The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, June 07, 1919, Image 8

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    Maurlne for Milady's Hir.ul-
Welcome Pharmacy.
Time to
Clean House
Your opportunity to get your
business in good shape was never
better than now. The wise mer
chant will take advantage of pre
sent conditions and give his
business a good "going over,"
eliminate leaks and wasteful
If we can help you work out
your plans toward building up
your business and conserving
that which you already have we
will take pleasure in serving you.
First National Bank
of Burns, Oregon
Oat, barley nail wheat for sale at
rerrj'u Barn.
wnNMTBiira At lahkm mri k
thk raotfUD.
Adam George was In the city Thurs
day from l.nwen.
PJer Kiss Toilet
Welcome Pharmacy.
Nick VofRtly wax In town again
this ffMk from his homo alAlborson.
Try our banana cream pies. They
are delirious. Page'a Bweot Shop, tf
Kred Sniylh was In town
short linn dut'lna t bin week.
for a
J. Ci Freeman wan In from
Warm HprlnRH home Thursday
Mr. and Mrs. Iscnhait.-:: WCr ' III
town from thnlr home near Sunset
his 'Thursday.
For Rale-- .Single harness and light
kttggy, Inquire Of Hlnion I., win 2 t
('. W. Lewis has accepted a position
with N. BrOWII k Win i IB the store.
Battery and electrlul repair work,
oxy-acetylenc welding. Jack Mc
Oulrc. 1$ his ranie there? Turn to page
lour aiu! i '.nl i lie Honor If oil advertisement
Miss y'ora Good low, one. ol t he
telephone operator left the fir t nf
, this week for a short vacation tr p to
1 Bralo whee she goes to visit her
gi'Hndparcuts. Who won! out In 0OBS-
pain with Nick Vocglly.
Joe Kriimholz ban accepted I imsi
tlon with the Universal Garapc Co,
and I expecting Mm. Krumholz and
ihelr b;ih within a short time. They
will reside In the Clay Clemens resld
line Iii the northern auburn.
;: I BB K WmM mnhVi
1 4
jMflBffi Bi MiMiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimifllliiiiiiii li
as Mi'imiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiTirniiiiHiinfliiiiiiiiiiiiiimnniiiffi r.:.
Kour registered jennets for Mia
reentered .lack at etaini, Withers
Hun. li, H,irne , (iri'Kon.
I M W. llrei mint has r tui
hi trip to Ontario where l
panted hi brother laal wi .
P v, Bmitb and i . Hui hel with
the laiier'i .'in, Were In from thei
Warm Springs country dnrlni thti
a . i
K. 11. tlathrlck wa up from hi
home ranch near Denlo Wednesday
to bring up the ballot boxen with the
ied from etactlon returna. Ha w In a hurry
.nioni- I" return a btl work wa crowding
bin. Mr. Hathrlrk took ome ("hu n - i
lautiun literature hack with him to
distribute among hi neighbor.
To the Holders of
the Five Liberty
Loan Issues
TWO new i nit ; , Sir rei'i New
!Vd truck lur agio Have arty to
buy a ranch ,1. E. Rou.iMeyelle,
ll urn-
For Sale 135 Vlctrola and 24
double is cord Perfect condition.
Price S5. phon Bo or ildraga
Box 2l. Burn. It
tl 8
The J 1 1-1 Baptist Chuivh.
The interest payment dates of the
above are as foIlewB:
First Liberty Loan June J. Mb and Dec l.rth
Second Liberty Loan May loth and Nov. 16th
Third Liberty Loan Sept. 15th and Mar. loth
Fourth Liberty Loan Apr. loth and Oct. l&th
Victory Liberty Loan Dec. lKth and June 15th
If your Coupon Bonds are with us
for safe-keeping, and you desire the
interest collected at the interest pay
ing periods, kindly advise us and your
instructions will have our prompt
Harney Croat National Bank
Burns , Oregon
local -I
Thos. H. Douglaa 1 over from hi
home at Diamond.
Wm. Burgett was a business
or during the wee.
Piano for sale. Inquire at Mr.
Paul Locher's residence in BurnB.
Bert Bower wa among our busi
ness visitors the fore part of this
Grant Reynold will grease your
wladmlll for you during the sun.iner.
Call phone No. G147. tf
John Beatty came up from his borne
In the Denlo country this week and
visited for a time with bis school
It would be a shame if his picture
and record were left out of the Hon
or Kofi Read the Hat of names on
page four.
Batterlea repaired properly.
M. B. Davie was in town the first
Of thl week.
Are there any names missing? Read
pago four.
J. K. Sizemore wa in town for a
few days this week.
B, B. Hill was among our out of
town visitors during this week.
Mrs Russell Smith went to Bend
the lain r pan of last week to tin it
her Utile daughter, Margeret, who
had be u visiting In Portland with
Ml Helen Sayer took ber depart
ure for Spokane Wednesday morning
going out by way of Bend. The
young lady goes to take a position
with Mr. Gualt In a big cattle loan
Sunday, April 6th. 1919.
Sunday school beginning at 9:45,
A. M.
Prearhlngat 11 o'clock.
What God Would Have V .Seek.
Evening worship beginning at 8
P. M.
Be Sure Your Sia Will Find You
Out. '
Prayer meeting on Thursday even
ing of each week.
Everybody li invited to attend the
JOHN F. MOBL8Y. Paator.
Blllle Strode. Charley Kuhl. BUlle
Gordon. Peter Cmuiellv urwl I,, In,
Ulnturli,iiii .r.. .,,,.,., Ma ,,1-H,...., ( HRIS Tl A N
I .. - ' r ' ..... .......... ..... , . , i i ,
f red Haines left Tuesday for Port- from the Stein's Mountain country! Services at 11:M e'"ck.
land, making the lournev through in i.i l ,,.., i- .. .1 ti.. T..iimi.i m...m,.. v.,,i,,...
BTBDre AT LA WEN itKioiti YOf
Mrs. Pearl McGee and her two
little daughters are home from a
visit with her sister and other relat
ives over In Idaho.
Come In and see the bakery goods.
We don't keep It on display In the
window because the aun dries It oat
rapidly. Page's Sweet Shoe.
Mrs. J. W. Geary and her son
Woodbrldge expect to leave tomorrow
In company with A. K. Richardson
The boys were In on land
buHlnesa. day at 7:30 P. M.
J The reading roo
Jen i awtielil and Victor Cleveland
were over from Ihelr homes In the
Culamlly country yesterday. Jeff Bays
the recent freeze did not do any dam
age to bis crops and that hiB pro
spects for fruit were never better.
Chautauqua Week
Six Big Days of High Class Entertainment in Burns.
June 24-25-26-27-28-29
Plan now to spend the entire week
in the city.
Make this store your headquarters.
The Rexall Drug Store
l'nr Itnnrl nn r. .. t ., . I'. .-it i -..!...-
McKinley Thompson was a patient TV . " wi
iiiry win nine in me itose resyyal.
at the King hopital for everal days
recently while suffering from poison
ing caused from a tick. He has re
covered and gone home.
J. S. Smith, who was here In the
Interest of the internal Revenue of
fice, went to Portland Wednesday
morning In response to a telegram.
He had expected to remain In this
city for most of the present month.
An ofllcer of the federal govern
ment came up from Portland Tuesday !
to take a prisoner down who had
been caught with liquor. The officer i
also took a quanlty of booze down
with liini that had been captured In
tbll county. Clarence Luckey ac-1
la the church
Edifice, Is opea oa Tuesday and Fri
day from 2 to 4 P. M.
Sunday School meets oa Sunday at
l o'clock. .
Pupils may be afmltted to IU '
classes up to the age of 29 years.
The public la cordially Invited to
the Church Sevlcea and to the Read
ing Room.
Mrs. Geniberllng was a passenger
out on the Wray Stage Wednesday en conipanled him a a deputy to t . . i i ...i
wuiu m i mi inn wniTf MIO KOOH US
THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK O tU "-'''"" of the local K.n.
ern Slur I 'I... ....- .. t i... .
BURNS. CAPITAL AND SI RIM. I S "' ' ""'"" "l l" ,,r""" MWg
Several of the Silver Creek horse-,
men were in town the fore part of
;lhl week, having brought over some'
borne for the shipment with Smith
Mrs. Herman Huh Is at the kireove.i Clna, Among them were Albert
liosiutnl in i hi eliv u u,.i. Pal Cecil, the latter ac
,...,.. u i . .u..Hln I'orllaud last month with her An Oompaulad hj hi wife and child.
Hi'lil! I ffi lift' IC tJUt'll WUIII lllitr ' - --
EllwHorth Egli has received his dis- M,'"ry K"Kf"ha k, hut h. r Inalili
charee from fhe armv service and is Wi,H '"'' '"'Proved so she returned
Harry William; and John Winter.
now on his way home. We are inform-i h""1" '""' l,as Hl,l(" lK!en placed in
d the young man Is making the
journey from Southern California In
an auto.
the hospital in this city.
A reasonable reward will he paid
i for Information leading to the reenv
j try - a white faced Hereford bull
branded JP on right ribs alao IX on
lone hip and Q on the other; marked
1 wattle behind the right ear. James
Oard, Saddlebutte, Oregon.
S Mr. and Mrs. Geo. MeGowan are
staying in our city for a few days,
making their home at the Harry C.
Smith residence. They are meeting
many of their old time friends and
acquaintances and would be glad to, m; Anna alneI and ,lur ,.,,.,.
receive any wl.b may desire to 0l.j.j colll(.gv were iniovsn the, ,,er
I'oleman Skeins has returned irotn , ,arl r. ""' (t Dlaiuond.
army duty having received brf dis aBj U'tiueK nmo In to greet I her
charge, and will again take lip hi old !'t"",!l,u'r M,MM H w arrived
place with N. Brown & Sons -In.lhlJ fr,,'n' l"'r hV1"01 at' I'orllaud earlier
citv. The voung man did not get, '!,"" "," """ ' ""' IO'- "l "e
Mr. ami Mrs Henry WhUwortb
.Hid iiieir niece were here Wadnaada)
on Ihelr way' to l.akeview from their
bona at Welser, Idaho. Mr. Whlt
worlh hinted that the recent freeze
was severe In Ills neighborhood and
the loss to Hie fruit growers In the
Vicinity of 1'ayeiin was heavj Henry
Ih mine hoai at i he Washington Hotel
In Welser.
Sabbath school It A. M.
Preaching. 1 1 A. M.
Young Peoples' Meeting 7 P.
Preaching R P. M.
Wednesday evening prayer meeting
Bible study class Friday evening,
REV. GEO. WARD. Paator.
R. S. Hughes, Pastor.
Sunday school at 10 A. M.
Preaching Serviaes at 11a. m.
Children's Day will be observed on
Sunday morning. June nth, at 11 a.
m. You are Invited to all service.
Is your business standing still? Did you do more
business last month than the month before?
Perhaps it is your advertising.
Our Autocaster AD ART cuts will lend life and snap
to your copy. Ask about them they are part of our
service free to advertisers. Our service in writing
or preparing your copy is another feature in which
we have no competition.
Phone for the Ad Man when you have a problem to
solve. This will insure your ad being typograph
ically the way you want ft,. and may help to give it
the necessary "pull" so essential to its success.
Every prospective purchaser of anything
you have to sell or want publicity for in this
county reads The Times-Herald. Has a
greater circulation than all other county
papers combined.
further than Camp Lewis He was
discharged with the rank of sergeant.
Mr. and Mr. E. B. I'urlngton are
arranging to leftve tomorrow morning
lur BUgeue where the) go 10 be pre
sen I al tha graduation exercise of
die r. of 0, Hum which Institution
Ihelr daughter, Mla Helen graduate!
I Ills year They will be absent only
a 'hurl time.
Itcv. H S Hughe, and family
made a trip to Maker Ins-1 week and
were accompanied upon their return
1. Miai Vivian Keltei- of Knterprlse
Vivian Is a school Kirl friend of
Con lame Hughe! and I here to
dalles in the. First National Hunk.
Maury Kaleanbaieii wa la town ve.-
tenlas lie rcirnitly ca nie up from
I'oilland ahera he has been Hying
since he was discharged lr n,,.
army. He will visit In this Miction
for n iiori time inn exyecti to return
in Portland or aoma other point
wbera ha pn augaga In work mil
..i iii.-
John . Robertson, one of the old
lime stock buyers of this section, who
formerly was connected with ipma or
l he hin stock concerns of Hnrnc.v
county, was here this week I'roiii
Portland , n- had lual been sul to
,-i -JlimBi 4r-n- --''- n
Including the latest -and
Spring and Summer
apand tha raeatlon period, Tha trip Clarfa Alvord ranch where he liud
In Maker and hack til I In the purchased some Qfljttla wlilih he Is
Exclusive agent for Virtu,
Tailprihg Qpmpany with i
full line i f
Spring Sample for
Women 's Suite and
- I ! I MIHI !! -- ,.
Mrs. Lelab Millar
Al the Schwartz Store
Get Ready for the
Burns Chautauqua Week
June 24-25-26-27-28-29
Spend the entire week in the city.
Slake your plans now, and be sure of
1 accomodations.
Kord car on record lime.
liijipiiiK lo the market al I'ortland
SBSJ assssssjsjgj aassjj gjj