fr BE- WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO TONIGHT ?. Would not you bo !ore than jjind if, in the cosiness of your own homo, you miorht listen to the world's host music whether it be a classic the late. military n.aroh, as played by a famous piani-il fuzzy ragtimeor the melodies of long ago, that never get ' old. , ; Or perhaps you vrqnU) chwes or juvj thoirtto pofe flopgt. x ', ' ' The incdutatinfc device on tho Kihciiiti Playjr Piano makes it possible to play the sdflg in n high or low key, a feature not to bd overlooked. - ; , istheiaafcword .players. The only player having the Hawaiian Ukelele attachment, a feature which has been a decided hit wherever heard. Used as a regular piano for hand playing it is superior to many of the finest uprights. The W A IB uey a i-Mieii company J. FELLOWS, Eastern Oregon Representative at Burnn 2S UK V M -a lKKSOiVI ii j nualnaaa, without ndvurtlilng. fljwr without pfrftimo. B Ctorangar. ' ,., Highest quality and ttreatcat om. Ptflflr omy at Hi Walcoma Pharmacy Try our battalia rrwiim pita. Ttiay ara dalle.oua. Paga'a 8wm1 Shop, tf 8 wtif or if. H. T. Ifuchet uujoytuf ii 'i out- Prank ("lorf wan u hi vftk fill bivdiu;.. town durl.ia .Y.r ftiK on thw l'( at'liutiu rirr, I.u.ipv : r ia riri lid a-- j rfl. hi tw last - .uitty ara now ,;r. , -v.ii grata Wr .r :i Ut WKIWf. in town far, a :iv.U?g UWHt rg FWioa, I : root.. iu4 Clib hatt n trill it" oH Mr. K. K. nl arttved hom 1'onlatitl what vtrl wooka for icaltb. Sho ro tio over rt far tin. nlly to Nib n nl hunt ' i.urliik (l.i weak. 4 1 .ma ''ii-:.'; 1 in i h t) Smith 1 "rff r;r.,-i a major .i--r-otlott upon W.u Uufklrlj. of lnwsi OH Thurd .f tl-it wowk. ttABi WSV I. u inci" witr io miiir aunnr .-. For til pOTrh llrllt Furnlalad rw,in. ! Uhii TlHiiupHon wan lit U city fh i ThurMluN for a 'jri tini. Ii. i.n-m with 'r.r .1 iid J hn K (loulil. crivnt Vor Sq "OU Ih. Tubutar auetlon rMl Bhanilx CrMitti Brparator, narlr mw. Cum. Wtlton. U? Riurwau wa oIWmI to HjH C r" V- Tfiumitay n'Rht to to 1 o tutlv ffrla of Mr. and Ur. Wrrnwr who wer ill. Thi doctor lM aarewpftuliMl ou bt trip bjr UorllUll LMNHnl. TUy Itft tb tlttl pUnU"!iUtr()v!MB. ..'Miio cru;i bai uol ivhut it hp. Mr TI.OB ;;!ion U hlto mi y utnyf . - tim Ua iimic tniiur . lie Mb mill Mill Cl II .1 ! iTk inform tts that vfHiiion Imil uuouiit' ia i rui tor in ihu-cotu : ' Mrs. S. Wlillliig cnuio down from tlHuftioiiu of bur falliur In VaIil fton the first of tliln wuott for th pur pot of takliiK Ur Itttlo dauulitar 'buck with liar oil litir roturn hi ordar I I. Ml itlla ! 111. ffllfllttfeil 111 uollllflt 111 ... .... . .n inwj i.t.'i . w Iktrflm.' K ' i".T -4 Knmit llfirtllulv. Wultor Pruu mill T;i.)j.; u ami A. K. Itlcliaril- ;..........,. ui,.,,.,,i tu.u.. r .7l.vtrn... t. ... v .1. vn . . ww.- t 0T1T In I lit. Illtiu Alt. Snr lni! . . . . .. .. .. . . t... : : V : . , ,y on miinw noioro uio u. . mniiiaH wM , ovldomvil whuti Ida latiiMt hni c V r" u, M.;',,"f0- 'Mr- a,,,,,",n, W"H I,mU"K "r(K,PArfnift Rlmrk Mottrou." Ih unu i, j,r Ki.hanlaoii to ro- ... ., hlll lw,i...lmrH wurv . ..... . , ,...i, ' " - " 1 HIIUWII III I.IIMFI1J I lltlllllll nililllil. -' ' . . w mmn av w.. ........ I . I . .. .. . . ...I. ............ n.iu. f ....... JltHIIIIK llllll tin willivwm. ttiira vim r SliuiMird lu'uotiipiinliid ilium to town. osniy -J t. r. r V. V. Kink woti rtl IC -HW' NATIONAL HASH Of ItritNH. fAMTAI. AM) UM t S jtHMM0. "Till; IIANK ritAi WAUKlMtUlt M f $ S sA! t.' " UrCl'.TK fNVITKII. Wl. 14. .VBTrn'ROlAs"" off j88ai,i.o BiriiM'jai' ii fin ti vi . i w II, - ii. r. . . - v it i I i i In! (.. i- 'fan, I n r r " m 1 1 . 1 1 Scaitu I''iN ti, HI t." I i ii i i i'r.n. 1 1 lltiriiH Itiinlwnro wftntH to know ni. r itay on n vlalt Ul0 I(mt of U(u xmr imui9r f lU .r., ioia '..turilay. 'i.ughlvr. mnchlno mid leiinth of tlmu uuuli MiiIjivuI irain Muiiiirutor linn buim lUIll TIM , , tr,i.iii.v miimlv. II Will III! to ..pi. ... MIIIMV - - ..... ipemllnK i a a ,1 . . M. lit rtitl III II tl I(Ht III tllllt Ilia till VtPlll 1111 M' tiiiiiiiaiaiaiva iif m il ov--r b formution to tliu i- ! fnjl!y afrom-1 I. 'i irroili-r, Jon, ' i' of tlilf ruH for' L- 'lie trip In Ir. j gi to Hml a fw I "a and upon their ' i m k a i.-w oar fur n.v plauo man who i v It. Alton coin i'-rv, n ucslit III tlllc i " r tlio lmsliHwn of m ix auoompunlud on 'Ui-iiii.ii who Union witih Mr. Folio w llurna lliirdvnira. 7-li coiom Into ltl tiff . hU trii'tv linim- to cfturuga and th Shark ftaii'h h..rd (o win har lorn. Th flrat part of Hii' atury takua ptut-i In MvuU.i ..iid ul.oard Tbn Uutl. whllti I It auc o"'lin; t-na xhow,ilu lcwat Whilt f.t Id TriM of Aliinkii. Moi.rrn' Imppi to tntT thr Vatt-r PHmu tlooii In K..ui!n juot iMiK.ri' hia ahip liiv fur HUnnwny Thrv Murjorl Hilton. bfJintK fl girl fr 'in tin eaat. uiid dor Irun kn brother. Thoy ar on thulr vy to Alaaka. hut tbn ttrotlitr ha aqimn dril hi.- mon)'. Hliark t;tkia tbni mi liU pi . p. and tin brnthtir aarooa tti work In dt fra) Hi" xpimt of thfftr ,). I'- '1 bo , rotbur comix i lift to Hhiirk for hi mrn w, ti"iiti,i Ktinrk l r"4;i tryina to rou- tl .:h .lioC'l in lU hid, Hhttrk I. aratlually falliiia; In lov with Mar Jorlo. 1 In A In kit atarjorlo and br rothr Iravo tho ahlp. and Shark follow thaiu latirr. faarlnjt harm will romo 'to MfiriortB. Ho flmlH thorn In Ui Kuury WillUm M. Marl. b of "Set- Httlu frontier town of Uataam. whoro ftili Tuloa." "Tho TlBr Man. Hm tlu.y had built fallon Into tho huntht tKarrow Trnll" tuid rtlhur vluoroim 0f "ilia". Ihixtor. n "liimxan! of tho pholoplnyH whh which hi fumo In 'North." In u dramatic noona Slmrlt Itidollhly nnnooliitod. na tho moat Vlrllo runem Mnrjorlo. nllhoiiKh nhu doua portruyor of Wimtorn rolon, ita a mm j not Itmiik him for It. hoimtuQ xho rovur -tho faronlotiH aklpiirr of ii'doiw not know ho la iIoIiik It for hur aonllns miioonor plyliu: liotwuun Hunt-! own wnlfnro. DruitiHtlc nvtitH fol tlo mid Alimkiin portal Thoao ohur. j 0w Hwlrtly mid dually tho Klrl front arler.sntlona nr aiitlpodul, inn tho ! tho Knat I'omoit to lovo tho mini of KoiiIiim of "HIk Hill' romnliih itnliotiid t, mu and thi'iy nro ttiiltnd. Tho alory U ttnfoldod (dutifully, nnd Mr. Hurt, who ulno dlrortod tho plrturo. Iiiih kIvoii'iih moiiiv rlmrmliiK AiiKUwt 3. I nun ai'onua, iih woll tn kouio oxtrnor It waa durliiK tlio fllinltir, of tliojdlnary aconoa In tho Croat Wliltu oowiil acunoa of "SharU Mouroo" Hint i North. Tho atorm Hrimf on tho Mr. Hurt and lilt company wort ch0utiir. whoro Slmrk Monroo ro iiiught In ii aovcro atorm at avw and (.UlM vlmtor Klltoii from a porllous fpr two duya tho llltlu aehoouor wiih toKnud about by ulttaiitlc wuvoa, iua liitf tliu Htipporllui; (.'Otnpnuy ito llttlo terror and unnoyaiioo. Many or tho Fhiyora attfforud from nonalckuoai. but lr. Hurt found tb atorm period VJ DON'T throw away that old suit ! sj bring it to our shop first. Tf we can't make Wr ? a Kooc looking, new appearing suit out of it hxr n PA Ml Nf. 'wafw a, i DYEING AND PRESSING it, then indeed you may throw it away with a clear conscience. You have no idea how much good there still remains in that dis carded suit. We have reclaimed so many that we hate to see yours thrown away till it really is useless. SERVICE! nS in r. r-t ,iri. i r mn t hiu m tttit " " ' 1 il II Mill HID lltllWI 'II tr,. ..ft l(B W(g dlKKllIK n " m r ior tlio onttlu and :i pick In hlH fyot ' ' coming In tor Mi. Ouiiovan .i vh'Tw he Ih t Foraat RanBtr HotteUy waa in low yaalorttay looklmr for halp to fluht tha foruat flra I lint ha liavii r.iflna In tha uiottntulna northwoat of town, for tliu pnat waok. Mr. Uonnolly atat- d that It Iima ilonu hut llttlo damnKo o fur nnd If ho ooulil Hocttro Httlllolont holli ho would soon hava It out of ii'jiubiIudIoii. Ho and thoaa aldliu; him hud hi'on nblu to control It to n curtail! oxtont Iftlt ilurliiK tho after noon; when tho wind camo up It would i;ot tho boat of thorn attain. v ho camo down for morn hulp, Mr. Frod Oakorman, nno of tliu plonuor ItiilloH who camo to Haruoy county In 1880 and luiu noon ovory btiildliiK In IlurtiH b up. la vor from hur homu at Ulloy tiikliic it reat. Tho , admlttod drnmatlc photography. Tho honullfttl Katjorlua McDonald dnoa moiiio uuforKotablo hltH of actiuK aa Marjorlo Hilton. Joo BluKlotpn m "lllB" Maxtor, hnudlod hia rolo skill fully. Ovorfio McOanl! uppaara na ioito of luiicii uiiiMlod rout, aud ho later jwoltalor Hilton ami llortholda Sprotto cxcridlmi tu Onion 'Mi'Nnh. Tho V9l m Javma r t a. 1 1 in. I'.!. . ; photoxruph.v 1 l Joo Auauat. QUICK WSIMa:rs- Maybe nobody lias told you, savs tlie GoccI Jude Why this good tobac co costn less to chew. You i real tobacco satisfaction with a small chew. It gives you the tfcod tobacco taste. It ; lasts andlasts. You don't need a fresh chew so often. It saves you money. THE REAL TOBAGCO GHEW - ; ti in taio stylos RIGHT GUT ie sborl-out tnhncct) W-B v-lTT Jf hii flno-out tobneen 3E ' 1.1 'I I - "HU V. ' "Mil I 'hat l.i. . . ' up t!.c other ! H III III !! OlllCO i.iotir adllor Hi ' i ni". I.untiard Locli i" itlon down tliuro 1 i nipt tlutt tfttrntfo ' li: i roaorvo MtillorH to 1 in a hurry an that "rn, d HUllufti at work wlillo ho HvnumtliUud lady la at tho Kireovod hoajUtul uudar : lt,artl!y with li la iihupIo, ho hlmtudf lroutroont from hor tloesor'but la not U;tjoyd Iho oxpffloiuo j(itttl.v. ' pirtloularly ill. merely Indisposed.! ju j, ow pictttro Mi. Hurt ptr' I Mra. Oakorman la m ejilmablo lady jomna a thrilUm,' font wlian Itu aavoa Valid liaa muny friend In this county. ; young iiihu from iliittli hy dlrahliiK r) . . ii ... - oat toxtlte unit of tho bowsprit which S0TICI4 TO CUICIUTUIIH In kubmorged in ubml wn Um imd again. A lo vluoroita mutt tlut.i Mr. Hart might btivo found thla Ml: I, Informs us Unit t i lli hor coitrao it liool t hi yuur and litued bar uohILIoii In w- -'lio,,l (,r tlilK city. Tho wKlaly dt .irta to nocuro hor lUo Pra and lmH a clmnco to flnlHh HiIh r oi - nU OXpoctH tO lOUVO IlOXt W00K tompany with hor undo, Honry W. and hia wlfo, for Wlllametto points whoro sho will vIbU un eep(ininK of ahool. lunluiiod ban boon duly uppolittoil trrlfylui( ono. hut to him It waa only; nlulfitrutor, with tho will atinou'it, j "part of tho liiuim" unit iiilfroHtlni; : Kotlcu la horoby kIvoii that the uudi uiiiiiii of tho OHtato of Multlo A. (liudnor, ' rnllior tliati uiarmin ou mm ,iu-vuu.u. ; iliiuauul, by Iho County C'utirt of! fihnrh Monro U jit ramarltuljla'chur. j Haruoy County. Ordgon. All poraona 1 aoiar. and vlll iiffnll probjilll.iiy i;o ; huvliib' claiina against tho wild oatatu.down In hhtory of' tho acrouif us ono or daconsad uro horoby noti.flod to, or .Mr. Hurt rutLht dramatic por-, prpsent thorn, duly vorllfled, ua hy . tralta. U In mi fUiaordlnurlly vivid, law roiiuirod, to tho undondgnod at 'and huniuu ntory thut C. Clnrdnor hlH offlco In tho MiihoiiIo UiilldltlK In J Hulllvun him ovolvud Mn tills oule of UiirtiH, Oroj5on within nix monlliH from' tho (Into of this notlco. Dutoil July 20, 191 0. GIIAULKS W. KUIAR, Adm, with will annoxod of HHtuto of Mttttlo A. Ourdor, First publication July 26, 1010.. Fifth publication Aug. 23, 1919 tho. nous and noriliurii h.iowh, ami Mr, Hart roallzoa complotuly tho po nlbllltloB of tho Htory. Ho jilayH tho part of "Shark." Monroo, muster of tho. soalitiK Kchoonor. "Tho (lull," hard talon had boon told of tho daring and crullty of this human Shark, hut when u hoautlful, wlstfulfttcod girl Hunger's Best Friend is a good meal. Don't forget that we have good meals by the thous ands' in our store. That's the main point; it's one thing to know you are gojng to get Groceries for supper and another to know whore to get THE BEST. Well, the quickest way to filul the perfect meal is to walk up to our counters and tell ue what you want. Our Groceries arp the guests of many homes whore' the three squares are the hearth-side goddess. We take LIBERTY BONDS AT PAR IN EXCHANGE FOR MERCHANDISE 1 an ire N TE FRANKLIN, Manager 17U -TEliA Burns, A. OTTINGER, Proprietor 1 x Oregon V-