Tin Tlinc-Hernld hoc Igulnrh t' nun o liniuda fit IImc pCr louuly than any other. Tin) TlinojMlciVnM Is an old . established frjoml of (ho pcofilo if ilniiioy County Wlicro 1(. ha Lu.ui.ii.iiHr. If you ultli to ftneh (Ito people uso these, ml boon ii weekly tailor for thirty yearn. U'h Job department. Is equipped In servo your need. Iannis (or your advertisement. VOL. XXXII BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON JULY 5, VJID NO. 36 ,5 m -a ffl WWTO ntfvev. ..r m i m 4, av II in- Vd.. ""inn 'UK U 1, Hi' I. - VI- 'in ISSS WILLARD SHOWS H!S YELLOW STREAK 0. A. V. liKKMNTri AMi Mauled nt Pleasure of Ja k Dcmpsey. in Brii 1 1 1 1 1 i a .i inni'A riitii niiiiisii hrows up :Doncc in imra nouna. oav Deoipsey Is Too Much For Him. In hl. first real flKht since mooting Jifk Joh"Min In l!M4, Jta Wlllnrd satlo hlK tuatih against Jack Domp yesterday n greater rinsco than me iniamous jeiium-a-jonnnon name, In n-hlch tho Mr (Hiiro won t hit bull from tho broken ilown old wnrrlor. Bat aportsnien tho country over con ceded tho fait tliHt Jcffcrles tried, hlle tin' tdoRrnphlc roporta of tho trap yesterday show n wMu streak of yellow In tho most recent erstwhile cbampl. t iitpopiilur because of hla r fusing to put on tin ox- h with Dotnpsoy for the , lied Cross. Wlllanl ml- j p n 'favor by his nrroguncoL i A telegram received yoalor day by Supt. Bhatliirk of tho Kxporlmont Ktutloii minniiu co that tin? committee of the Hoard of llogontn of the Agri cultural Collogc will vlult tho million on July i t and in for mi liiHiM'i'tlon of tho plnco. President Kerr of I lit roUoR.i and Coventor Oluotl will bo uiombora of tho committee, and Mr. Hhattuitk In ndvlsod to provldo nlnu bods to aecom odnto tho party. m:v tiuciikkh ki.kctkd in men school Air j .liltu I 111 U Jul ' ' ir.l r cv. ' 10 i: r !0ifi t ibout ffc i- while training. Ito- t ho "didn't need to train , h LipRity." Ug consistently . Job, with ho roault ,! knocked uud inauliMl rP K nt tho plonHiiro of tho art ir h mHiiian. until at tho itnd of ihf h ir ' round IiIa kccouiIn throw towel li rliiR In Indication that fi wai ") much licked to rontluuo. The ' ' mint told In tho Hpo Ul I V 'llimtettoii rooluved by I r.ild yotorday ttftor v.liob story. M.rsM). v ":ird kworkt'd down mil nlse wbtftt tho ldl ee 1 111 TP r hi ..,1 '41 111 uoana . iu rnioy onunwi vicioiim iin r v ni.i inn wt 1 fin r 1111. ri 1 n.ui nil . I il. . 11 inn 1111 j ma iiu ii mm II 1 ill ti in nvv ' WaicH that Mime ncrnp? it 1 1-' 1.1 11 1 . m 4t)ltl),V VAU.KV IHFKINKXS Ar ! tjowan wn up from Maun IIUI 1 lit III lllll'illl I in." iihm:i mi "i M r oiu-orH. .Mr. .Mouownn f FMk t lilc li.rtk ! lint fill awMl I lit 11. r 1.1 P aw ' '1 v. I)).. Hff . inM)!H brnuoli nt that ' .( tlin(r th bimiuotM are working hnrmnu iHitiarinont of tholr 'd imtWnctlnn In " i J tnkliiR a grontor - ' )iwmrc(iil.Ctiil) and hipwl tlili iHtoriMit i d thai tho oriianlza fu.-nUk and co-opur- ' of Crane In fur "rtrla that lit for tlm "uniry. i' .iMtwl that tho poo . ;dodBd thttumulVOH ' iMi d J to build a Rood it n-0 ft troronHW Hnr ' Or! oust of that town ' t 1 ho popl of Jor 1 a new Irrigation ' :t In. Till district "jo acrc neoordliiR .niil it requlroti many '"inda of ainoiil and 'y oiuplat thu roagr mi b aklppad to poluU oil tlio rullrotMl and alnco "r Uuul for truokn, OH go Into Jordan crane. TlilH uioaiiH "isineaa for that town ' ilorta to Houurw. : - Juu TiO. Ht lila MjriKiy, Kloyd Holly, Mr. Holly bail boon. 11 uttaik of anpttiid 1 lobint man n ml lib ' 'ux to liU iiitQliy I Ik' M lllu lllM WOfO b (1. W. t'loven 1 f 'i hipmini Hi moutliiR of tho IiIrIi kcIiooI board wn hold In thin city on Inxt Wudnw day nt which tlino action wna titknn upon tlm roalRiiatlon of O. T. Btorll na lirlitrlnal. .Mr. Siorll Ima Imh ioetod to 11 riMponHlblo poKltlon )u lh llPiiaon iMilyti'chnle acSimil of ortUiml. which liidiruti that lila blllty U npprui'latod. .Mrn. Italatou haa also roalRund aa a lotielior na wall , an Ulmi HiikrIiim. tho lattar bnliiR with tho (?hnutaiuiua at pruxunt. C. K. JliiRhoa. of Ada. Ohio, waa tonderod tho plaeo of prluclpnl. Mr. IIUKhoM Im a brotbor to Huv. II. H. HtiRhoa of tho I'renbytorlan rhurcb, and ban bad charxo of a IiIrIi p1ioo! In hla atntu for tbu paat ten year with mivunteiin teachnra under liltn. I II N woll reeonunonded for the ponl tlou mid In ovhli'iitly (iiallflod to rill 1 It. Mbm lruur Mix tar baa haon olart od aa totrltor of KiiRllab. Mlsa Mix-1 tor la a xrailuato of two unlvorallloa! and baa hud ton yvara oxparlonrv In! lonabliiK. j TUB I'lONMKItH Lot un look nt the trallH that our fathom blnzod, . Htnrdlly proaalnR on In tho, valiant itiest for tho world of tho West That Ilea In tho Hot o' tho miii. Let iih look on tho truth that our fathom broiiRlit And npnko onto you nod mo, . WrotiRbt by their alroM from tho while, lajKli flroa On tho forRON of llbnrly. ' ' Thin la tho trail and thla la tho Iriilli t That romiiln for our eyea alway, 1 . ' ThotiRli falao tralla wind and IIiourIi hiViiiiro ll'Klita blind To Rtildo ua at leiiRth natray; TIioiirIi aophlHta apeak, In an alien tongue, StraiiRo orders of other lands Wo may seo nrlRbt by tho ateady Unlit Of tho torch from our father's hamla. CotneM, with his neck still aenrrod from tho yoke r A prophet to you nod mo, TeachliiR the way to frecdoni'a day f To men who by birth aro frco7 Cornea there n slave, still red from tho knout ' Tho earliest worda to sow Of freedom's creed, when our alroa Indeed, llnvo known them from Iopr ago? Who brltiKa it (into Unit ho loarniHl afar ' To plant In tho heart of ua; And with Id I ml ed eye's half opeiiwl, cries: "Look, you I TIn thus, and thtiiit' Who brings Uie 'nigo of a benton serif'' Xow broko from bis galling bauds, . With Jlro niid fnrc aa thw only cflurao , To frvodom ho uiideratauila7 Hut our good. ry alrtw am a 110 tig tl atlll, Who luborml and minlo ua frot, And Uialr apaerh la plain, to lh btihhlo -nln . ; Of tho blind from over the ai. Let ua look oiMlui truth that our fattigra brought And apake unto you uud 1110. drown atub ami clour In an hundred yenr Th language of llborty. y ncan Collin ANNUAL RE-UNION OF COUNTY'S PIONEERS Guests of City of Burns Meet on Court House Lawn. VISITING ORDER OF DAY INSTEAD OF LONG PROGRAM ' Addrei of Welcome by Mayor Leonard Responded to by George IVicUowan, "Daddy of Burns," in Remarkable Summary of Pioneer History. Tho annual reunion of thu Harney County l'lonecr Association last Thursday at tho court houso lawn Ilaleii Anderson has boon Hlgga of tho Inter-Mountnln Tol. ft( in Instruct In Mlaa Hhnumi Ultli). bhe la. a craduato of tlm IT of 6. mid crime woll recommended. Mr. Klolso Kodrlek will cotno to ua agfiln nt tho head of tho commercial department and Mra. Trlnka coiitln- uea In her pordtlon In Kolencc mid Art. The rimes'llernld la Informed by Hcbool Hupt. Clark that so fur It hna been Impossible to secure a manual training teacher, but they may sno red yet before tho opening of school. However, leachora nro hard to find. uii.i. i.mi-.m i iiii.Mj i u.-. irttMiiy closer to Han Francisco than M'.t IIO.NS H) MUTII l.l thelrhwn dome people. This oxten " alonSvlll meet with the approval of rrimiiiMnt run hiiiiiii anil j. v. all. History and j Tel. Co. were called to Crane nun dayj nwniij- noere inej- HUM Willi It It HI- , nesa Jtion of that rlty to dlscnia th poNslblllly of uxteiidlng tho Hues of that company to a connection with the Hue north from Wlnnemurca, thus giving direct wlro service from MINI. I.IIIHUTV I'ltTt'ltliS A tnttfftlliiR rolllckliiR uoniedy feat uring Kn Id llenuett at the Liberty Theatre tomorrow, Hunday la Dlt. KAI'K.MA.V OCCt'l'IKS m:v ori'iCK itriun ;. Naughty NaURhty!" a l'urmiiount Ilurna to Denlo mill tho southern part I'l'uro written for Mlsa llenuett by of this county. Thy found tho Crane C. Oardner Hulllvaii. Tho utorv la Dr. J. Hholley Haurman moved Into hut iimw olllrtt building thla week, up on Ita completion at tho liauda of tho ciirpflntera and flulHhera. The olllco iu louiitoil near tho old quarters on the I. II. Holland property. Modariily equipped In every detail, and furnished with the iHtoat eon-i vunisiicea known to tho proMunt day' practice of mvdlcluo. thu now quar tern are ovldmieo of Or. fiaiiriiian's , falib In the progresN and dovolopniont of Huriioy Cp 11 uty. Tho building eon-1 tains three largo rnoma, a laboratory atid dark room, each oupeulally fitted I for tliH purpoae for which It la Intend ed. A hug room In the front of the building la the reception room. Thla ' room la uo constructed that It can ' easily be eonvsrlod into Ad opernt-, lug room. Opening from tho rsoepllou room, ( are two rooms for consultation and, private olllcas. Tucked away In a, corner of ouch of tlieau la a built-in 1 dust-proof cabinet for tho careful ( storing of luiiilorn surgical iiiatru-1 iilttnt. 'I'lieae rootna aro oneh eiUlp pMl with tolephonus, lo snvo dulay in cuaos of otnurgouey. To tho rear of thoso la on one aide a room uiiulppud for modern Inborn j lory pur pones, ehomlcal work and j mleroacoplenl examination, and on thu othor sldo a apeclally built room for oyo iud X-rny work. This Just. riMHii will be usod pui'tlciilnrly lu tlisl rofraetlon of eyea and fltllnu ofK Klttfixufc, work which Or.. 8uur1ns.11. aftT several ears oxperioHce, first j (H I in thla country ua h partner of tue pfopln wldo awake and ready Tor thla Improvement. Crane asked what they could do and what would bo ex pected of them and upon being In formed lay the telephone representa tives the conditions upon which they would extend the lino the people promptly met these requirements and now tho phone people nro gelling I ...in.lt. ... !... .1... .. vnwj in iiinnu 11111 uAiuiiniuii. Thla baa long been desired, Hero toforo It hna been almost Impossible 10 melt that portion of Harney conn- production; Hurl llodnoy, (ilorln Hope ty by wfre from hero. They were and Andrew Arbuckle that of a small town girl who visits New York, romea back to her homo town with tho firm Intention or thoroly moilernUIng and melamor phosltiK the old-rasliloiied iiialut Picas or the natives especially her rormor Hweothoarl, editor or tho local newspaper. Miss llenuett la support ed by a splendid cast. Including her was not aa largo na in former yoara, duo largely to tho fact that tho bay log soason la much earlier than us ual and tho further fnct that ninny wore boro laat week attending tho Chautauqua and could not neglect their own affairs ncnln o soon to return for tho reunion. However, It wna 11 very satisfactory and enjoy able alfalr. The registration shows who wore present. The IiuhIiiom of tht Associ ation waa disposed of rapidly and tho balance of thu day devotod to soci ability, Mir. Kunlce Thompson was on the groumbi early ami began registering the pioneers aa they arrlvod mid to each waa given 11 handsome badge which la to bo the ofbclal lualgnlu of the Afloclatlon from this time on. A committee waa appointed at the provloua meeting to secure permanent badges mid there were a atllllclent number ordered to supply all tho pioneers who had registered. Those who were not at tho reunion Thurs day may itcouro n badge by seeing or writing tho'Hoerelary, 0. W. Young. The colora designate the decado Iu which tho wearer arrived in Harney county: Itoyal purple la thu color for those coming before 1880 and red la the color for the 'SO'a. I'lrulc Dinner 011 Uiueit. In the absence of the preslilunt of tho organisation (1. W. Young acted aa master of cermonlea nt the request of tho committee iu charge. At noon a picnic dinner waa spread mid each family placed their baskets on a big table prepared by tho committee from ' the Comerclal Club and from which1 the plates were rilled. Tho grounda' at Hie court house were Ideal for this picnic dinner and the pioneers are' certainly Rrnteful for the privilege or Welcomed by Mayor Following tho business session Muy or C. H. Leonard cmne forward nnd gavo tho pioneers a rormal welcomo to the city. Ho said in tho course of his remarks that it really did not nppear neceasary that ho aa tho of ficial head of tho city should extend a welcomo lo tho pioneers na tho town really beloiiRod to them In tho first place mid bo appeared aa 11 younger son welcoinliiR homo the parent. Thla waa responded to by (Jeo. McOownu on behalf of thu plonaera In 11 most happy mnnnor. Mr. McOownn wna tho rounder of Ilurna, and It was, In deed, h pleasure for him to be proa- ent mi this annual reunion or the pioneers where bo met with many of bla former frlouda. Mr. McQowan, apoku or (he early struggled mid hardships or the pioneers, thu fight for a better condition for the prl- vllegu oisecurliig homes lu thla Val ley the fight to get Harney county cut off from (Irani county, aeuuring tho land district and tho location of thu land olllco lu thla city, etc. Ills entire address waa woll ehoxen mid found a most attentive audience. Mr. . McOownu said iu part:: "Not many of my old pioneer as sociates of ItO or 40 years ngo nru hero. Home nro nw,iy iu other landa many have crimed the (treat Divided "Thorn la a chungeyog, mimy chnngcH, Voices and footsteps uml all things -Mtnwino. (Jono nro the heads of the silvery hair And the young who aro there have 11 brow or caro; Naught looka the same, save the sky. uud the nlr." "There hnvo been many uhance durliiR my 29 year's absence, but cbangCH and Improvements nru lu proportion to that lire Riving Huld water. Where thla supply Is abund ant there la wealth mid beauty. Out III Hill lilirhxr ri.i'lm u-lior.. il.lu unit. holding tholr meeting there and also .... u .,.', expressed their appreciation of ' tho. ,,,, hn)10t( ntprtton(llK thoughtful treatment accorded them appointed hopesbroken rortunos. . y..u..K.-,p Jl.,r. Mnrjrl J)n.i.,.l. who i;',V "'" ""Ti ';,;"r","il,1i No ul,l.r .lnM l IHo GOT HIS PLACE IN THE SUN '", ' lK-'i,Ir. Carl Ortffllb. but wltboul i.iu body win lull (-auiffpiotit that be now uoiia'HHis. 1 - t i e ) UNO . 1- lou 'Hl'.iud TUi i.' -'omjiui 1 vived by 1 .1 . 'I V, c.n ' v- 'Mi t. -iJdfs ru !'l e ; ,muii ' 'I 11. .nn. Tlm i K'.od c'lieii j ..!y. Ti. liiiiliiln hi mo .1 pI'msliiK in ' 1 ). thl'oiij'huljl ui'il 1 1 Hi. ... . "T 11 !' I . .!au uii-l C;.-i;i '. !' ' 1 ' ' : 1 1 iluiji" IIt Jiu.---lor h-'t.i i"i. 1 iii,)M.iff uml pui'tTin:; C. U. .'.Id .wiu.'ll j Thurdny from Holse I 1( ii 0J1 ijUi.iiio...:. "tJmmI Ikhiu' where be Jiad - . . k V In.' A i THOtti. .r x .v . ' v r only did thla committee lake all Him Jurdoii of serving tho giumta but they furnished a quaiitliy of briaul, some boiled hnniH, coffee, eream, plcklua. chebso. fruit, etc. This addi tion to tho bountiful basketa brought to tlm grounds by tho plouoera made u regular fiHial. After tho ploneora bail boon aorved n bordo or Indians. among whom wore mnnv who hud emtio to Harnoy county many years provloua to any wbllo purxou proseul, wore given what wna Ion and thoy also roasted. ()lllf(Ms Klectcd Mr. Young called tho mestlug to order luimodlatoly following tho din". nor nnd the following olllcura we.ro elected: I'resldout. Mra. Iono Whit ing; vIck president, li. O. linker; suorolnry, (loo. W. Young; tnmsuror. h, M. Ilrown. Tho tlmu of holding thu next an nual mooting was tlmn dUuuased and nftor llstuniug to tho auggiUHllona or Hovural proHunt a motion wim made to make a permaiiont dato for holding tho rounloitH pjul the timo bo tho third Hatilrday In Soptoniher. This waa voted down aa many conalilerod it not. tho time wboii moat of tho plquuura could come. Tho dato waa filially sot ror tjio aecond Saturday In .Tuna. Tjbls gly he plouuuro n day of t heir own wvUh mJHiIuiff Io,oJf u public lmlurii Iq lulorforo mid when j tlii' 1 itinens of Burns may devote Uhuir mil ire pud nmilvldcd attention i (0 i.nUJ'lalilipK the old tlllHT.i. A coimaitAte coiisiHt Iiir of (5eo. W. 'iiiu',. M. II. ilr. i.lon ;iud .Mim. iVlinUelt Ucfld Vli.i ;u!i' Ir.l to nia... ..iTungtMiientP for the u.i.u lueeliioi. hlimi'i I. wlii uud Julian Hl't Were Mppo;it I a cpittlfl'Ittee td draft and mi Inn it I'uitablo resolutiona unou the .le.it b of pioneers who h:r.e puu'd town dm lug the car just cloned. "Old tbiuga hnvo passod away aud all things have become new" In and Around Iluriis. lint this Is only what one vould oxtiert muslUeriug Ute quality of the men who first settled lu Ibis couutry. Thoy were of th . best blood or the land. It waa tin plnco for clialrwarmers or aleokore. Of tlm various waves of Immigrants only the choicest stood tho atrtilu. A airting process went 011, thu obnff was blown awny. tho grain remained. "It was 110 Joke establishing a home lu thla wlldoruosa itO or -10 years ago, All tho powers or nature aud art Mcomed combined nguiual tho sottlor. Ho was tin tin welcomo guont. There wore uo schools or- churches, no buildliiR materials, uonu or tbu nooua Horles of civilisation. Aud our own Stale of Oregon whoas duty it wae to foster settlement, had alrondy Ulven away half of the domain to build 11 road that never wau built. Next hIio entered into collusion with speculator permitting thorn to eloud tho tltlou or the remainder. Thla entailed on tho settler many JournoyH aoroSH tho doaurt to tho laud olhco 1HQ mtloa dlHtnnt. TIiIh la not all. Kvory 10 and 30 section wisely laid asldo'for the education of (Mir child ren was sold to lutoroatu hostile to Kattlemuut for $1.25 per acre. These hinds, many of them could, ltnya bjaou Bold nt tho tlmo for from $10 to $20. N'o'wouder our school Uvxes ore high How tits transfer wna nooompllsliod in a mailer of record and Ml effort In liuliiK nmde to n-(mr uetliii.g for t ar hihool ihildin' ".l what vim I'ii- Fcder.tl iiivii.i'. n: lolll!" IlK ihi-, time? Well, '..-!..',. oil V : ' .l UiiiK dhdiuue from here, lmpi.-i : for tl saltier but easy of lite 1,1 the millionaire. Connou.ii'". ".. tli ! land olllco mciimbenta wore m noii.t (Contiutied ua paer ')