The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, June 28, 1919, Image 8

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flflScaiiAttttrvt 1 1!, u'j .Wi li, M HWI I W'HH I i II I W HMIUHl) MM 'li 1 "yj J
What Does the Bank
Say About You ?
Before Opportunity makes her final cle-
ahts "checks un' on you. one
wants to know if you arc worthy.
What a reputable bank says about you is
often the deciding factor. If you're
known at. a strong bank as a man of good
business habits a man who keeps his
checking account in a healtljy condi
tion and his word likewise such a
statement will go far with Opportunity
in deciding in your favor.
"Get in Strong" With a Strong Bank.
First National Bank
of Burns, Oregon
Capital and Surplus, : $100,000.00
United States Depositary
Oregon State Depositary
.- ats, barter ana" wktat far aala at
Perry's Ram.
The Welcome Pharmacy In your
tore. Make unc of It.
Adam OuorKO wan a business yUlt
r during thu week.
Piano far sala. Inquire ' at Mm.
I'aul Lochar'n reaMetice lit lluVnn,
M. 8. Davlen and wife were among
our dlntnnt visitors for tbo Chautau
qua. Oraat Keyyolda Will graast yeur
wlaas tl frr TU JttrlK the puir.iaf r.
Ca 'pkOM Nf. 'M?t "
y Is fiot ulte time yot to engage
' your passage to Kuropo on an air
ship, nut tbo day Is coming when
you will bu vrlvttpptfid to do ho.
James Patl and fatally worn unionR
our Chaulauqua Ylsltorn from a'dls
tanco, coming In from their ffarm
aome 60 miles or mom away,
Uov. Father Klein, former piiHlor
of t ho Catholic church of thin city,
wnH horo for a few days thin week
on biiHliuiKH, nituruiiiR to Ills home
at Hood Itlver Wednesday morning.
Miss Cnrmnn Doncgau arrived homo
Wednesday evening from California
where hIio had been for nevera!
months. Shu wan with her aunt and
ronortii having had a fine time. HIio
may return to California again thfti
Dr. h. K. Illhhard and IiIh children
-are home from their trip to Portland
where they took In the ItoHe fentlval
and later vlxlted Wlllamettu Valley
points, They weo accompanied on
their return hy John Currle, a neph
ew of Or. Illhhard,
Mm. I), II. Smyth, Mr. and Mm.
Corey ' Smyth and Ityo Smyth Jr.,
have Kpeut thu entire week In thin
city taking In the Chautauqua pro
grams, They have enjoyed thorn Im
inonmily they Hay and will hn ready
to come! again next season with more
y Frank Smith, mm of Mm. Julia
Smith, arrived homo Wednesday after
receiving Ills discharge from the
navy, lie wuh here at holiday time
did not expect to cot releafscd for at
least two years therefore bin coming
wild u pennant surprise to IiIh mother
and IiIh many friends.
Mr. nud Mr Frank Trlska are
liomo. Frank rocontly wan discharged
from the nrmy at ('amp I.ewlH and
having wired Mm. Trlnka upon IiIh de
parture from Now York on IiIh way
home, alio mut him In Portland.
Frank In fooling fine and glad to ho
nt homo again. Ho had coiiHltloruhlu
action whllo aeroau In Franuo.
Datterlen repaired proparly.
line of romper uutl house
thin week Mr. K, K.
Henry Trowbridgo In hern for a
abort time on notno buslncnn and to
vlnlt with IiIh many frlendn.
W. T. hentcr Informs' iim he recent
ly located two men formerly from
Idaho In thu Olann Iluttvn section,
They nro J. A. nnll Paul P. Hover.
Corea in and sea the bakery gaodn,
Wo dou't keep It ok display In tkn
window because the sua drlti It out
rapidly. Page's Sweet Bkoa.
Wb, llennett waa down from faU
home la Hllvlcn Valley Wednonday a,
stating none neighbors Id makhiK
proof on Jholr land.
Mm. I). K. Ilobcrtaon In vlnlllng
with her daughter, Mrs. Eunice
Thompnon, In thin city, having come
over from the farm near Drewney thu
fore part of thin week.
Prompt norvlco anO onurtcoiin
treatment will alwayn be accorded
.tioi!t of the IJuriia Htxel Harbor
Shop- llathn ut any hour of the
l,i). 0. Slmmonu, Prop,
. Mm. Perry Chandler and her hoii
(Hen ramo over from Canyon City
Sunday to remain for the week and
Kalpli datlrrtion whh In town tho
other day.
Haltory anil ojeclrlcal repair work,
oxy-ucotyleuo woldlnK. Jack Me
Uulm, Four regfutered JeanetB for tnle
reRlnlered Jack at ntand, Wlthern
Hanch, Harney, Oroeon. )
Mm, lion Nowman arrived homo
Sundny from Portland whom Bho had
been vlHltlng hIiico tho Hone fOHtlval.
Two new cott.v;M for rem, Nvw
Foul truck for ikIo Have t.urty to
buy a ranch. J. K, Houilnevolle,
For Sale J'll Vletrola rtud i!4
double recordn. 'ojfoct, condition.
Prlcu $25. Phone H(!0 or uddreim
Hox 248, UuraM. tt
.lamen Yoiiiik, the nheop grower an
hotlated with W. .1 Davhm, wiw a
: I UHlnesn visitor In t IiIh city during the
week. Mr. Young In expecting IiIh
. i iMtr hen- irom Scotland la the near
Mitnrn and will bring Iter to thin
Itv to ri'Hiile during the eoiiool your.
Mr an-l Mm. Oeo. Mari'den were
oir 'rotn tiielr Hear Vatbiy ranch
during the fore liart of Ui'h wuek.
Thev lame ver primarily ni. ImimIihihh
but n tilalned to lake In a part of the
('liutitauiiiiu. ,(Seorg? Inform uh bin
tnoiiit-r li:i gone to California on a
Carroll (Veil. II. J. William and
Albert Oakermau ar home from
Omnhii where they accompanied
Hmlth Crane with their respective
uhlpiiK'MH of hornet. They report a
good tr t. They remained In town
for a pat i of thu Chautauqua program
before ru ,.! to their tinmen on Silver
Capl A. S. (lowiin arrived home
!Moudu evening from a trip to outili'o
poluin. He wunt troin here to Port
land an! Inter camif buck to The
Dallen whero they held the annual
enrampnient of the (3. A. It. Capt.
Oownti ItiforniH un there were nearly
400 old veteran In line and that they
had a very profitable und enjoyable
Hurt Blmrannn arrived here during
thai week from Washington where, lut
and Mm. Slmmonn1 have been nluce
early In thu nprlnjc. He In hero to
look", after nomo bunlnenn nfTnJrn and
left Mm. Slmmonn up in Wanhlngtan,
Mr. Simmon ban hi farmn leaned
out thin neanoti and han dlnponed of a
Urge number of "bin ntock no bun
norae U'l'urq fine.
Mr. d Mm. Polar Ulam are hero
fro aa fiddle. In D?laM county, on
a vlilt (k Mr. a'yid Mm. P. 0. Clem
enn. r. Ulan and M,r. Clemen are
brolkvr Ffd "i"hr, Peter formerly
rmlded In ttafn Valley and the writer
recan him jn ht early day. He
find a fpw when ha kpew during hi
renlduncp hers bu niput of them are
either (jjad or left for other point.
Mm, Kva (3 off nud her daugblern
left hero Wedueuday for Corvullln
whoru they expect to make their
home for thu present. Her nou Othel
linn boon In nchoi?) there nlucc lunt
fall and an nhe can live there an
cheaply an hero and the glrU can have
thu advantage of the 0. A. ('. nhu
lluy n War Savliu: Utnmp, I fj mUIHIHiniD
' 1
Hcolt rnllurton und wlfuViuno In
yorttonlny, , J
Horn Friday, Juno ao, to Mr. aiul
Mm, Dick Olloy, a non.
Try our banana cream plan. Thoy
nre dellcloun. Pngo' Sweet fihop. tf
Cook wanted during haying HcnKoti,
See or nddrnnH Qrant ThompHOU,
Crane, Oregon. If.
Awldow ludy with four Mmall child-
. ren would like to got a poHltlon an
hoUHOkeoper In order to aid Ik r In
'takelng care of her fathorlem) ohll
jdren. Iniiilro at thin olllco.
Pnt Cecil nnd hi wife were among
our vlnllom from Silver Creek to th
I Chnutauqua, Albert Johnnou aild
I family were alno over a part of thu
For Sale Tho South M of North
North Kant
of South i
Went i and North Went of South :
Knnt U Section 10, Townnhlp 20
Hulige HI! Hunt.
! Addrenn W. P. (IIMHIKATH
1)22 K. WlHhkah, Ahurdeon, wanh.
. ft a ft t . I ........
i .Mr. ami Mm. w. i. juininoii worn
among our out or town' vlnllom to
the Chnutauqua during (ho week.
'Phono gray haired ploneem.Hot thu
pace for a younger generation in
their liitT"Hi In thing that tend tor
thu boMerment of the country and
Tho l-'lmt llaptlit lliumi.
toku In (he Chautauqua. They were BcUw, (0 Jn, ,r M0 ,iiero. Many
accompanied over by Katherlne Krrer,11)1(1 of , faly rt.m ,(l,r
who had boon viHltlng'ovcr there.
Mr, and Mm. Kdward Snuthworth,
are over frohi their Hear Valley homuj
to vlnlt with relallven and take In thu
Chautauqua progranm. Thin Ih a re.
! parturo.
Mr. Herbert Nunu, Statu highway
engineer, It. C. Johnnon, repreHent-
ntjvo of thu Oregon Journal, Mor-
nnrknl.1.. (Mm- In nir,.r,r All.... I t?l'. f "", TlMRraill lllld C. J. Hlir
" 1. 1.. I. ....... ...I...
ln Chautauqua talent when they !"'''". " ....
learn that people comu nuch dlHtaucen ' lor' ,,,r, ,, " "' "'' -
Htoppillg ouiy a iuw imiMinm in
town. They were on their way from
Similar, April (lib, 1119.
Sunday nehool beginning nt 0:45,
A. M.
Prcah.iigat 11 o'clock.
What (Jod Would Havu Un Seek.
Kvenlng womblp be:lunlng ut 8
P. M.
Subject: ,
Ho Buro Your Bla Will Hud You
0Ut-. i". '
Prayer meeting on, Thursday eveu-
Ing of each week.
Kveryiody Is Invited jo attend thu
ncrvlcen. '
JOHN V. MOBI-KY, Pastor.
Bnrvlce nt ,11: olock.
The Teatlaionlal Metln, Wednes
day at S p. m,
Tke reading raasa In taa ckarck
Killflce, In open or Tueniay and Fri
day from:36 te 4:30 p. m.
fluaday School aaeeta aa Sunday at
1 oVlsck.
Puplln may ba aOatltted to Its
clasne ua to the age of ytm.
The public Is cordially Invited to
the Church bevlces and t tkn Head
ing noons. ,
to attend.
Mm. Henry Hulton and her child
ren took their departure hint Wednes
day morning for Tucoma whore hIio
i;ooh to vlnlt with her mother for a
John Day to limped the nurvoy and
Investigate complnlntH received on the
I.awon and l.awen-t'rHiio hccIIoiih of
thu Central Oregon ntato highway.
"Sabbath school 1 A. M.
Preaching, 11 A. M,
Young Pooplcn' Meeting 7 P. M.
Preaching P. M.
Wednesday evening prayer moejlng
7:30, .
Hlhln ntudy clann Friday .eronlng,
HKV. OKO. WAHI), Pastor.
II, S. Hughe, Pastor.
Sunday nehool at 10 A. M.
Preaching Servlrea at 1 1 a. m.
Bautf nam IBBBSB
liiiiliiiniiiiiiiHiiiiiiiinnnfMmmi ininra
Bank Service
:i While Travelling
Whcro you'ro known, your checkbook in thu
nlgn of your credit nt thu bank. Whern
vou'ro unknovn. AMKHICAN KXPUESS
THAVEMCHS CHEQUKS entahllnh for you
a nimllur credit.
Wherever ' go at homo or abroad
thoy are iih good an gold. You nlgn thorn
at our bank when you buy them: you coun-
tomlgn them when you npond them. Tho
nlgnnturon Identify you. '
Thu value of lont or stolen uncoitntemlgned
ChequoH In refunded to you, upon- filling
out curtain protcctlvo formn.
Tho cohI of thin credit nnil Inntimncu nqr-
vlce Ih but r0u tr each $100.
Harxtey EDunty Nalionil Bank
Every Woman in Creation
Needs a Velvetina Combination
Just Received a Full Assortment of
Velvetina Toilet Specialties
Different From Others
Try, Them -
Tke RexAll Draff State '
See Us ft
Harvesting Season
Is at Hand ,
Deenng Binders, Mowds
Rakes and Sweep) Raks,
also Binding twine and
Repairs, Tractors, Farm
Machinery, Gas Engines,
Groceries, Dry Goods
and Shoes.
We Can Fill Yeur Bill Mail Orders Pr.lly Filled
Vale Trading Company
tlmo. Bhe will aim) Hjiend Home tlmu lH- ! accompanied them to
wltb other relative and then ntayK'runn from whero the left for On
at thu ca nhore. Alio iIooh not ex- tarlo on the amu day.
puet to return homu until tho latter -
part of Augunt. , r"!
Kd. Morgan wa Up for a few daya
during Chautauqua. IIu inforinn un
that liliunulf und two uelghbora have
700 acre ol rye In tho Weaver Hpriug
miction thin neanou and while It In not
a big crop It In bettor than Innt year. ,
Mr. Morgan utaton It In exceedingly
.dry but they will lutrvcnt a profitable!
crop, He ban recently been over thu I
niiKtnni nnrt nf thu rniintv Inntrliif? tnr
nnme iohi siqck ami iiuun inui cropn
In general are goliKt to be rutbor
w. H. Houertbon wan ovor from.
Jil home on Otln "Crook during tbo
week. He brought IiIh nlnter, Mrn. N
Kunlce Thompson, homo after she
had npeut a few wookn at tlio ranch I
looking aftor tho boyn whllo Mr. Hob
iirtnon wan abnent In Portland wlieru
bin wife recently, underwoiit a nerlouH
oponallon. Will roportn leaving Mrs. ,
ItohorlHon rocoverlng nicely froi her''
ordeal and nhu will ruturn homo 'with-'
In a Hhort I lino, I
Including tho latest and
Spring and Summer
Exclusive aprent for Victor
" Tailoring Co.mpany with a
, full lino of
Spring Samplen for
Women 's Siritn and
jyirs. Lelah Millar
At tho Soli wart. Store
Stravyberries--Cantaloupe Fruits
Watermelon Ripe Tomatoes
for your
Chautauqua Week Needs
it : .
Wo will accept your standing order for any,
of the above perishable, goods which will
assure yoUr having thenv whe wanted.