liking Malta Kay Requires Ex&t Methods . . i..aaiAllui -!..r I. . TT Q iSd.'CHii i " "'""" " - UPrtnifHt f Asrteattu.) ValunM.- .n ftlfnlfn id. it has its j.,wlii-kr It is illltlctilt to establish a Kimi' onTU of thn outitry. Mpce!- ally in the raslrrn States. It riiuirs .refill method i kUMllBf. It Is no rop for tin- caralt farmer; but Is a very profltable Oil for the farmer wno Will tG ttitroublo to U-uru how to handle it from the M4ttt to he ttedlog. DM of the Important hinKh '" l,'lir" ,s JUHt now l0 ,nah" lflf hay. accordhii to specialists 0( the United States Department of Airlfuluire. Alfnlf.i ilees not cure at all readily, ,nd goml .juiility liny is hard to get. Eipt'ciiilh la this true Ol the first rtlt- , whi h coins! when heavy rains are lt i" interfere wiw us proper aring The briRht Kreen liny so common In the irripiileil si-iOons is ajmost nev.r seen in the humid reu- ioiui. due to Injury from rain. Most farmera are iironu to eut their alfallii loo early. They are nnxious lo get more i uttinKs. thereby thlnk lig to get 'i hipger crop. The fu. t the ixtr.i cuttlnK Is frequently mad.' at the expense of total ton nape. The real teat of the size of the sea ions crop ll total tonnage rutlier Btn number of cutting. When pour cuttings are possible, threo us- lilly are mere desirable and more profitable More hay Is actually made 10r the season; and the plants are tift in better condition for the wilier. The first growth usually is rank, metlnie causing tho farmer to kink it boold be rut before it real- fr Is ready The stage of growth is he Indication for cutting rather than be size of the plants. The general h is to cut alfalfa just as It Is mm- Hng Into bloom and the basal shoots I making a good start for the next rop. in eastern states, rutting ear- Bier may Injure and frequently kills e plant Cutting later lowers the eeding valu of the bay. Methods (if making alfalfa hay vary n the different sections of the coun- rt; but the basic principle are the me. The motto everywhere is: Cure alfalfa hay quickly, with as ittle handling and exposure to the eather as possible." Rapid curing .old- the leaves on better. Lss andllng knocks fewer of them off. Tola is important because the leaves a the most nutritious part of the lnt. In the west where there is little lift during the haying season, the owers are started in tbe morning ad the hay raked into windrows the Mowing day The hay is then cock- or Is stacked or baled direct from he windrow as soon as the hay is offlclently cured. Tho raking com- nces as soon as the leaves are wilt I, but when the stems are still Teen It I cocked when the stems re "half dry." It may be stacked hen moisture can no longer be wilted out of a wisp of the hay. In the humid sections of the coun- ry the process of curing the hay Is inch more difficult. The cutting fre wnth mu i be delayed several days Mount of bad wc.uthe;-. TUo o" r- dons and method! are practically lie nam- as m the dry sections, ex-l Pt that in ' :i . i required. Hay i Pi and Main rovers may prove, MM ;,; High moisture content semetimes: ikH i :,.. rnbla to Stack alfalfa ; 7 Instead of putting it in the barn. l Is especially true of the first. King Uulid -tacks carefully and m a shape that will expose as little ItM ha) to the weather as possible er the tops with marsh grass. ln gr millet, or some other! " ira that will make good : Htl ' rhor :i well-mail.. I I ' 11 the enils of wire on I i made staysl ni the V will ki ii almo t well as In the ir:i aerj bettei . on puii - hi elibood of narw iii the mow. I'ar- . foliar rare mn I ha taken al the if;' Btlltn t hi, .i 1 1 . , ii ii i lr " ' i. hi iii tbe mow, it Ii '" "' . i nie extra v.n- "Uoi :w if Its moisture ' ""W ' ' :' Thl can he arranged i rizontftlljr at frequent -Horn iii.nle of lumber i i" fra mework in ""ifi. ; i, ,-,., lungiiiar shaoe V I , the mow is filled, i P .in operation thai '' h done In certain spai e ol lm" I' I borl at best, and that. -1.. .:.!, 1. 1 in. made i horter iljor .'(,r title res on I ,, opt ration In ' "" lent v i omit !or more, I .. i liirnn r to know 1,11 'l In i bow to maiti the W"1 RESIDENT riCKINGTHEF j TJKwl. ' ' '" " "" "Sl-JP i Tt- lift !3J .u ! TSEs' REPUBLICAN DETIOGRT v..nriK .nn r nbowlnc ui so fast In the ranks of both pnTtlon now that the conventions before tbe 120 presidential campaign promises to be full of action. Here Is the final greuplng ol the contenders In both parties, all of whom will have the support of va rious wings and leaders la their respective booms. I'oludextur or Washington, and Lowden of Illinois, have been mentioned n!t- fre quently of late. Atty.Jen. Palmer of Pennsylvania and Underwood of Alabama have many supporters. OLD l-ONTAI, It IKS (M) INTO BFFBOT JULY I. The Times-Herald Is informed by W. W. ;.iil. I of the post office that the old postal rates In effect prior to Nov. 2. 1917 will again be used after the first of next month. This means 2 cents for letters and 1 cent for postal cards, etc. o WORLD BBOORD is IIKOKKN HY XAMLAC lUiitl.-. Sold In Kur Yearn Would H-ch Knini New York To Denver, Colo. Four years ago very few people had ever heard of Tanlec. Today it unquestionably has the largest sale of any medicine in the world, and Is well known in Canada as in this coun try. In the brief period of only four years time this now famous remedy has leaped from obscurity to the very pinacle of success. Its fame In fact, has long since spread beyond numerous inquiries regarding it are now being received from many for eign countries. Very few people, however, fully realize what a really wonderful re cord Tanlac hns made. Indeed, If It were not for tho unquestionable facts and figures given out by the largest and best known drug firms t of the country the story of Its success I would be hard to believe. dp to January first the total sales ' of Tanlac amounted to approximately twelve million bottles. The demand, I however, is Increasing, for during the first ten weeks of this year ovor one million bottles were sold and distrib uted In the 1 tilted Status and Canada tho exact figure being 1,306,186 in three months. At this rate, therefore, the sales for the present year will amount to morn than five million bottles. This will mean that 17,000 bottles of Tanlac will be sold during every day of the year, or 2100 bottles for every hour of the average working day. These figures are too stupendous for the average mind to grasp, but one may visualize what twelve mil lion bottlei mean bv Imagining them laid put in tingle tile end r end Tims laid they would matte track of Tanlac from New r k through Chicago, and ou to Denver, Colore. . i, or thi'.v would form a double trie k of inula, from the Great Lukes to the Cull' of Mexico. Tiled end on end they would tower 135 times as high ns Pikes Peak, or rise 11,881 times higher thnu the Woolworth Ilulldlug in New York, tbo tallest building In the world. The demand for Tanlac has be come so great that Its sate instead of being measured by the gross as other preparations have been Is now recokoned by the car load, and even hy the train load. lit proof of this It Is n noteworthy fact that the lead ing drug Jobbers everywhere now buy Tanlac almost exclusively In ear load lots. To supply the Pacific coast trade alone requires from forty to fifty car loads per year -Jobbers of the Middle West are selling from seventy to eighty cars per year. The well known drug firm of Eieaetf Kills Drug Company of Mem phis, Tnnn., has sold over forty car loads since the Introduction of Tan lac in that state four years ago. Within the past ninety days, ten car loads of Tanlac have gone to supply the demand of llrltltb Col umbia, Kusktu bewati, Alberta, and Manitoba, Canada. The owl Drug Company of Kan FranclsCO, the largest retail druggists on in.- l'a. trie Coast state that they I have i. old more than 1 MO, 000 bottles at retail) which surpasses the remark able i ... ord of the Jacobs Pharmacy Company of Atlanta, who have sold i approximately 00,000 bottles ut retail. T, Hilar is of the most leu. ii. lai roots and herbs known ' to science. The formula complies With all national and state pure food and health laws of both the United Ktntes and Canade; and absolute merit and merit alone is responsible for Its phenomenal and unpredented success. Tanlac Is sold In Rums by Heed Pros., and In Crane by Vale Trading Co. Adv. W N IlllllC I ! The Flavor Lasts! Always the best buy for tbe price Why the Essex Motor Car will be the sensation for the coming season Every part and every detail of the Easex con struction is of proved worth. It was designed and built by some of the foremost engineers of America, the same men whose genius produced the Super-Six. Many points of superiority in the Super-six which have proved themselves in years of service, have been incorporated into the Essex. The engine, only twenty- nine inches long, cast in one block with detachable head, readily develops more than fifty horse power. Long life is assured by the ample pro portions of the counterbalanced crank shaft, supported by three large bca.tngs. Eastern Oregon Auto Co. $1500 Reward! Tho Orrron. 0sl Ifnrnlssiid Nrvxls ... k I'rotc HOD AM.irllli.n of iilch ii... in..' r Ivnr.l 1 iin-wlwr, will flvu f i.UlO Ot reword for ! tncr lrdirtK to Hie ant nt and con nl. Iliii .if uliy ear Jul parties Inn a, ratlla or mi. I. I.. IiiumIi'k to any ut Its ini-iu SSfS in i.iiii'in totbs above, the nortcrtl(iid .iffpra tlic aame condition VM).0U lor all lioavi uran.1i .1 b.irar ah.xt bar on iilb or riihnr Jaw. iiniiHl record! In sight roantics. Knf Harrier, lake and Crook counties, lionet vi.i.ii .1 whun aoid. N..TK tmt grown bora sold and only la lame i.nn. liea, W. SW?ilv fi ." '," ''vL "'' -- J-Sr.-"-' ';:' ' Wi fmggB2E2BSBB553MBBz3 JfLJBpSBfc Bs. Jb The greatest Wwl W five-cents worth vf K of beneficial gig stile-Tiiw-KgptRirtt refreshment p ttsSI Lasts imm WRA Y'S AUTO STAGE All Touring Cart Leave Burns Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday Leaves Bend Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday Fur.- Burim to Portland via Crane with berth $ 23.91 Fare Uurim to Portland, via Bend with berth f 19.15 Ship Perishable Goods, Express and Fast Freight via Bend in Our Care FARE. $10.00 SO lbs. baggage free HEADQUARTERS AT REED BROS. Vale, H. E. YOUNG, Prop. Ontario Will SOMETHING Happen to make you rich ? A lii-li iiirclf tiiiiy li' .'mhI leave you u roll, ImH few rich iiiicIch have this habit . If viii ;rt i M li, t he rliMii-i' iiir you ill fin I have. io hMSf enough money in order to inako au invchljiMiit'ilKil will pity. rrbere ar plenty of invest ments for tli.' 111. 111 w ii h ii, lit I le ready fn.hli. I tilt it is up to.Aoii to sine 1'ttHb. The DOsI jiolirv is to flerw)Hil a port ion ol your salary. A Ihmk is better Minn n hole in your poekol 1 1 1 rough which yiv money euu slip iiun . Make our Ihmk jfOUIl Hank. CRANE STATE BANK CHAM'. OHKGOJi i iav aaw u u r iar mj a. i .! I" . T ' S.TTn I III '!.". BBS ai l i ill k i iW. iiv ' wwm-s -fmiLm i!li; "'iiiir i ! i i;iii! ' ! ri . iin?i.,l. .'' ... ' i: u I s, ' '' .' a ... m.. - ' ! . ' i P C! i' ? n t : . -Hat kU U.J. Ucyiii.lii. i'i i TALK about mokcrJ, Frince Alb is geared to ajoyhaiidput standard tb:tt juit le.v f.s'ies smohehappines .a;-i i ne Mtough to make a bee line tor a t y red tan and a jimmy pip:; old or new! CUt it straight that what you've hankered foi ii pipe or cigarette makinfs : mokes ytu'll t.ncl apknt: m A. That's been- '. A. hnj tho qj;i Yon can't any more mafcc I :ince Albert bite 5 tongue or parch your throat than v;u can make a iicq, dtrink when hea h the water I qitc arid parch are ikV out by our exclusive patented processl You just lay back like a rtguh r U liow ttM puff to the and wonder why m BamhiM you didn't nail ; section in the R A. smokepaeture longer thun you cart to remember back I P,t v l'ir re AIIj-i: tvrywhsrm fufiacc U i--'.f. Tom - '' b ... i.Jy iii tins. hunJliomi ;iuj. d and halt BauM I tin ftumWors --tin . i'.i. i . - . , i irnd '.in.. i '.i sumsntr with tponge , ,, . , , .' , . '..- ..'...... bi utek mii fed eoMid'oN. R. J. Rejnoldl Tobacco C., Winstoa-Salem. N. C asajk ft