The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 26, 1919, Image 2

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'Is It Father and Soil?
School Sutt. Clark httn rocolved u
circular from tho Utnto Hoard of Kd
ucntlo'n umiouncliiK tho changes In
tho toxt boofca to le itBod by tlio pub
llu rcIiuoIh of Oregon, Ah miuiy or
thu tuuchora uro mnkliiK Inquiry an
to tht'HO I'huiiBf'H wo rIvo a llHt fol-l
lowliiK of tho oIiiiiikoh; I
Agriculture ehunKod DiivIh: Pro- j
ductlvu Farming, published by J. U.
Llpplurott Co. ,
Arithmetic "Cimngod HatnlHon:
i li.MHontlali of Arithmetic, booh one
. and two, publtahod by tho Ainarlrun;
Hook Co.
Olrll (lov'i. ohniigfd Hughon: ,
Community Clvlm with Dragon t'.up
plumanl, published by Allyn ft llMcoti.
QcOfraphv- -not cknnMod. I
lllttory ehnngad (lardy: Storlaa
o; Amarican lliDtory; A mar icon lia-(
winnings In ICuropo, ptUdlahod by
Chna, Scrlbntr't fSaun. Mnc: School I
MlHtory. 1'Jin odlllou, publlahwl by
Itmid, MeN'nUy fk Co.
Lnngunnttt changed -Potter, .luft
ehko & Olllott: Oral and Written Hit
KllHb booh ouo and two, published
by CI mi .i Co.
I'bynlolouy and 1 lyulono changed
Wlnalow: II wait by MvIiib. book
ono mikI two. publlahud by (Jliim. U.
Morrill Co.
UwhIIuk--rhangad- Fnaaett: non
con Atatlmd of Hooding Ik for tho pri
mary work, publltdiod by (Jinn & Co.
Senator, ltew
Thu younjr man,-Harry 8. Now, Jr.. eihnsod tn imvo ennfe .1 o
Hut murder nf hla HWMlhMrt Krrda law r In California, rial' Hmj
rotted HtiiUtM Senator Marry S. Now of Indiana In hit- miner, but 'nilu
IIimI bn whh born out of widlneK. Tho Iihm-kmI p. tore i of lit mm
dreil glii, who It In claimed, broko her niitrigciiiinl uliU ynutw Nw,
rHtilMM' in her ilnn Hi
Tharo itro many (ithurn In thw Hit for
tin) hlghar grade InoliidJiiK Nnlurul
MoMioiIm. publlahwl by Ofliu. SurlU
ner'e 8oim; Unkor A Thorndyka:
lOvivry IJa.v l'lnilc. publliiliud hv
Mnrmlllnn Co.; Literature Handera
puhllMliLMl by How. I'uleriioii Co.;
Young null Field: Hondorii piibllHhod
by Olnii it Co.; Morrill Hondom, pub
lNied by t'hiiK. K. Morrill Co.; Hlver-
nI(Ii Header, publlalwd by Houghton
Mlltlln Co.
S lulling changed Now Word
, Poller, published by World Hook Co.
Akin Word Mtmtory, publlahwl by
lliiiiKhton-Mlffllii Co.
rtilim not changed.
-a -
: Office Force Are AH
Again On The Job
i .
03 C
KlKhtcon million ynrdK nf rilk
At a bargain price mnkc It (unni
probable that the full will b k
acaion of "ruatlen " ThM Hllk Imx
boon thrown on tho market by tho
War Department a Hpcclul nllK
mmlo for wrapping cartrldK barn
but not now nnmlod. Col II. I-;,
Garrison of Iho departmuut lnul
this frock of tho silk mmlo up for
bis secretary lo prove IIh ilremt
uses. It will likely relitll at ii bunt
$2 a yard Tho bliU ucro uptimi
at WnHhlngton July lo. nfier
which II will be d. elded how (lit
mlllloiiH of yai'dn will by ni.u
keted. So It may bo rxporidd Him
women should prepare for ;i IU
your when whohwhi dlrialn tlx.
fnRlilon for fall, winter and hpum.
The 'llmuid-llonild forott In imaln on
i bo Job. Pom arrivod hoiuti SundHy
night from Uh vacation trip lo Calif
ornia, niul Alhort Swain, who rocoutly
rwturnad from Auhhiud, Iiah riMUiuml
h:a pmUIoii In tho oWrt and with
Mlaa Vail Parker on Uii Mnotypo
tha boss foU rajlloviHl anil runily for
anything that tony turn up In thu
lm of work for (hit abop. It Is
some MllnfMCilnn lo havu a form that
! dapendablu anil who know til abop.
tha only worry la to hoop thorn busy
and h untie diiourIi money to pay
them on .Saturday nlnlit. Tho hint
proposition In tho hardest part of tho
Rhine, so If you are ono of those fol
lows who haven't paid your huIihctIp
Hon for a fow yonrs and have dispos
ed of your horse nt one of Smith
Crane's sales or old your hay for a
bli; price, you tnlKbt drop In and pi
how much we can relievo you of.
1' Trlnka and his wife leave
thin week for Dixon, Montana where
ho has been Instructed In report for
duty by the Kovorniiiont on the Nat
ional Illson HaiiKu Park. Kruuk was
In tho service of the Department of
ARrlculturo ns a warden on the bird I
reserve at Malheur l.ako before h"
wont to help whip the Hun. I'poii
his return bo wan uriiIii Riven a place
In the service and has been tendered 1
the position in Montana. Ho Is roIiir ,
to luvestlRnte the place and If It Is to
Ills liking lie will remain, otherwise
ho will return hero. Mrs. Trlska ar-'
companies him.
Thn pattern or gruy uugom
at hem and throat rIvch this new
green Irlrolclt rakish fall ap
peal which with IIrIiI wrap or fur
'hii nell travel on Into thu llrst
vlillly days of Indian summer.
The bit: bal - modified e bit in
klze but ducked In sharp aiiRles
of airy plumes still rules In
milady's hut world Mayhaps Hut
velvet mid benver nlodels will
later arrive but for early wear
IlKhliT maierlahi pivvail.
Ailt'OCalcil In Cloiierul iirililun ue
, to
Twetit Ytno counlrluH cuoli Imvo
more limn Ii, Tho
I'liltcd Htaloii Imn not Iho r.i'0utiHt
iumhor, mi miuiy peoido huiipomo, but
milks second to India by moro Hum
100,0(l0,0(l0. During thu laid H.'l
yearn OtioriiKeyn led by far nil oilier
broods In iniinberH of puro-brod ent
ile Imported Into this country, 111 d of
Iho flvo breeilH leadline Iho" importit
I Ions four wero distinctly dairy t; pn,
Moro than K,7r0 OuoriiHey iv.tUo(
wero Imiiortod .leriioya rnukod iiocoud
In numbers, with DiirlmuiH, Including
Hliortlionm third, HolstoliiH fourth.
mid Ayrahlron fifth. Tho volume of
pura-btfd call In lmportatlotia Tntt
been extremely varmhla.
These hm 11 few of mnny facM
aboui he dairy lndti(rv Hi i rr
1 broiiKht out In Circular 7, i i
tubllxhed by the Cnltcd Htai l'i
pnrlnnMit of Agriculture, which mIidwx '
i blefly by graphic charts, tho trend t
'of tha Itiiluatry In Uila country nuil Its ,
rrlutlon to Ui world trend.
j circular raporta tatltlM of
. ogllJ In tha vartoua cogntrlua na far
j back sa 1360, when tho uurlluit de
' twndnble Inoriaatlyii wgg rocordad.
j Cotupnrvd with othar daegdoM tha
i world liHt hud more cattle in rocoiil
years than aver haforo, althottfrb. It
1 raust he remembured. populallon has
, Incrogard also. Owing to tho wUltfc
vrlatlnna In Hi itullty of horda lit
' t!i dlfforont countrlof, tho circular
traya, tha charts must not hu consider
. ed as an Indication of retullvo moat
' or dairy rwMiiircoa.
; Tha circular says Iho Ronoml trend
gf rtUtlu ilovelupiuoiil Is, first, work
Hiilmnla; next, ralsinr, cattlo for com
luurrmt hvf ; and, finally, coiumerclal
dairying In addition to tho hualiiOM
of tuaat production.
ThniiiKhout thu world tha enttlti
liiriuatry show r an oral growth, but
bus mad Its graMtoat advance In ro-1
glons where N(sturHgu ami fauds ar '
moro Hdiindaiit.
The recant trend of eitttlo dovolop-
' inept Indlcntos that beof production ;
tud dulryiiiR uro pror.reasliiR Rouor- j
ally outside of Iho Immediate war
area. ' I
1 Cou nt rlea which iloauud lurROly on ,
, Imporled feinls appaor tu iiialataJn r-,
latlvtily raw euttlo In addition to tholr ,
dairy cmni, wlrh huva cnulually re-:
plnrail other ottttto. '
Dairy rows hnvM abown laaa ductus-1
t)ii in iiumbar thau total jmttla. This'
condition noteworthy throughout
i lie world ovar long iMtriotla lnclud-
' lug ailvarsa conditions. , audi as ills- "
' mm, drought, and war.
RtiropMM oxr.'irlenre Indicates Hint
whuu n couutry has raaehotl tho prse
ileal limit of entile tho land will
I maintain, further Increase nf milk
( production Is Obtained by ImproviiiR
I the yield per cow.
I It appears IorIciiI that the I'nltcd
, States can best meet changed world
conditions, first, by lucreasliiR slm
4 ultaneously both the number and
j quality nt Its rattle; second, by con
stant uttentlon to economy ot pro
tductlon; and, third, by malntiiluuiico
'or cattle rnlsliiR ami dalryliiR In cou-
Junction with Reiieral tannlUR, thus
i reducing dependeuro 011 purchased
' foods,
No, my hunrtry friend, wo will Tile wirlli. thiv l f m ,
vec bo alllo (.0 "conJC" prices bft' l: ln: moro inflnmm.iblo ,1
norinal ukuId. Wo nro laboring Ony In Hpo'i, brother, oniv irp,
Iho wroiiR olid of tho crlttor. tV'ino countrlc . ,r still vir mi t
K 1 A 11 1 a. I 1 &'S ar I
I Seuntors have again been complain
' Ing of tho foul air in the senate
chamber. Ilecommeud a mouth wash
'Immediately after debatea.
Jti .IL
Animmnse problem in reconstruction confronts the prtacm f;f ncrntion.
Arc you cloirit; your utmoat 10 prepare to lead in its solution?
rss:r..w ' v :z-zui i. -jm-j 1
ft nr (i:am -v iijsutnuMi. rms. 1 domett
" e?i3," 1 ' 1 " r lit L-y v a r. Ji n r u n w iii 0 ift!,ir.;H'i?u
Oregon Agricultural College
Tim d r l-l'l in i'i- Vtii(i. i jrnf"ii vi ( 'low .
IIOMg KCONQMI ,i..CU M.t.e ' ".v.4;ii.. ',1 y. ii:.nv vY. MM' if
VOC.TIONAi. I'M., -l .. ' ' . ! i"J i!) I'lWt,, r.LgCYKi'.AL fcNC t.Vh JiK i N ..
MECIIjt(iCA. ZUC.UtKWa i.VKt'.U !. KK.lKgni(!K(l. 1 M U J b ( l I AKTO.
Th CUUCr K-.iniii,' i ' nit hi. UnWOi. Utonf.rt.Ki, Ait. M illitinili-i, MoUru L-f Liuil'i.
uuucation, l4ii i .-I juuihIhit., N:u(ul 3ti iCt, jiaj l cnenli..'v ot ti.t i JucjIii...
Three regulr.r lonnr.
11 tarn begins September 22, 1919
f Lt 0-.U'! C.'" l'llt(rlnl '. f.lclrr I.
I 'I. l'.'.U..U.A:!. . A-iru. "i
I fr'lif.-1 '.ii (U.
irii Co.i i , Cuvjiii
The Ford Motor Company luivo instruul
od us to soil tho Konuino Ford Parts to any
and ovory reliable GaraKO who will plotUre
their use in the repair of Ford cirs. 'J'ho
1,'enuino Ford parts are absolutely neces
sary to tho owner of Ford cars that ho
maytroL J!n 1,1 service from his car. We
carry them and so, we hope, in a 'Abort
time will every reiiablo Garajje, Wo1 soli
cit your service business because we have
tho Ford Methods, the Ford' Parts,1 tho
Ford Mechanics and the Ford prices. In
cidents would bo jrlnd lo trot your order
for one or moro Ford cars, -
Fire and Frost Proof
sealed in its wan
wrapped package, air
tight, impurity proof
is hygienic and whole
some. The goody
that's good for young
and old.
The Flavor Lasts
V. 1 I'll
V.-i- I,'
v 1
Be ture to id
took for t)t
Phone m&$M
Delivered to your home regularly
or as desired.
Ice and Coal in Any Quantity
Our Ice creanm urn dollclnu nmi
it. Pui'o milk, hluh unnhifniilM.
skill ami perfect sanitation. All of theso rigid reoulromonts are
neiislve. nit one vnlimi.i ni Imul
ordlnurv and uiikuIo Ico ereaiUH. OVl KMC CUMA.M SODAK are ma le
UinltM' the sainn l-eniili'iiiininiH it lit Cf.l.l. ...... I..... 1 1. I I. ...I...... tl
" , , ,, . ......... . . . immih lll liuilll Hi in, IllllhV'l.o
lug and dollolous.
Page's Sweet Shop
lrj V- a -. ill -Ul K.