The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 26, 1919, Image 4

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    The Times-iflerald:
tint The LArtfctt Circulation Of Any
Newspaper In Hnrney County.
On Yr . , ..
Six Moulin
tlirae Mttitttit
n . - i i iii . man i in
32.00 EXUP'" v7- ' V,n' .IiYpmaV
1 l '
HUSK. 7Ki3SMa ..
MntUtilny, July iMI 1011)
Au oditorlut In a recent laHttp of the
Uolse Staloaraan give Hume Inti roit
iitf figure llmt alictultl have great sig
nificance to the people or litis county.
Tits oiionlnjj paragraph or tlut article
iult tlin eturlllng aaaerllon that the
: jr.,000 norm muter tho Uotao-I'ay-t'ttu
Irrigation project will rnlee ttuf
fi'-lont crop during tlila aoaaon lo
l .i,' for the entire Irrigation projret.
It Uted further that tho rropa under j
t'ie Arrowrock dam and other damn;
i i tint region that would have otlu r
vlo b'n tin i-ntlre falluro worn uuf
i'nt to fr tln citllr.' project.
loe that ntriku yon. gcntln reader
ii meaning Anything to thin country?
tvt yog reallte what an Irrigation Ul
i t would do Tor th!.. VaUt T U"
u atop to thtuk what It meatus to
) are more wnur ran off during ait
wakt In the early aBTjng over th
); between hero aed the laM that
1 all abaolute waste thaa la oat lo
beneficial mm daring the entire Irrl
ratloa eeaaon? Yet taat'e Jaet what
Lappa arh aeaaon and I reepontl-
.! for the ehipmcnt of etoatt to oat
t!Je polnu to foot duriag the later
It kaa bn demooatr&ted beyond
n queetion that Alfalfa la a eaeeeaa
iu thla valley and that it caa be pro
fitably grown rtardleea of the fre
naeat froeta. eo loat aa tkeri la a
little noietare. Dr. Kerr as the
i. abera of the board of refeata of
the afrteaitural college who were
tuagt tast froata were rk the coutrol
h.:re laat ewek nude the anucuare
it.R factor In oar aurkaUurn and on i
aiwakor made the broad arUou
t -at We wet aere of a Tsrop If Wo aa4 Onrdoa'a wonderful baea la at her ! B,riBd to ,! , stri
u period of ft dare froe from freat. Uttrartlv beat in Plnr-vn ur. " ;'
A tiolgltlior did liotuiitioratniid our
iiHHortloit rocontly In connnctlon with
tho iroioAltloii"(d liontl IIiIh county,
wlioit wo iitatoil It would not :ont tiny
tntirii tlitin tit pnimint,
Wu inn lntyltii; mifflclont road tux
nt itrmmnl to i'iiIhii tmrno $.'12,000 uinl
tit Ih Ih iiioiit ditch your In tho uiiIoihii
or tlm romlii, uuuosaitry l-0inlrH nml a
Itoie ittlitltlonnl romt InilMIng hm
otli'-g of u pr tmnoiii nature,
jl" i'M ' we bond t.'ie county rr
., !' at U, pnr crM. It wntld
n'r" ur") to p- tlmt lntr-
ui l If ('ont'miml th mm rate
ni' tn"i we would ph tint !tro,il
tut 4tlil Imvf mmr f I 2.000 to applr
kt,n rood vMirK ir (vc nIioiiuI vote that
.4 tn it ii t ni liDi il.i mitt tho Hlatu and
f'llitru! r, v ii'ii' tti hiitf mrtrli I'
'il ilf. I I ! I'HI N " I lit tl'i- paxt wi
would li.iv- :on,iiuo to Miiply on ner
iiuinnnt rend", r. cnifo;'roont ti a
Mutt itiimlifr f ff.)l iind hitYo, fln
tlly, mi h ' i in ilt w" of v rmantjnl
ruiN th t ,, tf i r MiIro lotitUiunua
i-''! i 'hi w, of r : air earh
. ".r, t)i i it- .i Umv I'oct it lot of
ron'i mi! v nn ."it' ir.ililt t
haul ij-r tin-. ii j' i i 1 iT'M-nt hut
'! kdlim to rrnw ..nn nr"'t w
with Irrigation und oil products, etc.
. Chtt. Hopor nml wlfo wore-down
from l7iinmy Tuoduy,
,7W. h. Van Do W'Ater, tlto wn
Afiown Rrocury drummer. Ih In town,
A nu thing
Th! f n '.Tfnr!-! Mikh and wenrr guppoaed lo 'acll tv , .
thiriK, unu wd live up to tb(eno'nl supposition.
Yiui cii; hy ftnythinir you want here; from hprdwnn u,
Ki ocfTi'lea, Icam noodlet to tt ifood mriK.
IL ptvn to buy from us. bacatmo we sell for eauh, ami .m
nnormmiH amount of goodg. and vo enn thercfort- hull nt a
cloiipr mai'Mfn of profit.
You CAN'T lose, and you WILL Rain. Now doen'l 1! U
Hnn of orflrumont appeal atraiMht to your Rood eommon m i . :
1 1.
HOlltmiV UAUTON i ri ' ' up
SVKWKUT PKTVftl! oloo Uird .ui.- tlancja with
2 ' i later r turning to the toww a tt
'f a! 1 u' r. nt:. ,mr. " t
iiewoiuf i-aiiou. too wieatoa fare- Tbr rar'.v flftlea in th gold raatpi
mount atar whoae acting ta each net- of falHornta wor unthi atr and
able eeecenaie ae "Uivo Letfaja,Miriarv.L'pMa, r ?nect!Bft; eeetiraNly
The Hame of fe Yakaa." -Tin' 'Mi Prtod. U replete aitli artvenie
1-rfte Mark." and other rteoot ecrooa j rU,ln TStero l 4a
nuH. Wih rnm.t..k.P im tt,. .i.P obundaitt of goily fnorHlug
of the featare at the Liberty Theatre.
MhM rvitort, wluwe ttmplee are flint ed. forma a benattfa! and Nv
rapidly hMomia aeJewed ae la Kitty itnriUo ae well ae accurate back
' comedy, too. while the towering Hod
wood foreet, where the plctare wat
Every man iu Harney count) knoa
tt at lhin ran be mnipllcd, yet
. muaraiively fa have attempted to I under tb peTMinal
In addition to ihh r-a;:r a
j. .it'll Uy the leaeott.
Why I It we are o alow to take
tidrautajw of nur onportunttla to
i re lop our reaoareee when we know
beyond a doubt that wu win nccotn
pltak theee tltin? Why It It that
kHttera will iibandoit 100 anil 830
.ere tract In tlila county, go ovor In
Idaho and liuy or louao i0. 10 or SO ami umkt tnoro money? Una
tbiit rountry any advantagu orer thla
t j raliio forK for atock other thuii
uutur? No! Wo have Jtiat na fortllu
tl uinl ralan Jual it Kootl i roj
v iiou k'voii water for Irrigation.
Accurate meaauroment of tho wutur
run off or Uih Hllrlwa Im luen kojit
tor u number of year nml It la known
ibaoluloly this amount of ncro fool
'Oni down omih xOHaou und from
dtui)iistrutlotiH It la known niuiroxlm
lately tho number of acroe thla wittor
will Hurvw. It In not naaorted thuro la
autfioleut to cover the entire Ilarnuy
Valley tit tlto preaunt t lino hut It la a
.u-iaiii!tv ii.nt tho Irrlcatotl nroa can
more tlmn douhliMl by oonaervlng , jagfeK
iSa water mini uklnv II iirouorlv iiikI s Ifit WmJm,
i unomicullr. It in known, also, tli.u ,
....... r"jzt.n'
the crojM iKwe.hlo utiuor irriKauon ( ir
will justify the expeudltur ut-ftaHury
to couoerve that wutur
dou't we r.ol huay?
One man mwilu tho naim
if tho Unltttil Suites Oovornmnut liiul
tho pnvi-r lo put audi an IrrlKiiMou
projuut In, ootniilotu It In ovory dolall
iaoludliii: the ncuoaanry ranalH, r-
kta, illtQhiiH, oLo., und turn II over loj
itio ownor on a himln of ji iyl. n f.r,
It Iho aunt!,- itH u foderal land loutt I-.
ow lakott care of. that If loft to a I
voto of the peopSii It would ho dcfo it
eil. Aru we that Hiuall, am wo tlmt
which fca from th urolltli- tmu of J
C. Hswkj. and which waa direct I ! 'y reul "Their Wek Kod." la
aaawrvlatOB of on Wodaotday liUtht. r
Tbomaa H. I nee ay Ittf WUMac KoUl. . -
In the role of tally Jo. Mlea Ifftlr;
1. flret Men l.v.n i.,r oao or t. j
muahroont mlnlnj; town that pr MH1. Mimlnvtmm immtk
up iu California In Hie days of tho wn,n U,K" "! Bt0",tw,a twn"
gold rush of 'ID. In KMiuuy nnok
raga and tatern Mian Daltot. Ih Rttll u,r, H,IorlnK ,, ,lig rgl(t aPWH
Httnictlro. alio ko to mo t.ooioo j hr()km jtantay uvuuln while at
tomplliix lo tiranlt an auto.
Illrd. a noted roxort. and la In rod Into
an uiicouiidotiH danee hy the mtiMli?
which ao nlinrum tho proprietor of
tho pliico. Dandy Davu Hammond
(William Coukllu) that ho uouroa
perinhutlnu to liuup luir tlinro.
Hal Ih over ready to unlor Into an
urguniuut. vurlial or pliyalcul, and
throunhout tho on'llro picture hIio
donilnaioH ovnryt til lift and ovuryhody.
enriilm: tho tiauio of "I'laro-Up" Hal, Wo nolo from tho Crane Atnerlistiu
hiicnuao of hor Impiitumilty. Of couraoj thnt Archlo McfJowan ha dlrpoeod of
thorn Ih a Hplendld lovo Htory ritnulHK IiIh Kiiraiio hiinlnnnH lit tlmt town and
throuKh the pli-turo ilollnoallnK tho' will diivoto IiIh tltno lo ilnveloplug III
lovo of Hal for tho Itotl Itldor, a not-' faruiH In the Itork t'rool: counlr.
Aire. J. C. Proumnu wna Urouwhl In
front luir homo aonr the 00 Rnueli
thla week for mudliwl treatineut and
le now holm; onnid for at thu KIiik
t ttfjj ml UMPlkVm m
m wmw&$a
i "
' "ii't if o".;r hnsirv: n "h UP TO-1) ' 'I'
ISTC, i our mtwt cvroful eric n.
th-it in filHnp: yo';r Mv;scriftijr. .
rfent r vivr.cmitioTH ;iTii that ihf prpsc; i,
i i)f nwurrtelv uv.d n'ectly fi""'.d by
t!r l.D ?! I ARM AC 1 T.
Vo cptv an uriusuaily conpl?te line of TOII.,
& m -i t . r. . II.. . 1 ' H 11.1 t
Mfidieinf-. of Ptnvrd worth. SanftrrySwwliw. Kd-. y PjlAj)LnFj
Trv our SODA FOUNTAIN th'o hot div:'-. VUiM
jj '"
f A
They Prosper Most
fHTHIS is the old motro on which wc arc building
a our business. Our experience is proving it as true
as when fi rs t stated. O u r fi rst consideration , there
fore, is to supply you with the character of goods which
time and service have proved to deliver the highest
degree of satisfaction at the lowest possible cost. That
is why we take pride in ottering you
w n
Are we ho donau that wo
!-'!0 'i loae the honnfllH
J nut
theiu r.'o'lcrn !iiiiirovmn!ita
in !;.'' 'it "i'1 r or i
I t . f i to OM 'f
i&yu shut.! tan . Iicaditchetf,
ar voi .i ; sh and other lrou
li:as. I fit jzunn!H nmiralnly
and scientifically.
AH Work Guaranteed.
Ofltt-e Willi Dr. U. P. Smith
'THERE'S always
something around
the house or barn or else
where tlmt needs fixing.
Some of these jobs are put
off repeatedly because of
lack of proper tools.
If you will tell us
what neud8 to be done,
we will gindly help you to
nfilect what you need to do
lh work. Wo atsure you
tho quality will be of the
Carpatitero Tools
Woodworkers' Too?
Metalworkers' Tool
Tinners' Tools
Plunilisrs' Tools
Masous' Tools
riastcrera' Tools
Cobblers' Tools
Wire Fencioff
Duildtrs' Hardware
If you buy it from
us, it's worth
the price
A liii
U i I'HA vuc 'ii fcVll'.l 'I
it i 1 nnv
i i i
I. S. GEER & CO.
Tires, Tabes atuct Accessories
Madc'by the leading specialists of the industry in
America's largest exclusive tire and rim factory
diey deliver that kind of service which will
make us all prosper most.1' because Most
Miles per Dollar will keep us buying from
die Firestone factory and will keep you
buying them trom us.
Every feature of our service is in keeping
with these Firestone ideals. At your
Universal Garage Co.
BURNS, (Jiti&iON
,'' ff