The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 19, 1919, Image 1

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    '111 o 'niii-IOttil(I Is no '.!('
ONllibllHliod friend of I ho people
of Hnriicy County where It llai
boon (i weekly visitor for thirty
yearn, 1(,'n Job department 1
equipped to hurvn jour needs.
I(K t.i more ItmiU'N (it Hiir
( other
iicttH'"l'l,,, H 'ou u',sh lo
reach tliu iM'oplu ""o lwo col
wtin for your tw! voi tlncinoiit.
NO. 38
fD r KA1M.II I.I.Mih
rLi i
1LUJO w I" -
Offer Encouraging Ad
vice to Farmers.
area to cover with a limited amount
of available water for Irrigation and
montloncd Mm Kinnll rainfall but
apako hopefully of tho great amount
or underground water that might lio
developed to tlic advancement of the
crops. Mr. HlggH called attention to
jtho Irrigation work nt the Htallon
i from a pumping plant and suggoHtud
J that an nuenratu reeord lie liopt of
thl demonstration to ancnrtiilu thn
New York Makes Wilso
ural i'ol
At b".
!aA .1!
prw., iv ir and a commute cost and whether It wonltThu profll-
t(UV U" 1 1 ui iiiu iiKiinir NniP 10 1110 MUllVltililll.
i 1 1 1 1 1 1 u k of Judgo J. . 1. H. (iMr Htated that from hls
i. tmlrmun of ihu portouat knowladgt thora wre farm-;
. Mer. iworotary of ori in this county who 4m "down!
' Walter M Poare. and OHt'Mu'fnre the eatautl-hmaut of '
ii.Han and Geo. Corn- th nation who now ra proctiDrlnv
im icinuy mat aionuuy nnd All through fOIIOwlux the a oth-
iriid'purp" 'f making an Inspect, oils UtujJit by th itntlOn.
lofth' u nniem aimion at mis 89nntor pierr wm called tinn
if. i ; th ufternooh out ajul gnv a very oiiniuraKlns talk
it... tl . i ilnl rollirilfxl lo (III. frr Mm MHnim I fu int. I I.I. I....
: I ,, ' ......... - ' iui ..' i whim i i i ii. iu.m ii I iiviai -
W m li v..iuiir on Invitation of or that thoy didn't hayo a "chluflh"
M ....... . . . ,t fit nffiilB 1 I M II It lltdt .... . .1 A I .. I
. t.,r 1 f ttiA titlrflllihMu nti.1i 1.1. i..M,li.,l.H I it..
in IUV - " - ' - - - .If- IIV Ft M 1 1 V O '-l'UIV -l,l I HIT .H II 1 17
Hfcu ntv thlm: out In Ornudo ltondi Viillov
Tbelurtv ww arcompanled hy Ad Mr. l'Mrco U a run I farmer nnd ald
n ti. . m rlii 1 wrllur fnr tint l.u mm nii.u t, i.ii. i.iu fnin.
.onu alio hy Mrs. Woathorford. the alfalfa and told them It was a .. -
n. I ;r Mm. Myera and Mr. mif hH. Uv urciid the neciwlty of ltTl l.Al A u'oma.V
OfoJt ain. carK
I'nrtlnaiiNhli! wan rnnl to thu four uIiiiIh In the uolromo vhen I'roslili'iil and Mrn WiIhoii returnrd
from the peuro ronlerence at VerBnllhn Thin Mhowii Mm In the Joy of eettlng font on Aniorlcan Roll
ai;aln. It In the rldu down Fifth nvonuo In Now Vo.k. to raruenhi Hull where UioumiiikIs were turiuxl
away unuhlo to nln ontranco. Mayor llylnn of Now Vork city uud governor Hmlth uro rldliiK with tho
Mr Wooilrutr, of Alhany. following the mothodH of tho Mntlon
So l!tfo.iii'lon had heun reclvml mid ndvlnlnn with the niiporlntendont
Sapt Sh.ittii'k of tho tttntlou an and alno uotnmuulratu with the col-
ll.L .1... ...B.k .(.!. W I I.. .... A ... . I . .......
ibiwi uj mi" I'm.' nviv vuiiiiii-, u-Ru in mi uiiurv io Kui weiii reiiii.
bJt the expected upon their ar- Mr. I'eomi han mnd a huccohm of
1 ... II ......I.. I .. . .. . .,"'" ! nunii IIUIII I
iiiu iiM i i rem iiiiijiin urn' iiiuiiu iiirinuiK nun wnniH inn moil n IK iki il , , , . n . . . ... I M.m They came over in that line of ork In thu coiiiiiy i . . . y VT.11' " 1,1 Promoters Agftin Active on!
MrAN(;i:s is HCiioor law
i:.i'iaini:i) nv aimtcinix.
Mm. Win, It. Cattorxon phhsdi! a
way at thu HalneH hOHpltal ThurKilay
night. Hho wan hrought down from
"JZI l till 1
I that time It waa thought that a minor
MilllllllV IIWirHllll' Mllll til l.ri.flt I... III.. HVI.I,.I1.I lit III.. Bin.
' " .,...... I'j i"l """ ""- ,.rw.r,.l I.... .. ,.,.1,1 ..ul,.,i. I...- I,,.
. . ... mil iiiiiuii niimii nn &
The r-;' " ixpnM4l natlifnr- mniitM of Hit young mou and wouiou
ic i.r the fart that It lliuw In order that thoy not only make
j This Wat dona hy Dr. Minlth hut hnr
jroiidltlou i;rew woinu ami after a
roitmillatlon with Dr. (irlfflth and
Dr. (Jimry It wan duclded that a mora
i HurlotiH oparatlon waH nuciuwary. The
Nerond operation
The following letter from Snpt.
Churchill covorH a ne'w law that In of
Importance lo the hfihool dhttrlcta of
IIiIh county. School ofllcorH should
read It:
I Tho law lu regard to thu dlHtrlct
i rlerk giving houd wan not changed lu
'liny way. It Jk right, therefore, for
- - 1 you to require IioiiiIh from all clorkH.
A firm mortage and a C, per cent The work In carried on lu the name
gold ho ml Itmuo of $10,000,000 In way, excepting that the county Irons
auihorUed lu a (runt deed filed with 'urer hcopH all tho fundi. You nUonld
Connecting Important
Central Ore. Points
Commercial Club Starts Mo
vement For Special Elec
tion to Vote Question
Thw mowtliig of tho Commercial
Clul) last night wu devoted alinOat
Piillroly to tho iIIkoukmIum of tho r
nommoudaMonk of ilio pollclea com
mllteu iiiion good road. Tills aub
Jecl In hig 0110114th to pond mom
than ono uvotiliu; ujiou and oiih thai
in far ranching. That It has hoon.
Klvpti fuvornhlo coimlduration if cotu
ruondahli. Imutodlnttt action wan takuit to
ward Mlnrllng thu petitions lor it
fpoclal election to houd tho county
for road nurpoHcv, tho president of
tho cluh having appointed a eommlt
too oonnIstliiK of Attyu. J. H.ook.
M. A. Mgj ami C. 11. McCmTtioll to
confer with the county hoard In draw
ing uji tho nocvHHnry putlllomi foi
elreulatlou. Thin Is a move Iti tho
right direction and tdiould have th
Mtipport of the entire county.
Tho mport of thu pollclcH commlttoa
to the cluh rcadtt:
Tho general development of the
natural rwoiircon of Harney County.,
tends to thu upbuilding of every part
ot the County.
itlghl at tho bottom of tho pros
perity of evory locality ami every dis
trict mtiHt he placed thu luntltutlon
of Good HoadM coituecllng each local
ity with every other locality.
wiim iiiirfiiriiiiiil
..... . ... . . .. . n...... ... . ....I ,ni... ...III.... I.
u.(uii u(.i nun ii. living ior inuiimuiYi'n nui mnu miiji Yuenilay night with a foullnr among 1 ot,,1,v 1'iorK tiouaji ny iiniiort IJ. iuiiku your apporiioiiiueiiiH jam im i nuujuu ui uumi nuuua .lumra-
irtn their iiy m thU city gave humanity by giving of their taluntii 'tl(o nttumr i.hyrtU'liiiiM tliat tlio imt- ,r'ihorn for the Oregon, California you have alwayn done and notify como a National iiuujtlon for eon
it taut li i raging talk of the to the work mot imeded. Mr. Corn- i Jt waR lkal, (o MUrvVH . H Umitorn Hallway company for com- oach m hool clerk Juat how much nldoratlon. Kvury Htato in the Union
itweof tL . untry and , what they wall aUo took up the advantages of ,..,, ,, waH honied thu only al". I1'"'"" 'in' 'inlpment of mlleM money In placed to IiIk credit in the Ih giving tho matter careful consider
:pdtoiln io ,tld hy domomitratlon tho big body of timber lo the north . ' ,. ' tl , . of kIx railway IIiioh between Klamath olllce of the county treiiHiirer. The allon. Hvery county lu each ntnto la
: the itaifiT
tin I liilll
.... . . ........ .. . ..... '....
nf lilt., .tilt, mill MMn.irlml Mini llilu
. .r. . --." .. t.1Jinro of recovery
Shu camo ''" "nnd. Silver Lake, Lakevlew, hcIiooI Ibmuch warranlK JuhI hm they
Aiiwmi nnvi.iiK oi uie uoinmer- would tiring tramiporioiion in 0from 1() O.,ort,. lMi,j0 j u very f-ranu and other polnt. Ilrnnch linen havo nlwayn done, nut tliu warranlK
iiriabwa held on Monday even- uoar future an there wan a demand ,tro,,.ir01m ,0udltloti and mIhi mmmod ,,ko 0"" from 1a,ry ,0 Honauza, ' nhould he addrenied "To tho County
- ' .in i.i.i.ixi nui ...p. iiii.i .,..n ii.ii.; rallv for ii tllili' lint 11 wan hot tier- ,,,rl ,,ro lr nir. i mi l uiuiiini illinium , ... .,.,
II ini riTTli....! . II fl..l l.iu .. i. ... .... . ... .1... I .. .. ....... .... - ... . ... . i ... . . .1. . .. I . . 1. ,, ... .... ..II.... .. I. ......
t, .,,,., ' , u V ., ., Imanentand ho died at mldiilghl. ''i'.. -
.tlaturc -..nm. of orunlH an it ap- ply thlit demand. Tho gentleman c...lorBOII WM., fortnorly Mlaa ',"p,, 1 U iiectHwmry and your clerku are prob-
l.ipm -nt of tho coun. further dl-ttwd the functlonH ot' ' '.' , ,,. i KllltK of the trttnt dfled Ih a -tep ably well auplled with warrant hookH.
i tnuuiMirtatlon In connortlon with the
Vm : K.r- of th collg na- tnarketlnp of th timber rtMHiun-Ba
,r "i hla interoat in of thu t.-rrltory and iiredlrtatl thv
I T ' e rouniry in a completion of tliu railroad lino to ae-
ii k... . .. . .. ...
., ,.ii;v. i;illlllllUli.llJ till. IIU I lllllllllllllll .
Of the i !ub He polntoiLout thu Joffenton Myem Hpoko of thu wealth
,?rmiiiri(s jor larger development, of thin big country and tho dutermln-
atl of more liomo and ntntctt atlon of tho people to Hiiccecd nnd
1 v ...... ium nun in;, u null liu UUIiril'll IIIIIV llllllll nilllllll
illllt In tnnlflni. ..n .1 1 1 1. u .iw.b. ...I.. ll.. .1... ....... I I . a i
""'"1 .uiiniHuiin muni win, liu ninini' in iiiu kiiiiii niniin mi
,,,,,, ,ln ulll ,lu iiuimrii nun iiiHouiii(ir;i iniu roiiiu mm worn i
....... i
. ...w uu,lr iii. h nuiu nnnmi' nui BO KUUI1 Ullll CUIIIIIIUIIIIIHI lllll III U- I
Wm. Catluriou May 8. 1007. She In
urvlvwl by hnr bunhaiid and two
autura In thin vicinity. Mrn. J. W.
Shown and Mrn. Jou l.loyd of llarnuy.
two HlHtern and one brother who ra
Hhe In aUo Hiirvlved by her father,
Inldu up lu Washington. Thu funeral
will he not until tho rolatlvcn. In
WiiHlilugtoii are heard from, Inter
ment will be at Harney.
Ic establishing profitable farm ponal for better roadn. Addlnon lion-1 HKCKNT IIAV ftAIW
here thero uro many rcnour nutt. tho veteran nawnnaner man who
6 imall population which left ban been making froauent vlnltn to
.V JIIII...I.I- . ... .. ... . .
mi in uvuri-uiiiu uiiu in in neciion ior wiu pani lourieon
. iMuiu in nuivu. j-ruaiuuni yoam. nam wo inougni wo woro noi
that tho conditions lu thin going forward but ho pointed out
In thn big project Htrahorn ban been 1 would auggest that you have them
worfidiK on for threu yearn to connect Hcralch out tho worda "To tho Dln
;inpnriaiit polnin lu the rich platiKui ' trlct Clerk" and write In th worda
of Southern and Uantern Oregon. j'To the County Trmmurer." If you
The above appeared In a recent ' could noctiro a rubber Htamp It would
Ihhuo of the Portland Journal, and Ih ho well for you to make the change
under a Klamath Falls dato line. The 'on any hooka which you havo In your
Hoheme In not a new ono but In one 'olllce before minding them out.
that tho war prevonted moving for- Under thu provlnloiin of thin new
ward of recent year. Mr. Htrahorn j law tho county court may mako an
, ban vIMtcd thin vicinity and bin plann order that It will not como under thin
have been dlnanmed with local bunl- 'act, hut will continue an heforo. The
tu'sn men. Khould ho nurcood In hla i county, however, muiit adopt ono
AT K)I I'ltlCK bR undertaking It will glvo Harney; plan or the other. Thero In no pro
Qoorso Marndon of Hoar Valley ro- of the country by giving impetus to
county a through lino of railroad ( vlnlon for any ono district being
1 i : com
Tho TlmoH-Horabl Is Informed thatand bring about further development excepted.
Yourn very truly,
.nniiv ,iui-.iin.n.i iim i.v rrnm nt v. ntivcml dormant entflrnrlscfl. Espcc-. J. A. CIIUKCIUMj
'7 were different from other mnnv Milium thnl hmt Iiaaii nrrnm. I r n n.iini. i.. . i.i lullv lu MiIm Irmt nf Ihit tlmltnr rn. Hunt. I'llbllc Instruction.
r" . ti jimcu "iiii ur. it . . iiriuiiu in mm . - - -
C and theriifnrn f!lffrAnt ..llnlwwl .1 iifA it flraf vIbII in til I .. . . .... . . mum . uftn.iii in lliii nn.lh nf llnrnu I 11 1
. . ..... r,ii,,i... ...n. .... . " , Vlrinilv iimVIIIk Bid Ilflr Itjll. pirilli I . ,lii i.i.i.i. ... i.hi m.ii ,m unuu hid Diunuii lormorv. i no oniv nniicuiiv wun i iu.ii. ,.,.. ....... iMFn h..ii Mm wmi initi aciiviiv aaain ooina ninn- iini i"";i ""' ,.... ...n.
meplaco to try out thoso moth- tho country was that so fow under-!tandlug hay crop on a portion of Ifohtcd tho Irrigation projects of this, night after spending over two ycara
el lurinount tho dlinculllci. In'ntood about It. Mr. Hennott express-Lnf..iOII 10 i11hi i,..(iw IOwn which pecllon nnd aim) of tho Silver Creek In thn navy, Tho young man saw
InilnH.A.. i... , . . ... . . .... . I - - m ... I . i .1. I.I 1 1.. 4
.-.i-utun iiu poinioii out mat ed It an his opinion that this Is notWftU nicontly bought hy Chester Dal- valley will go rorward more rapidly . acuvo nervicu uuriiia um niiiinniiiiin
ments were ncsatlvo but nuviir. n rniiiiipv fnr Mmnii rnrnin imt thnt ii , . if. ii, hi. ,mi i,. will follow. ' and was rapidly promoted. Tho
i;m. .in i. .... i -
Ii... fl... ..It .....It. ...Ill l...f.. iliimnlliilFfll. Tlmnu.lliirntil nulillHlii'd a letter from
. -- ---- . ( .rii'iHIIIIIII III. Ill Ala. IIIII lllll 111! lllll I IIII IIII Hl'lin Will 11(1 I U llUIIIIJIinil . ....... .--.
31IM Viln.l.l. i.. . ... . ' . ...
-'"h." ih iioiniing oui ino nnd that wo would nnaliy adapt our-urfl ,,,.,1 i.(, niiin It on. 1 1 1.,,.. ,,,.,1 Mr. I.ncbor rncontlv. in wh ch ho
acting In conjunction with over
other county lu working out tho per
miiueut unlahllahmeut of Public Hlgh
wayH, both Statu and National,
through Its territory.
Harney County, we helluvo, ntnndi.
iilonu today an tho only county lu
ISastcru Oregon that has not n I randy
otud bonds for permanent linprovo-
Oleum in iuih line, in uie 11100 01 iua
geographlual location that this county
IioIiIh, It seems to iim th'at It Is almo!
utuly Imperativo that wu as a county
vote bonds to thu extent of at leant
IllOO, 000. for this purpose.
Wo believe there nhouhl he a care
ful analysis of tho entire Hoad Hulld
lug activity lu the State with a yluw
of ascertaining and determining Vow
wu may unite with these movements
for our own benefit.
TIicho roads that arc being con
structed by thu Joint and united ef
forts of county, state and Federal
(Continued on page four.)
1 ia. .11 . 1 -- - 1111 iimiii niuiii 11 11111 1111 11 nn iu aini - ------- v ,
m hT; , 1 Kni,u,n'V,."0lV0H to 1,10 w" wor P1 These are considered giTod prlcea , , ,,KIlV0 nn nccount of lho first attempt
!- o?i rnCi',Wn8 fr hay and indicate that the ranch- " ' ''''""' ,
noi mnrtiy nn agricultural other speakers said In subntance, that .... ,.0hk to ruallxu nroritH from "" lu,"!rH- I
"on In report to corn and other' wo must reallro our conditions and 1 ? 1 ,1 ' " o received his discharge from tho
i". imi 11 rnust bu dovotod adopt oursolvna to the country nnd L..111.... tn i... 11 lu u illfforent Milk Cow for mile for Information navy and win devote urn timu nun
w Props which had boon dom-lnrnim most nrofitabln and niiccesHful. I ,.i.nn.. 111 or. inloniH in ntlmr tlilnun.
h... 1 - I ......... T. .......... --.
-..v. Uri BiiPPPHUriii lllu a in o 1 ir.. ,i. irnii...
UK SllCf P.HHf III. Illn lllllflvl U.nnlni. Vn ilni Ifntlntl iivurnsiinil
. . . . . iiiiiiiiiiii ittii iiui aiuiiiiii in unuijii
eltuatlon convinced him that j his pleasure at again being with tho I
I wai rot tho rontrollnir factor nnnnln nf thin HiWInn. It bnlnc bin
Ifl .1 - " " I
) wiijiout frost would pro-1 third visit to tho station. Capt. A.
luiin. crop of alfalfa or other w. Cowan spoko of early struggles
1"frop I'rosldont Korr closed ()f pcoplo lu other countries and of;
mark i)V Mating hu and tho ' Mm dhicourngomont they mot but that j
i w r brancli would lm
,.,1 . ......... .... nii;nu nil iiiu tuiiini inn niiu iiu.t nun-
,5(l ftailv In".... 1 .,.1. .. ... .
I'lnr It secuou in porous and successful.
r ',ro,,lnrns. J Judgo Wenthcrford askod pormis-
"llll.'Ull H.'llllnV milllll nnmn !..,. II... ....... II. nr nillnilpliml
4rni MK ,,r,,H,,,0,,t orr'Hjto say a fow wordH and ho gnvo the'
iM.l .W,,'rh 1,0 ,lwolt UP" 1,10 i pooplo of this country most oncourng-!
"I 'OllVlTt lll n nl.. .1
. - r .. '.u..v .1 1 11 n
".w u urnru.ri i' ... ....... t.i 1..1
1 1 1 11 l nwiiiu lirillK
'OCOme Hnn T ir iif.. .1. ..
, M Mr Jlnnhsy lu nn excellent
w along the problems of dovol-
' this big arid mimtrv Iin en.
lll .'rilL'L'liiu nf liu. II..I
- rfl"' - Hint
on a f (.,ilu? ,iu., ,! ,,,
i)wn a success and othors
1 ri.e fxporlmont Htutlon,
"lou! v., for tho education
, Jountr, r i,f.,,i0 1.,.,, ...
...... W
, -" prar tit-tti u,i r0ft.
Ing advice and nhowod by his remarks J
that ho was a true friend of tho poo-,
pie of this Valley and waH sincere lu j
his efforts to aid them. Judgo Woath-1
orford Iuih been a consistent frlond i
to Harney county for many yours and ',
Iuih never allowed an opportunity toi
pass to give It a boost. j
'''! u 1 .
.1 1 , 1 . (.
' 11
I' Mil'
t f fill 1 1 ..
Miss Lydla Tyler had tho misfor
tune lo have her arm broken one
day this wo etc In an acoldeut white
helping lu tho hay field.
I! I. ini.i.iijl Mini fi nniitiln (if
... ..... I l I . IU1UIIUI .! I. Vli.'"-
W "iifharfnrd'M rn.1. . '
. brldtfff 1 Wor nuruoii oii ui" ratiroan
.'iknowiMlgod.lhib,on, rnilu, vu.riiuv wln.h sc
'"ion had boon loj counts for there being no mail lhl
' I'oko of lho largo niprnlug. '
nronlded, Hpoko
I'lcturiJition of War Htory
Piiriunouiit In Most
Notable Film
Of tho personal experiences In (lis
World War that havo been publish!
in tho InHt two. or three years, thoje
of Harold Peat, known as "Prlvato
Peat" havo engaged public attontlon
almost exclusively. Mr. Peat's twi
years lu tho trenches, of which In
speakB in his famous lecture, "Two
Years lu Hell and Hack With it
Hmllo," weru experiences allotted to
few and they havo been visualized
stirringly by Paramount In tho photo
play "Private Peat," In which Mr.
Peat Is the star, and which will hi
displayed nt tho Liberty theatre to-
morrow night.
From thu hour when tho ckloi
actor In tho photoplay, who Is a clerk
lu a country storo has his dream 01
a Hun Invnslou of Amorlca with all
Its attending horrors, until ho on
llHta uud sees aorvlco In Franre.
ncenos of excitement follow each otk
er lu quick Hiiccosslon, Tho vlsuall:a
tlon ot tronch llfo Is oxtromely real
Intlo and tho battlo scones aro un
surpassed In scope, variety and dread
ful Interest, Ono can In truth fane
ono'H self on tho firing lino, opposed
to the Hun, amid flying sholl and
shrapnel, death and destruction at
every turn. To boo this Htlrrlnj?
photoplay Is to reallzo to tho mil tho
boll that prevails on tho othor aln
Just now.
Tho Diet uro was ndaplod from tho
hook published hy HobbsMorrlll Cni
ynny. hy Charloa WUlUnUr nu
raro fldollty to dotall. Kdward Jo'