The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, June 07, 1919, Image 4

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    The Times-JIerald
flM The Larrrtt Circulation Of Any
Newspaper la Harney County.
Year .00
1 .00
Saturday, .lunc 7, 1BI0.
m ins CHAl'TAiroCA
(Continued from page 1)
form. Other prominent lecturers are
K. J. Klemme, well-known educator
of the Northwest; Dr. William Rader.
wko presents ii great inspirational
message on the first night, "The
sunklng of u Man"; Edna ttgOBia
Lowe, health lecturer; Or. 0. Whit
field Kay, for fourteen years an ex
plorer In South America, and Mildred
jnt Clemens in her Hawaiian trave
lOCIM on the closing night.
The music of the week looks par
ticularly strong. The hlg feature of
the program is the coming of the
White Hussars on the fourth day in
iyd .'oticerts. This splendid organ-t-jntion
is a "tdnglng hand" and
'irlngs the bwl of vocal and Instru
mental music. Another musical cwnt
or unusual interest wllll he tli clos
ing night program of Hie Royal
Hawaiian Quintet Albert Vlerra.
me of Hawaii's prominent musicians,
lirects the company of native singers
.Hid players and among the members
fa Joseph Kekuku. originator ufld
wizard Of the ItOOl method of guitar
playing. As an added attraction on
'his last night Mildred Leo Clemens,
ousln of Mark Twain, will present
her lecture on Hawaii. "Ro tabling
Through Paradise", Illustrated with
ilHsolviug views anil motion pictures
of the sunny islands in the South j
Other musical events of genuine
'importance are two concerts by the
uarino-McKinnon Company, com
arising Anthony Ouariuo. noted Bos
tun tenor and Mary McKinnon, tal
ented Canadian pianist; Antonio
Mtnervini, plano-accordianist, the
Merrilees Entertainers, four jovial
joyous girls who bring two rare pro
Trams on the opening day. and the
Metropolitan Artists, headed by Mary
Welch, American contralto.
The special entertainers of the
wee will be Tom Corwlne and I.ydla
Ktonnesbeck. Mr. Corwlne Is a polyph
onbit or Immitator of sounds, oue of
'tie roost unique and popular enter
Halners on the platform. Miss
Fonnesbeck is a dramatic reader and
interpreter of plays who has estab
lished a real reputation in her partic
ular field.
t o
The mnnagemeni of the Liberty
Theatre arranged recently to give
matinees each Saturday afternoon.
This was done for the particular ben
efit of out of town patrons who had
expressed a desire to witness some
of the best poductlons and with that
In view, the bookings were so arrang
ed to give the most popular programs
evening Mary IMckford will again be
the attraction in "Romance of The
Redwods." This Is one of her best
productions and It la hoped a large
number of picture fans will be pres
ent to see It. The Liberty Is giving
Its patrons the very best pictures on
the market and hopes to merit a
larger patronage by continuing to
give the same class of pictures.
Action Grows Out of Farmers' Nerd
for Good sred, Hay O. K.
II) slop, In chnrgv
Oregon has entered Into a cooper
ative agreement with the l'uitd
5rWPwaPBeB . vSt $ j ii I
.Maw l ,aa Ik. nfli Sm -fcftiieiS ' iWt t
nasasT anas! LfGaiLBaieHlQc 71 AK IJWlt H
' B-P ' JLfl mkj-J JmaBtoJai mtS
-''' JL JSpS 1 a vul m
aajyf.eanpnar w . 5 SaWavu A
the state for good seed potatoes free
of disease," said professor Hyslop.
"The cooperative potato experiment
In to make available for grower
good seed potatoes."
Different varieties will be grown In
comparative tests to determine which
produce the greatest yield free of
disease and good quality. Cultural
work will hdone to determine the
best methods of cultivation, size,
time to plant, and manner of plant
ing. The station 'will not go Into the
1 d I roiluclng business, Professor
Hyaloft explains, but alius to give
rner-i who desire it a start In the
production of good " potatoes.
blob will Increase their yields and
financial returns.
It Is hoped that the dlsnr, tn
the railroads will Improve the tilu
itlon of travelers, which has miffs
severely miner goverumeni otrs
If Germany objects to Hi Mil
tar" the billet will probably take I
attitude of the old-time Wesi..rn
taurant-keeper, who, rtrolvaj
hand, used to say to a arttical rh
"Stranger, you'll eat hash!"
This Illinois woman has tem
porarily passed up her stage ca
rsor, to tight for woman In poli
tics. It is Mrs. Fletcher Dobym
of Chicago, who Is now in Wash
ington as chairman of the Repub
lican Women's Organisation of
While the soda fountains exist the
United States will not be entirely dry.
It will only have a different wetness.
"J chs Willard tips the beam at 260
pounds. You would say that be must
have pained, but no. Jess bad to re
!. to reach this weight.
The German populace has changed
vta mind during the last fow years.
It Ih now crying as loudly for peace
ah It formerly howled for war.
on these afternoons and evenings.
So far very few have taken advantage
of this opportunity. The manage
ment desires to give as good service
as possible and do everything wlthlii
reason to meet the demands of the
patrons but would certainly appreci
ate a larger attendance at these per
formances. On next Saturday ofternbon and
States department of agriculture to.
'determine, grow and distribute for
seeding purpose the best varltles of
potatoes under Oregon conditions.
'The work will be conducted tbrouaJil
. the experiment station of the agricur
tural college, with O. H. Hyslop.
professor of farm crops, in charge. I
"This joint action has grown out of
the need felt by farmers throughout
a W
Oeorg A. Ssndsrson of Chi
cago U the new secretary of the
Halted State senate H Is a
gradaale of tb U. 8. Naval Acid
easy bat until rscently has fol
lowed civil nil mlstei tsalawr
Ing. He wm bora at Hamilton. O.
In the practice of medicine
many different drugs are used.
These have frequently to be
mixed or "compounded." In
this compounding great care
must be used. Sometimes a
few grains too much of a drug
would prove fatal to the
patient. Or substituting one
drug for another would be
equally dangerous.
The one great aim of this
store is
Accuracy in Prescriptions
Every ingredient must be of known purity
strength. All must be in correct proportion.
Our prescriptionist is a master of his profusion
and gives personal attention to every order.
We solicit your prescription custom. Our PROS
PERITY must be based on your SECURITY.
Up-to-date Novelties in
ii' ii i n i mi i i i i i i j ... .jj
Chautauqua Week
June 24-26-26-27-28-29
The cost of the war to the United
tttates was orer $21,000,000,000.
And the money amount was the least.
part of what It cost us.
The world Is waiting with deep
aaxiety for the college graduate's
view of the peace treaty and the fin
ancial situation and the problems of
Community spirit is a great
builder. The support which
Oregon's Industries get at
home strengthens them In
their fight for business a
broad. And the home peqplc ben
efit, in turn, by the growlli
ttt these Industries bringing
money from distant markets
to be distributed in our own
-xx'lated iudu.strich of Oregon
Check the list of names below for your relatives or friends who were in
active service: Help make the list complete for Harney County.
Some new names tills week.
John Ormnnd Asmus, Merntuu
Vox Auerhamer. Melvln Actoit, Kuh-
rlio Am res, A K. Allen, I'etr-r llar.
ry Acton, Howard C. Anderson,
Arthur K. Aosgood, Donald W. Algler.
0. Alguard.
Walton Brown, Harry Buck, Walter
Beckley, L. L. Brown, Willis Beckley.
Olenn Brown, Harry Brown. Don
Bartlett, J. C. Bartlett, Carl Bartlett,
H C. Bowman, Horace Burdette, Rod
Ick Bain. Miles Brecount, Ployd H.
Baker, Homer Bennett, C. H.Blair, Roy
Leslie Beede, Arthur Louis Beede,
Oeorge L. Bevans, Jean Bart Bal
comb, Kmmltt 8. Bldle, Leroy Bain,
Homer A. Barber, W. H. Barber.
Wm. M. Bennett, Jerry Barber, Robt.
W. Brown, Claud M. Baker, Oeorge
W. Baker, Cbas. L. Brogan, Thos. N.
Bailey, Oren F. Brown. Thomas IS.
Browning, Christ Bakopanos, Cbas.
M. Breedon, James Bucher, Nathan
Brown, Oliver Belzar, Wm. M. Ben
net, Clarence Beckley, R. W. Brown.
I'ryor Barnes.
A. W. Cross, Dudley Campbell,
Fred Crump. Roy Clark, J. O. Cawl
fleld, Charles Cawlfleld, Henry M.
Coesfleld, Peter Caldwell. Jease R.
Claypool, A. A. Collins, Harold L.
Cawlfleld. Qolded A. Collins, ArthurW.
Cox, J. A. Cappa, H. N. Culp, Oeorge
Carrol, John Carrol, Raymond Curry,
Ray Culp, Harry Custer, David Cox.
Charlea Krman Dlllman, Oeorge
Dickenson, Arthur Davis, Jesse Def
enbaagh, Joe Dubalme, Treff Du
halme, Will Dubalme. Ora K. Dick
enson, Fred B. Dtckeaeoa, John D.
Drlggers, W. B. Davis, Dr. Denman,
afelvln Denman, E H Donegan.
Hadden Klllott, Henry Kberly.
Ellsworth Egll.
Ouss Frahln, Tom Fltigerald, Floyd
Feaaler, Oliver Fellows, James Fel
lows, William Frank Foster, Roy
Feely, Clarence A. Kit. hell.
Fred Oibbs, Oroff Robert, Oeorge
Ollbert, Henry Oeer, John Oordon,
Charley Oeorge, It. C. Oeorge, Edwin
Roy Griffin, Fred Oreen, James
Green, Rufe Oeorge, Cliff Oltchel,
KiiI'uh George, Othel Goff, Ed Good
man, Grover Gould, Frank I'. Gowan,
Itlley ti. Garnet! , Walter P. George,
1. , Oleesou, Pete W. Grace.
Leonard liubeuer, Hoy Holly, Earl
Hugey, Harry Hansen. Hugh Haitle.
Archie Huff. Ralph A. Holly. Cecil
Huffman, Gordan Vaughn Halt. Rob
ert I. Hall, Duncan C. lilbbard, It. I .
Haines, Homer ilolley. Paul Howe,
Walter Heinz. Charles Hansen,
Sherman Height. Ijewls Mlitou Hugh
et. Oliver D. Hotcbklss. Homer T.
Humphrey, A. L. Howard, R. Baley
Hayes, Clifford K. Hall Henry H.
Hathaway, John Q. Hoagland, M ch
Hecker, Jr., Albert Hughet, Dona'd
Hotchkiss, William L. Hall, C. E.
Howard. Walter Huffman, Archie
Howell. Harry Howell. R. C. Ileluz.
Ralph B. Irwlng. David Irwing.
E. W. Jenkins, Roy Johusou, Earl
Johnson, Hans Jetley, Jesue J. Jones,
Joe M. Jones. Arthur Jetley, True M.
Jones, Martin Joyce, Warner J. Jen
kenaon, Douald Jokiarh, Floyd Jones.
Otto Johnson.
Joe Krumhottc. Ualall Kirch, Joe
Koehler, Charles Kaaard, Henry Kle:
enbeck, Samual N. Kenuey, Earl Key
ser, Vernie Kern, Chester Kocwu,
Adolph Kittleson, I'aol H. Kruger.
Conrad W. Kautelberg.
Albert Leaf, Leonard Locher, Nor
man Luckey, Robert Lowe, Dorman
Leonard, Ernest Lucas, Roy Llpford,
Zebbal Lewis, Emery Lanfear, W. W.
Lawrence, Paul Lalka, McKlnley
Lowe, James Lewis. B. L. Long, An
drew Leaf, Timothy Lane. Henry Lar
sen, Fred H.Lorenz, Leonard Lasarus
Roy MUlerlng. John Morrell. Virgil
McCall. Charlea Myers. Karl Miller.
Oordan Mc Williams, Lloyd Moslev,
Roy McDuffey, Lee Miller. Ralph
McKinnon, Clarence McKinnon. Pete
Miller. Gall C. Miller. Roy Miller,
Roy McCameron, Jack Moore, Bill
Malcbaw, Leo MUler. O. W. Michel,
Rufus I. Moore, Alexander McPhail,
Clyde Manning, Jaa. McWUllama.
Eric N. Mathews, Rodney MacArth
ur, William Murphy, Loula Mcpher
son, Harry N. McComb, Aaron F. Mor
ris. ,Wm McPhail. O. E. Mitchell.
Traver Norton, Morris Newton,
Edward Natuaka.'
Arthur E. Osgood, Albert Olofson,
Hen Okshea, Bert Orandorff, James
Oaks, Kruest E. Osterhout, Hnili Ol
son, Ben Odell, Frank Oatmau.Chas.
Daryl Potter, Dale Porter, C. C.
Proctor, Roy C. I'orry, John 1. Proc
tor, John I'orter, Oliver Poer, Emmit
Parker, Harry Parker, Robert and
Jason I'lckleslmer, Ralph M. I'avey,
Alozo I). I'ease, Chester Asa Pruttt.
Walt Roller, Claus Rimer. Claud
Rimer, Fay Rayburn, Ii. E. Ralston.
(?). Rouusevelle, J. Rhodes, HenryL. Coupon
Richardson, Rounsevelle, Clifford 8.
Richards, Earl Robison. Name
Frank Smith, Robert Saunders,
Rye Smyth, Roy Skeins. Eldred Sim- .. .
mons, Hotiry R. 8cott. Thomas 8yl- Ku"
veuer. J. D. Singleton. Charles W.
Spencer, LeRoy Oliver Stelnke, Vlag I Born
Eugene Shields. Oscar F. Selk. Tbom
ui Jefferson Slppy, Jeff Davis Slppy, Soa 0j
l'aul Stewait, Frank Sheeban, Oliver ' ""- """ ""t""'
Sonmle. Herbert Scott. Arthur E (Both Parents)
Simpson, Oscar F. Sell, John Sher
man, R. L. Stehpena, Alba M. Stone, Date of Promotion to rank of
Arthur D. Schwartt. Oregery Bkaletz.
Charles E. Sweetman, Polemau
HkieiiH, Lloyd F. Sberben. Walter' B
Hmltb, Levi B. Simpson, Frank
Smith. Alphena Sherben. Oeorge ot Promotion to rank of
8myth, Emil Stone, Ernest Smith, Dr.
J. Shelley Saurman, A. J. Houmle.
George Shaw, Cyrus 8week,John Sher
man, Jerry Jay Sylvester. Samuel l)ta "f Promotion to rank of
Oscar Slater. Thomas L. Sklens.
Fred Taylor. Rusael Taylor, Ralph
Taylor, Lloyd Tryan, Elbert Taylor,
Joseph Tipton. Ernest Thompson 1)t' ' Promotion to rank of
Claud Taloott, Ernest Grant Thomp
son, Frank W. Trlaka, Frank L.Tlp-
ton, Cameron Trimble, Frank Thomp-
n- Wounded at Buttle of ,
R. W. Umbarger. Walter H. Quler.
Norman E. Upson.
Bert Vincent, W. M. Varlen. Dr. L. '
H. Vincent. t ,,,4, . . , .
William Wlckert. Louie Wlckert. died at Battle ot
Frank Wiseman, Will Walkup. John
Walkup, Foas Winn. Elijah A. Ward. ule
Herbert B. Ward Grover C. Ward.
Clyde Winn, Lee E. Wann, William Died- Place
Edgar Williams, Claud Thurlow vvn
ioac Earl Wells, 8. A. Wetteratroni, . . -
George H. Williams, Frank II. W:lk ut
er. Rodney II. Williams. Fred A. Will- ,'
son, Antou j. weissenre.s. Forrest l. The Honor Roll of Harney County, Oregon
Winn, Fred Walker, Joe Winters. ' '
Alva Woodruff. Jesse (Jeff ) Wilson, " POTXITTI1 I ll LI E ' hr
llaytnoud 1). Welty, Francis Smith ll 1 " 1 1 f-ilV, al UOIlSllCr
Weldi, lra J. Willlums, Nathaniel ..... . ..
Wheat, Claude Wilson. UFIlCe 111 liUms
Ben Young, William Young, Ches
ter, W. Youst, Merl Young, August
lne Youchuiu.
si iiiii mimi