The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 26, 1919, Image 8

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The Moral Risk
When the time comes to seek credit, a
bank will want to know what you ARE as
well as what you HAVE.
That's where the moral hazard comes in.
And you can't establish credit over night.
Rather, it is a matter of becoming KNOWN
at your bank, of establishing confidence by
the way in which you have kept your ac
count, regardless of the amount you have
to your credit.
Get acquainted that's 'the first Ailing.
'Plien develop that acquaintance into 'friend
ship. U will stand you in splendid stead
when the time comes. Remembering also,
that this bank offers you a completp banking
First National
W, If. Morrlaon whh down from IiIh
homo near Htiniuy (ho otliur day,
Tlio Woltfomo Pharmacy la your
utoiu, Mnku lino of it.
W. H. .fohtiiion wan In from
ailvor ('molt country Thu rHility.
Try our bannnu cronm plon. TJicy
aru dolluloUH. PnKo'H Sweat Shop, tf
ltutiry .IoiuiIiikh wiib In town Tlium
M(lk Cow for Halofor Information
phono U125.
Mr, and Mm, Krank Dlblilu woro
ovr from'tholr Bllvor Crook homo
llatlory and electrical ropnlr work,
oxy-ncctylono wohlliiK. Jnck Mc-Oulro,
I. Wclnloln, tho Lawon merchant,
wan In town laat flatunlny.
Outn, harloy and wheat for nolo at
l'erry'ii Hum,
Tin OHiHOil won nniotiK oitr htuliirsH
vlidtorit tlurlni; thin wook,
IiiHtiro your hay,
phono Wm, Knrro,
wrlto or
Ai W. HowHur, thu old pioneer of
llurnoy, wna in town this wcok Rroot
liiK old ilmo frlmidn, 11a wna accom
panied Ity hla hoii Und.
(Jlnroncn (Jury and family worn
ovor from thulr homo on Crano Crook
Tuomlny on a visit with Mm. Ciiry'a
paruiitH, Mr. and Mm. Ilyron Toirlll.
II. II. AltiHWorth or tho U. S.
National Hank of Portland, and H. C
HammoiiH, an nsHhitittil ciiHlilor of tho
Choatur llanh aiul Allan Hophhi I H,l," '"'dilution, worn vlHltora to our
l.ako wor.) Kranltid m.irrhiuu llcminu 'i'' '''I'K HiIh week,
by tho county chirk on July lSih.
Four roalatorad Jonnoln for anlo i
ruelittorod Jack at. atand, Wlthora
Itnnrb, Harney, OroifOil.
UeorBe f'olloa wib In Thuratlny
makliiK proof on hhr hind. He wum)
tiHuhitod, hy H, I. .loliiiHdn and .1. I'.
Two now coll,'' for v u Jow '
hVrd truck for mile Unvi i.nrty to
buy a rnnch. .1. H. Uoiinaiivlh,
lliiniK. '
I latin llamt ana maklm; final proof
on hla hind Wediiuadny and -V. h.
Nowloti wum up to (ihhIhI ll f til hh a
For Snlo J.'lfi VJotrohi' and 2
double records. J'orAiot conillltoii,
Prion r.. Phono llo or iddraa
Hox 2 IK, Durpa. r
vim. iiupilsl. ciiiiicu.
Iom Lowe una In town Thumdny.
Albert Oukerinnti wan over from
hla homo at Klley during tho weok.
Don't fall to attend Numono
fjhuieh Sunday J.'vuiiIiik. Como and
lionr tho truth. 8 p, in. ('mint.
ll. '. Johiuon canto ovor from
I'rluovillo Wedtioadny on liimltiutui Iji
cniinuetlon with hit work with the
pOroKou it WoHlorn Colonisation Co.
Tin: rii;sT sxviosm, hank op
MAKKH YOim 9 9 HAI'H."
KoBlittor Vic Corad of tho !orn
land offlco loft Thurday for Canyon
City to visit for a fow dnyn with ro
latlvoK nnd old tlmo frloudH. Ho will
tako hut a nhort vacation at (IiIh tlmo,
Herald Nicholson cut hU font while
hathlnr; In thu river tho other night.
Ho Htoppod on a ttliarp rock uoar thu
mIro of tho Htroani. Tho doctor
found It noooMary to tako novural
htlt(jh!H to oIoko up tho wound.
A forot flro Iiiih boon ri:lui: In tho
tlmhar to thu unrthwofft of thin phioo
all wook, hut wo aro Informed It In
now imdor control 'and Iirn don hut
Jlttlo dninagv to thu tlmhor. th
llamas bttVtiiK otiiiiumml moiUy on
durhrtialu Ml8 llltii Iiia, dHiiiihtor of J.
W. lllfB. arrlv(id'h.r Wodnorfdiiyl
ortnlitj! in compnv!P.vlth Jt. F. Joint-1
MOH. Tb0 younir Ifidy la u atudaut of
thi Uslvcuvlty of Qfu&n and had
bmn vtattlnf with tho .loliiionn m
1'rlncvllla aluea IU oltuuj of ncliool.
llhm will Mkly apotid the vnmtJon
liar with rahUlro mid frlouda. Miaa
JIuhMi haa uhuijt frland amoin; thu
youiiK paopU of ibla olty who nru
kIhiI to have har amou thorn.
Married Thurady. July 2 4. m
tin- home, or the bride' parent a. Mr.
and Mra. W. II. Ilurlburt, MIhb Alice
Jlurlbtirt und Mr. Thouu II. Wohl
from. Tho brld la a llirnev county
youn lady who attaudod tho hitfh
MchMil In thin (Ity nnd tutor uttonri
lay Hie alHle uormal at MuunymtU
tihu haa heou a aucceaaful teacher In
thia county for n fow ytmra. Th
youiiK lady haa many friends and nd
Jiilritr. Mr. Woblfrom la a California
farmer rovldluu in thu Hcnuncniii
Vnlloy whore he haa lurtio ronl otuir
liitoruatu. Tho ooromouy waa per
forniwl by Hov, Mobloy of tho Ilap
tlfjt uhlirch of I lila city til 10 o'cloik
Injlio forenoon, aftor wlilbli a wed
ding broakfuat waa aorvod. Thu new
lywotlH loft Immodlatoly followlui,' In
'n big touring nutomobllo for Yollow
ntono Park whoro a portion' or tho
honeymoon will boapont hut they will
nlao malto a trip to tho UawallHii
Talandn before thoy attla down i.t
homo on hla lilje farm In the Bacru
jnonto Valluy. Tho Tlniea'Horahl
JoIiih many frloudH In oxtoudliii; bu;U
Tkiohcs to tljjjg happy young oouple.
Tho hot woathor la itlll with ua.
llattorloH ropalrod properly. Jack
Mc (J u I re.
"The letter nod UN Work," at the
Xnznrono Church Sunday Moniluj; jit
I J it. in. Conic.
Como In mid hoo thu btvltory ijooiIh.
Wo don't kuop It on dlnplay In the
window hucntiBo thu huh drlua It out
rnpldly'. Pku'h Kwuot flhop.
Mrt. H. V. Schtnalr. arrlvod homo
thla week from an oxtendod rial I
with her mother anil other rulallvoit
over at Hodtuond.
W. 0. Howoll and W. C. tJkonon
wto up from tho Hwan l.ako woll
ThiirMday. Tfioy aru not doing any
work at thu proHonl u they aro walt
hiK for Momu caning to arrlvo. During
tho enforced IdlottuHH from tho opera
tloiiH on thu woll thoy havo had tholr
largo aod houao plaatorcd and aro
now In moat comfortahlo quartorn.
Did It over occur to you that advor
llKonioitlH aro good reading? Do you
read thu adH, If not why a'on't youT
TJtoy nro pbicod lii'the paper for your
benefit and you aro tho one who lonoa
If ou don't read them.
Nato Franklin, manager of tho
Karinora Uxuhungo, and hU oatlmablo
wf fxpnol to tako tholr deparliiru
tho nrat of thu coming wook for Han
Kraw'.aco whuro thoy go for a vlatt
and to loik after como bualnnxa nr.
falra. fur a abort time.
Prank llo'na want out to hla horn
laat wool: lollowlnK big lllttnm and
bad a r. ' mf which ntfrawttatod hit
rot urn to Ula pbyalclim.
lit o i bhtid ul tba Tlnrd Time
Itnll giuii In tho Totiowaina on July
SOt h. Haai of iniialo. Oood time
Por Iliit 400 nrraa of good pna
turo 11 in I In from Iliinia. Kino gniaa,
phmly of riinnliig wtuor and abado
and all under fonee. It. I.. Hnaa.
llurna Oregon.
Do .fbtt need a paper weight thoao
hot. windy dajw whoa your doora
nro all oputi? W havu a nifty ijrtlolrt
of that kind at Thu Tlmoa-llorHtd
olllco. Voura for tho netting.
Prompt service and courlutniH
trculjiiont will alwaya ho accorded
p.itront, of tho llurna Kotot Harbor
Shop. Huthft nt any hour of tho
d.. O. W, Hlmmona, Prop,
C. A. llrlttlnghatn nnd family took
tholr depurturn tho foro purt of thin!
wnok for an extended vlalt to Wlllam
otto Valloy polnta. Thoy mado tho
Journey In tholr car nnd expect to ho
abHunt a mouth at Icnat.
Mlaa Kthol Mcdco arrived home
recently from Nampa whoro alio had
Imoii In Hchonl during tho pant year.!
Tho young lady tntighl a purl of tho!
tlmo J it tho miliool na ouo of tho prl-,
nuiry Icachera nwlgncd. Bho expecta
to return to (lib achonl thla fall.
J. N. Juiihoii wna un from Cmuo'
TuiMdiij'. Ho haa recently iMpov-(l,
or hla pool hall In Crane and later!
ioniud Ui MaJaNlla pool hall whore'
ho 'hue a larger place and can i;Ivu
fliinrra na well nn havu a plar fur .
Htitiday Kchool beginning at 9;4i1,
A. M.
Prcaobliigat 1 1 o'clock.
Kvonlng worahlp beginning at fl
P. M.
Prayer moutlug on TbitrKilay oon
lug of each wnok.
ICvuryhody la Invited to altnitd tlm
JOHN P. MOIJM2Y, Paator.
(IUUIIliilDlJllJj!WIUMI2Cft T;7' " 1 1
EiiMi!iiEn!iiniMC',ijiiErnr J
On any Jouritoy tho quoatlon of travel fundH
ofton In a Bourco or worry. Carrying canb
in Inconvonlontrlaby.
Wo atrongly urgo upon our pat i ons tho
KLKHH CHKQUH8. Thoy furnlnh n, per
fect r.afcgliard and nro almplo In cporatloli
You Hlgn thorn nt our bank at tho tlmo or
pufclmHO and algn thorn again wlir.i you
Hpend Ihoin. Thut'a all tho ldci.tirica.lo
roiiulrod. Von am protected ir iincyun
toralgtiod Ch0(uc arc lost or atolon.
iBBtioil In (iortvoiilont donoinlnaMona of ?1'J,
$20, ?B0, $100 and $200.
HaniEij Ccunliy Naiional Bank
JJ Bixni5tDrBon
. . . V
tiorvicoH ni u:ou o'mick. i
Tho rondlug room In tho uhlirch
lidirico, la opon on Ttiuaday and Prl
day from U:,io to 4: 30 p. m.
Mttuday School inoutH on flutiday at
10 o'clock,
Puplla may ho admlltod to its
rlaajHW up to thu ago of 80 yen re.
Tba ptiblle Ih cordially Invltud to
jUio Charrb ovkoa and to tba Hoad.
lug rtooin. ;
Every Woman in Creation
Needs a Velvetina Combination
Just Received a Ftdl Assortment of
Velvntina Toilet Specialties
Different Fruri Others
Tho Ntiftironc Church,
Sunday School
Vnung pooplo MmUuk
Try Them
10 a. m.
11 a. in.
:80 p, in.
S p. m. ;
The Re?:all Drug Store
Wwl. ISvenlnK Prayur Mooting S p. m.
HUV. OHO. WAItD. Pnator.
II. H, Htighca, Paator.
Sunday tichool at 10 A. M.
Preaching Hurvlcca nt 1 1 n. in.
A OltlllUr lofl Hih fir. I nr.. 11.1.
wti.u for ata home In Callforttla. Ho
tohl ThoTlnn-Herakl man Uiat h
xpw il ts roturn within ninety daya WM,4,,'wnt ot oibr blmla.
ami ii ne aiu no waa going to maka
aoai nolao. Wo iindaraiood from
Ibla Uint be eOHtemplaten: dolyg aoin
thlm along the line ot otilafgliig hie
bnalniNM anterpriae In thla vicinity.
Dan Vuung. another ouo or the
Harney county moil who volunteerud
In L'nclo fkun'a navy during Uie war,
arrtred home Momlay with hla die-'
"Jiarae parwra In hla poukot. Han waa
hero oarly In tho aprlug on a ahuri
have and ut that Unto an hi ha did not j
know unt when lu would be aide to
Jtd uut but hoped it would be aoon.
Ho haa aecured employment and will
again make hi homo In thu accilun
per oilmen tly.
Vor nle The toittb of North
Waal Vi North ItaalVi of South
Waal H aud North Woat K of South
ISaal 4 Station 1U. Tuwnablp 80
Kange XS U.ial. .
Ji28 IC. Wlabkah, Aburdean. wanh.
Incltitlinp; the latest nnd
Spring and Summer
' ' ' '
Exclusive nKnt for Victor
Tttilorinir Compimy with tt
full lii.o of
Spritiff Samples for
Woman s Suita and
Mrs. Lelah Millar
Al IhfSt hwnrl. Store
See Ui Far'
Harvesting Season
Is at Hand
Deering Binders, Mowers
Rakes and Sweei) Rakes,
also Binding twine and
Repairs, Tractors, Farm
Machinery, Gas Engines,
Groceries, Dry Goods
and Shoes.
We Can Fill Your Bill Mail Orders Promptly
Vale Trading Compan;
8enraJ f the vltlieun of thla city
want over to Harney laat Saturday
hI u moon to nlleiid the funernl of
Mra. Will Oatlereoii. Itav. Alohloy
u( the Uaptlat chitu h cunducted l
trvl-. li the I'reahjttrian church ut
Harne and Intonm ut w4 mado In
thf Huruoy camelry. Mm ity rrlcuda
und iilt:blii rH wort prei nl to puy
their laat rapi'ta to a loving woman.
Haying- Supplies
r-, 1 ' B
H When you "re hot awltltirstysay jjm
1 Himc 11
))) At any place where aofl buverKC. ire sold. AhK IH ' '
'If lioiili-il ti 3 in IwSj j K
V w,w.i,u,vt.fl1TUNn.oitHooN m S nsrTriaT AST A 'ahwiff TH M
' lillliaiMMbaSi li, n-TTTmmi
A Full and Complete Line of Gro
ceries Carried at all Times.
mm 14
1 t