The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, June 28, 1919, Image 1

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Tho Tlinen.llernld goon re
gularly to molt? homes in Mar
ncy County than any., other,
newspaper. If yo wImIi to
reach (lie iooplo use thcne col
umns for your advertisement.
Tlio TluiofS-IIcrnld Is an old
cnliihllslieri friontl of tho people
of Harney County where it has
howl n ucckly visitor for thirty
yearn. ICn Job department In
equipped to nerve yoar noodn.
NO. 35
IHM'MI "r" - - -
tod by Irx number of
New (Jnnmntors
just lion- Harney county people
t the Chatitauqun wnH.demnnstrnt-
it tho nesslon hint night when
tut I' MiulHon Allen, the director
hi Julian Hvrd, president of tho
t1 ajsoilutlon, uked far slgun
1 IB. nln ft M I it it tfm llnvi taif m
. ... .. r .. . I I... iiaa .. ..i .
t till Milt tin f . ft till till i it ittaM
names na willing to seo that tho
. 1. ...... ..I.. I ....
HQlAUUUii ' " vwimu mvv miiii nun
hftl not boon counted at tho
- I ... ....... I.... I A .... .
Ewy member of the Chnutnuqun
i nr ...I... ....... tlw. t. ...... ..ft...
U .... a., il... ... at
.. I . I .1 a. ,
nniri" iiihl iiiwui im in iiitii iiuiv
I I. ...... .....ft. a I
jhown Thin speak a well for
. . ft... la I .. I lilil ...
people, uui ii in oniy a ropiiiuou
Htlifactlon that orcry artist ha
at tho reception Ilurna and
pt riiuniT iiiu eitimi ilium. r.i rr
i i ..ii
I I ....I I A It.... .. .... t 1
icrn anything llko it In tho
n l. b.i i ii akuu.iu&u- mil 1 1 u v
at U n much older Institution
out here,
navo express
In a similar manner.
Uit program of tho hie enter-
and thn huge tent cobsm
"fome acalu nuit yeur" will bo
M I4MI Vt VI .
l'ltldKH AT HA MO
in HlHtory ItrportH lioiM-niaii
Jut IU;turnHl From
Halo In KrtNt
Binlth Crnno In lmcl from Onmhu
whoro ho whipped u train loud of llar
noy 'county rniiKO homed for nn mic
tion huIu. I In wim woll plonHud with
tho roHUll of tho nnlo and In hack now
nrmiiKliiK for n laror Nhlpuiuut to
Bo out July C. Ilureurtcr ho expect
to huvo n alilpinont o hornuH overy
30 dnH durliiK tho Beaiion.
AccordliiK to Mr. Cruno tho raiiKO
horjios Just dlMpoited of hrouKhl tho
heat prlcon they hnvo for yearn. Dur
ing tho war when thoy were needed
for army duty a blKKor prlco wan paid
hut thoe animal wero clurtned and of thorn hud to lm tit ImiM hrok
on to tho haltor. Hut for Htrlctly
ransu hornefi .Mr. Crauo ntaten tho
prices wero tho bout In hlntory, liol
In oncouraRod In tho prosttectii for
Kood prlceH'to proyall nil dUrlnr tllm
ienion at tho Omaha market mid with
audi propuct hopen to aco tho rniiKe
horaea of Harney county placed on
tho market and rellovo tho commun
Ity of a burden.
in convernatloii with local horao
men who accompanied Mr. Crano
with tho fonalKuniunt Just dlnpoaed
or tho Tlmcfl'IliTnld fluda thoy
aharo In hln opinion of tho market.
Thoy did not reallio what thoy had
hopod for their hornim but aeo whoro
It 1.. J 1. a. .a. ... .
are thf only people i" ,no u"" inur cn expect and
iwd their uanrecla- that b HI'OHlnc of them thin aeaaon
thoy aavo what fornKo would be nec
Cfidary to uio to carry them orer the
winter and relievo the ranjee condl
tlona. Thene men who accompanied
Mr. Crane are giving him sood
4 A) aatat to nf, -
jl O kaiur to MM
4f Y O nothing that tttmt liltt ttal
'Ctfit a horn anna flag, but CE,
Ain't iad?
P r Freedom xvhal tame with tht Fouri'
Hti lUo May IIonuII in Opening .Many
Aries in Ochorho Forrtt. for
(i'ni7.liiK Um;
Mnk in iiarney County oi
KiHl. and Xt Hiuto
k reiponie to a tclegraii aiklng
Kwn bo could come to Ilurtia
(be expert driller to reaume
ftf- a..
Ar. uaurainier received a wire
Pmlditnl .Venio this morning
brine them to Hurn Monday
law I f VAfiuii Vt m m Kt I m I
Dog Mountain well ban been
rl . ..... 1
iuuii iwr nrrrroi innniiiH ponu
ecurlnc of nomo leaNen on
" tliB IW tilimu; t BUU
bn much dlocusnlon ua to when
d be opened ugaln and oper
returned. Mr. N'eaao atated
hli departure from thla city a
wk ago that he would return
oou ai thin nddllloiuil land wax
irn tin a. -i i.i r. ... .....a .1. inH
-1- ta - tait i4(Mi i iiiiin i
thifKe of (he w II TIiIh telegram
.u i. .. . . . .
hil arrivi'l for the opening of
HI air I a demotiHtratlon made
coufiiliril' thought tho cap rock
r ii 'rated and alnco tho
baa Ik a fused olf that 1111 oil
will b ff.rthoniliig.
J low nn Oregon Hheepman enacted
tho part of u modern Mohch and with
IHH nhovel Hlruek Iho HiigebriiHh laud Ileudora of Tho TlmcH-Herald wlW
of Houtherii Oregon eaunlng imtroam find In UiIh InHiio an ndvorllomunt
of water to spring forth, Having the calling for IiMm on grading tho hlgh
HveM of 2000 nheep which ho wiih way between Homo and Lawen. Thli
lending, l.ijold In the report of (Iraz- Ik tho flrnt link In llarnoy county to
lug Examiner .1, I, Peternon of tho ho roiiHtructed for tho eaHt and wcid.
lulled HlateM foroHt nervlce, who Iiiih hlghwny Hauctloned by tho Btate
JiiHt mlurned from a lour of tho Highway CommlHlon and on which
noulliern Oregon forent landx. thin county in receiving aid from both
It wan In tho dry and hot highland tho Mate and tho federal government
of tho Oehocho national forot, a hoc- hIiico It Ik a pot road.
Hon which wan being opened for tho Tho Central Oregon Highway, aa II
flrnt time to grazing. Hitherto thut'lH known to tho people, In of more
land had not been available bccaime than local Importance an It Ik to br
of lack of water, hut the forent nor- ono of tho main tranHContlnental
vice, In co-oporatlon with Hheepinen, roadn and the most feasible nil year
Htiuk their nhovelH Into the noil and route yot found throuch thin Mate,
dug a well, tfogloninnii, relying up- Onco completed It will not only nhorl-
Oll tho new we I, led hln flock of on (be dlHtanco for mi to lotirUlH frntii
2000 nheeji to tho forent grazing tho eiiHt Jo tho I'aclfle connt but It
IiiIiiIh and for a time the iwiIiiihIm ate, will nlno bo known an tho nhorten),
drank and grew fat. and moat practical route between
Hut thorn wan Jimt oou thing tho Vollow Stone and Crater Lake Nat
matter with Iho new well. It ran dry lonnl I'arkn. With tho completion or
one day, and left Herder Znglemanu thin road wo will neu many tourlati
with I In -'000 nheep mile from any driving hto ontlro year going from
water for man or beaut. In denpera- one to the other nconlo I'arkn or tr
tlou tho herder took hln nhovel and, voting from tho cant and notberu
going to an unlikely looking depren- ntaten to California polutn.
rilon known an Little Immlgranta The Tlmen-'Ierald hopen to have
hutte, thrunt hi apado down In tho local people bid on thin piece of road
hope of finding water. He had dug construction an Hiuh wo can have
but a few fret when tho water guah- employment for local men and keep
ed up around hln nliovcl. Ho bad the money at home. It In an onnor-
TIIL riMKH-IIHItALl) menl to Improve thn nrenent iiuhll
IIIIYH OOMFCTITOH cation In every manner within reach LtrurJ, what promlaoa to bo a perman- tunlly that ahould be ijlven attention
,w kivo nn. i.eiipie emfjow. The now water In bo plentl- by men wbo are in u poidtlon to do
Tho Tlmon-Ilerald haa nurchaaed county all the newn of u fui it u llkuiy tho .in- nHiv ihl. otu-nrk. rim Hmn i hnn
tno newapapcr plant of tho llarnoy n"luru "'a' ran gainer. of Oehocho will bo Increased by never- between -now and tho date the SLatc
word with their nelghborn and advia- County Tribune and that paper haa eliminating tho other puhllcu- n ttniCM what waa thought ponnlblo Highway Commlnalon will open bid
lug them to cenalm their atock aa h"n'"'l lo exlat. Negotiation wero i"'n may bo ponclble to accuro auf
they are confident the present mar-io" fr thin deal novoral woeka ago nupport to Juntlfy moro help In
kot Is aa good or better than may bojhul clrcumatancen prevented Ita com;,,", ","h"nlcal department and thun
expected for yearn. Some of tha men I'letlon. Tho Tribune reallxcd there ," l" mnBKer moro tine to devoto
wbo nalpped laat time will gather ware too many papers trying to mako I to Rnw" Mtherlnit and visiting the
moro for tho next Bhlent. a -living In thin territory m! Mr.'vr,OUH nnioriiooua or ifcis Dig
Mr. Crauo expects to have even Wheelon mudo a proposition that the founiy wnicn it wtrves and ihua be a
better succen with the next bunch manager of Tho Tlmcn-Herald buy vrvnwr ranor in cringing &tout im-
accordlng to hln expression in the the plant. The transfor waa complot- rrovomontu ami development.
presence of thn newspaper man, asUsl thin week and the publication ban
he aayn he will get a better clana of umb dlncontlnueil. -
The Tlmra-Herald does not care to
iwhirgo upon this business deal fur
ther than to ay that it shows the
stability and permanency of this pa
per which hajf faithfully served tho
pneple of Hh'rney county for over
thirty-two yearn and under the pre-
titit management for mont of that time
when tho first well waa dug.
Service Met Royally
Treatea By Ucal
Haatr Curd Girls
horn this time and thcV will bo in
bettor condition.
Chaitaiqu Taleit
Giests of Hive
Royally .entertained" Is tho way
the rr.rvlce men cxpreaaed tbeir sent-
Thn flArtfrnv. h... h- KL..H . or 1110 UOUOr UUBHI Han-
appear at tho Liberty Theatre for,uc, and dnco MoudBy n,!Ut'
three nights tho coming week in ad- ,u " " uo nuvy conunKe,u UVer &w
dltlon to Dlctures.' The Ooflfrevs' l' B'rpau HD,ou, inHm in w-vam,
hnvo been here Wore atid am r. a,t'rc,wl ,,,uo roon'' "' y Want
membcred by many of the play goers wa" 'ninwilUtDly aupplled by tho
n i TL!- Uyl, I U layn no claim lo greatness but hanlof
iCOpiC HIS TfCCK h Just pride In itn record an a biiHlnens I gyi
- .
.11 k inrti k iLi'i.
"iiini n 1
vihith im.
fte niollRUt w, L. Flnlny of tho
an a i .
fOr Jl fttmr il,.a... l t. I I.
- ii?rt iiiiin iiiirmir iiiik wiiiih
U had been arranged that he
iiij .111.11111 i .uui iiiiiri.'iii i
on laf cvf nlni: to dlncuHH tho
....n. linn rimurvii. neverui
'membtTH and cltlznnn from out
town who were interested In thin
IAt u. . ..
-- ivrfHi4iii nut Mr iiiiav
t to tome to the meeting. Ho
len at the Lake and wan ox-
.ii uurniK tno uvnninif. in mm
t.i... .
io Biinrtly after tho meeting
"iclub adjourned but an the
' ll Kllllll III IIII5 I I1JIIII11II
h Ulil not meet with them al-
h tl .....
' hikkh or t ie v. tin
uio announcement that ho
I III I1IITI1 lllL'fll 11111
. . !...... t..a t. ....
thin community. Thev nut on noinhes. u wan ouougn to
mnantlc performanni and vaude-r4""" mn nmn nu "
Inyinulfnti mill . fitptnr III tm tin. . vllU Mlieolnlltlt Ihnl will nlrnun. In " muo Hill war air 0110 returned
Entortnlnmont of various mombcrn bulldliiK of tho country, in absorb-1 addition to theno iwclalllon there UouK"uny I,ul
nt Hi., miiiiilniiiimi Inlntit ham hmin In till, rival In linalniu It linu ulimil v i u'lll lm nwivlni nli'l lir-. nn )) lllfhl I 1 "u UUHUei WMH lOIIOVSCIl UV II
tiPrliniiM llui LToatiiMt Hneliil activity rmmatitd what II linn dnnn In thn nnnt of Iho 4th nlclure of the Walla Wal- """"VSN meeting of the hoH, at
' " ' ' ' I I ul.ll. .. 1. ... I I 1... I . .
nf thn week. Henldea tho dinner There will be no cbanKo n tho mil cv a loundun w be hten. vw.mwun.uii ami uj-iawn wan
rll. n H,.v..rit of lh iirtlntH and nth. rif llin nnniir ntul llui nam miiiuiee-' a- ! adopted for tholr ll!W OrgHllUatlon.
era connected with have mont will guldu itn destinies. It In tho Mr. (1. A. Smyth and I'rMitloy uro V "," "v,y "Ul "' "incus.
but purhapn tho bldn will have time to
reach them.
The TlmeR-IIerald realizes the ad
vantage of building tho blghway
through the bettor clasH of lands,
yet It .hesitated to auggtat-tbat the
routo already selected and for whlcb
much of the right of way has becu
obtained alid the survey and estim
ates made, be abandoned on an un
certainty. Wo should have bad thU
matter under advisoaaent sooner. By
keeping lu touch with tbo. trend of
things we may avoid mistakes In
future. The only way to do this Ii
toko a personal interest. In the advan
cement of the things for tho benefit
and development of our country and
not shift tho renponnlblllty on other
and complain after it Is to lute.. CltKKK I'KOPLK
OUR 1919 BOOM!
enjoyed, somo dancing parties huvo hopo and Intention of tho manage-'over from their home ut Diamond.
.... i
neon given in ineir uonor,
Tho Merrlleen IJnterlalnorn wero
guentn at an Informal dancing party
given by a fow of tho .hoyii qf the
younger set at the homo of MV. and
Mm. C. Culver I'ago on Tuesday even
ing, after tholr evening hesslon. Tho
young ladioH are as pleasant to meet
socially as thoy aro on tho Chautau
qua platform, and thero In no doubt
that their coining next year or on tho
Lyceum circuit this winter will bo
. .. . i ,
an oveni iookoo lorwaru u hwih
eagerly. They favored their IiohIk
with a moHt excellent number, "Mam
my'K I'oor Little, Hrack I.ltllo Lamb,"
that demonstrated to good nilvantage
the fiiultloHH quality and harmony of,
their voIcoh. Owing to tho cuny
start Jt waH necosKary for tho young
ludlen to make to ensure train con
nections for tho Valo Cliautauquii,
the little party broke up at un early j
hour with many expression of r,egret I
that only ono day could bo npont In
town. '
On Friday evening tho Whlto Hum-(
narn were gnestH of tho dance man
agement for a short time, after vhlch
they were entertained by novoral of
tho local young ladlyn at the I'ago
homo. The young men aro full of
slon Hint neveral questions called
P. C. l'eterson Informn Tho Tlmni
llerald that the lower Silver Creek
people had a turn at the grusbo-
-is no r ed or Mr. I.' In nv'n ' . . . . .. .. . . .. ..
yji I null llll - www --a
reprrKflntatlvo of thin paper
10 meet thn million:
. a . i" uui vi aiMaiiifa
T"t here but lo Hir.Hn lii. wimm
Fl"ley talked it wa tia opinion
h would not urge change lu
yeaenf f M.dlUoiiH at the Lako to
"Ctrlln' I i,f II.,, .Invnlniinimil f
Ir Finley told Dr.
ognlijoil tho Hoc
1 "t Ii tu wntor for
moro enjoyable day hero than
where else on tho circuit. '
.lust before tho party broke up, i
thoy ang several humorous selec
tions lu tholr gifted platform manner.
Dr. and Mrs. Iledgns worn horoi
from Juntura for a fow days during !
the week enjoying tho Chautauqua 1
nrogriuna. Thtfy luul, to raj uni lipim . ,
it reaolioil Uio lako yoalordny inonifnifi-ilUioli to lliolr rp-(
in d by this. fcrt. ' I
forth, It is ovldent that tho men are l'urH lllMt Sunday. He took part In
taking a great deal of Interest In ,no (,r,vo mi'H 11 ,H u I'lt'iiHiiro to
their association, and Intend to make work w,,oro thwru ,H BU!1 u,,Uy n"'1
It a real llvo, harmonious organlxu- where the people aro ready to do
Hon, for tho general good of tho com- ,,,olr l'rl rogardlosH of what Ihe
munlty iih well as thomHelves. (,ut' ,H-
Tho next meotlnir will bo hold m. 1 Mr. Peterson Hinted that tho Infect-
Tuesday next, July 1st, and subse
quent meetings on tho first Tuesday
of overy mouth, All service uieu who
led acreage covered was on tho lower
part of Silver Crook and amounted
from upper Silver Creek as far a
have not attended either of tho lust t't'c,l'H wml from ,,inl t0 U,H hvai ot
two meetings or signified tholr Inton- ,,arnoy l'nku- ,noro wero ovor '"
Hon (o aflllluto nro urged to uttond. I tnkliiK Iurl lu tho work and tho met
Next Tuomlny'H meeting will bo held wurn nb,y hmImqI by tho ladles. At
In tho Commorclal club room. "00l 11 f,l,u or wns rved at tbo
After tho business meutlng tho J- a- Cook fwrm n,", 11 waa sorvud b"
bovs wero acaln tho cuoHts of thn tno iHillen oi too neignnornoo.i ir.
Honor (luard at tho dance In Touu-
watna. To call that function a huge
success would bo making tho terms
mljd. Kvorybody in town attended
and that means everybody In town
hud tho tlmo of tholr young lives.
Tho committee turned looso confetti
aftor tho .oyenlng was well started,
and tho fun ami merriment rose to n
high pitch. Muslo wan furnished by
Mr. Ho ran r, Hoed and tho Robinson
brothers, u combination that never
falls to give tho dancers tho best
thoy have,
stylo with open hnspltullty.
, Tho Church survlceu Sunday will
bo held lu tho Chautauqua tont.nt
1 1 o'clock.
Tho Sermon will bo delivered by
Uov, H. S. Hughea of tho rrosbytor
inn Church. Subject "Chrlutlauity
tho Hopo of Our Country."
SihioIuI Musla.
Come and bo ono with us,
Tho offering will go toward tho
Mot hern Club.
Tho Tlmes-lloruld hea recolved In
formation lu a lutter announcing the
murriugo of Miss Nina Haker to Mr.
Chnrlos L. Kelso, tho atYuir havlsr
taken place ut tho homo of aor uncle.
J. A. Williams, ut Ontario o Abe
afternoon of Juno 22.
Itov. CIiub. 11. IMom of tbe Maj
ttst church ot that place read' the
beautiful and Impressive ring cere
mony that made these young pcorJ
ono In the presonco of fhoir linruedl
ato relatives and n few Inviwq
Tho brldo formerly resided iu thU
city and Is a slstor to Itobt. I). Bake,
who Uvea up tho rlvor, Mna forir-
ly attended tho hlRh school in til
oily and bun many school inutoH ho
aro glad to join lu extending bet
wlidum for u proHpoioiiH and happy
woddud llfo. Thoy will mnkft tfc s
I iidiiio on a farm near Vule.