Xi a a I ""a i w River i ! When the Colorado ; Burst Its Bank and Flooded the Imperial . 5 Valley f California ; aSBBSaSIBBSSSSlBBSSaSSi a i i (By S BDNAH AIKEN V : aa.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'aa a a (Copmlibi. Bobbi-Mtrrllt Compnr. ) SYNOPSIS. CHAPTER I K. C Rlckari. an enal neer of the Overland Pacific, I culled to the office of President Marshall in Tur aon. Arlx. "Oaaey" to an enigma to the office force; lie wears "dude" clothes, but ho had resigned a chair of enRlncor Ini: In the Rail to ko on the roa.1 as a fireman and his promotion hod been spec-tit.-tilur While wiilUnir for Marshall Rlek urd rends u. raPOli Oil the r. .:n;.- of the Colorado, doaptta the efforts of Thomee Hardin of the I'tsert Keclamallon com pany. This Hardin had born a student under Milliard and had married Oerty Holmes, with whom Rlrkaril hud fancied be was In lova. CHAPTER TI-Marahall tells Rlckard the Overland Pacific has got to step In to save the Imperlnl Valley and sends hi in to the break. Rlckard declines lie ause he does not want to supplant Har din, but Is won over. "Stop (he river; damn the cxpeiicc," saya March-ill. HArTER m-Rlcksrd Journaya to Calexlco, sees the Irrigated desert and ittwna much about Hardin and hla work. CHAPTER IV-At the hotel he meets Mr. and Mrs. Harilln nnd Innes Hardin, Hardin's half sirter. Disappointed In her husband and an Incorrigible coquette, Krs. Hardin sets her cap for her former vet and Invites him to dinner. CHAPTER V-Rlckard visits the eom- r nny's offices and takes conlrol. He Uriels he engineers loyal to Hnrdln and hoa tlle to him. Estrada, a Mexican, son of the "Father of the Imperial Valley," tells him of the general situation. chapter vi-Rlckard attend a meeting of the directors and asserts hla authority. Hardin rages. Eatrada tella Rlckard of his forebeding: that hla work will fall. "1 rant see it finished." CHAPTER Vll-Innes Is discovered In her garden She tries to cheer up Ilurdln, who Is furious ugulnxt Rlckurd. CHAPTER VIII-A family luncheon of the Hurdlns which throws light on them. CHAPTER IX Ilurdln discovers that Rlckard is planning a wvaa ( protect Calexlco and puts him down as Incom petent. (Jerty thinks her lord Jealoua. CHAPTER X- The Hardin dinner to Rlckard discloses further the family char acteristics. Hardin la surly and sulky, lanes is hardly polite. Oerty plana a "progressive ride" In Rkkard'a honor. CHAPTER XI-RUkard encountera the Insubordination of the company's cngl JieerB. He Is stirred by the Indians' state ment that this Is the hundredth year of a cycle, when the Oreut Yellow Hrugnn, the Colorado, grows restless. He makes various preparations, pushes work on the Calexlco levee and Is ordered by Marshall to "take a fighting chance" on the completion of Hardin's net project, a gate to shut the brisk in fin- river. CHAPTER XH-Ban FraHclsco Is de stroyed by eartiniuske and Are. and dreduo machinery, which Rlckard had ordered Hardin to have shipped, la burned through Hardin's neglect. Rlrkanr secretly aqulpg the big water tower aa a signal station. CHAPTER XIII -Oerty Hardin decides thit Rlckard still loves her and plana a. campaign that promises trouble. CHAPTER XIV-The progressiva ride Is bfgun under adverse conditions wind and dust, with the guest of honor absent. Then MaeLean, Rhkard'a secretary, brings word that the river is raging and vary man Is wanted on the levin. CHAPTER XV Hardin motors off with a load of dynamite, having everything In confusion on the levee lime-, through a friendly anglnaar, Issues orders in hr brother's name, to save her brother's face The lev a and the signal tower auve CaJasJeo till Itlrkurd'a return. CBAPTBB XVI Oerty Hardin beglna to get really Int. rested in Rlckard. The wind blown a gale and the levee Is in danger tojaln. CHAPTER XVII-Women as well as men work on the le,. me second night Inncm finds 1 CI kard and Oerty tOgeUiar and begins in suspect hai aiatar-ln-law. ner Droiner s v ri.nghcadedneHg ami Kh-k-ard evident efficlancy only serve lo em bitter Inm-.'i against Rlckard. CHAPTEm XVII I- The river washes away hair of Mexican, cniexieo's Mexi can twin city, but Calexlco still stands. CHAPTBR XIX- A stormy public mi It ing is hold in whi.-h rapreaantallvaa of the seiners, the overland Pacific and Mexico clash A telegram from Rlckard that the river has broken out again save Mi: row snil forces united anion by all. RalrncK Uie rlM-r!" Mnr"ha1t Indian evet were rcndlnc tlinl mnax f ncnrcd fncPH ai thovji h ii were n ahael of typed paper. "Uartou," ho cnllnl tliruii:;li (lie din. "Where' IlurtouV" Two men lifted Barton's pun.? flK OrO IHMiii Ihilr shoulders. Bla vlhlulit voice rolled above, the shouting. "The valley Withdraw! Us millH ngnliisl tho coinimny." "Then the ciuiitmny," yelled Mur ahnll's oratory, "Hie conmnny wltll- draWI the river from the YtiUey 1" Pandemonium was loose. There wore cheers, and the sound of women snii- hlng. BartOB cnn rnri'led out m the shoulders of his henchmen. Black led n crowd out, hhrniiguliiK to the Street. On (lie street, Miirsliull fell linck lo Mncl.cun. "That was u nenl trlek tho river threw In our hands." ln voice hud dropped fnim oratory ; tho de claiming (Ire waa (tone from the hlnck eyes. "It's only n lirertk In tho levee. Hlckard says he enn control It; esll- rnatai two weeks or so. it may oust the O. I'. It few thousand dollars, hut It saved them half a million. Now well huvo t hut came of poker, Muc- Lsaa !" In Ihe hnleony, Ilurdln waa (daring ni BrandoBt "If that wasn't (ho devil's own link I" CHAPTER XX. A Soft Nook. Innes traveled, gleefully. In n ca boose, from Ilainliu Junction lo the Beading, she eonld not itoy awar a day longer! Never before bad Lo Angela) been a tllsolplli.c. Why bad It fretted her, made her reafJeas, aout etckf Then she hud discovered the reason history was going on down yonder, doing on, without her. She knew Hint thnt wus what was palling her; that only! The oxodtin of engineers hn started rlverwnrd In July. Oerty went with Tom, and she hud tnndc U distinctly clear that It was not necessary for In neg to ."('How them. RIdiculoun for two woTr.en to coddlo a Tom Hardin I Un less Innes had u siieci.il tatsrestl Her pr!do had kept h-r away. Bat Tom did Mt write; Gcrty'o le!tl rs wro social and tKisatlsfnetrrj' ; the newspa per reporta Inllnmctl her. The day he fore she hud wired Tot.t that she wua Coming. Sue had to bo there nt tho end ! Oerty welcomed her stiffly. Asgtnn- in conscientious hostaao ahlp, aha caught lire at her waning enthnstssaa. i, '.-".. hriic Itiif k hit kin, Oh, : I leinc -niiiei' i liinw iiii; in. the Inert mliniie, two pique! io mi up upai." "Why. we have iliinces on Hie Delia, nnd Suminy evsning cnnccrti. Von knew the work at J.nicunn daiii Is tn-1 nu held npT The novernmenl men of lite Reclamation Service are flown lure all the time. Hut Iff Utile to he j.-ciling ready." loiter, Torn flatly refnwd to accom pany them. "t iliou-iit us much." Oerty ghrugged nn niiy irresponsibility. Iniws could detect no regret. They pnaaod n eot outside the lent, "Who sl IS Ihere?" "Tom." The eyes of the two women did not in -ei. Iniu s mode it" comment. "He finds the tenl siufl'y." Ocrly's lips were print with n serve. They walked toward the rhm In silence. As they rem lied the encampment, Oerty recovered her vlvncity. "That's Mr. ttlckaiil'l oltlcc, that rnmntln, i-ni it quahii f And that' It tenl ; no. the other . UacLean'i Is m xt j there'l .lonlor, iij.r." Itlll Ills i yes ,i,i'o too full of Tltnca. to ROC lolly's llllOplea, The illfference In the quality ". his arsetlngK mota Qsrty like a Mow. And she had never eon aldercd Tom's slater attrnetlvsi as a poaslhle rival. Yet, alter a i indshake, she :lv that I" :.!:icl,ean, Jr., thd did not exist, Qerty was deeply plquwl I ' .; It now. the Held had been In r She lit per haps have in ehnngi her opinion of Rhe Iiii 1 lo con- n, find hor '. . ; older ii ' : fl : Ii r'.i.-.ye.l '. ,t'. !.. .i.i 03 ' it. i d , in there t- r lo'iner, .i '. ' -. Two i. .i-:: from Tom's all irr. rede, thi v ..-. Bttw . ' ti. n '-!. ami n . 'i l 0 I'.iiiy. would Ii lie in! . I '.I.- tin- itt i liiii'.atlon Her lain M l I'ardln. "It i a battle around i ";y reetnr The l!" : .t follow nlnr. (mtelde. wlm.- 1 ll ; pll. .1' 'I tain llglil i.i enmt to I Intil ill iiiihT, oliier; thcro .'as u flame of uecu IliK (Mission In her eyes. it wns ids minute of revelation. So thai was c hai (lie camp thOUghl ! The wife of lliirdln Ilnrrtln t Why, he'd besfl Otlly poHta t0 herthey were old friends. What had he wild to call down tills sudden scorn? "Ihtnelnn again " Nad he been nil kinds of an in '.' "BIt liirn, MIhh Innes!" demniidetl Itacbonn, .ir. "Oh, VsSi" '10 'fled, relief In her tone. Kleknrd did not clnlm his with Mis. Ilurdln. lie stood the girt had left him, thinking, minutes later, Oerty swept by anus of llreck. Later, came luriea with Junior the lwi. thinking- llictu- seives anseett, romping through u i.o- tep like two-young children. He win never Miowii that side of her. flay aa a young kitten, chatting msrrtly with afacLeanl Should her eyes dteenver him. she would he li;nln I he bSUghty young woman '. He'd t;one out of his way lo tie po lite to the wife of Hardin. What did he can- what they tbOUghtl He'd lln Ish his Job, and r;ct out, A minute laler, he was helng rowed Illicit to eiimp. d Wi A In nee era Psw in.- in i.i p i-i in -r;-. y,f in i i prd' manner lo llto presence or lf i,.';in. nnd --n itched III her cue, .'-'lie, too, eonld lie Inislni ssllke nnd brief, ller errand v.ns of Imslness; her tuaii ner should ri commend her ! Rlckard had scon lur MSkltlg Htr-iiL'ht toward Ihe ramsdn. it was nol i he 'i I ' - ; heV effort a i lio" her i.- "i bad !t7d! i am mi c A liar. te: . ,;:i. ;, t ii- ley, be was ' h hu i CHAPTER XXI. I e t::. i iter- ' line- looked 'e. ' I'- nlnr!" I ll r thai eve ilo nmnnllj 't wnvi'ii nun on io .Marshall. The audience was crying Itself hoarse. Babcock loal control of the meeting in that mlnnte of turning. Botllster, of tin- Palo Verde, wsa etrivlng to ! heard; Main-inks hammer Bounded I" vain. But Marshal!' eye had caught spark from the yellow sheet. He aprang forward, throwing the dispatch toward MucLean. His excitement raughl the eye .j; the croud. "The river!" There was a HwhleQ hush, '"the river's out again!" a groan Swept through the' house, there was a break toward the doors. IfarabaU'a rolca hailed them. "Men Of the valley." The audience, swayed again, llstsned, "Hear me. The riv t's running away again down yonder. This is a message from Blckard. It's broken through the levee, it's atarted for the valley. Now, who's going to slop It? Can you? Wln-rc's your force, your equipment) Who enn rush to thnt call but the oompsny you are hounding? I gave you Faraday's mes sage. Ills hand's on Ihe tnhie. Not another cent from hlin unless you withdraw those Hull. You say you have given me your answer, Black's answer. Now. the river plays a trick. Jt calls your bluff, shall we atop the river, men of the valley? We can. Will you withdraw your suits? Ton can. Whal Is your answer now. Im perial valley?" The scene broke Into bedlam. Hen ' jumped to their chairs, trt the velvil rim of the bozea, all talking, Mrenm Ing, gesticulating al once. The follow Dragon was never so tearfully rl l.'l. out of ihe i linos nf mm' voices came n woman'a ahrJok, "i-'r Qod'i i ,4 '. save our hohp ." ll pltehed the ' IW mm WffwH KhflR ' vmMsBSS Certy Welcomed Her Stiffly Gerly looked younger and prattler. Her Hush accentuated her cuUdlahfen- tures which wire smiling down her un noynnee over this unlnvlleil visit. "We have all the home comforts, haven't we? Why shouldn't we he com fortable when we uro to be hero for mouths? I'm going to luave It out to the bitter end, even if l bsfeS, it la my duty -" she would luai.e her Intention perfectly clear! "There ought lo be at lea i one cozy place, one soft nook thnt Uggceta u woman's presence. Wo have tea here In the afteruoou, some- times, air, Blckard drops in." Tho last was a delicate stroke. "Afternoon ten? Al the Krotil? Is this modern warfare?" Tbegjri draped her iroity with a smile. Qsrty was tea Una a plenaed survey In Ute minor through the rough ddor thai opened into the division called lur bedroom. The sunburned, uncon scious profile of Innes was close to her OWn. I'lnlt and golden the head by the dark one. She looked yoUOgCT even I Iiii M limrs! (loud humor returned to her. "We are Kolng lo dine on Ihe Iiellu tonight." lbs pinned up it "scolding lock." un ugly misnomer for her sunny clinging curls! The mirror was reiiui- was ellvertng laa deck, and the quiet river I' '."il the n'iIci of the dredge, last and t la "atalgoV throb hlng from u d.trk ciner. mad the il lusion . f , ace convincing This wag as hu':; . it waa eas).Ui believe her self again al Mure Island the licit;- :i crnls. i. Later, Oerty passed bar, twd-aten ping divinely. Iiefore her partner turned his head, Innes rscognlced Uie tiff booh and Stralghl poleed head nnd dancing step of Richard, sin- admit ted he had distinction, grudgingly. She could not think of him except compara tively; always antithetically, balanced against her Tom. "I'm tired; let's ret here." Innea tin w Into lbs shadow of the great unrt of the dredge. They watched thi dancers gj tin -y passed, Ma. -Lean play ing the woman In "rote's" arms. Qsrty with Klckurd. two other rnsscuttna corn pies. The llardiiis were tho only wom en aboard. It was I ause of Tom that Innes felt resentment when the Uplifted ap pealing chin, the lace rtlllles llultercd by. Tom, lying outside an unfriendly tent! It was easy, in that uncertain light. I to avoid Itlckard's glance of recognl lion. Kstrnda, who hud come aboard with the manager, sought her OUt, and than Grothsn of the 0. P. Again, sno j I saw Blckard dancing with Ihe lingerie i gOWn. There seemed to be no attempt I to cover Oerty's preference for Itlck- ard, she was Hie only woman there I BeCS Uae the was Tom's sister, she had u rlcht to resent It, to refuse to meet his eye. Small wonder To.n did uot come lo Ihe Heltll ! tioiiu; in with IfacLean, .lr., to th" measrooi i for a glgta of water, she met Blckard, mi hla amy out. she nan ller to avoid shakin;- hands with Mm. .she wondered why she hud consented to give him Ihe next wall.. "iie'ii not flnd me," she determined, i Macl.etlii followed her gladly to the dark comer of the dock wbere'a .loses guitar was then tyncnjiatlng nn accom b.llllmetit to Ills "amlgO'B" voice. To her surprise, Hlckard pagetrstsd her curtain of shadowa. "Our dapce, Miss Bardlnl Hive us ; 'Solir' I.as Ulns,' again, Jose." The hand Unit barely touched his arm was suit with antagonism. She i.dd herself thai be had to dame with her poHtoncaSi conventionality, de manded p. itut. blatantly, she forgot her resentment, and forgot their awk ward relation. It was his dancing, not Oeily's, ih.-is that wnx "superb." Any body could iimi skin uuiier ihe leader ship of thai Irresistible slip. And then Ihe motion claimed her. She thought of nothing; they moved us one' to tho liquid railing heat. The music dropped them suddenly, polating them -it the stem of the deck. The DlSQCS Waa complete. Rlckard broke It to tisk her what she thought of tho camp. Her resentments were recalled. She hliindered through her Impression of tho lightness, the gayety. "A work amp does not have to he olemti. You'll find nil Ihe ffrlmness A Complete Camp. "Complete, t-ni it?" Be trade was leading Innea iiuniin through Um en gin lera' quarters. . .-. its completer Hi.- Br :..-'- bad told i malt fast i - i - rnlcg h rw they bad I.- i wuttlng tlmel She would not let i oi elf admire the j r.-cN;,,,, fJf the I.;. ;.i mta, the :.:. rw rs back of the v.',:'. -e t ! .i's n::ir:i" ,, jit- haded kit hen. Qertye elaborate si-t- tlllig Waa of a dece. It Would K-ein, with the new management, Bosses keeping, not fit;htlng, then, the new order of thingal Tom waa afire to gel his gate done. She knew what it meant to him; to Ihe valley. The flood waters had to he controlled. That depended, Tom had proved to her, on the gate. And the men dance and plav house, aa ff they were children, and every day conntlfi" I She thOUghl she SSI keeping her ac- CUSatlttM to herself, hut Kstrudn was Watching her (nee. "We are here, you know, for a BtSgS, There are months of work ahead, hot months, hard mouths. The men have goi io ho kept v,,. ,! contented. Wo can't lose any lime by sickness " lie wanted io add "and dissensions.'' Tho spill camp was painful to him, nn Bas t'.ida. "i;v. ii aft- r we finish the irate. If we do finish It-" She wi led on tit III. her eyes gleam bag like deep yellow jewels. "You're never thOUghl we could finish It!" Batrada hesitated over his answer. "Ton are u frleud of Tom's. Mr. Ks trada?" "Surely! Hut I mil also nn admirer Of Mr. UP kard. I mean of his methods. i can never forget tha laves.' she hud to acknowledgs thai Itick- I urd hud scored there. And the burn Ing of the uuichlnery had left a wound I that she still must salve. "Vou have no confldi e In the : gatef "The ciiuditions huve changed," Urged Kstradli. "You've seen Ihe meSS leui? As il was planned, It was all riu'ht, u tlUIT) up defense. .Marshall nil along bstended the concrete gale' for the permanent Intake, Have you so.sy (he gap the Hardin Kale Is to cln el Have you heard what the last II-.. sis did to It? li's now twenty-six hundred feet, and Dlaaeter Inland, Which your brother planned 1- anchor t... --wept awa I if ii enn be dose, It will, yon can rest assured, with Wck- srd " he saw Ihe Hardin mouth then . "and your brothers zeal, and Hie Ptrtmgth of the railroad hack of Ihein." The caiiip formed a hollow trae zluin; the BSrdina' tents, and Mrs. Iiowker's, were isolated nn Ihe short parallel. Blckard'a ramada ami bis tenl were noddled With II nj:incfis'. Across, Inward ihe river, behind Line's ii'csipiites, began another polygon, the Mtnp Of foremen nnd while labor. Some of these tenls wen- empty. Is this Mexico, or the Slates?" asked Innes. ".Mexico." She Wondered why he hailed so abruptly. She did not see, for the glare in her eyes, I woman's skin in the ramada they approached. IMrada marched on. Outside the ramada, the two women mci. Qeriy'a stop carried bar past ';' i'.o Lcrd'n Hnlie," he f. to .'!; "i. - aa irfh approach' -.'. Ma- Li ..n'f ,'f::i covered relit ".. lie ;rtd i never beard Rlckard espreaa blroaelf ! on Hi Btih'eci hsfcra. "The dsadcet i IIi:r!i Til wire .'.is tinklrg nt Onsey," ' wiih t..e did"., gneelp and apaculntlcQ of the young engineers on Ihe Delta. Macleao had n l.et up og fhg outeorce, j lie rill'""'! mors aecureiy. "i amsnoi going to spare any mors ; carpentsra," grewled Blckard. it was an I. .auspicious day for Mrs. Har'ln'.i ' visit. Thtftga had g.'.ne wrong. Vex atlona were piling up. A tilt with liar- din thai morning, n telegram from Marshall; he was feeling sore. Des perately they needed labor. Wooster had lust, reported, venomously, It ap peared lo lllekni'd's spleen. Increasing drtiid eqness among the Indians. Ocrly's ruffles gwepf In. Her dress,' the blue in. -II with the luce medallions, accented the hue of her eyes, and looked dcllclmisly cool thnt. glaring desert day. Her pan.sol, of pongee,! was lined with the same hliby hue. I Her dainty fairness and elilldlf.h af fability should have made nn oasis In I that strenuous day. hut Itlckard's dls- J Integration of temper was loo coin plot. . lie rose sillily to meet her, nnd I his manner demanded her errand. She told It to him, plaintively, llor t'jes were appealing, Infantile. Would ll be loo much to ask, would Mr. Blckard mind In the least, he must he ; perfectly frank and tell her If they ; would be In the way at nil, hut while 1 this hot spell lusted, could they, the three of them, eat In the mess tent . with the men? "Surely!" Itleknrd met It heorlily. fihe would find If rough, but If BBS could stand It, yes, he thought It a good Idea. And then there was nothing for hei io do hut go. Her retreat waa gra : a fa row ii al Mac! I king ihe approach m i,:IM1 Hardin nnd Kscaila. Blckard . lif. ei e the aborted oiilralice of IlllrgfS Msior ami mo young mom..,,,. wns iieiiiug to tie iii his work, a Me let out a tTowl when Mi din was oiii of earshot. IIUI I.. . It.,..., 1 .,-.,,.. . .-siiiich s ; Wlllll III fllllliax do Wild, en come to n place like llnu fr. lucres iiarditi- 'iriiiK.i in two ivnms. to cook for him. and now, phiienii uie.y un em wiiii uie men f Ills Kecrelnry subdued a i I mtS lie wni-- vlagalbdng a prisrei ,,, J boxes of choice llavanas from floils. fcldt, llnmlin and the rest of n,, gang. He need not buy a pmoke fi ti year. Itlckard threw himself hack n )l!( Chair, "Take this letter, Mnc,. ;,,, j Maxslmll." Then his worry diverts him. "Who In Ihumli-r Is selling (nir to my Indians?" "Hold on that letter can wait. Yej gel the horses up, MihIihi, and .,i,,- ride down to Muldotindo's. Ifj l;, place lo stop (his liquor liusin. , uj mine." a r... - - ,.....- A - J lew ll.i.lis llll.-l lll'.V WITS f. proaehliK.' Ihe adobe walls of Mtildo- nado. They found Ihe gale lo.-kei. woman, whose beauty had faded lm, u triicle whisper, ii ghastly twllljfht i suggestion, came to their Knock, anl I lllioarieo uie nine i,ir uie W Hlle I strani'ers. Mystery hung over tin. In. Closure like a pall. Itlckard told his errand. Maidntiife sputtered and swore. Uy the amthfr of Slary the Virgin, that thin." wonM be stopped. He showed to the unori, with pride, his luiMgc. He wns a m. rule; he was there to uphold Dip It. He had caught some of those I: niken Indians on the road. Ho had i - -j hr I litem here. Mnldonado showed three men In , locked shed, deep In drunken stupur, II.- thought the liquor was ohtalMd somewhere hack In the sandhills.. Hi would find the place. Hut the senaf must lie patient ; his hands were full. . aaaa Itoth men were glad to get awir from the place and Maldonndo. Ob viously he was a brute; undoubted!). hs was a liar. hei j i. (To be coatlnued aext week.) Universal Garage Co. Automobiles Overhauled and Repaired We Give the Best Service Competent Mechanics Dependable Vulcanizing sllloned again. ThaTa Ihe name of , you want If you look beneath the aur the new dredge. It waa clirUlened .face " Hire., weeks ago, In chaiiipagiie brought from Yuma." "Ton anid dine on 'he Delia. Do you mean I hoy have meals there?" "Vou ahould see It," cooed Hcrly. "It's simply elegant. It' u flnnllng hotel, has every convenience. The camp eook, I. Ing, has hla hands full," "'iolng to wear Ihal?" They wero tending now by tha door or Qertjr'a dreaalng tent. Over tha bed a white iin 'i a gown WM sprend. "i live in iheui. it's vo hut," shrugged Ura, Hardin, "I'll look like your nml(l, Ori'ly!" In- Tlie guitar were tuning up. "Shall I take you hack? I have this dame with your sister." She thought of Tom- on hla lonely Col outside hla lent. She forgot that ahe had been asked a nunntlon. He waa ilnnelug again with fierly ! If thai like u IiIkIi bud horse, ller high In els cut Into the bard Band. There area i aiiggeatlnn of prance in her i, di ii. she waved bar hand geyly al the two, cried, "How hot It Is!" and pasaed on. Innes saw Blckard at his long j dim luble uied for a desk. ' "I can ace II nil from here." Not for money would the sister of Tom Har din go In! At tabic, that evening, her family heard with surprise (Jerty's announce inent that they were to cut In the mesa tent with the men. It was loo hoi to cook any longer this had been one of ihe holiest duys In the year. She expected to hear a protest to the new arrangement from Tom. Mho wus to nm a new development sullen resignation. If he would accept It. she limat not argue. Iloth nlater nnd broth- The Plumber is a Robber! rtokSP CHAPTER XXII. silly little woman had no scrunles no i ''' K,"'w WBr ll wt" to warm lo cool. line feeling, this man should al lens) ully U)nvr- guard per. If he had been her lover. he ahould be careful; be must see iimi people were liillUnv' of III She had seen iho gtancea that evening I Tic bualueas relutlon between the two men hould anggeat tuet, IT nol decency! ll s outrageous. A Visit to Maldonado. sirs. Hardin's rieneenl on il" ofllts that afternoon wa Nueeesaful. hut nol , antlefactory, Hka bad feaae! the man- Only when the man in side the PLUMBER is crooked. Our aim is to give honest service, and install horsC8t goods AL WAYS. If you want any such goods and such service in your repairs or in new work, it's easy to get it. Just call us Our Specialty Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work, Repairing Agents for the De Laval Dairy Supplies Paint, Oil Limited Supply Ammunition Ecor.omy fruit Jars at Right Prices THE BURNS HARDWARE COMPANY In our new building opposite Lampshire's garage CAIX AND INSPECT IT .