B :l: ! OLYMPIC PANCAKE FLOUR Its the daily break fast in thousands of western homes. There It no tthtr dlgattlbl and healthful. Hontatly recommonHta" at the atatl llt of tha entlrt liouiahola. llcfirtiK the tncrcillrnta ar an blrnded aa to produce a food that la aprtltlilni and prrfeclljr dlgeitrd. Thoie who hare found otLrr pancakfi Indigestible will find OLYMPIC at? tea with the moit delicate atonrtch. The Portland Flouring Hills Co. 4IHIIIHWttMHIIIMHMMHOMIMtHMMIMHl TAKE NOTICE INVESTIGATE Prill vmxr niiirint Ifnlnr for (llfnrnmtian AT OMCK. Thnn take tho tiiirllcsC onnortunitv of convoyinir to wild dealer the idea that you wish to acquire one of these LAHOIt SAVERS A Gasoline Motor Driven Drajf Saw Machine that .snwa up to 25 cordH of wood )or day. This Man Talkt Like It Wai a Ford. Hood Itlvcr. Or., Iloute, Mar. -1. VuUKhan Motor Work, IWiImmI, tri'ituii. Hear Hir: -Am hvlK flae ii era tflih (he ItltU old bus. Avor ae im ii aa lu cation of vn; al m tat Sou rirka at I l-c emt mr rUh. tiolug- mmi for ho bl tig. Kr.pm'tfiiiljr yuurn, J. J. kim:nk.iaiu:ii. NOTE: Wo aUo uret that for K'ood rontilt you should specify a VAUGIIAN DntK Saw. Inr further detnlU mlilrtx VAUGUAN MOTOR WORKS, Inc., '1715 Knt Main Struet. Portland, OrcKon. , lHIWMIt4MMItttHHllllllllimiimiHHIHH-Yl The Sign of Quality TiIT-mlU. biscuit co, ' ' ';!:" ' AUTO STAGE Alt Tour inn f-Vir Leaves IiuriiH Mnttdaif, Wvdncxtlau, Friday, Suturdiiij LviwcH Haul Monday, Wvdiu'xdnu, Friday, Sunday Fare Hiii-jin hi I'orlhmil via (nine with berth ..'I.Dl I ''arc Miiium to Portland in Itcml with berth $l!).l,"i Ship Perishable (ioods, ICx press and Fast Freight via Hend in Our Care FARE, $10.00 50 lbs. baggage free HEADQUARTERS AT REED BROS. ' rrTiaYllrnrfi i (( SPI 1 I - W I CI I V I " I I I. ' 1 V i-.N II. AT ZS3t'' tW t-wttf Sk-iiwJ Tauwy N UTiM A RG A RINE ia a pun;, wholesome and nutritious prorl'irt a delicious spread for toast, bread antl biscuit, and fine for cakes and pastry. The rich oil from tht meat of the cocoanut, churned with a nnc-rom quantity of pure pasteurized, sweet milk and just enough salt that's "UMECO." . . ... , nuaafaW tv n I'licinc ivorinwest rrotiuci Htrictly a Quality Product packed in paraffined odor-proof cartons. Vour Grocer can supply you. jlfiaBBK Union "Ic.it CoM North I'oitl.tnd Oreunn. " WWWtfW H-H-M llllllllllllllll IKHH iiLoJ ffane uia A''aaaaaaaiBaaa. aaama s i l IKala MiC in .All r'S 1 tfv M" 1 JiLffiS T JIT" ' - - ! I ! Insist UpDi GOLDEM ROD CEREALS They are tltc perfection of experienced milling 'excellent in qualify and the Product of a Home Industry Golden Rod Milling Co. Cereal Millers and poultry Food Manufacturers Portland, :: Oregon x ! t - - I.ISTKN TO Till: ( HOIK That population cnntalnH Hnvornl ro ImI farlloiiN, cuoli with protoiiHlona Will SOMETHING Happen to make you rich ? A rich lint'lo imi.v die jinii leave joii n roll, bill few rich iiiiHch Iimvc 1 his lmhil. If.voii gel rich, Ihe chmiceK are jou will first have to save enough money in order to make nn investment that will pn,v. Tbnre are plenl.y of invcstmH(?( for the man with a little road.v cash. But it. is up to ,you to art caali. Tli best policy is to deposit a portion of your salary. A Hank is bet ter than a hole in your, oclet through which your money can slip array. . " Make our Iiank YOUR Hank. CRANE STATE BANK (.'HANK. OJilOOON V aro ln(oriii.xl .y an .hiIiiiuIiIh ,0 ,,,m ,",r", "f ,url,,,n I'orUoiiH (f i n...,i 'M"x,n'- A,,y I'olHonu.nt whirl. w. ' . ' , . , , ' , may nhow to tint (Nirranzu Kovorn- .miii y a i. ..nlMr ,,f Moxlrmw olnml r.,cogiilllon him Hi h iinhiir hoS.arHanKl,,l l.an- , a Hlur , , hit. 'I iIm fai l ho pntHon h iih proof .,,... ., , ., i , , flalniH of all or tho othr faotloiiH. that l ho MitxlcaiiH ar.o an am alt a A , , ,. , , . , , , , , , , Ami ono or mora of thtmo fact Inns icoplc anil do not mi kn ion or ra ( h. , , , ! ., . rotallato by mnnhr iik fow uioro Hi fortunato tho Im-hi hat t can A, .... ,. . , ,. , , ,. . .. . ' AnmrlnuiH. It Ih Hiifur than to inur- provo Ih that, thoro aro hoiuo Max- , , , 1 ' , ,. . , , . , ., o"tir hoiiio of Carranza'M parly. Irani who do not mako hon or ra t h ; ..-. i . .1 . . . . Aa a niallor of farl, ahont Iho naf- whllo (hoy aro a iik hk tho Star , ., , ..... 1 Ul, ... , ... ., . . . , l tlilnK ny ono can o 11 Mux uo , H paiiKhx Ha 11 nor with tin cot ma 0 , . , . , . , . , . 1 1, .. .. H Ui inanlor an Anur can and irut- olllrlal. Hut whllo t hoy worn t urn. , , , , 1 . . . ,. ' , allzo IiIh w fo and daiiK ittTH. 1 fratcrn ji n; thoro woro o ut Max- . , ... ... , , , ,, ,, . . . . 1 And our amlablo pub c ol e al IraiiH who woro nun oriiiK an Amcr-' . . . .... , Iran ami HbJootlnB hl wlfo , miMily ! W"J tt nuvoloiil utlHudu and brutalltlcH. so,,,n"; y "m"ri" UH , l, lMM,rn" aro amlablo. ,t not prove that ' r)! '!,lI!:0,, H,U M And now, Mr. Pre.ld.nt. wo uBKOHt tiny of Ihom aro. HIiikIiik thn Star I " I" leRu of IndUHtry that will pro- 'HpaiiRlod HanniT Ih not proof pf a ! " vout ihoso otornal hithpk botwoou lofty Impulmi. It nnly bo camuflaKo. "'""'"K " ihtom. iohi- iimo capital and labor and restore, hoiuo 20,000 Acres . - SAGEBRUSH LANDS -with water rights for sale on Blitzen River in tracts of SO- Acres or more. Reasonable prices one-fifth cash balance easy terms, six per cent in terest. Eastern Oregon Live Stock crane Company oregon I Hut, ut liOHt. what Ih tho uho of a fow ; ' of thorn hIiikIiik tho H. U, l, at Mont- ,roy whllo thoro aro nwarniH of thorn I olHowhoro JuhI waltliiK for an oppor Klduoy troublo tomla to "hIow up" mon and wommi In mlddlo llfo and thoy four onromliiK old ago whou It Ih Utility lo Hilt an Amtirloan throat 'only tho klilnoyn that aro tho fault. and pllhiKO Apiorlcau property? Kotoy'ii Kldnoy IMIIh ohhIhI Nuturo to Wo aro HiippoHod to bo friendly i rtfitoro a Hound, lumlthy rondltlon llilnt; 1 1 It 1 public confidence In our commercial ayHtom. lot'.n clean our own houKOH whllo wo aro about It. (lood I'.dvci'lHlnn Ih tho boat insur ance aj;aliiiit "bad competition." I I A . I til with CarruiuuH Rovornmont. Ho hiiHjniid o banlHh bnckncho, HoronosH.,' I an army of about 00,000, and rlalniH , lamenotm and HtlffnoHH, puffy oyou ami j tp rule u population of 1 S,000, 000. 'other nymplo.ntn. Sola averywhora, Goad advrtlHlnc; Isn't an, urt; Us mornljr uihablt, . BRICGS AUT9W90AW AtUcbHt Or. mtn cuL IS c orJi 2 mtM, 38 crJ Goes Anywliere Any Anlo. BRICGS & BURPEE CO.. Ik, Mmuclauis 879 Hawjhoma Ay fcrlUni. Sand for lafoiaatioB an Wa.lr.l.J CkW