TfUT WA-j A'PAHOY TWO pcACMes!,' UUlTli liflQMT, QUITE RIQMT-I "BUT WMAT'5 WORSE THAN CANNING wIAT S oETTGR THAN HAVE ANOTHER -UNLESS -IT W00U0 HCRE J HOME HUM? BE TWO WORM ! .0- VORMS SWEET HOME by' r Jack Wilson WCU-7IIC OL' I "tcik MAVfi A i 40-IS I .ffACHI '''''' 1 1 vs. i a in h r . . l TV J rfi m rv mm vrj hi 1 v- r HUH 7 JSrfSK'N . Shelley Snurinnn, M. I). Physician and Surgeon Oilier at I. II. Holland KcHldencu I ii-, Ormoit nit. ;. r. sMrfit lhMtci tn nnd flm-tftion Hat us, Oregon .. ... I im tZrlttUWrn mi r ho Phone iSo. XI for- C.HARUKS VV. BUUIS LAWYER Burns; - - Oreiron Prat'tlrce in ll Hlnn I'nitrtn inul lie- (ar tlm i: , S. I ji imI Owe. i HKRAIAN VON SCUA1AU Attorney nt Liny CMttcats mid tirnrtWu Mhv l. 8. I.ati'1 OlR. f a eially OAictft Fry Illlt. next d.wr ti oilU iluriiN, Orondii HTAITJMIJNT of ilia First Nntloiial Hank, of IluriiH, County of Haritoy, Statu of Oregon, allowing iIim IllllOllllt Hllllllllllp to iho NOTION FOH PUiMUATlON. IWITKD HTATBS I,AND OFFICI! , lliiniM, Dronon, .Inly 10, 111 III Nothu In irofy tjlv. u Unit FranK J. UJ. CBRRY hih! Surf can. HuriiH, - - - OrugOU. . i. It.wir 1Viitiinniiiit Itlitt.. i .".miu Main S3. 1 Willie, 11. IJI.-I.MII1I II, iCuruAil attention ijivon to Oolloo tioiiri uiiil Hunt h&tuto inaUtrn. I'lrc Iiihiiruncti. Notary I'mIiIIu IlUlt.NH. OllMION. DEMMHM & DIINMnfi. Physicians and Surgeons .11. -.. . .... I i,,ltli.ilt ,(! uu npi" ri'-pi iMFii,iiii i ... ..... Thoue I In riuiun, Ilarrlman, Oregon h, E. HIDB1RD OCrt' ' r vul photo KulUiry Ihura Origan. BRUCE R. K ESTER Attorney nt Lnw Uml Office I'rnctico Lanil Sirlp for Sate Vlf, Oregon M. A. BIGGS Attorney at Imw I. O. 0. F. lU.ljr., UtirrtN, Ort'xoii Wl. IIU J REPUTATION i 'Id Hl'STAI.V I w wht I-Ki'l.M M.II.ITV? It tnemiH to llvi up to m rvnutHtloii for kimw that It in o.i 1 1 .s coimliint vlclhuieti lout wo poriult i,il'V of our wtjrtji to bg loworutl. .inn unmrjrlu,; t-ourteuy uml uttoiittun lb ouch nml. ; Ui.T. trjui. with Dili tcrMit Family Blorv you are iiMiirwl 'vu aIVRHURMt jiroltM llon anil MTVIro. i 1 1; i in . i on Tin-; iw.mii.v, .wo ai.i i)i:i'i:i)Aiti.i: V.e ieoI.h jour inlot'j vltli tlil.i ruaruiitdo. Brown 's Satisfactory Store Bums, : : : : Oregon W't rarry kiioiN MilvrrtlMMl oh tint "llomn PioiIik'Im l'auou erwlltof rry ilnpnultor July 1, 11)10, ; r,ow- ,,r .ni'. Orunui. wlio. on who linn not made u ilftpoBll, or who ' Ar:i 10, iil4, tual lioi'twul fix hn not wlih.lmwn y uni t of htojtry Sn- 788' tor NW' nw'-4' dipolt(roiuimiTlal IckiiICji) , prln- !2fi: HBVi. HK4 NH4. cUon Ipal or luterwt. fuh A iifrlod or mor wlilp 21 p., nnnll J!., Wil than anvmi (7) yr linm1lHtolr 1'n;"" MrTlrtlHrt, Iim fllftd notlw of prior to will rtm. with (ha imnw, j Ulletttlon ,0 ,nako f,n' l,,r,w ,(Mir Uit known pliipo of rMi(lno or poit. l,roof' Wta1i olahn to tht IhiiiI oulp luldnam of nuch .lopOHltor, nmljnbov rtwrllml, Imfore Houtntor anil Mm rim nt hi. .i.mti.. ir. bnmoti. Tlocplvir. at llurna. OroKon, on Iho Not Ico of HmrliiK of I "1 mil Account. Int Doml Xuuttt Known If A nit. AdilrorHi Known Knrl Illllnor, $1.00 I. N. Clan, 1.00 Opal IIuilllolou Clark, Lawon, .23 C. A. Cartur 7H l.nura Chantll;r, (Jlork, Narrows 2. on I). C'onni'tt. Onthrto 97 J. It. fuiiBlnnhnin, . 1.27 I. r. Oroxlon, I.uwun, Yon 14th ilny of AiiKiut, 101'.). C'lalinapt naiutM an wIIiipkhom: Oltin Cli'imwiM. Prxil lilack, J. 11. Uulp ami II. H. 1'aahmly, all of IluriiH, Oroson. V. (I. CQ7.AU, Hunllor. iSfVl'tOU OK MIDS I'Olt W(K)I). IN Till: COUNTY COUNT ,OF TUB RTATB OF OlttiUON COUNTY OF, IIAUNI3Y. la tho tunlter of the Kititlft of Jom Cnnlo, Dofitasml. NOTK'li. IH III5U1SHY OIVBM ThAt th Uinlnrnlkuuil. .loo' Clitroltt. to Ad trilnlitrator of tho a Ktto of .loo Canto. Deoai(t(l, han riled hli Final AtMiount aa hiicIi Ailutlulatrator In Hit County Court of tho Statu of Ore Kou for Ilarnuy County; luuUthnt hy f Onlor of e'l Court, Monilay tho t licit tlay of Au,;uil, 1U10, nt tho hour or 10:00 o'clock a. in? or wild day ti flxinl iim thu tluiu, and tho court NOTION OF CONTKHT .VolICo la lnrly i;Woti tlint tho County Court of llirnioy County will f'C 1 recftira hlilH mi to 12 o'clock a. in. W. K. Ooff, l.uwo 1.28 , Au.ttnt r,j iftHi, for 40 cord flrnl itiallty pluo wood and .15 nord of flrnt (niiiMly pluo wood and ilR cord of flrnt quality uiahoKany wood, to ho Hohort J. Iloarn 4o Naiuiln H. llanklim, JIUtIch....... 3. SI J. H. llunora, Narrown RO C. KltnitonhurK. City D.CO O. V. 'Vim, City, (.93 fcek00t iiurna, Onii;on, on or ho- Win. Kllby, nrowauy. Yon K7 fpro a,,,0m,r u, 1 a lt. Tho County V. I. Thotlipaou .lift fnurl riitmrviai tlm rli?lif tn ruli!(it aav or all blda. Illda should be Htialod and ftddromiftd to tho uiidcritliiicd K. A. Attmly, VtHitor ft.oa It. A. Mahonpy. City 10.00 Hum Honwald. Drawaay 71 1 ton Itodor, Narruwa - 1.16 David Huvnt:, City M JO BTATB OF OKHOON, County of llarnoy, I, I-:. II. CoitHur. bolnr first duly aworn, dopoMi and Miy upon oath, that I am tlm Caxhlur of the First National Hank, of Huron, County of Harnry. Stats of OrtfRon; thiil thu fortiRoloK attttaiuoitt U a full, true, correct and ramploto Ntatvinont, howliiR tho iini lant known re aldouru or poatofllrM addriNHi, fact of dcntli, If known, and tho amount to tho rrvdlt or oarh depositor ui ra quired hy tho provlalonn or Chapter ' HX. nf tho (Jfttioral ltws of OroKon. Imv of Ort;on, 111 17. K. II. CONHKIt. Hubarrlhcd and Hworn to buforo mo UiIk 2nd day or July. A. I). ID 10. VF.M.A M. WIJLCO.MK, Notary I'uhllo ror Orctton. .My ConimlHalon oxplroH Juno 17, 1023 NOTICF. OF KHKItllT-H HAM-: and taarhad "IlldM ror Wood." Mldn will bn coualdurud ror fit her or both IcIimIm or wood. CUKHTKIt DAIrON County Clnrk. """ NOT'K'ii OF FIN Al ACCOUNT'-" IN TUB CJONUTV COUIIT OF TUB HTATIS OF OHBOON, FOH IIAlt- NY COUNTY. In tho mattur or tha Ivatato or Frank A lllllo. duiMKiaod. UN1TBD OTATiaB LAND OFiMOJ IluriiH, OroKon, July 22, 10IK. To Wlllard D. Kuunoy of Unknown AddrnH, Coiilt(.f You arc hm-by notified that Hl wurd It. (.'nrlor who glvoa Bllt7,iii. OrBoii, ah hla poal-olIli:o nildrana, did J mi July 16th, 1HJ 0, fllu In thin oIfnw hla duly rorrohornted ajipllCAlIou to ronfffl and ani-urn thu cancallitUou of yonr Homaatsad ICntry No. fil". Herinl No. OHinr. madu Oct. Oth. 101(1, for RWV, 8WM, Me 21. NH'i NK Vt hw. .10. N of MM and. SU'Vi NIC Vi . Uw. 20. NV4 NW4, Hoc. 28. Town chip SB H, Itangf 3lt , 15, Willamette" Morldlnii. and an KmiinilH for Mm non lont hu iillof'im that Wlllard D. Kuoney han wholly ahoudouod iialcf land for mora than nix montlm hint, room of wild court at tha court hoimc, , paat: that ho novur imtahlUhcd a roH- ItiiniM. Ornsiiii. an llm nliino. rar tho ldonr thoroon: that ho uovor oult tuntrliiK ofHiild Final Account, and ohjoutlotia thornto, and thu HOttlninnt thuroof. , JOB CAIICIA ivntod, or cuuiuid to ho cultivated any or thin laud: that th Hiild Wlllard 1). Knonoy ahnndonud mild land Aug. Ixt, 1017, and hua uover boon on tho laud Hlnro. and that nald alloKod ali- Adinlnlalrntor of tho ISotuto of Joo,'p,H "tHw I.Ih onllHt.nont In, ur idjiiik iicuiiiiiy (iiikiikco in uio mil" Canto, Dofluimcd. Flrnl Sublimit Ion July 12, 19,10. Lant Publication AtiKUHt 9, 1919. HTATKMB.NT Itary or naval hitvIco of tho Uiiltod HtiUon an a prlvato xoldlor, olllcor, Konmaii, inui'luo, National OuardHinan. or momher or any other organization for otfunco or dofouco authorized by cion;n'MH durliiK any war in which tho Unltt'd Htatcn may ho mfRiichd. You aro, therefore, further notlflnd that the nald nlleKutloiiH will bo taken iin c onfefHcil, and your nald entry will be canceled without fiirtlior rlKht to bo heard, either before thin ollb-0 or on appeal, if you fall to fllo of tho llarnoy County Nittlonal Hank, or IluriiH, County or llarnoy, Slate or Oregon, nhowlni; tho atnouiil lit mid I tin to the credit or every deponltor July I. 1919, who ban not mndo a dnpoult, t)lfH omci, Wthln twenty dayn utter or who ban not withdrawn any parti tho FOURTH publication or thin nnt of hlH depoMlt (coniiiuirclal dcposltn ,ll!. h nhown below, your annwor. principal or InloroHt. for a period or"'"' more than noveu (7) yearn I mined In t ly prior to nald date, with tho name, hint known pluco of nmldenco or pent- IhiiHc alleKiittoun of contOHt. tOKothoi with duo proof that you have nerved a copy of your answer on tho nald couteHtnul either In permin or by ro- offl.... of uik.I. ilimoullnr mill . Ki'torod Illllll ............. ' You Hhould ntato In your unnwor lllil IIIUI III II IM IIOIllll, II lillllWH. Name hunt known Addronn Doail ir known Waller Audomon, Narrowa i Inland Empire Realty Co. A. A. THAUGOTT, Proprietor REAL ESTATE Bought sold and exchanged Farm Ranch and Building Loans BLUEPRINTS L0A NS MA WON A WMpA 'lJQb iU!iE2' INVESTMENT BROKER I'hotie 30 or 012S Itiiniri, Oregon .00 .CP .c:i .21 1.15 Notlca la horohy lvot. that tho tin-, Antrohun, lliima, . d.'riiynad uxecutrlx -of the above. rwn, iiuniH naud oalato han filed hor final nc ' urr' ' Hullur. Murna. ourf In thA nbovaontttloil -court and w - Umi u,lw' t.nt Haturday. tho 2rd day of An-1 - n,ir v i.i 1P19 at tin hour of two o'clock, lJn," I"IM" F. M al tho county court room In tb Chotito & Gllbona, Ullay, court houao In Iliirnn. Oroi;on ban ,' Oarlar. Juiilurn, ... iM-rn nt an tho tlmo and tilaco for.- H- Orahaui, l.awon the haarlm: or ohjcctlonn to nald acj Harney Valley. Duvolopmunt count and for tho auttlomrnt thereof. ' Co. "urnn, 1.33 All prrnonn concerned are hereby not- ' John 1). Komdor, IluriiH, 4f. Iflcd to Die their objccllonn lo nnlil ' Nolllo Whitney Kennlcr, IluriiH, 3.30 rioal account, ir any objecllonn thero j Win. I.. Klmblo, IluriiH 26 I H. A. Mealoy. Clerk, Hurnn F.B7 and to appear at nald date and place 'M. Johana Hchonk, Ilurnn .... 1.50 NOT1CB IB IIBHBIJY OIVBN that, umt support their objectlona. I Harry & tlrnco TeUord. llnrnn, 4.00' Whorean on tho 3d day or AVrll, jjn0li juy 14 1919 'Franklo Welcome, HuniM 11.50. 1917. a Judrment wan made and en- ' .. ' !r.i.- wnn,...i. iim,, v.m n r.n i torod in tho Circuit Court or OreKon, it.aiiu i. r.nwm " niiiiiiiiin mum i. a. v.u. i the iiiiinn of tho pout olllco to which you donlro future not Icon to be smt to you. V. O. COAD ItuBlBtur. Date or riral publication Aug. XN l'M'i. ri)uto of Mucoud publldntlou Au($ 0. 7.tiu . tarj. A int. .72 .SO Date of third publication 1919. Dato or fourth publlcalloii Auk ldl9. Aug. H. 21, llarnoy. County, In favor or Anna Kxecutrix Ilalnon. an IMnlntlft HKulnnt Bdwnrd ht l'liblkatlon July 19th, 1919 C. BERloaton ond May V. BKKloMon. ' r), p,caton AuKUHl 1519. as Dorendantn, for tho aunt of 1889.00, with IrtorcBt thoroon from'" HU.MMONH April 7, 1917, at tho rato of 10 por cont prrar.sun:: or.d tho further rua ' ,,.,,,. mm of $303.54, with Intercut thoroon ' THK CIHCUIT rfJOUHT OF TIM from April 7, 1017, at tho rato of 8 STATU OF OHBOON, COUNTY OF per cent pur annum; and tho further HAHNKY. aS2 0 i lllloy BTATB OF OHBOON, County of Harney, I, Honry Dalton, bolnp; rirnt duly Hworn, dopono and nay upon oath, that I am tho AniilHtant Canhler of thu Hani 07 County National Hank of Ilurnn, County or Ilarnuy, State on OroKou; that thu roroKoInc Ih a full,' I K.I.I aa.MAaI n 1 . 1 nA..a.l.i... .n....i... I u n"i 1. m lui.i uiiii kiiuiiiuiu niiiioiiiuin, 1 hIiowIiik tho nuino, hint known resid ence or poHtolllcu addroxH, fact of death, If known, and thu amount to the credit of each depositor as rcqulr num of $1 10.00. uttoriioy'n focii; And, yolhra T 111..U.1.11 Pialntirf. Whorean l( waa further Ordered and 'on,ra ' "ln,fcnf"' '"" Decreed hy nald Court that IMalntlfT'n - VH- ni(irtKa;n on tho following' dcHcrlbcd William F. IIIiiIhiIoII, Defendant, property nlluatod In Harney County, To Wllllum F. lllalHdell, Defendant: Orc;on, namelyi. 1 ,N. TR SAMK OF TUB UTATK Tho Hunt half of the Ba-t hulf nw.nll ...... ..... i.rniiv ...nuir. of Hectlon 21. Towmihlp 25 ' Oroi?oii - ou are hcrol 11.1 uir fiouih. ItaiiKo 31 BiiHt of tho WIN fit ll'r and annwer tho t orn- laiiutto Meridian. plaint filed ..KalUHt you In the above-,,,, , . ,)0 ,,rov,HlonH of chapter 148, be form loricd; and all the rlht. llllo it Ic-1 mill on or hororo tho 0th dayi .1... aiHll.iicrii in nald doacrlhed piopec- . ..., ...... r,.ii i . . .... . I-. 1. who:! or held by nald IMon lunm. " ; " .auu i iiapior an, 01 1110 ueuerai be Mild by tho Sheriff 01 llainiy "o Appear and Annwor. ror want ,UW8 of Ort,K0I1( ,9i7f ti.niity. OreKon. In the maniiiT pro- thereof, me i-iaiiuin win nppiy " um HBNHY DAIfON vhU d by law for the nale of riii' pro- cort ror the roller prayed for In cmipriiin,! .....i ur m iiku'v........ ...... ... ..I....... ...w. 1919. HSON f 1 Ocoino D. Strayer, formoc prchltlciit of tho National Hducv flonal Association, htartlcd ).H orKiinlxation In the ncopo or a k (ampulKii when he aiinour.f wl (hat the flKht Nhould be for a de partment or education with a boo rotary In tho presldent'a cabinet. In thin way education could removed from potty politic and to Hm rightful importance. M thlnkp thoroof. the Pialntirf win apply to mo Court for tho relief prayed for In 1 , 1 klllimil liujii 111111 niviiiii mi muii ,rg ,'n.iu" n mo "mhI day of Juno ''"'"i'1"1'"' ,,,0,' " I)l'cr'' of II.Ih 8th day of July, A. O. 19: .9!:.!' nu rVxiiilm; it ForeeloHun, lvr.. dln.olvlK tho bond, ot mat.' VATVmf wan dulv iHHiied by the Clerk or mild , rnaony oxiauiu; uoiweeii riiiimui mm N'otarv Publlo ror Oreiron Court lommaudlnK me. tho under- )rndant. and roalorliiR to lMulntlff cominHalon oxplroH Mam 3, 1920.' RRAWD VHITI ClC( mm HlniM-.l Sh.'iliV, to lovy upon and null. ,. f0rior ,,, f)r Zelhra T. Alox- I mvmvL' 1 vJH. IjUtlO I't'Wri iKSffi? uDoiioxecn'l-'or ' for nueh other and further tlou in forecloHiSro, all of tho rlBht, , relief aa 10 tho Court may nucm li P aa tv Si 1 rii 11 1 vnniriwm h ft ar l'li r 1 mum r . Tho Uirifdli. I'nl- ' IfuriiUBiiil NiitmlH i.lruilouk I'rolw j tltiu AniclHttiiifi ' ulilvli llm liu'lor lKiiel U nivuibi'r. 1 will KIVU i.w 00 ; iKumil for ov. iluneu Imi'llim 10 . lliuiirriidt uml cnn JOHN MKMIIKI!I,IN(1, fSaH. niuiirri)i uml con 1 vi 'Mi'vvoJot., Optlciati 1 -rJ 1 - title and lutereHl of Hiild DefeinlanlM, 1 eoultablo. or olthor or thorn, In uml to nald do-1 'mis Publication Ih nmdo puiHuant Hciibed real property; ! ,0 0nI(ir f jl(, n, C5. Lcvons, Now, Thoroforo. In obedlonco lo tho , .' , f commaiidn of nald Writ and by auth-,' J'"lK ' ( ly ( ourt of tho oiiiv thereof. 1 will on Monday thoifltulo of Oickou for tho County of $28.00 HBWAHD For recovery of homos, all havu hohhud tallH and branded with an X 011 rlKht hip with additional liraudB as rollown: Ilrowu niaro 5 yeam old with J. W. on rlUt rAvk V. 28lh day of July, 1919, at llm hour 1 Harney, mudo and entered 'In thojHtin; ,roWu muro 5 yearn old brand- 01 i ' V.. . iilovo-ontltled milt on mo smii uayml v (!0lin0(.l0,i ou ioft Htlflo; bay 3 iin. iiiiiii-iiuuw " - 1.,.,.. Mite tiii-iH.f mr Hun Ilunu, Oregon, offer ror nalo to me Idaho! bidder for cumIi all Hm rlKht. 1 iiMc M.I. t 1 l"IM . iiiK )inrNW. callli , or inliluh IioioiikImk i any ui in mom I'Ufll. ', Iho iuiiliiri.Uliiiil lit ion t vi.oii f,lr i Iiommi ' 'I iir on imih or iililirr Jn. P'lne and Kntrrnvor, Watch ltcialiiim 11 Specialty, of iluiio, 19 19. dlrectlni; tiai mini j 0 publication ho mado at loaHt om:o a '...... ..1.1 U(,i(iillK wit la brand on left HHo ii-id Iniuront or nuid Dufoidaiil.' wiy-k l'or alx (U) coimocutlvo wookH, , B,f0. jw(V H(im,i manm 12 nd 8 year old, latter utlflod; one hay pony (i yoara old with wart on loft aldo of back; ono bay filly :i yeam old. All W oitinr of tboiiii'Iu (tud to tho Huld.j ,!0HimojicInij Jn -Si l''0- iloacrliieu roil I ptuporty. 10 aauuiy, j r jjiaciS wild Jjtdi!U0it. 'Iiaerulni; Inturonl.j ..., ,' ,i..itifr attoruoy'a u. cdlla and dlHburao- Attor ioy for I hi nllff uioiitM. aubJont lo tha Hlht of Ho- HaaldliiK at and with poHlolllco ad- dominion ani lh Confirmation f j draw at l)uru. Orocou. thin Court. Vt' (! (Ill 11 At AH HliorilV ot llarnoy County, OroKon ! HU!) Under the mil Ion-wide prohibition IllW ClllircllllH IIIIIV Hill! MHII U'lllll for IMligo Unmet Hneramautitl iiurpoHCK. llul of courno "r"-' .,, !,,. M . only In w"m" im , l,m,K ",,,,l,,B bf. that the ehurchoH may look forward ' w mtoWN rile tirer)n. j t0 a rapid lun'oiifci ill nionibeiihlp. Hy 1'. T. Handall, Daputy. Flint publication:- Juno 28, 191 9 l.if-t Puhllcutloii:- .Iuly2i:, 1019 'i wo wvf coitus n for rent How Ford truck for hI j. Have pnrty to buy a raiuih. J, W. HouiihovoIIo, ( Hume. ! ,.... ..t IJII.1 tin). Ilnnt lull .. lllllA " R. Wlllv I'll" liKHV.i'O'...-" -"I I Ihito of Liut Publlcatloni-AiiBiiat 9, 1919. lnniiro your hay. See write or phono Win. Farro. . tf. 1'atlentn receive the best of car ut the Flreevai Maternity Hoialtnl. are Kontlo work anlmala uxcopt the II yonr old Roldlug; laat noon on Silver Cruok, AddroHH Paul llowoa, Hurnn, OroKon, phono No. ,H3F3, , ..,, () I If KiutS Ylc'.il' liumnliirl succ-'edn III ciirhiiiB tho Italian proriteorH, wo'll bo umiulmoiiBly In favor of Importing! him bodily and putting onto tho Job in this country. ISMC 1 iin hmk? ta vVv, u'.un Hrand Whitlm-Jv piuiod bl: diplomatic ability a: I'. . i.t bassndor (o llelprluni In the cnily days of the war when lo hav made one fal.-c nlop wonhl I.jv been to brlui; Buioiieun crlticKm down on hl.i head. Aa a rswavd for hla wonderful work thero, lw has been naned new to Itnly. i