The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, June 28, 1919, Image 4

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    The Times-JIerald
Has The Urgett CircvUtlon Of Any
Newspaper In Harney County.
sutisaurnoN rates
9a Yr M
9 Mms
?kt Mtfc, ....
. l.W
.. .78
.fune 2H, 1010.
..Try our banana cream plea, They
are dullcioUH. Pago's Sweet Shop, tf
' Mrri. AhoI Wnlkup loft Thursday
morning for Puyultu whore hIio goes
to attend tlm wedding of her cousin,
JUhh Short. Tho bride to ho will lio
remembered by ninny of l ho young
people of thin city as hIio visited hero
for tt tlino recently.
.Mrri. M. V. Dodge arrived home
from Portland Thursday evening. HIio
and lior sou hud been In tho city hIiico
last full but urn now homo for vaca
tion. Wo havo not learned whether
sho will remain iu HiIh city or return
. to Portland again at tho opening of
lliu Hchool year,
(3. L. Homhrcu arrived horu Wed
nesday from his now homo over In
Idaho to look uftor1 buSliioHB Interests
In this county.' Ho reports crop con
ditions moro favorahlo In his section,
jRhough they nro suffering from luck
of moisture and llko this country
Jiad late "freezes. "Doc" remained
ovuf u dny or two to taku advantage
knf tho Chuiilauiiii.
Court Officials at Trial
' Of Non-Partisan Leaguers
Judc-e E.C. Dean Attv. E.H.Nicholas
JihIko K. C Dean and County Attorney 13, II NlchoU, who will
ho. miKt to tho diifcndanlH. tho most prominent figures In the trial at
JnckHon. Minn.. beginning Juno 23, of A. C Townley, president Na
tional Nonpartisan League, nud Joseph Gilbert, who was gntlonal
organizer of the tcnguo, They nro accused of acta alleged to bo In
vlulntlou of tho Minnesota anlldUloyulty law
j.v tub circuit court of tub
Zethrn T. Ulalsdoll, PlulntlfT,
William F. IllalHiloll. Defendant.
To William F. Dlnlsdoll, Defendant:
OF Oregon You aro lnrohy roqulr
d to appear and answer tho Com-
plaint filed against you In I lie abovo
n tit led suit on c hoforo tho 9th day
of August, 1 1 1 1 ; and If you fall to
of thor mulor why thin jihouomonul
suoccsj and why has thin preparation
ho fur out-stripped all other inutile
liuyi of Mm kind. It In only natural
therefore that tho lunuufacturers
should offur some' oxplanatlou to nut -Isfy
public Intcrost.
In tUo first place. Tniilue Is man
ufnetured In one of tho largest and
most randomly equipped laboratories
In this country. Its formula Is purely
ethical and compiles with all national
nud statu jiuro food laws. Altogoth
or there am ten Ingredients In Tanlac,
each of which Is of reconUud thurap
outlc value.
Many of thusc liiRrodlentM havo
been Individually known and used
since civilisation first hcRan. and
some of them havo been used ami
prescribed by leadliiR physicians
evorywiiero. nut until they wore
to Appear and Answer, for want
thereof, tho Plaintiff will apply to tho I lirouRlit toRether In proper propotlon
Court for the relief prayed for ln'nnd association as in tho tho Tnnlac
j iId Complnlnt, namely, n Decreo of . formula, humanity had not hereto.
Divorce dissolving tho bonds of unit fore. ruillUed their full value and of
I fmoiiv exlstliik between PlulntlfT and 1 1
Defendant, and restoring to Plaintiff
In riiferrlnir fit nun nf tlin mnrn
... tnm. ......... r v..tu-.. a ii,..J "
J , - ; : important inRrediontn or Tanlac. tho
.iHUr.nnd for nuch other and further .KncyclopwIU rU,nlca .ayH! ..It hk,
trufkf as to tho Court may seem. .. . ,hV Mf,llpr. nt ,hu mtLt
i ..... ...... . ivaluablo tonic medicines that have
I THIS Publication is made pursuant 1 , lfj . . ,. , ,
, ... ,, ... ovor been discovered." In reforrliiR
o an Onlor o Hon. H C. Loveu...
ttudR of bounty Court o th, corUtUfl(,(1 , T.nlac thn iath Kdltlon
KUkif of OroROh for tho County of , ,, , ... , ,
, ... . . .. .. f Potior h Therapeutics, n standard
Jlarney, iimdn nnd outered In th-Jj . .. ... ....
i, .... . , ., . I medlcU text book, states that-"thoy
shovc-oulltlud suit on tho 28th day . , , . , . ,. ,
i linimrt uimnriil limn nml trnfliflii in
tor Juno, 1910, dlroctlnK that nald , 7 ,." , , , ,,
: ,,r , , ... : tho ontlro system, IncludlnR nil or
; publication bo mudo nt least once a .
wook for tiix (li) consecutive weeks.'
tiiu Hume wen Known nutiioriiy
In ileticrlhliiK tlio phsloloRlral action
of utlll another of tho InRrediontn nf
ieommitiicInK Juno 28,
Attorney for Plaintiff
ItCHldliiR at and with pnstolllco ml-
druxH at Hums, Otcroii.
into of First Publication :-Juno I'S.
Tanlac which Is of value in treutlnir
what Is commonly known as "a run
down condition" uses th followlnx
oxpnuislou: "It Is hlRhly esteotned In
loss or upputlto duriiiR couvttlerii"o
from ncuto discuses."
Thuro are certain other elements
lu Taulau which because of their In
fluence upcu tho appetite, iIIrosIIoii.
anslmllallou and elimination Improve
tho nutrition nud vital activity of nil
tho tissues anil orRiins of tho body,
and produce that state of Reiieral
tonicity which Is called health.
In dlscussliiR another liiRredlent
the Kucyclopudla Hrltanlca says. ' It
Is olio of tho most ol!lclo;t of that
class of substances which act upon
tho s'omnch so as to luvlRorato diges
tion and thereby Increase tho Roneral
nutrition. It Is used iu dyspepsia,
chlorosis, nnomln usd various other
diseases In which tho tone of the
stomach and alimentary caual U
deficient." Cnncorniiiff utlll anolhor
ItiRrudiont this huiiio standard author
ity nayn: "It causes dilution o'r tho
KBstrlc blood vussols, lucreasus Kocre
tloti of tho Kimtrlii Juice, nnd iiiumus
trootcr activity in th movomoiiU of
tho pnihoulaf layers in the wall.i of
the stomach. It nlso tends to Icwum
the Honsiblllty of tho ntomaebi uifd
fo may inllove gastric pain,"
Tho United States i Dfs'pbnnatory
makes tho followliiR comment roftard
ItiR another itiRrodlont: "It may bo
used lu all cascit ol purn dobltlty of
tho digestive unburn or where a nun-!
erut tonic ImpreHston Is reiiulred.
Dyspepsia, utoiili) gout hysteria, and
Intermittent fever nro uiiioiir the
many affection iu which It has pro
ven useful. '
There aro certain other
described lu lite Dl.-peiisatoi') ami m
other iitnudnrd medical text booha
an hiivlut; a beneficial action upon
tho orRtum of accretion, whose proper
ruuctlonliiK results lu the purifica
tion of the blood (dreams passing
throiiRli them. Iu this manner ob
jectionable and poisonous ingredients
of the blood are removed, and the en
(Iro uyHtcm Is Invigorated and vital
Tanlac wns designed primarily for
tho correction of disorders of the
Htomuch, liver, anil bowels. At tho
muni) time, however, It Is a powerful
reconstructive tonic and body builder,
for It naturally follows that any med
icine that brings about proper as
slmllntkui of the food mid the thor
ougli elimination of the wnnte pro
ducts must thereroro Have a far
reaching mid most beneficial effect
upon the ontlro system.
romncy nro abundantly supported by
tho worlds lending authorities It Is
tho people themselves who luivq rcal-i
ly mudo Tanlac whntiU Is, Afilfonii
upon millions haVo uried It, flifa fiitvu
told other millions what it tins done
for them.'-Tlntl 'Is whV Taiilnc;' liarf1
become tlio rokl notlUllou 'of the
drug trndo In this country, nnd that
Is also why, It In tho most widely
(rtlked-of 'muillclno in'tfio 'worW lo
dnv, "
Tanlac Ih ld i Hums wy.Ra4
Ilros., and in Crane ky Valo TratllMc
TliDiMntf A. llroslla. tftn tlrn.j.
Albaay, N, Y vrites: "Havln
i. ........ .It... I .kl. . .
- ,, ii .
...... . ., m w .m MnffliiHi f
over alacu. I was advised hr
frlead to tako Foley's Ilonev nnk
unit knfnrn Irinr I wiim fiirml "
- i
j . . ...... ... .t. ,., ..
bei a lingeriiiK slaco SprltiR,
BoM everywhere.
. M V
Although Taulur's ilalms for sup-
I for
A nu thing
ThiH is a Kpnera! store and wc arc supposed to sell every,
thintf, and we live up to the general supposition.
You enn buy anything you want here, from hardware to
groceries, from needles to a good smoke.
It pays to buy from $, because we sell for cash, and an
enormous amount " of goods, and we can therefore sell at a
closer margin of profit.
You (JAN'T lose, and you WILL gain. Now doesn't thii
line of argument appeal straight to your good common sense?
Burns OrtRon, Juno SI, lilt.
Notlcn In hereby given that'Charles
11. Needhani, or Hums. Orrba, who
on-April 20, 41'J. wa4a DMarHawtt
Kntry, Nb. 086. for NHSHlc
tlon II, Township 26 8.. lUncn .'i'i
B Willamette Meridian, Itaa niad
notice of Intention to mako final
Proof by purchase unaer 3rd aara
graph Act March i. 1915, to establish
claim to the laud above described,
before Register and Itnceirer, at
Hums, Oreguii, on the U5th day oY
July. ItilK.
Claimant names us wltuwuuv
Charles Wilson and Mut lit Wilson.
both of Ilurus. Oregon, and Claude
Young and William I.. Ncetlham,
both of Narrows, Oregon.
V. 0. CO'.AD, Hcr.i-.tcr.
lUUi of
Last Publlontlou:AligU8t l.
puhi.h; now toi.d
liums Oregon May G, 1919.
Notice Is hereby given that Ilnlpii
C. Ucory, of Narrows, Oriigcn, who on
(August .1, 1912, mailu desert laud oil'
try No. 052(12, for NW'.i , Sertoli! ':.
If.wiiship 24 H., Itaiiho :i2 13.. Wllla'n
:tto Meridian, has llh.l not iro of In
leiillon to make final proof by pur
cIiahc under nut of I, 19It. lo
wiabllsh claim to th'j bind riant do
III II rjci.t Umio of this paper nil-' scrllKkl. hofnro ruiilslir and n-..hci
souiioemont was made that Tanlac j at UuniH, OrtjRo.t. on t.u li (2 day of
now has tho largexa sale of any mod j July, 1019.
Iclne of ilu kind lu the world, and O'alumut nunon ns wltnoos:
that ioro than twelve million bottles Charles V. Hood and .Mntln M.
had been sold during tho punt four . ifvoti of Narrowt Oregon, nnd liny
- l) Stahl and Arthur I). Iluhn, of
These aro unusual rigures, and tlio Purus, Oregon, i
'luestfon uuturally uriHos in tho mini v. O. COZAD, RegUter. I
Authorities Now Show Just What
.'his Splendid Medicine
Iloally Is.
Save Your Eyes
Eye strain causes liondnches,
ncrvousnt'SH and other tnu
bles. I fit glasxcH arourately
and scientifically.
AH Work Guaranteed.
Olllcc with Dr. It. V. Smith
(litrr f-l-tA lief r(" r o mno IaItat rW xrrwtv VeA
m. . am a . ar . mm . w m m ww a w m m mm m v r
tivps or friends who wftrfi in active srvirp
Help make the list complete for this County.
while only a part of our business as UP TO DATE
DRUGGISTS, is our most careful concern. You
maybe iure that in filling'your prescription, we shall
take the great estprecautions and that, the prescrip
tion will be accurately and correctly filled by "a
Wg carrv an unumiallv eomnlctfl linn of TOIIiRT
ARTICLES, Perfumes, Soaps, Hand Lotions, Patent wwr-rrr m-w-i
Medicines of Proved-worth, Sanitary Supplies, Etc. WELCOME
Try our SODA FOUNTAIN these hot days. PURE nuADM Arv
Home new names this week.
John drmuuil Asinus, tlermnii
Vox Auerh.Yiner. Mulvlu Acto.i, Kii.
rrlio Am res, A K. Allen, Peter 1 1. ju
ry Acton, Howard r C Audursoii,
Arthur K. Aosgood, Donald W. Algler.
O. Alguard.
Walton Urown, Harry Huck, Walter
Ilookley, L. L. Drown, Willis Hockley,
Oleiin Drown, Harry Drown, Don
llartlelt, J. C. Ilartlett, Carl Dartlott,
It. C. Dowman, Horace Ilurdutto, Rod
Ick Ualn, Miles Drccount. Floyd II.
Dakar, Homer DeBuett.C.ll.Dlalr.lloy,
Iille lieede, Arthur LouU Bde.
Oe'orfe L. neVaos, Jean Dart Dai
comb, Kmmltt 0, Dldle, leroy Ualn,
Honor A. Darbcr, W. II. Uaroer,
Wm. M. Dennett, Jerry Darbcr, Robt.
W. Drown, Claud M. Raker, George
W. Daker, Chan. U, Drogan, Tiios. N.
Dulloy, Orun K. Drown, Thomas K.
Drowning, (Jtirist Dakopauos, Chas.
M. Dreedon, James Duchur, Nathnu
Drown, Oliver Dolzur, Wm. M. Dun
net, Clcrctico Deckley, R. W. Drown.
Pryor Humes.
A. W. Cross, Dudley Campbell,
Fred Crump, Roy Chirk, J. O. Cawl
field, Charles Cnwiriold. Henry M.
Cocsrield, Peter Caldwell, Jesso R.
Claypool, A. A. Collins, Harold I.,
Cawirteld, Colded A. Collins, ArthurW.
Cox, J. A. Capps, II. N. Culp, Ceorgu
Carrol, John Carrol, Raymond Curry,
Ray Culp, Harry Custer, David Cox.
Chariot Krmnn Ullliiian, (leorgo
I)ekons-)ii, Arthur Davis, Dof
oubaugh, Joe Duhalmo, Treff 1 lu
haltno, Will Duhalmo, Ora B. Dick
Misoii, Fred D. Dickenson, John I),
rtfgcrn, W. D. Davis, Dr, Denmun,
MimIii Donmnn, B H Doucgnn.
iuhI'Imi Billot. Hpnry Bhcrly.
MlUwortli Kgll.
OiiMs Fraliln, Tom Fitzgerald. Floyd
F.sir, Oliver Follows, Jnmo Fol
1 ws, William Frank Foster, Roy
I eny, Clarence A. Fltchett.
Fred Olbbs. (Iroff Robert, (loorgo
Ollbert, lluury (leer, John (lordou,
Charley (leorgo, R. C. (leorgo, Bdwlu
Roy Orlffln, Fred (Ireon, Jumes
Oronn, Rufo George, Cliff nituhul.
RufUH George, Othel Goff, Bd Good
man, Grover Gould, Frank P. Gowun,
Rlloy (1, Garrolt, Walter P. George,
Ij, H, Uloesnu, Polo W, a race.
I.eauard Hebener, Roy Holly, Barl
Hagey, Harry Hnnnun, Hugh Hustle,
Archie Huff, Ralph A. Holly, Cecil
Huffman, Uorduu Vaughn Hall, Rob
ort I. Hall, Duncan C. Hfliburd, R, I..
Haines, Homer Holley, Paul Howe,
Walter Heinz, Charles Hansen,
Sherman Height, Lewis Milton Hugh
nt, Oliver I). HnlchkUs, Homer T.
Humphrey. A. D. Howard. R. Daley
Hayes, Clifford B. Hall Henry H,
Hathaway, John Q. Hoagland. Mich
Hecker, Jr., Albert Hughet, Donuld
Hotchklsi, Wllllntn L. Hall, C. B.
Howard, Waiter Huffman. Archie
Ildwell, HaVry HoWell. . C. 'Ik'fhs.
Ralph K, Irwlng, David Irwlng.
B. W. Jenkins, Roy Johnson, 'Karl
Johnson, Hans Jetley, Jesso J. Jones,
Joe M. Jonos, Arthar Jetley, Truo M.
Jones, Martin Joyc, Warner J. Jen
konson, Donald Joklsch, Floyd Joucs.
Otto Johnson. .
Joo KrumlioltJt. Daisll Kirch, Joe
Koebler, Charles ICumtrd, Henry Kiev
enbeck, Hanuml N. Kenney, Barl KuV
ser, Vernlo Kern, Chester Known,
Adolph Klttlosou, Puul H.Krugvr,
Conrad W. Kuntelberg.
Albert Deaf, Leonard Ichor, Nor
man l.tir-key, Robert Lowe, Dormau
Leonard, Brueat Lucas. Roy Llpfnrd,
Xobbal Lewis, Bmery La n fear, W, W.
Lawrence, Pnul Lulka. McKlnley
Lowe. James Lewis, 8 L. Ioug, An
drew Leaf, Timothy Lune, Henry Lar
son, Fred U.t.orcuz, Luonurd Lnxnrus
Roy MHIcrlng. John Mofrell, Virgil
McCnll, Chnrlei Myers. Barl Miller.
(Jordan Me Williams, Lloyd Moslov,
Roy McDuffov. Leo Miller. Ralph
McKlnnon, Clarence McKlnuou, Pcli
Mi!!vr, OaU C. Miller, Roy Miller.
Roy McCnmorou, Jack Moore, DID
Malchnw, Loo Miller, 0. B. Michel,
Rufjis I. Mooro, Alexander McPhnil,
Clyuo Manning, Jas. McWIIIIams,
Brio Js MathowH, Rodney MacArth
ii r, Vllllam Murphy, Louis Mcpher
son, Harry N. McCotnb, Aaron F. Mor
rlsWm. McPhnil, O. B. Mitchell.
Traver Norttm, Morris Newton,
Bdward Natuska.
Arthur B. Osgood. Albert Olofson,
Deu Okshca, Dert Oraudorff, James
Oaks, Bruest B. Ostcrhnut. Kmll. Ol
son, Dun Odell, Frank Outiunu.Chns.
Otley. :
Daryl Potior, Dale Portor, C. C.
Proctor, Roy C. Perry. John Proo
tor, John Porter, Oliver Poer, Bmtult
1 1 .. I . I I .. .. .!..(. t . I . ...
i tunci, i hi tji , ituucu lag
Jason Pickleslmer. Riilnh M I'irtf
Aiozo ii. I'ease, t lioster Aim I'futt
Walt Roller, Claus Rimer. CM
Rimer. Fuy Rayburu, D. K, HalttM.
(?). Ruuiiscvollu, J. Rhodes.IieBrjL
Richardson, Rounsevelle, Clifford &
Richards, Barl Roblion.
i ...I. f i .ill. nt. n - j
Ryo Hmyth, Roy Hkolns, Btdred
mnna. Ilnnrv If. Krv! t Thnmn M.
. m & r i t . i. ( m
Hpohcer, IxsRoy Oliver Stelnke, VirfS
, Jefferson 8lpy,-Jerf Dtvla Wyr,
nu ..1 ut.H.. ft .. L. c i. ...v. . nun.
Mlnniinn fl.r... V Tnhn Hkj.
nan, R. I. Stebpeni, Alba M. Mm
Armor ii. cawarii, uregeri oi.
Charles B. Sweotman, PoIhmi
ilk Ions, Lloyd F. 8herbea, Waltrr &
Smith, Lev) D. Simpson, VntA
Smith, Alphena Shorben, Qtotti
r. ... i. l . ii ci n .. .. c ... I . u rw
aiujtii. r.iun niuiiu. r.rituai oiiiitu, vi
J. Hhnlloy flaurmnn, A. J SoumK
George Shnw.Cyrus Sweok.John Sar
man, Jerry Jny Hylvvstvr, Samuel
0car Slater. Thomas L. Sklum Clar
ence Swucker.
Fred Taylor, Rusxel Taylor, lUlfk
inyior. i.ioyu iryon, r.ioeri iujw,
Joseph Tipton. Bruest Thdmpm
Claud Talcott. Brnest Ora' t Thoal
son. Frank W. Trlska. F. U LTI
ton, Cameron Trimble, Fraiih Tlioh
R. W. Cmbarger. Walter II Ql.
Norman B. I'jmon.
Uert Vlncont. W. M, Vnrlen, Dr. I-
II. Vincent.
William Wlckert, J.oule N Ickert.
Frank Wlsoinan, Will Wulkup Joio
Walkup. Foss Winn. BHJah Ward.
Herbert B. Ward Grover C Wr,
Clyde Winn. Leo B. Wann WlUUa
Bdgar WllUnms, Claud Thur'-w WH
rong, Barl Wolln. 8 A. WCf ftrow.
Goo-i-o 11. Williams, Frank U WMk
or, Doiluey 11. Wlllfams. Frc l Wil
son, Anion J. Wolsaenfels, KrreJtL
Wlun. Fred Walkoa, Joo Winters.
Alva Woodruff. Jesse (Jeff iWIUoSi
Raymond I). Wolty. Frnm' Smith
Welch, Ira J. Williams, NathanUl
Wheat, Claudo Wilson.
Don Young, William Young Ches
ter, W. Youst, Merl Youug,
ine Youcham.
Date of Prbtnotlsn to rank ef
Ituiilc .. ..
1 I
" Wounded at puUlo (.
Hou or ..Killed t aUl.pfi;....v v
lllnlli Dfirnnlul
It- "i. ,j , ,4 . -,
DuUj of Promotion to rauk.oi' .,.,;.,..J..!.,....., ; u wx
f ; i....;,...!
I . . 4 T . . J ... ... .
isie v itiiuiuiiuii iu roiiK oi .,..)
Date or Promotion to ruuk or
The Honor Roll of Harney County, Oreg
D. PdTTER, Publisher
Office in Bums