The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 12, 1919, Image 1

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Tho TltucN.llernld gocM re
pul.irlv lo more home In Hor
net (utility than any other
H0UMmlu'r' u,s, ,0
rcnrli Iho people iino (hvo col
nnN for your mlvYrtlioinent.
Tlio TlmcM-Herald H tin old
oNtabllfdied frloml of llio pcoplo
of Hartley County ulicro It. linn
been m weekly vhfof for thirty
years. H'h Jul 'tl(fia.tiiieiit In
equipped to servo1 your need,
NO. 37
4 rV4 MM! MM ,.-..
iiiainji, iu t n u mi ru
iiiiniu.iii iiiiiii ini.ii
k .n e t ivi o-m w
Board of Regents O. A.
C. Coming Monday
1. K
it f
'!r.f a '
Tbc ot'
Whllo hi tho hlllu to tlio wont of
OiIh city oit limt Monday with a floek
of sheep belonging to lihi father, .loo
Young, hom of Mr. and Mm. Geo. W.
Young, was bitten by a rattlo snake.
Ho lnul Noinu hoy comimnltiiirt with
jlifm and upon renllr.lng thu snake
I hint struck liltn the hoya got busy.
I From what wo can lourn of the olr-
I. f-nlnkltliinn It ,.M.t,l ........... t.. n.
ymmg boy hud dlnmiiiiod wlmt
MllOllld lid dollll In On n (lllrt UMia lit I -
n.M Wuhrford. W. J,,,, 1(V mm(l Mi wUm llo ooc().
' ii. von werneiiuii, joii
m recitirod by W,
offlco yesterday oven-
. thht Prostduitt Kerr ,
r Cornwall, and others
alon presented Itself limy acted.
soon nk Dim wm mil Imrt I
would arrive In Uuri',fltr the clothing from
, . enlng anil wnuhi I jnt,-B ,0fi Ult mm
'r,?,i " Mr-R,,rt . t
for IJtml. 'I he telegram ,, PMt thl, toBa ,,
N. A. .lunsuii, Hoeretnry . .,, ,llnAl, , ..,, j .
I - Mil Mi iWI VII IVt
wa ikhjU (y bind tho li!K and tlrv
.took a xtlelt.of hiirp hrunli to twlit It
In ordur Hint It would hind tli;bt.
hIJ 'ifllekor ft:no rlmi nmitli! n-
Commitlcca Report; Work Bids Waritcd nt Once For
Gives Impetus; Salaried J Fence "truction-To
Secretary Considered
A llva moailiiK of tho lturim Com
Be Opened July 17
Kerr. Nothing wna snld In
rani nbiMit Oovurnor Olcott
i u.bcr of tht imrty.
r.-t of thin vhtlt In fit nmUtt
'Dip rAntract for tho nortlon of tlio
niorchil Club whm hold hint iiIrIU at C!onlrnl OrnKon hlKhway hotwoon IIiIh
tho club roonm whon tho const ltntlon city and Uwmi him linen lot to tho
nnd hy-lawH wur road mid udontud liclflc llrldRO ('. ci'orilhi to a tol-
nnd the future uitlvltlo of lln rluh egruui rorolvad onrly In tho wooJc by
brouRht to th front. romttv rninhii.uiMii,. u...u mmii
' In itotieral urdir of IhibIuom hHnva ii iiih
, . . ir inii irt'iiifii iiirtiii
pvriil thiuf brought on siilrltadlfia u rartuluty luitl tliwroforo. no iiiioh-
aooMUHion wnich onllKhtuiiuil thOHff
prmiit nu to tho objoou of th or
gmtlMitlnn and what Iim Hpunmir In
tiitid It to itainl for toward tin; nd
Hiu'uiii(int and tiiihiilhlliiK of tlilt
oonunnnlty and Harney county.
Tho firm important nmttor to aoU
Hon h to UhioIiik romiilotad. Tho
r-uitrfMorn .oxiim't to huvo tliolr
oulptnont on tho t;rouud by tho flrnt
of nixt month and tho road romplot
od by Due. III.
I'pon lIiIh Information huliiK ro
pOIvmI tho fatuity court hold a hjio tt-ii of tho ISxporltuont Htn- .,.,. i:ara .tii..,,A.. roIlowliiK thb adoption of thu con Hnl n-ir..i'..f.,i .irn.n...,,! r. it...
. ,.l .1... .1 ... "inuiiiw MUD . " ' -r, . ..."
la 1
luring Tntuwlay. but .no- ,op ttH Qtumi ,u 0xnnilnid the 1 hw ,rv'r,, ot mU wrwary' Ht
n known us to how this
would unil abb iho cuts in thu rloth- 'onr" nrt ,,n ,n1" lu v,,w Uw
Imi vrflira tlio anntt mid r.. , ,or" w,'' lnininl to In. com-
i ulii ww rimtMl on both the trouwr mMI,,eftt,on w,lU xlnu and
mrkl tolr If amI llie iwioru.,- Th. rfllt.,ftP ! i wlmt cottlil. b (ton. toward w-
tho wound mid Hi Uov
no (mil tfffwta from LU x-
lut t or whm lh dl-
'Mli-l UK
i fori ufii.n mh to tlio d- nntnrfd
" in thU vidnlly and -ri-
rilA fuMAMld ( V . ft . .
Nwn Tfrjr wmlMt rtKanlliii th In- but wo IroUvvo tht they boitld
' m ftvin ersrtlt for murh grit and
lreo of mind uaW tho clrrniB-
Hinnroo, kw srown neorl would
i ti i: formation. A let-
,( him Inut wk but
' n mi-'vi-d ujr him
. ornMUoti iu th ut.-
. ii . moroly hIiiiihk th
'il a m iwn JUU 14
curl n k an uxpHrianrod iiihii for thin
poaftlou. (
AmotiK otliwr mattvra dUcuuotl
woa tb pronoaltlon of wurlnR Itot-
lr l retired and tho poitri ordtir
oit MM hnvo Ihhiii advortbiud for In
thin Iimi of Tin- Tlmoa-llorald for
the building of (hp fiuiro. Iho lilili to
b nponod on July 17. Men doalrliifc
to do thin work ahould k' litiny with,
out delay. It In necoHHiiry that tho
riRht of way he fmicod by tho time
ibn lontrnptora aro ruady for wot
tor mall aorvlco for thU placo. Harry th fltlila tliroutth whlrb the IiFk
C. fmlth ahowod In a talk that two
third of thu mall riwlvod In thia
fonnty romee from thi wmi and how
It la liereeaary to haul It almont en-
( '
' mmoretal rioh )..--i
it ore at on lnf.ruut
ly ovoalnf pro-iilod
' tnterfer with 1 1 i r
H will llkelv i.... .
' their nrlal boron?
ngoattttl for m h a
z itlottixn In tho imr'y
ii ' 'ir pivplof tlih
' v (.old be a pica
n.i!ii tiiviu if thu) novo
ire o their frleml.
heve, done M tmioh nnd It . ertalnly ' ltrt,ly ,,r",M, 'I" "'"I rlM U
wan a harsKi aft for the Utile HkuI ,n ,rnm ,nH Hl 11 ,lM,8y or '
Vfur old boy toeock the blomi ano ' 2i honn' wh,H 11 m!"hl )m
oimd. tbue Inking brolht toh from Ilund arvwn time
i-oi-on. from tho w
a oajtevltfl hla
own life for Ike
rnfety ot Irka young friend. I
Tho'tlMfnkld le Informal that '" wth Plm . t;i
..a... 1 IfAel fb.A lata 41 AJtan Mi am I . .
tfi Ilea NttUlUMilie rrvt ' 'wwmui . -nwH
is rui mi.ind's
rattlt sanJiot arjm tg be
thro4hoi Uiii Oountry thla auaton.
eoaaM. poaatMy by tho dry wonihor
wbk-H hHs brouglit thorn from frirth
er I mm tti tho itnta whero they usual
ly fttfKfOUfl.
wav route (Otaaoa muni not be allow
ed to bo uon owing to dHtmigu to
At tho mooting of the Commercial
Club bp Id tnat otohIuk It wna docltleri
to plai-e the mutter of further good
road In tlio kanUa of n projier com
mitted to work out a definite plan of
action nnd continue the nood work
alra1 bKtin by ('ommJeeloiianllnxi
nnd othefa. It la a aubjuut that
hould bo gtvott Hiltjtitloii by tho root-
It. I.. !! received a letter hurt
world all their Monday from John Love, repreeonu
- printed by lao 'v of the Porttond Aircraft Aaaocl.
itioa. atatlng that during Uio War
lartitga Stamp drive he would Molt
Buna In au Airplane. It a the
I f er fr'nn hla wlf- at w of Ike aaeorlatlon to vlplt oark
trorn thla MOCtlow mid llvi o rt (ini of the oountv. W huvo turn
w4k. t hue giving u inor direct
too niMiiaiHMi kmii atibuilUoJ to no m! down tho road nrouram outlined
ptopor cotuwlttoe. in the ballot at tho Jtttm oloclloii by
tlio report that tag jloerrb- jiftht our vflto, ut Harney ooutity will
plMt we. llH'dy. tolu mm Jon iw.i to pVl ghnro of thu taxes u
toon wo nlo takoflPTlp. Tnlt lto tho bill carried In thu atato and tm'
matur tunt saonltl lio bWoii aoiuU-, Wr take advantngw of tho oppor
orallon aa It etfocu the out Ire town. ' iul,iiy other mom croirrowdve romi-
nw Mini havo a writ
uhilHrmom! and
Fra'H Jtiat re cnt-'
It la poeelblo that tltlB protilom may
i he rolvtf.l by getting a buyer for tho
plant or If other matters of Import
uow pending should lo brought
about the plant would bo nlworlied '
In a larger ontorprlan which would
mean not oaly an mlMwale light
! i
Itten mi a little card
l m. Ti the ordinary
4 nothing bnt tom
eao imiu'i pin liolui
:r. PrancU. He ran
y ovr the eurfacc
aa Ii- did thU he
i eatd. ' Well. well.
Mv wife le out
who Uvea In the
will be bock I'rl-
anowrit a card on
written aomothlnx
i bled the following:
. . J : "AH thl."
hat an haa darned
y aro lying In th
' One Bight h hud.
the (dab and whm
founjl a card n d
vhkhlookod a im
. , . i
i by Mr. rnr u t
county aoat In Oregoo and Mr. Ixre ! pUlu for ,ll,rn" l,Hl B ,wyro11.
nn a taaoor or u
'ipboaird wfclcii .m.ii
j think yog -m-rii
a slipper." t'at!
rite thoso BBcnygg.-H
win etaad out vii
h la TtfTHh ith
Whonabltn i b)
t he knows ubom
a acfoas tii mo
'' wko to nx fr
' Tk aaft tu
'Htfft Wit k '
1 . ai tK'l
1 tan
I ' u , ff
iM.v !' Ii
i i Kin wiiii
.OtwJ iii'in
4I0V01 i III i
4trle oi. -r. hi
. aaatper ixmr
r goo fbe fu r-ion
lutko hi. ild, M:tnv
Uly totto in Hii-lr
altnoat impo;iiii
m Without their
o Ui" Hccitrle m
natimiv flowing
Intlled Mr. Haaa to arcomimay him
In a flight here aome time In July.
Prank blbklo waa In town today.
'Mr. ruid Mra. At. A. la rottirn
cd home loot night from a trip to
Malheur county whur they had Iteoo
for aotno ton dRyg.
Xolllo Dlbblo baa boos In Iowa for
a few daye wad or tho caro of a phsi
t liin. He Is Jmprorlng lu health. ,
The Ladles Sage Urusb Club eo
tertalued Mra. Jack Wither laei
Thursday at tho home of Mrn Prank
Whiting, by presenting her wit:,
many beautiful prttttml.
Mr. C. A. Haltio. and hr Itnl
luiiKh'er were In tho city yeitcMto
U. J. Williams waa oror from hb
silver Creek homo yostrday. He
told a ropreeentatlTo ot this paper
that rropa la hla neighborhood v-r
zery good but not what had !'
Imped fee, '
A tslpgrajn wai r colved b r yvH-
lerday evening nfinoiiiiclug that Koy
Vincent had b.- n drownod In t!i"
.''.ai:o Hiyer ut Hm iluglon lato In'
ib uf'iiri" on. The Informal Ion wtai i
(' that ' was au itr.chtuot, that tl.
u' g hi. . wtLt lu batlilnt: wHh omi-
mpaiil' htu It hapi.iMi'ii. Mr.
VliK i'iit ii' i V rjId.'d In thl vJt;it.-,
itv lii'lnc j n i ,, r to IJr. 8ust) Stun -:ti
i. V . a blow w Ii1 w.
r..riu:i l i ry - y. 1
terprlso of big dimensions as woll
I'pon one member giving out the
Information that men wore oipectud , thcr locnlltlea.
la this vicinity next week to look over
tho poaaibllitlee of oaUtbllehlng u
aaw mill and tapping the big titular
i boll to the north of thla city, the dun
InatruetiKl the proper committee o be
(Continued on page A )
Dee oi iho stale will profit from our
mm-. Tho market roads bill ro
qulr that otuh county must pro
ride an equal amount to lirivn any
a!d,from tho state. Harney ooiuity
wit be taxed one mill on uvory dol
lar of Its taxable pruerty for thla
piirpd-e and unless wo provldu to uao
some of tho funds wo will simply lift
helping to pay for good roads of
These facts have boon pointed out
in the oast In thoaa columns and
they were glvou dntnllod considera
tion in n pnfjor road hofpro tho Corti
men at Club by Coinmlsatonor Haas
: u -1 wumIi.
P V.
'"r 'ne, jvr-Karr
wrlto or
Tho hw ' roii Is In full blaii
at this lime. Tho pat tw. year
ha demonstrated the ubnolut success
of 1. 1 fulfil In this country urn! with
iiiuli Hiiccnodliig hhhsoii showing the'
Inferior quality of ituilvc meudoWj
uru'M .nid Its dcpcndubiiay upoa tho,
flood water we wonder that more of: '
our ranchers don't ot busy (Jioj
crop Hint 1h tsolnj; to multo Ifunioy1
Valloy Krout. Alfalfa anil HuJjLpaagj
aro tho cropH and wo mum rcul?y U l
Kdwln (Jrlfflti arrived bore Wed
noHdny from Hpokann ,whuro ho Ih
now connonti'd with a recruiting ta
lion for a iiliort tlmo durltiK nick
lonvo from aetlvo duly with Umijo
Hamit navy. Kdwln In a Harnoy
county hoy and his mother Is ono of
Iho rcHpoctod ploueur womon rosld
ln; lu tho vicinity of Narrow.
The young man volunteorei) u thu
Korvlco and onllHted for a full four
yearn in the aervlce. llo atntoa that
tho mon who enlist In (IiIk manuur
rathur than fur tho duration of tho
JVnr aro bIvoii proforenco and there
fore Ret Into active service more
(Illicitly. Ho whs In Han Krnnclaco
but n few dayfl wIumi he flrnt enlisted
whon ho WttH called to Hie Atluntlr
cotiHt and within a Mjort tlmo watt
KOlni; ncroHrt.
Mr. Orlfflit WHs ono of tho crow
or tho ammunition Mlilp. Wontovur,
whleh wna torpedoed and sunk bv
tho (lormaii Uboat 6-1 on July 11,
hiHt year, and Is ono of twelve of a
crow of 3 to survive. Hu and his
companions drifted In nu open boat
for flvo days without" food or water
hoforuJiaiUK picked up. The Weet
ovor waa completely under thuwavos
within 3 minutes after the torjMHlo
hit her ami nothliig waa savml as the
U-bont ebnllod them after the boat
started to sink. Mr. Griffin mid hla
companions had ;tveu up all hope
of rescuo aa they had been out so
biurt and durlni; the four nights and
the fifth day thoy drifted they cover
od ISO miles from the place where
tho lwnt wryi sunk. They were
picked up Just off the const of ICng
Inml by a flshlni; smack which ac-
jclilentally dlscoverfd them. Kveii
though (hey wore near the coaat the!
survivors hud no hopa of rescue as
thoy were just onturliu; 'the break
water aud hiNidwl for a rocky bluff
whon thu fishing boat catiBht ihotii
ami' towtnl thorn around this dutiKor
otiH' point into harbor. Il waa a
narrow osnnpu from dotith nnd Rdwln
win romenihur thla oxiierlouco as
Ioiik na ho 1 1 vox.
The resnued men wore well cured
for lu Kiii;IhiiiI ami later takon to a
hospital at llrost. France, whuro thoy
recovered and then Kdwln was
brought back to Xew York and put
on dm Destroyer Dorsoy wanire lie
has since served. 'The young mnu
has advanced rapidly In tho service
ami hi now a machinist's mate with
pro pec Is for advancement, lie un
listed for tho full four years and
says bo does not regret It ns he haa
been woll provided for and says it
Is a nood thing for a young man.
The young mnu whs accompanied
down from .Spokane by hla uncle.
Jtidgo V. W. Olraiid. and thoy Imve
gone to tho homo of Mrs. Or If fin
near Narrows for .a visit of a few
days. ICdwIn has to report for duty
In Spokane on thu flrat of iioxt month
and will apuml (ho Interval renewing
acquaintances In thla section and vis
iting h mother.
A coincidence tl connection with
Mr. (i riff In' visit home Is here noted:
An officer connected with the recruit
nu: Ntatioii In Portland happened to
in till city the day the young mail
nfix-d and this fellow mid he was
" h datttroyer that I credited with
'wiving Mink tho German 1' boat 61
Ii 'cli tri 'dood tho Westover.
Expcoicnccd Driller Airivcs;
Government Man to
Make Tests.
M i. Xoiimh, iirosldtmt of tho Cfl
tral Oregon Oil ti. Guh (Jo., nrrh-od
jioro tho foro part of this week rto
tiotnpanled by .1. I. Htoman, a prno
tlcal and oxpi-rlonced driller, of
llBkarHllohl, California. Tho hitter
proreeded at iimn to tho Hog Mottit
tnln well wjioro he bsgan operation.
Air. .Voaao wum lu town yoaturdny
morning and upon Inquiry au to how
things were progressing nt Jho woll
made the statement that thoy wum
working. That Is all tho Htatometit
tho gentleman would make lu renpoct
to.tho nctlvltloH at the present tlmo
but ho handed tho writer a lettor ho
had reconly rocolved oncloMed with a
letter from getintor McXnry, giving
out tho Information that a irovern-
meiit geologist had been aMtgifoH
Ibis territory to make an lnvoatlga
Hon of tho oil and gas fluids.
Tlio assertion was mado upon Mr.
Xease's departure a few weeks ago
for rorllnnil that as noon as suffici
ent land waa signed up under lotto
they would open the well at Dos
Mountain. Tho lands have beea
leased and we understand Mr. Nonas
la here with the experienced drlllor
to fulfill his promise. Whether work
will bo delayed pending thu arrival
and Investigation of tho government
geologist or not wo aro not able to
ksv. That the; work ia oagorly await
ed by f.h eitlaaut of this county haa
been shown by the Interest take.
Th. y liuve great hopes of the su credo
ot the present venture but since it
haa been dotayod so often and tho
water has been allowed to remain lit
thu well fur such a period of tlmo it
may b disappointing.
If tatif wrlrk it to be suspended
ncnln pomllux tho arrival of thu gov
ernment mail Wftaro doomed to an-,
othor wait. However, tho tonu otV
the letter glvou us by 'Mr. None la
enoo;traglng as to investigation soon.
A I -
ii roa,s;
- - - - -
C illienou and W. tl. Howoll
: iii from the Hwhu laike oil well
during the week. Tbeso moil are
' niifldcnl of tho sucevss of the oil
wll nt that place but at present nc-
"Hon. Charles 1 AleNnry.
"United States ftounto.
"Aly dear Senator McNury:- ,
"In reply to your loiter of June Sir
"The Investigation of tho Tertiary
basins of Oregon east of the Cascade
Mountains is just beginning lu coop
eration with the Oregon llureati of
Mines 4iid Geology and I)r. J. I,
llitwaldn. geologist of ibis .Survey, has
arrlroil lu Portland for (totiferouot
with Mr. II. A. Parka, Director of thf
Oregon llureau. preparatory to start
lug the work tiuxl week.
"Doctor Uuwahla, who haa glvea
special attention for several years to
tho Tertiary formations nifd tholr
atratlgraphy In the Pacific Canal re
glon. will hare apyelnl regard (for tho 't
depth and the character of the form- '
aiious lu the Torlhtry basins with re- '
fe rente to their cartneltles for the gelt- 1
oration and retuullou or oil and gae
dtiositi. Iu tiu course of his work.
Doctor Uuulia w'll probably exam
ine all reported indication of oil and
ga a well us the locatlou of test
drilled tu the region.
"l'h essoutial results of these In'
vesications will be promptly riven to
th Btnte Uurcati for publleation, and
it is planued tu luolndo the geoarat
conclusions 1u a report ntw In prenai -.
atlon by thU .Survey dunliutf wtjh th
broad subject of the luidovelop'd oil
operst'ons are auspeuded waiting! reaognm in tho puhllo lgftd States.
iihe arrival of more cuMhig which ha
1 1 eon or.loriwi.
l B. Comiubtslom c W. N. Monroe
jof Cut low,-was In tuwu during Iho
j week acinmpaulcl b hi wife. They
tcre gueiitj Of their daughter. Miv.
I I'Yed Young, while in town. Air.
Monro i.tatcl Huit ropj wore being
l).irvefd Jn hhi Valley and (bi t
there w ro ltjuio vtry good.'onos.
J'ted llorcth. formerly a roaldtm i
ot tho ffiinsot dlatylct, arrived hoio
the foro port of this wook froqi New
Plymouth, idHfjn. where m now ro
Hides, fifr. llbrdth still owns real es
tate In th In HfloUon and Ib hut-o to re
new unquulutnncoii nnd look nftor hi
buslnosu InlureslSw Ho Is Intdroatod
iu tho oil prospeets and Ilko all of
tho pooplu of thlH country, hopoa wo
havo nu oil field. Ho liaa gouo to
Nrurnwa for a fow duyu bnt oxpoots
to bo lu IluriiH again lioforo taking
hjit departure forItlttho. ' ,
"Very truly 'yours,
. QflOHUB 8MIT1I .
P Director.
"")hHlv-Tucnday, July S. at Ut
I (aliu s ho.siiml lu thia clt. Fruncia
Miidisoii. Sited teu years. Tho boy;
r' idcil with his parents near ltliUc:
to t'atlow Valley, a fnw day beforo
bn le.K -I on a runty lift 1 1 Whi h CftU -
il loiki.iu. n waa brought io tbi'
.osp.i.-i on i' uedgy but bis condi-
tion v .1 1 had and Utile hopes were
entertained for his recovery. Tho
funeral was bold Thursday afternoon.
The bereaved parents have the sym
pathy of tlio community,
frank Allondiir, n hrojjiur to Mrs
V. M. Sutton, was a visitor to ow
elty yesterday. Ho in a praotleltig
nttornoy ot I08 Angoloa, Gallfomlu
and Is tourlny thla part of thft coun
ny In an auto lu company with bin