cap was torn
Iimi.u and tho llguuicntn also torn; tho
other fracture U of. thu largo boon
In thu other leg, Tho little boy evi
dently struck on his head causing a
tintu nurses.
wm iHrciopiniC well ncl00, Mn wntl,rf
The Harney oil well In 1400 feet Ti10 ,.. HUcrecy with which tho
r cent of the equipment, so thftt',K'MP d th "coutu report that it young counlo'a nlans wore carried out fracture of tho skull. Ho lived until
Mle it is assumed that In manyl1" bo11 ,eatl' 'or 24 houra 80 bar- ma(lu , mnosslhlo to loarn anything tho following morning and everything
... I J. i ai t. k f " ii a a . . I.. II I. .. a
i in iaiiIUm m i.i .nM.. i it ib n uui. ii in iiiiani ii i it ir inuT f i it a a .l.... ....... . .. a i - a it... iifiniiiiiin wiim uui d iui hi ioiiui uut,
' "uunt im u miinr - " " irini itivy mil) i:ijuicnnnat iu iur tuu
Hb for a start, it Is believed that '"'"P ,nto tt ihoaaand barrel well De-jfl,turo ,ul , pruimed that they without avail.
Bn martiiig nt tho beclnnlnr of ." nd toft and tho great will tnako their homo In liuriiH. Thov Mr. Hcckley waa brought to the
and have the advautagu of an all
year road and a purt of tho cast and
wet national highway. With tho aid
of park otllclnlH of the government,
tho bucking of thu state nnd tho uat
ural road bud for many mlloH, UiIh
route will be a most popular ono nnd
also tho nearnat route from east to
west for all tourist travel.
The meetings begun yesterady and
will continue over Sunduy. This Im
portant link in tho transcontinental
Yesterday forenoon Acting Mar-
liul Jntm flavor. Uur.lml Mnllmint.!
.n.i , ililgliwuy will bring many travelcrn
and Hherirr Qoodraan had their hands I.. . ' ., . . ... . .
..... . , ,. ... . through thin part of tho stuto espec-
full for a short tlmu when they de-4, , , ' .
.1.1..1 -Li.... - i i ' lally during tho uiumrr and fall
wit via t tuifv m uuitu ui Kynien uuv
I Of tnwil. Thri Imiirh nrrlvwil ilnrlnv
mr ihri. nrniart. it I.,.. i wuiErii ui waior may rioui uac.k iiia ..i.u. nonniiMi ih iuih cur wncrc ana in ,B..m a ...
I'wvin saw W V I' f I - . IIIUU I 111! UlltlUK RUVU rW WW mwvwt UI IIIU ' ' 1IIU III W I II il ft IUUI lUHiln UI 1 11 C IU III
. ' I ... I 1 . (I m . I 1 t A M . D L A I. m.
- .w..,. iiiuunti; m i u ifUKHHii ' " urn if ij i iiiiuiiuuii ur II IUI1K 4lil Uf -- , I nil I Ulf UI1U llUCHRi wiin no many Cllll
u nn KAVit ittmiivlt fi mnln hlu Miq uu iuii iiiu iiuuuiiu iiiuiiiuy iiikiil ..MMrisi iipa iinwmi ii - mil mtwiimiiik iiiv ii m'hiihwm
- w imiw inn i - - --- i i i;nriiii iiiu uimuiik tan
kiiiii j mi rif nnp vi m aas bus btaai v.u wm t im nil vaajaa. aim i iiiiii n i a iii'i m a u nun am ii am mm u v wm w w
,l Olli WKI.I. I"'"" "H ,n" '"l,y ' u,lv,l",'l)l1 I"
... ..inn Mfcinh fii llliillin i;a- -
lor nv.r i. i. i... from Tulsa. Okla.. ii
' tho oil wells, to visit
... a 1 .1 1 .. 1 1 u .. 1 1 . m a... ui . a a i
-"v iiinu,Mn nuiin ma
inn hiUn,. .i..A il.. i t t a hci ini mi mriifii inii in iiritrnn a vnur iiiitnin
tnuiiwu iiuu uu inn unu huuii .-mWw,.. iiifUi'ii
. i..a.-...a. .aa.j ..
Hia in amortizing paymeutn cx- JU" u n"u muy cane
III thU thick Of I U 1 llnwll U In town from IiIh
friends In Ku- awau Lake oil well and Informs iih w. T. Vaiidervuur Is in .iwn to, ikiiiiiik iiiiui i.-nL ui " HID i;unillK in iii:iiik hiiiiiii.-ii iiuiii imy IIO niuiuil IlliU UU untiiiiiiici u
dren they couldn't bo counted, and
at once they ataYtcd things. Thoy
painful brulsoH and the ihock hm waIfll ,Q teI fortuncS R, tliUol,OH
session of stores, keeping poople In
constant dread as when hoiiiu wero
engaging the nttentlon of etoro at
tendants In waiting upon them others
of tho baud would he helping them
selves to things on tho other aldu of
tho store. Thoy wore such a nulsuuco
months, yet it Ih going to ho a route
that may be traveled practically all
thu year round,
Our delegation will arrive homo
tho latter part of thu coming week
and will no doubt havo a good report
to mnko at tho next mooting of thu
Commercial Club on Friday night.
' 'O
! ,;,u p,.r nullum. i --. uraim in um seene fit oiuraiiuun unu qiilio n rain moriu on inn wa i irum
CongreiHiuan Slnnott's report also ,a"l "l lcldcd to stick up with tho ' Iki t work will resume at once, lie hlH.PItm (.'reel; raimh last evenliiK.
" ii i-rniui!iii, iiiuu' ....... - - . . I iouiiii ii necesniiry in iiiaiin a i iiuiik" hid roan oeini: i nno iinnniy inuu uuw ; nun ii wim uruiuuii in iuiiku iiiiiiii
t,t II A. .. . .. ... . .(n.ln.l nili.. .n hi. mm. I .Im..,. . .. . ... ... .1 ...
nuviiraieu um soiuior . urinerH ami huh iiiih ueiayeu mai- creeK until no uppioacuuii iown somo niovo on. nomu 01 inu women pro.
"wium iioik j an proposed by 8oc-.ur- K"" r wuiur, ,rH ,, ttj ,t om, H tU wy 0 wt)V ,on t. very little rain fell (tested with loud voIcoh hut thoy wero
'-r ijiiii- in llm last nrtlelo which m"" iiewiur, i lunun it wdhh uiai, tlt(0 ,.,rK r tio work.
iur inu liresn, lliai ITOHKIOIII """" ! . ,
oii n m uri;l It upon CongresH "c pou. i louuii a cun
"o me -alien; that tlm OovornorH arua 01 'uu 1001 NpuiuoiiHi oi inuias,
7 itatei have appointed CommlH- ,1 wulii u fallfornlii to ntudy for-,'
1f .- . ... . Il iltlU .. ... I ......1.1.... (I...... ...III .1...
'xwiiuiaiu wiin uio nccreiarv .. ...... ........ ...... ....M
.uii'riiir ami an or in one uoni. ' ' "" ib-"M " muim
.vi. iiitYii l'XireHHeil IllOir Onril' ' nimi. m. i uu win; iur i
" l III ll'KIHIIIIIOII OI t H Cliar- :i"-u l" " n:,"l "III lllll " l
'r. . better and tlm welln will not huvo to,
COBgrcki,,,,.,,, Hlnnott also calU at- conieiifcd. Tho main prospect Ih
"on to tu fart unit the American ' iiHruoy county on mo norm num.
""Miaiio i a v iiiulorHfiii ilm hilt, oi mainour laao. iiiey navo now
A ... ... ' ... . ....... . ... . ..
"mi usiisij HOhllem havo mado ! ,,,;n "ni unuui u uuru inuu puun
riiiii iiuon ror oppnriiiiutiuH , ,n ib n ii
uploviiieni Hint hoiiiu L'l.iilnir : hailing. 1 nm on my way tlmro now to
n,r tho tiTtiiH nt it, i hiii ilnvoHtlgato tho thlekuoHrt of tho Hand
and quality of tho oil, (lOorgo Quaylo
of the Chamber of Commerce Iiiih,
heeji ono of tho leading lights In the
oil InveHtlgatloiiH," ' J
Meatlmm capio up from Niigouo, ne-!
1 I' Oallnglu-r, ropreHontlng Mal , '"'U''- hy 8wU Munlock of Heau
rand n f w other countleH In the 1 ". Toxiih, and I.oiiIh MoHHongor of t
'"inn- IH nt 1 lift llotnl Plirllllllll 'llnil, I uun, huh "Ml hi i.wiiiiiiiv I
,,.,. ... . I i.i... ... . I. ,. II......... .11 il... ..II ... I
""jiiiiai ii ilm logislatiire Ih cnl- """ 1 1 nun. iu uu .
- ii'iiai i-K,ion iw. wantK to ho' """I'v ki -i i.i.unijMpf
flIwikn a mi prepared to roiiflldor M"-lil"Hi which Ih 1 U higher than
" oiiioh up. Mr. Oallii" ''0 ('llf"r"li oil und equal to
tr aH ihui ,,e is not limllnod to H" C'-Hhlng oil of Texas. ,
liiiii-elf to act only on tho I o ,
"cation of thu woman'H Hiiffrago 1 J, 0. Vreomun In In town from IiIh.
Ili-.i......!., .. ! I l.i.w In ri... 'Vl'iTrm Hnrllli'U .ViillnV.
In t li Ih Immediate lenlty
j finally rounded up anil blurted on,
Twenty Year Ago $l,ft(t-0, Ta Yearn
1)17,000, Now Under Warm- .
MirlugH, Hells for 0,0(M.
'ii.ii u,.t IiKHWAV i,N
Another proof, If proof wero need-- .
utl, to hIiow conclUHlvuly tlm lmmoiigo
value of IrrlKntlou, was given thin,
week In tlm recording of thu xalu of
the old Tom HroHiiau ranch on Wil
low Crook, threo mllea above Vnlo,
which wiim bought by Joliiu Vlnea
for $20,000, .
Twenty yoarn pgo, Juhi hofQrj4Toiu
llrofliian, undo of T. J. Hroanuii of
Ontario, died, ho aold UiIh ViQ acres
to a man named Kdwards for Jimt
$ 1,500, or Ipsa than $5 per acre.
Two yearn ago whon tho KdwurdH
oHtnto wiih Hottlcd up tills ranch was
Hold for 17,000. It wiih then, iih it .
Ih now, partially developed. Uut
nliicu tlmu tho WurniHprlugH Irriga
tion dlHtrlct IioiiiIh havo huen mild and
tlm work on tho Hytom ho fur pro
groHHitd that water for all llm land .
uuder tho HHtoin Ih tiHHured for next
year, and that tolln tho story, for wlth
u full water right .John Vlnnn. son of
County Commissioner Frank VIhuh .
paid 20,000 for tho property UiIh .
And UiIh l not all. Moat Htudeiita .
Sif land values In thin miction heltovo '
that Mr. Vlnoa Hoeured a i'iil bar
gain, and that In reality the tunduhJ
worth $100 per aero In tlm rough,
Ontario Argun.
i .'huiuuii. iiwiiiw hi. . ......E.)f...j..Q..(....... .