in minim t 1 1 i i iMiMminiiMMroii 1 1 ii i iiiiiii niiw'i Ui mil mi in I What Does the Bank Say About You ? Before Opportunity makes her final tic cision, she ''checks up" on you. She wants to know if you are worthy. What a reputable bank says about you is often the deciding factor. If vou're known at a strong bank as a man of good business habits a man who keeps his checking account in a healthy condi tion and his word likewise such a statement will go far with Opportunity in deciding in your favor. "Get in Strong" With a Strong Bank. The First National Bank of Burns, Oregon Capital and Surplus, : $100,000.00 United States Depositary Oregon State Depositary MAP. ' 1 LOCAL - OPENINGS Oatn, harlojr and whrat for Jialo at Perry's Unrn. i.utu Tudor ami wlfo wore In town diiriiiK tho wituk. Tho Wolcomo Phnrinaey la yoitr ntoro. Make nw of it. T. Vnndorvnor win in town on bUHlnowi Wt'dnwdny. I'lano for unit?. Inqulro nt Mr. I'uul Kouhrr'a roaldomo lij UuniK. AmU a rutiirnliiK doiifjhhoy Hut hunt word In th Kngllnli ImiKuatsu. A thousand toTinu liu will nay "homo.' (Irani HeynoIdH will KroaHo your windmill for you dttrUiK tho snmini'r. Call phono No. OH 7. tf S Tho hnylnj: Moaxou h nomvwliat ad vaticud thin hoiihoii and wax national lilo forniany nionuors not ImiIiik nt tho reunion. TIIH KlltST .NATIONAL HANK OK IIUIINH. CAPITAL A.VI) HIlltl'MJH .510(1.0(10. TIII IJA.VK THAT maki:.h Vont a .s s kaimi. ACCOt.'.VJS I.NVITIW. Tho Hhureh of the Hrolhron, which Iibh JiiHt hold Hi anituul conferouuo Iinmuntj an offuctlvo Imrrlor to tho ,'.f. C. of t. It dotM not nartnlt ita tnotnhora to wear linta, nocklltM. or Jpwylry. Tho TlmoH-llornld rocolvod Iwttruc I low (hit wuek to ehaiiKo tho nddrutw of Mra. ,M. Ii. Hownr to Konthorn Gnl Ifprnfa whorw alio la for a tlmo. Thla. oatlntahlo lady wmh inlaaoil from Ilia T'lQiiber rminlnn I thla city on the Jlrd. hut liar frfo$a liopo hIio la an Joying hr aojonrn In California. Jaro Coi ta another ono of thu Tltiriioy cqunty boya to ralurn from nrmjr duty in Pranoo during thla wouK. Uiive wa a lltllo oaat tut aa Iluttorlcj repaired properly. MrGulre. Jack Jatnoi Cary wa In town Wudnoa day on hiiKlnuHH. Now lino of romtmr and Iioiiku dronNon t Ilia weok Mri. It. P. Srhwarta. If thu now cougroM Ii aa otfteUiit In roconalnicUon nt It hid fair to h In liiviMilKHtlnn, It will ho ii'itiuuior ahla aaaomhlaKO. Comu In and auo the oakery (foods. Wo don't knup it on dtaplay In tho window hucauMo tho huh drloa It out rapidly. PiiRo'a Swoot Hhop, Mr. W. C. McKlnuiiy and hr Infant Hon havo lii!u mowd homo from tho Flrfcovud huNpltal whitro limy had hcv.n hIiico tho hlrth of thu youiiK man hiHl week. Vlrtor Holt, a formur aciinlntanco of tho writer during lift acliool daya, wiih In thlH vicinity during tho wuok on noiim HpDolal work In t'onniM'llon with thu Kovorumuut. Prompt sorvhto nii'l couriwiua 1 1 I'll I lliillll will liltl'liari till i.Kixiril.i.l I Mtitint of' tho IluniH llarhor Shop- Hatha at any hour of ilia U. G. W. Hlnunona. Prop. r Thu National Clothliii; ManufnuN urera' Aaeoi'latlon auya ihat In thu prln of ibitO mpna orUinary an Ita will i-oat the wuftrur from $fiO to $7B Mi-h. Womu oxtruordlunry auita will prolMibly bu wora. Una Kotflinumi, wno Ima l)u in tlui jiunpltiil for tlio (Hist few weika uf fprliiK from an atlaok of apottvd fuyor. women, It out on tho HtrtmtM and Ih mukliig not for pauta. pruparatlotiH to rfltiirn lo thu ranoh ufler a woiiihh ovur on Sllvur Crouk. A Mt'xlrnn Villa Irt not an atjino nhlc iih onr- at Nowport. l'i it. iinmn and Dh'k Odoy went In town TuoHclay. Th roar of our r.mi In Moxloo Ih , hoini; "liciird round thu world." Uatlury and oloclrlnal repair work, ; oxy-acotylcno ' woldlnc. .lack M faulrt. ' Ira Mahou and wlfo and t It t It (laUKhlttr woro amotw; our vltUtorH thin wnok. ' Pour ror.lHlered Jcnnotn for Hale roKlKlorcd Jack at Hand, Wit horn Itant'h. Ilurnoy, Oregon. JiiNt noticed In an oxohaiiKn Hint I.on Moore, of Bhnrp (!ul, Colormlo.lrt heautlfyiiiK thu front yard. I Two now rolt."v for i'?M. Now j Ko'd truck for t.ilo. Mavo i.aily to I'liy u ranch. J. IJ Itoiiniicvollo, ! Iliirny I For Sale- Jltfi Vlctrola and 24 douhlo rocordH. Perfect condition. Prlc (25. Phono Mr. 0 or uddrcnx ltox 1U. liuraN. 'f When It comes to mIkiiIiu; tho pcacu treaty it In antoulMhlng how many of tho Herman ntatonmen have Juat lout fountain point. If juisHciiKer and' freight rat ok go up to thu point when) wo all havo to walk and carry our goodg, wo ahull hogPi to mlxpect that thu rallroada ar run for the hauoflt of the omploy- OH. ' 'V u llowarr and hie aon Damdl were h- re tyum Ontario 'urlu tho foro pi. n of thl wok. Tl.y wrre ovr Tilng with rt'iai""' and frlfinl u nt look jr. h x!ior ...u4 lot ' no affi 'r Itov phart la cwrrylnu one he d In a aline, aa the rtatill or having had ono fin net' Imilly aiealiud In a run away .ih doctor found it neewery to rornov tho lujurwt fin nor at the firm Joint. ''(Irover tlould Im lioro. Il aervod with thu American foreoa In Pntuuu and Hflur Indug dliclmrgod decided to eoMie homo and xmt the folke. II will llkuly romalu In thin auction wlioro ho iiiiuIq hla homo In formnr yeara. Mr. H. A. frlteh'Pdd wee brmglit In from Callow valler htat woel; for niedlnil attention. Ho la aufforlng from rhoumatlHiii mid U Monrccly nhlo to walk. It wax brought on hy catch lug told and being expound to wot chilly weather. Ho In now at Klug'ii hoHpllal. Mr. and Mra. Jerry Merrill woro In from their homo In thu KIoIii'h Moiiii tnln country during thla week. They woro accompanied by aticlr grand daughter, MInh Ijirxon, who In mak ing her homo with them, iiIho hy Mr. Latthly and hi daughter, or Halt I.uke. who aro veiling with them for a ahort time. Thu grocerymau who riiniUheH vanilla oxtract In niiHplnloitu )iiai.l tloH to thou who aro not regarded aa largo paatry cooka ahould roniamhor that It iwntaliiH a groat parcout of uleohol and that tho purchaaur ahould hu V'urnud or Ita Intoxicating (tml Ittee. In thla way arloua infatakoa can lie proVMiited Vlio Hliouhl Wuae Uv PautN? Try our Imtmnn ernnm nlM. Thy SIllIilliniMIlIIMJE are Malicious. Pago'e Swcot Hhop. ol Hhop. tf II log "'nxon. Cook Aiinlud (luring haylt Moo, or llddr'1 (Irani XhoiiMmou, Crailn, Or"oii. If. Tho no; t quuRtlotl to ho uimwrrud Ih whr.t. will liecomo of tho whlakoy glnHfigii mid tho drinking xdngn. Adam Oenrgo wiih-iip to attuud III" reunion of the plonecrx ami look after hoiiio hitnlnoHH nffalrw. Hurrah ror tho lalcitt comhluatlo ut! Tho air nnd tho Atlantic and tho ulr plann and tho hIxIuoii hourn nnd tho hravo MMI IhIiotmI Cliarlen Mofihor Jior roftiirned re iionlly from Aug lot and Ih again at work on tho Cecil place over on Hllvor Crock. After 1IH0 If tho whont prlr.o ' lieglim to toboggan down hill will It take corn with 117 And will pork hang on behind? j If women make good elevator ojior LatorH, railway conductor;, munition . worker and farmerette, why Hhould not thoy maku excollont votera7 TIiIb view of the Htihject In commended to the United Htatea Henato. I For Hale Thu Houth 'i of North I Went U North Knat U of Houth' Weal U and North Wcat U nt Houth ! Kanl V, Hocllon Ifl, TowiihIiIp 20 Hang; r: Koat'. AddreHH W. P. (IIMIHKATI! 1122 H. WlMhkab, Aberdeen, wanli. 4. H I 4 113 onNj Gj lIMMIIillllllffl! wm nmnEHiMj The l-'Jrt ltaptbil Clmicii, Sundny. April Gth. 191!). Huildny HOhool begliiiilng at 9: IS. A. M. Prdaohlngat 1 1 o'etoek. Subject: What Cod Would Havo Cm Seek. Uv.inlng workhlp beginning at 8 P. M. .Subject : Ho Hiiro Your Bin Will Kliftl You Out. Prayer mealing on Thuraday o veil ing or oneh week. ISvHrybody la IiivI(.m1 to attoml thu urvlcen. JOHN P. MOnu:Y, PaHtor. ' f U.. .1 1..... I. PUIIIIMIIIl! HIIJ DIIUBI 111 l , Illpjjp agnm on iiih warm sprmga ration, having raturuud rtiuonlly from Luke county. Mr. HauudorH nays our nulgh hor county Is nhort of uropa (hla m aon like ouraelvoa, on acuount (ft la.ulj or molatu'ro. Panta wore made for mow, wot for Women wero mn'de for tnwu. Wliuit a man pailta anil a woman panu after a mail tlint'H a pair of tant Pauta aro like molaaaoa; tuny are IB llllMbbM l.k ...I.....M .1 I.. .... lli.vnwi in ...mi-, iiiiiii in iiillini'l. . Tlivre haa liemmucli dtaruaaloti aj lo whuthvr puola la alngiilnr or plural. It sttetne that when men wear pant It la plural and when thoy duut ICa niiif ular. If you want to iur.k your Mra. Mary Macrendy arrlvel hero for 'gnllatuihiit but he mnnaaoU to get from Tucoma Monday evunliiK. Mrx. lit and alatua he was all over Prniino with an onglnoorliig eorpa. He had loin of exporlunre and la glad ho had a. elmiiee lo holp in doing up tho Hun. I mil Utat cbunH. make the tout riru Ux- Sinlth (Jrano InforniH ua ho Is not Kolng to havo at) largo a iililpment of Jiornua thla month aa ho had liopod WIIV 1(1 with I Macruady la the owner of aomo real ostate In thla county and alio some valuable tlinher In tho Into country. Hhe roaldad near 1.4 won for a few yearn, where alto proved up on a homo atxud. Tho lady was on hue Montreal whuro hIio will vlait lidr diiuifhtor for a fow iliiiiIIih. for. Howovor. alnce ho la coimr iil i lliiHlfite liti cjfuu III iXtta ulil ii 1 1 i' f - ,...,.fJ (lit nut OHiJ FIVIHILJ 411 I mulfo ahlpmojiUi oiku n mouth for tho j Maeromly wna a uuunt of Mr. itud Mrn. next fow nioutha It Is likely lmraojTfd Ilayua. raoji will finally got their atook k.11. red and aeut to market. Now is Hie ''hat there U n grout imputiia to he tlmo to gel rid of the rungo home. , Ktvc-ij, to onllglluiont uud eduuatlou in A m i i lea 1m evidenced by thu e.i- r.i UMior of the J out urea at tho ....AU.iUi:u. in all of theiji tbero la u h' tJi;uriiiK uiHde upon I he mr il n liiorattcu of b niauy ilion. ai'1 ; im, ihillK.iih dI our i' I'iib' '1 in I' .'ft i'ii tln'Ki! circuit. i wt-io ii.- : .!' ml in. i-uiirf of I Ii. 1.. (JHUIHTIA.V HCIKNCH HOCIKTY Hervlcea nt 11:00 o'clock. Tho Testimonial Meutlng, Wedtten day at S p. m. Tho reading room In tho church Kdlflce, In open on Tuoadny nnd Fri day from 2:30 to 4:30 p. m. Hundny Hchool mcota on Hundny at 10 o'clock. Pupil may bo admitted to Ita cIiihucii up to thn ign of 20 yonra. Thu public la cordially Invited to tho Church Hovlcea and to thu Head ing Koom. , Tin: pi:nti:cohtaii emmen op THU NAZAItlSNU. j BAbbnth nebool 10 A. M. , Proochltig, 1 1 A. M. ; Young I'tioplee' Mooting 7 P. M. ! Preaching H P. M. Wodmwday ovanlng prnyor moating 7t0. , lllblti atudy oIiihr Friday ovoulng, 7:30. HUV. 0130. WAUI), Pallor, PIHWHYTUmAN (JHUHCII. II. 8. Hughea, PaHtor. Monday achool at 10 A. M. Preaching Sorvlcoa at 11 a. in. M OnjvYouiy.Outing Take Yoir BANtC wilfi Yon Carhvlng canli In rlslty, caHhln ch6oka III ronvuiilent. Wlien off lo tho woodn or ahoro n ritfe, iilmplo Holutlon of the money problem In to carry AM KHICAN HXPHKSB THAVKI I0HB (MIKQUKH. Thei'ti Melf-ldentlfylng (Mic(ueM havo all tho facllltlt'M of caah, with the added In Htiraneo of absolute Hafety. You Hlgntthem when you got them at our bank; you countersign them when you upend them. Should you lone uncotintornlgned Chctien or liaVe tlieiiMitolen. your money la lumired. Fifty coutH ror each ono hundred dollarM. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY Harney Eoiintg Nitioml Bank Burns, uretfon "YOUR HOME INSTITUTION" Every Woman in Creation Needs a Velvetina Combination Just Received a Full Assortment of VELVETINA PREPARATIONS Vclvotinn Toilet Specialties Different From Others Try Them REE The Herall Drug Store See U For Harvesting Season Is at Hand Deering Binders, Mowers Rakes and Sweep Rakes, also Binding twine and Repairs, Tractors, Farm Machinery, Gas Engines, ' Groceries, Dry Goods and Shoes. We Can Fill Your Dill Mail Orders- Promptly Filled Vale Trading Company "EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY" CRANE . . . OREGON Haying Supplies IMaaWSH Millinery f Tiv or liarncM urri--.! ln,n i,. fi re rt ol' (lift n rn.m dr'v u ono or our no Idler hoya. Hu didn't V'- an: f; than Camp Lewi uud v. Itlle ho wuld Uhfil j.'(in( mm". Ii" ' Ii" Id I,, i i , i , ,iv. 1 ' . ii : ' .i ii ' ' 1 1 '-.iii ii.'w i, jc i, 1 1,. i 1 1 .. I- ....-( . . i i. . i . . . . lioon idar i d In tlio klti'hcn. Jlo Waa ' ol ronilalnln at thla tn-atmuit aa )n' nald It was a "anal)." ' i' ' '.. i j'tu'i, I . ' ,r,ii im u- d .Li tlio imjMjrtanco of tliln i:u(tir wiiii lht roHult that I j y hi warn . ok U'. "f ihci dungt ot roi.'.j u.'d Jjitior.i'iii'. Including tho lateiil nnd wmurtcsl Spring and Summer Crcalions KKcluniv atent for Victor Tailoring (7Vv)pany wilh 'a full Ilu.of Sprifip Htunplcti for Women1 SuHx and . .ir, j .... . i ui.-1u.j nu Mrs. Lelah Millar At thoMclnmlx Store A Full and Complete Line of Gro ceries Carried at all Times. v.. SPECIAL P1BICES M. AL3L