The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 26, 1919, Image 1

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    Tho TlmfwHrralil koc,i re
gularly to nunc homes In llnr
, county than ny other
ntWM'i'lw' ,r w,sh to
reach tlto people uho thoso col
uutus for your ndveitlNOtncnt.
Tho TlmcH-IIcrHld In an old
established fiiehil of tho people
of Hm-ticy County hIicto it hml
been (i weekly visitor for thirty
yours. Jl'H Jolt I.')ir( iricnL in
equipped to Hcrvo yoir needs.
NO. 39
- S
t, ,i
WILL BE DISCUSSED. Mi (, N))llR0 ttrrtvt.,j horo yotgr,jny
- ' accompanied by T. C. Ktorrot, of Do-
More Activities Launched by troll. Mr. Nouno is n tlmhur mnu with
. I pi i , : (MIU'dh lit Portland and while out In
Commercial iud. 1ii vU,,Uy UutK xUw fr,,rn nt
' ' tho Contra! Oregon Oil & Clan Co. In-
SEVERAL COMMITTEES PUT TO WORK teresis, of which ho i. president, ho
, . ltun boon looking over tho tlilur and
. n i t rinding It tiulto un MHnctlvo propo-d-
Club Arranging Lease on rreseiu Koonis;
(Ion oxprossud ItlH Intuntlon of Invlt
i. I Tr)' for Improvements in , lug operators m to look over th-
M .il Wtm field. TluU I tho purpose of tho
! viU of Mr. lorr;tSmd lliy have
V k ,. r. Klar weekly mooting of " ' tho mouulalns north of
,,,, Yu Clnh hold Inst " y. aceonuuu 1 ,y Che,. M
i ....... ii ti.u.. iint i.. Faulkner, who wna appointed b tor
o first ono was wllh what Inform,,, on
w .,rr.u K, Willi tho city council and nfll commll hIm
tlll, odd Fellows la signing up a loose mmmUw ,,,
for ii" ' b room. 'favorable to opening up tho timber
mother rominlttco r,W,m.os l0 Ul0 ,, of Hums P,
jji'i"- lMlun wan appointed In con-1
tuMti v ah tho postal sorvlco tie- .,,,. ,...,, ,..,u
......... i ii..i....... A""""".!! .!.. v
tWCt II I'UliU ill!" niivimmiHi .
Icttir rc olvod by Proiddont HIkkh,
nf tin- tlub In ronponso to n petition!
to tin' Fourh Assistant I'oHt Mantorl
tJcmral that tho mall routo bulwoou
,3c.ural that urn .nan - " k
url. , aA llnrhanan bo qontlnuod,
.,, . ,... it U not th. dHlro of
";' LI Z oL w '".king ! rnvol a.
l, ':rf ' Mnu in th, .onntry with
, h",'r,i.w ot Mrlo, a iupMy at two or
, n v... '"a1 rwlnred. tbni mtU a
Ma I x.-ad llonro To Mm. colwtal-r(li,0 Hmotlul , ,h. ,lMI. k
ft 'I'lllt'C wilt rHiivan IM wv-
, . . ,UI
u , r . .t ma
,. . . prMMt la b. lK tnU.(
t . . -a. k roula. but tlila cm'
.. , ..u.d f""''r'
l1IK ,fl ,h.. iHtur from tko Fourih
.! V t Master ContraU thura-
ht thia routa cor.
. 'I1
founU that no o no
it . I wllllttK to arropt
,nln.,l to liavti
.'" r.1 n,P,"" .,u '
, n,v! Mil- ia.i imv,,,K m rU U(u mnm im M0
B att-rii tormlnus. .. o(fr(J(, for wu , ,, am, u,ijmiitK
Vluhhor n to DIm us. j coumloB MIM( Rod prhr. Un
HnlldliiK , .,,'der nurh Irr unutaiirw It In rtlranco
President HlRK of tho club wl I n(.
extend an Invitation to Crano I)r,,w. of
r. Silver Crok, Narrows. Lawnn o
and other nelRhborlnK piacea to meei
with tho club In this city on Friday
evonlnn, Aur. H. to dlncuxn In dotnll
the propcslllon to bond tho county
for road purposes. This means much
to this county and brings up a ques
tion K.aK should Imvo freo discussion
and n wbMi every part of Harney
i-.ji.. m li.tfnatd. In tho moan-
nn e - mimlltoe In charKo of good
r ""h r,r,ram win Kot in touch with
- "initios that Imvo alrsady
. . bavo such dala and in-'
tan ba aaeurod for tho
r .i.o-iilon of IiojhIIiik for roud
ii . bMtH conahiartid bofnro
1 I. l.aiAM l.llA.
i .. .oik tti It tad Itaalf to at
, u. ..pnvliu ' tha
s - Mi apj-rovnl and for thf.t ' tJst a .erloo- flr wa. ramij in
!.. iii t eallad. i 1 Urawwy ami that for a tlmv ih m..m
rpriuatlvto from M ihramonwl wllh deairiej.ot
.unity to Rlvo vlowa and ' kaor tha wltid chanjeed and -I bo
, . no Hoad Improve. ! 1 fluaTatlou soon mUor control.
. a be undertaking In), W ro rtfarnitfl Ilia flra stafleil
.t and havacarolul'ln Brno Aolonglnr to h. J. 1U
. ... Inml tliat hiillrflDv wm cimolsLwiV
i. v muil nei uuar in :
i,.,.t results and a Kritr
-'iii. and fadarnl
i itigg uppcinuU anotliur
... ri.u to koap In tottjoh
r. out ;nl I villas of tha
n'iii iun ia mi iiirriiory
.;. ih.' nuitirr of porinnn-
n.iii lun la this tiirritory j
..r r.i..di, r.nci Utlly tho
... . ...ding to Suntox
. Mon with tha highway )
Tin) louttolttiM la
i. tKHk of arrsaKtm '
. .! tbrouKh thla city for j
HiiK 1 1 HOB.
o ,.
! II' I i.OM ( lll(?.flO MA I) l
l lll.A.Vn IN KOHI (H.',0W"'
i Mr-. C. A. Korto'n of
. ompanlad l)y his slater,
Korteh. arc.lvud.ln thla oity
. v. n tug and Iirvo kodu out
'ii runch five mllos onat of
day. Tho party has
..1Kb from chlouBo lu n
. . l expl'ct to ko.oii at for
ix-for i-tartlng on tha
Thoy lifive bad a de
u ho lnr. Mr. Kortn
Mini. tripH to luayai't ii'.i
In thlH vlt-luity Ud bltl
v tha occasional flail.
n Ht'iMmviHi; wtniii
C. U. ltditdtli. uti ini;lni-(tp ronm i
tod with tho Btnta HUhway Connnl"
,,,. unim horo ,nBl B.M.rduv .d
mh.whv or(
uu.miis IHU.VO iiwrniit
-mUb rr.. u iNiek from kt. lata
Pnili.aSl falrVlc dur-
, , ..'... ,
,r,,, "l V T "
Crauo as tho aaaaon will bo adv
Business Place and Homes
, ,
Ullg!H UUKnOWH'ai UfCWSeyj I fOua)j
Defective l'juc in look House at
Warm Springs Ranch.
TlHiihona coriimiinliatn bromrlit
startlliif; ow Thursslay flir-
droyd a woll aa tko woou skd
i.i i . .i a ju.
unu ict iioiim noioiigtna; u-on.
In addition to thesa biilhtlnn two
small onoa 11oiibidb Ck. Cran
11(01 his barn unU clilakan houao wrra
'Pli.i l.lficuamlt Ii ihnn mm Wond-
ruff pl-ca. (ooihr with baru nnd
w'jpuaniMi; ur. i. urri-w.
nd n portion of tha fflioa aurround-
' It with a lot 6f aldwtk wor nlao
vousuiiiatl boCoro tho flro'VaH koIIou
U'or control.
Tho flra starUd iiDout 41 HsrjwK
In thu forouqon and ruKd uiosi or tha
day but by good work it wan Jtopt out
of thu main buafnoas portion of thu
Tho TiHjoa:llonild waa lnfnrrifld
yohturdny oronlng that flro had de
stroyed tho ranoh houatant thu I'.'l.
S. Co. Worm rjpiltiia tn;h in tho
Drowsoy country.
Tho fii" wa discovered uot.wo.ri
tha collluK wnd root of iho oooh hotue
ami gulnad hood way o rapidly that
it wiia tiupo'idbla 10 ut' l t'. All .Ko
bulldiuK ir a total tncludli.g
th HitupIiuS oi tho ranch .iwd ifto m
:.onnl offocts of Luwsj.-i NuwoaJ, Who
Id In chnrgtf.
As Europe Will Know Our War tM
President in' Centuries to Come
Ohier. .nr w.rn and more uUr i.n In Ji Is ovory day American
lift, will l'e tho way Huropo know. ProMdcnUWlUon In th UxrUm
o com.. hlr William Orpon. ono of most Cnmoua
was n.slit.Ml to paint th allied load-rn In thu r.roal pww conforano
ut Vormallloa. I lore Is Orpen complstliiK his minvas.
Your ntnro may ileum oomniou
plnco to YOU.
HonntiNO you nro In It .miry duy.
Folks who llvo near Nlngrn Falls
fall to find a thrill In tho beauty and
grandeur of Nature's great apectnelo,
Ilut your shop Ih WONDKItFUI.IiY
FAHCINATINO to other people.
Thorn In romntico In merchandise.
There's a story which could be told
about every article on your shelves,
about ovury day's busluoHa
Try an oxpurlmont. ,
Tomorrow morning ico to your
place of bualneaa aa If U wore roar
Flltrr DAY on tha Job. '
a s?es '
( will ; it pi?,c . Jp
Try to look nt your oatahllahmoiit
) from tha standpoint of a atmngor.
on a fraali viewpoint. Thau you'll
and your unthuakioni growing. You
will thrill to your fliw;ar tlim.
,la t)iir store oommanplnco? A
tliowaand tlmtis NO I It Is iooiiiIuk
with Intuorst. It In alive with ro
iimiice. You'll probably llud that cnthu
Ilasm bubblliiK over Into newspaper
An KNTIIUHIA8TK' merchant
simply MWHT advertise.
He feels an Irrenlstlblo Impulse to
tell the men hud women of his com
munlty about his store and his hot
And when ho Kctn his enthusiasm
"r" to tho public, they'll make a
path to hln door.
stop iiilvci tNlnw to save money
H Itlii stop'ilnij n clock to nvn time.
.. - . .y ;
H A () K II It 1) H II
H.tJJ, I'urliiKton had recovered bin
health sulllcleiilly to roltiru to the
mill thu fore part of this week. Ho
wan accompanied up by IiIh daughter,
Miss Union.
Juiltfo Urn hi Thompson Is lu town
loday to be proHunt at tho souil-annual
mcollni; of Iho director)! of the First
National ' Dank. .Indue TliompHon
stato tshey aru itelitliif; nloiiK well
with haying uperatlonH)
(leu, Noblo, Warren Hi own, John
Conilm and J. T, Dixon, all of 1'rlno
vlllo, were roKbdered ut Iho Loyenn
lu this city thu other day. They wfiro
eiirouto homo from a trip from thu
eastern part of tho state.
K. J. Callow arrived hero from
llend Thursday and left the follow-
I lug day for Dunlo whmo ho goes to
nee his mother for a few days. Ho
. will stop lu It u r mt on bin return and
jgroot his friends. Mr. Cntlow in in
I tho drug business In lloml and stales
he In dofng wolt.
Dr. and Mrs. II. .M. Morton ontno
over from lloml the latter part df tho
weak and are guests of rolntlvw null
rrleuds In tha city. Dr. Morton la
hero for tha semiannual tnaotlng j(
tho rtlractors of tho PI rat Nallonil
Hank. They will start on tha return
to lfend loniorrow aUernoon. v
Mr. and Mra. Arabia MeOowan nnd
bis father and mother, wore haru
.tiiiii tha u'luitt vialtlittt tar ii aliort
tlwa Holh families impect to tako ,
their doparturu uaxt wak for a vlalt
to Suuthurn Orogon. Upon thalr ra
lurn Archie and family ex (tact to tako
up thnlr rosldaneo on thalr farm over
on flock Creek.
Hoy C. Dvyor was haru for one day
thin week, coming this way from Cal
ifornia while enrouto to Camp howls
where he will receive his discharge
from tho army loday. White here
Mr. Dwyer arranged with Lelnnd Fry
to continue thu operation of the light
plant until further arruiiRuments. Mr.
Fry announces Hint tho light plant
will not close down aa had been re
ported. v
Tho little noil of Mr. and Mrs. Ceo.
DiiHtln was kicked In thu htomach by
a colt at the Hull A ranch Thursday
and. severely Injured. He wan
brought to town and Dr. Smith
opened bin abdomen to uncertain if
there had been any rupture. Ho
draltud thu cavity and found there
had Into n no rupture. Tho Utile fol
low Is in a sorlottH condition at thu
HrIiioh hoHpltal.
Mrs C. H. McCounoll took her do
parturu yesterday niorultig fdr Soaitla
whuro alio will vhtfl for yorlod wllh
roln'ttvoa aud frlouds. Her Uaughtor,
mi... Ml Hum Iibh Iiimu a t land Ilia
school In SsstllB slneo last fall. Tho
boys will rtmaiu hero for a fow woaka ; atloraoygoitoral and an iuoaumii h
with t'toir fhlhar who a 111 tako 1km waa authorised.
4).i an ostoudecr camping trip to tha I Thla tnsrtlgatlo coi vlneed tho ft
muunUilus g.'tor which ht-y will Jain j tornoy-tnrl that many of the ap
tl.elr mo.her. Hlliallona aad rtaoila of alignment
1 war forgad und that u n-w complaint
' with us on in hp
Stat. Qama Warden Carl D. Shoe-'
r rr , -r n
abort time during tola wo.
Wednesday oven , Uke-
vlow and taking bla de,irture Tbura- (
day afternoon lor Canyon City "'.
wasnccomnnn otl by Fml l, Hoalt
0dltororthol ortlnndNow.. '
Mr. Shoomakor was bora on olllgta At
biuJiwM and waa in hurry to gat lo
other parts of he country. Ho dla-
cussod tho Mainour lko bird rose -
valloii with a reprosontat vo of u ta
paper and oxpro-se hi. attlludo and
that of tho Btitto (lama Commlaalon ,
us being right lu accord with tho
people of Ibis county. Mr. Shoemak-j
or uudorstiyida tho position of tho!
poopla In roaptfot to tho bird reaorve ,
and knows thoy ru right. Ho aa-!
...ri in that ha would do anything
ho could toward plnclng tho country
right baforo tha people of this atato. throwing Mr. narrow unuw mo ...
Mo kuowa thero la no dlapoaltlon up-ieblne and draggail him for
on the part of local people to do wwny dlalaaee. Ho had soveral rib brpkeu
With tha reserve but that they don't on hla lof). ahlo. hla loft unit badly out
Intend to allow that to Intorforo with and tuilnfully brnsort ovor tho Uody.
tliu dpvslopment of homes In Harney
Supreme Court Opinion Given in
Livestock Co. Case.
Harney Circuit Judge's Decision h
Approved: Attorney-General to
i'rocccd With Action. -
SALI2M, Or., July" 22. (Spoolnl (i
thu OrHgoulan.) .Judge Dalton Hlggx
of the Harney couuly circuit cour.
acted within his right!! when ho
granted n motion for tho dismissal of
tho complaint filed by ox-Attornon -Ceiicnilv
Crawford to rocovur approx
imately 2(1,000 ncros of lands from
tho Pacific Livestock company, a.
cording to nn opinion rendered by tho
Orogon supremo court today.
Dismissal of tho original milt n
gulnst tho livestock company wnt
urged by Atlorney-Conornl Ilrown,
who charged that thu complaint was
defective in (lint it attempted to show
that tho tracts were acuulrcd through
dummy ontrynysn and conspiracy,
when In fact forgory should Jiuvh
boon tha baels of the suit. Undor tho
ruling of tho supremo court. Attor-ney-Oenoral
Ilrown may now procood
with tha prosecution on u complain:
fllad by him following tha diamlaaat
of tho original proceedings.
Coso Unto Hack to HU t.
Tha prlncliwl iiiosllon involvod, ar
cording to tha opinion, was whether
or not plnlntlff may take voluntary
uooauJt undor tho provlnlons of u law
nndo applleahla to a ault ln.ouity
aftrr a demurter had baan diaposod
The caao originated In April. 10 U.
whau ox-Attornay-Qenonil Crawford,
acting nt'thu riMiueat of ox-Oovomor
Woat. filed intlon to recover Iho amU
hold by tho livestock company in Har
ney nnd Oriint counties. The Innds
were clasnlflcd as school lauds, xchool
Indemnity lands and swamp lands.
Tho Mwamp Jnnds were orlglnnlly np
plled for by H. C, Owen, known as the
"Hwamp land angel." In most ln
atmicus. tho lands had been transfer
red by the state to W. 11. Toddhuntet
and John Devlno. Made to ICglflaturr
F. A. Hyde, oporntlng In Ban Fran
cisco and famous becnuso of his In
crimination in subsequent land fraud
cases, transacted business for Todd
huntor. Mr. Devlno, Henry Miller and
a man by the namo of Lux. Mr.
Miller dlod recently nnd his entato !
now principal owner of tho Haclftr
Livestock company.
When Attornoy-flenoral Ilrown
oMtuu luto otllea ho lackod suiriclout
ovldonra to procaud with tho prose
cution of tho caaa OU the complaint
fllotl by Mr. Crawford und muuMlod
to tho 1017 loglslnturo.for an appro
priation to y Uio coata uaeosaary in
atartiiig a now nctlon. Thla wa
wharaunon the atMte land
board ram to tka awristnnco of tha
would ho tlocaaanry lu tho dvent tho
latato waa to roako tho hc.t of it cufo
. soiik!(
sttoiney-goaorul then filed . i
- -t
dlemlSMd. In I ho
, fJ Uvw8tocU eomwMliy ur.
JJS ul,oU, Mr. nrown'n
J 'Jf,,, , 1(imUlMMl t. oom.
i n. vheroupon the llvostock cow-
pyU (0 lmvo l0 order .et
, (l)f dt..
1 m to
llud.wrltlB oxpart. who
lmp0rtllll, part in gathering
' ' ' .. rftMHtl,
, "
" .,h
Dr. 8nurman wna callodlto Narrows
Thursday aftomoou to Attend Win.
Harris, who had boon hurt in a run
tawny. Tho toitiu bo wna irtung
tho tho mowing machine rnu, away
Ho la going to havo gomo aoronesi iu.
.i time before ho rooQvors.