The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, June 07, 1919, Image 5

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Furnished room. 8ee Cleveitger
Auto electrical repair. Jack Mc-
, Guiro.
Bsled hay nt A. A. l'erry'a Teed
Born Wednesday. June 4, to Mr
and Mr I'rice l'onlrk, a son.
rarin implements at bargain
prKos nt the Hums Hardware.
Ed. Kill was In town from the
ranch tin' Tore part of this month
Try our bunana cream pie-. They
are delicious. Vase's Sweet Shop, tf
Six hole Home Comfort range for
sale. Inquire at Hrenton & Micks.
Will Newton was in this week toN
lilnif his father to the King hospital
for treatment.
For Sale 700 lb. Tubular suction
feed Sharpie! Cream Separator.
aarly nea ('has. Wilson.
Turkish dates may he desirable
for the 1 lilted States, but she doesn't
jars tor any Turkish mandates.
Two new cOtt i"? '
KorJ ti uck for sal
bay a ranch. J.
lor rent tfaw
II-ve party to
K. Kounsevelle.
ray's Auto Stage in making a
ipsctal round trlfl rate for the Hose
-stival at Portland of $15.00. He-
turt. trip good any time duritiK June.
Siil Campbell and wife and little
.'did are again domiciled with the
f.itnily on the Snow Mountain Dairy
mult after spending some time in
Portland on war work.
tioo.oon. "THK HANK I'HAI
HAKES witit 9 HAr::.-
!r and Mr-. Kemp Hardisty w. re
.. town the fori' purt of tilts week
:-om their home over on Trout
(reek. The Hardlbtys spent the
inter in Grant county wher he
was employed but are again on the
Willis Chase is home from service
with the Kovemmeut. He was in the
Ba7 and returns, with an officer's
usiform which as vide nee of his
aJvancemeat and pratfteieacy. Willi
sot esackmrsje froaa duly eartaaely.
being yet ou the reserve list.
Fred l.unaburg arrived home the
fore part of this week from a visit
') Los Augeles. where he was tha
-nest of a niece. While in that vi-
inity Kred took occasion to run out
and visit with Mr. and Mrs. Lud
Johnson who live out a short distance
'rom San Francisco.
Floyd Huker is home from France.
He didn't get into the fighting as his
'jtituh was stopped 12 hours back
jf the lines, uccording to the young
man had not the armistice been
-igned on Nov. 1 1 bis bunch would
'isve heen moved , up to the front
Krnest Smith urn nt Mr ml Xlrj 1
-V. E. Smith, arrived home last Sat
"day night after receiving his dis
' barge from the army. Krnest was
-a Prance for months with the engin
eering corps. He has not been mix
ing around town much since bis ar
rival, spending most of his time with
1 mother.
Two men were stopped here last
Monday evening and 18 cases of
whisky were taken from their big
r. They claimed they were on
heir way to Wyoming and thought
hey had a right to take the liquor
from California to that point. Local
Mtkorttles thought otherwise, how
ever, ami they were relieved of thejr
load and some money in the nature
rt a ripe then permitted to go on
heir Journey.
M. J. Nash has been in this vicinity
!or the past week looking after hla
interests Mr. Nash states be and
!u wife are now located at Elmo.
Washington where he has a position
lib the railroad people. The Times
Herald learned from Mr. Naab that
le son, Porter, a bis Hue boy who I
remembered by Harney county peo
ple, died at Camp Lewi last October
from Inriuenaa. Regret Is expressed
' connection with the death of this
M strapping boy.
Raymond Slsemore left yesterday
In company with Smith Crane to aid
In taking back the train load of range
horses he has gathered conalgned to
the big horse sale In Omaha the
middle of this month Raymond will
ka thlH opportunity to look around
wun a view of a new location to en-and tbe next shipment will find
(age in business, he having disposed even a greater number and some fine
to hurher shop In this city. He !animals. Mr. Crane stated that some
HI likely return here for a sHort'of the horse men found It impossible
"me later but does not expect to take lo gather their stock for this shlp
P hln residence In this city again ment, therefore there will be a lot
M tin- present ll0 go out next tin,,..
Frank N lit 19 v.u up irora Uiwcu
the other la .
E. N. Nelson .. M u, iroin his Dog
Mountain ranch homo yaatocday.
Will he be left uutf . e u. llou
or Holl advertlseu. ,t on m- , jr.
uev. rattier ru.. - wil. 'u
Monday toi t'ortlatiu ., a .-u . i .
ness trip
A. Cote was iiuiouk our visitors
from the V.ariu Springs section dur
ing this w. tf,
Miss Oei Ichwarta. arrived home
Wednesday trom a two weeks vaca
tion visit to Portland.
Mr. ami Mrs. 1). Jameson left yes
terday for end where they go to
visit their i ,,.ighter. Mrs. H. at. llor-
tou. for aii indefinite time.
eiiiunaii iaa vlaltors are extended
a cordial n nation to make my store
their bead, narters while in the city
that week. Mrs. K. F. Schwartz.
Mr. and Mrs. James Dillon are reR
Istered tit tu ' l.evens. They have not
been up tl'.iu Itenio for a long tune
therefore Uielr friends are particu
larly glad Ul see them.
Mrs. Byron Terrlll and her daugh
ter. Mrs. J. L, Caldwell, arrived home
yesterday from a visit with Mrs. J.
S. Taylor and other relatives and
frtenda in the Wlllumette Valley,
A. S. Swain arrived home last iiluht
from Dallas where lie hail been for
avtral weeks. Mrs. Swalu remained
down there with her father unr Othei
relmives for a few weeks longer be
fore returning home.
J. . c.eo. s. and otus Blnmora
liav.' asked this paper to express to
the many friends their sincere thanks
for the kindness shown them and the
sympathy extended ut the time of the
death of their mother recently.
Uesidents of this city who havr
spare rooms which will lie availahle
for Chautauqua week should list
tin 'in at once with the committee as
the hospitality of our town is likely
to be taxed to care for the crowd.
eyes carefully examined and accur
ately fitted by an expert. 1 have had
more than 20 years experience and
guarantee perfect fitting. Maurice
Schwartz, Optometrist. ' Office with
Or. B. F. Smith. Hours 11 a. m. to
4 p. m.
Hev. H. I. Hansen. acennTpanied
by his family, consisting of his wife,
daughter and son. arrived in this
place Wednesday from Cove. Hev.
Hansen is the father of Mrs. Rodney
Cozad and Miss Hansen who has been
teaching in the Donated! district dur
ing the past year.
Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge Marsden
spent Thursday here, having come
over from their Hear Valley ranch
the previous day. They stated Mrs.
Marsden Sr. had gone to Portland
to be present at the meeting of the
Eastern Star Urand Lodge, she being
a Fast Grand Matron.
Mrs. EL C. Levens expects to take
her departure Monday for Portland
where she will remain for the sum
mer on account of her health not
beinc tbe best at that period. She
will be accompanied down by her
little neice, Mary Welcome, who goes
to have her eyes cared for and visit
for a few weeks.
A. R. Olson of the V. L. S. Co.
arrived home the fore part of this
week from San Franclaco where he
had been called because of the ser
ious Illness of bis father. The old
gentleman died and following his
burial Mr. Olson returned to his dut
ies at hla beadquartera at the Island
Ranch. He drove In from Winne
mucca upon hla eturn.
Dr. L. E. Hlbbard, accompanied by
hla two sons Llewellyn and Hal and
hla daughtera Roberta, Francea, and
Hasel. took their departure Thuraday
In their ear for Portland. Miss
Robert acsompanled the party only
aa far aa Bend where she took the
train but tha remainder will drive
the entire distance. They go for a
vacation trip combined with bualness
aa Dr. Hlbbard Intanda to aettle up
the eatate of hla mother during hla
Smith Crane started the finest
shipment of range horaea out of this
place this week that has ever gone
to any market. If these are a sample
of the horses that are consigned to
the sale at Omaha the horse men are
.going to realize some good money
Ilorn Tuo lay, June. '. to
and Mrs. A. A I'rttlgott, a on,
James Oard was In town Thursday.
M. M. Tinan win In town ytltCT
day front his home nt Fields.
A. II. Curry, the D-nlo stage con
tractor, Is In the city on buslne.t
Mrs. Harry Danley arrived home
Wednesday from Cortland where she
had been for several weeks.
ladles of Harney county will find
i general line or dry goods of late pat
lem and In varlelies at the new store
of Mrs. K. F. Sell wart.
If a price were to be offered for
the most contentious city there would
bo no question over the award.
Winnipeg would take It.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Neal were ob
served passing through this place yes
terday. The writer had no oppor
tunity to greet them or ascertain how
long they expected to be in this part
of the country.
Q0. Hugey arrived home the fore
part of this week from u visit to
Nampa. Idaho, where his daughter,
Mrs. Call Humes, resides. C.eorge
says that s n flue country and an
object laaaon on tha advantage of
Olln B Douglas, druggist at the
Kexall Store, has gone to Medford
on a visit to his mother. He lot) In
hla "mud louse ' with the intention
of driving the entire distance. With
that "Co Devil ' he ought to make
any climb on the toad.
Miss Hazel Haines, daughter or
Mrs. Anna Haines. arrived home
Wednesday rrom Portland where she
hud been ill school She lias enter
oil the employ of the First National
Bank, a vacancy having been made
by Miss Helen Saver resigning
Chus. M. Faulkner expects to leav
tomorrow morning for Portland to
he present at the meeting of the
Brand Lodge of the Masonic order.
He will accompany Mr. and Mr,
Cook in their car us far a- Bend
and will proceed from there by train.
A reasonable reward will be paid
for Information leading to the recov
ery or a white faced Hereford bull
branded JP connected on right ribs
also IX on one hip and (J on the
other; marked wattle behind tbe
.right ear. James Oard, Saddlebutte,
i Mr. and Mr. Joe Thompson and
their children, accompanied by Miss
I.eiinu Thompson will leave tomor
row morning for a short vacation
trip with the Hose Festival In Port
land as their destination. They will
drive their own car as far as Bend,
taking the train from there.
The Times-Herald family can at
test the ability of "Daddy" Short and
his family as flsherfolks. Th.v wero
out last Sunday and the following
morning this shop was presented with
a fine string of trout that made the
dinner hour most Inviting as It Is
generally the "leavings" of the ex
tras of Sunday dinner that a fellow
gets on the day followig. Thank
you "Dad."
Ed Morgan was up from his Sun
set ranches during the week. He
was boosting for the oil well In hit
vicinity and urging some of his
neighbors to lease. He says bis
country la not going ahead very fast
as there are but few left down there.
so he has lots of sage rat aud Jack
rabbits to contend with, but if they
strike oil he Is sure going to have
more near neighbors.
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Monroe were
over from Catlow during this week
visiting with their daughter, Mrs.
Fred Young. Mr. Monroe ia II. S.
commissioner in that neighborhood
and has considerable official business
to look after but'gets an opportunity
between tlmea to make an occaalonal
visit to this place. He expressed a
desire to attend the Chautauqua but
finds some land business will hold
him at his office for a portion of the
week. However, he hopes to take
in at least a part of the excellent
Notice la hereby given that there
are sufficient funda on hand to pay
off all General Fund warrants iasued
and registered up to and Including
April 30, 111. Intereat ceaaes. Mary
SO, 1111.
County Treasurer.
a- aw i
Thomas A. Breslin, l r. Broadway,
Albany, N. Y., writes: "Having been
on a torpedoed ship coming to this
country from Kngland, I hud it cold
ever since. I was advised by a
friend to take Foley's Honey and Tar
and before long I was cured." You
can stop that cough or cold that has
been lingering since Spring.
old everywhere.
(Jerni::y dOM not appear tu ion
slder the treaty a treat.
If lOBM day yon were to hear a
sound use tuiuiuer, aud In response
to your amazed inquiry were Inform
ed, 'oil, that was only prices falling, "
w onl In l ,,'uu BO d'lighle.l :
For a study of the depthes of pess
imism ousor.e th cfcud who comes
down w iKi the measles the Hut week !
of vacation.
While the Uermans are considering
the peace treaty, our army of occupa
tion Is considering what a privilege!
it would be to occupy Uerlln.
The principal amusement l:i Eur-
ope at present Is waiting to see which,
way the cat will Jump.
Venus and Jupiter shine close and
hriii.ant in tlie early evening u is'
strange that we ure not obliged lo'
pay a luxury tax lor having two even-'
mg stars. j
No wonder tiiat tu Germans cling'
i Hi. oaar Vaite) mutes, Thty wini
need COO I III till.- life, ulthouga some I
01 UieUl will have it lurni.-ned u..
.11 tilt next.
We are glud that Hawker la lata.
rli nogaUioOdl aaregard tor his me'
amy oe looilsa, but i hi Inspiring
I. it- in a summer oottafs would!
M deUghtlul were It not tor the cups
. without handles and the saucen thai
lo iioi match. i
fee, brother, "ovory kick is a
DOOBl tbe mor.- w .. howl at btfa
prices the higher thev climb,
The Huns are not even entitled to
the ralae of being good Um in
ir are compare life upon th- farm
now. to what it was rifty years ago
we shall mid a wonderful Increase
in its convenience and comfort to tbe
tor mor.
Improvements lu farming mach
inery have made tbe work somewhat
.ess strenuous, aud improved meth
ods of farming enable better results
to be produced with less effort.
But the greatest amelioration In
conditions comes fom the rural free
delivery, the telephone and the aut
omobile. These have put an end to tbe farm
er's Isolation. He Is now a member
of the community, and a prominent
one. Whatever the weather condi
tions news of the world comes to
him regularly, tnd he Is In immed
iate touch with neighbors and friends.
Would you call the airplane voyage
plane sailing?
Children need all thefr strength
for growing. A lingering cold weak
ens them. Mrs. manda Flint,
Route 4. New Philadelphia. O..
writes. "Foley's Honey and Tar cur
ed my little girl of the worst tickling
cough. "Oives immediate relief from
distressing, racking, tearing coughs;
soothes and heals. Sold everywhere.
Farmers Exchange
Burns, Oregon
A. OTHNGER, Proprietor
: Ec fry thing
This is a general store and we are supposed to sell every
thing, and we li e up to the general supposition.
You can buy anything you want here, from hardware to
groceries, from needles to a good smoke.
It pays to buy from us. because we sell for cash, and an
enormous amount of goods, and we can therefore sell at a
closer margin of profit.
You CAN'T lose, and you WILL gain. Now doesn't this
line of argument appeal straight to your good common sense?
f DON'T throw away that old suit !
Bring it to our shop first. If we can't make
f a ;ood looking, new appearing suit out of it
it, then indeed you may throw it away with
a clear conscience. You have no idea how
much good there still remains in that dis
carded suit. We have reclaimed so many
that'wc hate to see yours thrown away till
it really is useless,
Clothing Company
You are invited to make our store
your headauarters during your ttay
in Burns Chautauqua week, 24th to
In addition to Chautauqua
being the best thing you
ever will see, Wi will en
deavor to entertain you.
I. S. GEER & CO.
You're pretty sure
is not known in front of the counters of our store.
You do not buy your groceries on appreval: you
Know they are just what you want because they are
sold in the store that only retails the best of products
to its customers.
Our goods are this year's stock, which means that
they are the latest put-up eatables on the markets.
to see it in this paper