:&. gUje flic Time-Herald gww re gularly M man liomiw In llur ,.. i ( 'ii niy than any other rslilMT. If )OU Willi to ri-jirh Hi" people ut ttteee col umns for your advertWnaent. 'liif Times-Herald In an old established friend of Iho people of Harney County where It ha been a weekly visitor for thirty yearn. It's Job department is equipped to nerve your need. VOL. XXXII BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON JUNE 7, 1919 NO. 32 Sim to llefala HJRNS CHAUTAUQUA ASSOCIATION FORMED llion White Representative Assists. II HAVE CHARGE OF LOCAL EVENTS jusoi Ticket Sale Opened ud Advertis ing Placed; Review of Six Day Progran. Floytl I. l.anham, advance reprr wntattv of tli- Ellison-White Chau tauqua System, was in tbe city the (or part of this week and met with wne of In guarantors of tbe coming clintauqua program. His Business js in vti-.i' . an association to have barge e: the event tuul to look alter jocal dc-tii ilr This was done on Tues day trening at the Liberty Theatre ibeii Julian Byrd was elected prssl dent. Charles V. Kills vice president, Waldo ('' t secretary, K. H. CoiiBer treasurer and J. T. McDonald to uve charge of the grounds. Mr. Couser was also placed In .narge ol the sale of season tickets ud has began tbe distribution of tfeeiD among those who will canvass, ma is an important matter as we lave obligated ourselves to dispose of a certain number of these to make tke Cbautauqua a financial success. Tbe advertising matter was placed la tbe hands of Julian Byrd who has been making sbort trips out to post ip algns and also sending tbem out It tbe more remote parts of the aunty, borne of tbe stores in Burns tare devoted entire windows to tbe display of Chautauqua advertising tad more or it is available. Most of ikat is left will likely be distributed tat of town. There is a determilatlon manifested U make till program a big success. The citizens of this place realise it la a huge undertaking, yet they know it a the biggest thing in the way of en- teruiniLci.t ever attempted and that the people of Harney county are going to appreciate it. With this fact in mind every effort will be made to bring tbe people in to take part in this eutertuiumen. Chauauu.ua weeks in neighboring lovna are the biggest events in tbe tire season with such diversified programs that please a wide circle. Js fact in no other way could the clt 'tsens ot this territory secure such ar tlaia as will perform for them right here at home. The great education al benefit to the community should Otoe lo.st sight of and the opportu nity for tiit. children, as well as the older ones, to enjoy such refined en- letaiumtiii should be appreciated. Another matter in connection with til'; Chautauqua thai is of interest is it every effort will be made to make U week one ot pleasure and comfort fQ those wlio come from OOt ot town. Hon.. ill ti,. opened to those who jnJnabi , e are accommodations at Tie hotels; rooms already have hen listed with the committee. Mitalile i amn grounds are to be lire- pard lot those who desire to bring fa Sees sar equipment for that node of living during the week. During his visit Mr. Lanham gave ;K brief outline of the program and unowned that there would be no ibitituii'M,'., therefore we may look forward iu six days of exceptional Wsrtsinmenl In regard to the Program Mr l.anham gave us the foi- The coming Chautauqua program b everj i ridence of being one that Nil sppeal to all classes of people Safe is an ahuridaiice of good music, Hstn wholesome entertainment and a and notable list of lecturers. One oi the leading figures of tbe rek win i,e I. lent. Bruno Roselli, M of the Italian army. Lieut. POaelll i an accredited i-epresetita-" oi Hi,. Iimian government and ! an enlightening lecture on on ii action problems "'' parti iiar refersnos to Italy. Two (,!,,, t j,,, turen who will at- ,a" "i U ill attention will be Mrs. C, Zehher Of Dallas, Texas, and MWThornton A. Mills. Mrs. .cluicr IpSqui icnalile one of the loreiniihl nsn lei mrera ol the country. Iks Ii a Helena 1. 1 I.., lop., ,.,, "k'nn.iiu ' Help or Hinder the Progress of Major Mill Is on.- on the ""U I ii. of the Ann than plat "osttsaeu oa page five) First Noble Grand of Local Lodge Visits Odd Fellow Brothers Members of Harney Lodge. No 77. I. t). (). F. bad as their guest on last Thursday evening, George McGowan. who was n charter member of the lodge and its first Noble Grand It wus a regular meeting night and there were three candidates for ini tiation. This caused much work for one evening and kept them late bul the boys considered It an o calon of more thun passing notice to have Mr. McGowan with them and therefore prepared a "stag feed ' with the aid of some of the wives who funisbed some salads and cakes which lie luded llin hruger, shrimps and other sin b deli cacies, which proved very appetising. 0 those present. Mr. M Oowa-i was presented with a rawhide htittom chair which he as sisted in putting vp (luring his term of office In 1884. Byron Terrill brought them in from The Dalles, knocked down, and Mr. McGowan and other members of the order put them to gether and cut the rawhide with which the seats were covered. A few of these chairs are still in the Odd Fellow building, and Mr. McOowan is to have one for his home. Another one of these chairs is being reserved for Judge William Miller. Mr. McOowan gave the lodge a fine talk on Odd Fellowship and voiced his pleasure for the privilege of be ing present, although there were none present who had been with him at the time hMerved the lodge as Its presiding officer. IN THE LOCKET OF OUR OCEAN ACE Shortly ,,fi. r the U. S. seaplane. NC-4 settled In the waters at Lis bon, Portugal, after having set the rocoA for tbe first flight across the Atlantic, this message flashed back across the ocean to American shores. "Sale, for baby and you It was from Lieut. Commander A. (' Read of the history-making craft to his young wife and baby waiting anxiously here. Tho pic ture is of Lieut. Read, wife and baby. WILL MCH CHAl'TACOUA. Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Williams, and Tim Gibson were all over In the big John son cur from Silver Creek Thursday, the men to look after some business Interests ini'1 thS ladles to do some ShopptBk and fo visit with friends. Mrs. Johnson says they are coming over here for f 'hautatiua week with out any doubt for him Isn't going to let Ktich good things happen right here at her door and not take advun tune of it. she's right. There isn't anv reason tor the people of Hanic county not taking In at leant u part Of thS bin entertainment as it Is n inai that would cost many limes what it Is atafSd for here to see or hear under ordinary circumstances Mrs. Johnson's hair Is almost white and she has seen some things, but this Is one that she known she will apprei lata, o HdfSr Williams was over from 111 ver Creel I ss oilier dej BBBb Wt i at o -.;"" easBaswaw wi tt.M -" - Z- 'r-' Measures Meet Little Favor in This County Although the two voting precincts In Hums gave substantial majorities favorable to each of the measures on the ballot for approval or rejection Tuesday, with the exception of the Lieutenant-governor measure, the Count as a whole gave a negative vote with the exception of irrigation bonds and soldiers' aid. However, word from over the state shows that five of the measures have carted: the six per rent IndchtdiU'ss. (loose. -oil highway, soldiers' and sailors' od- COMMKHCIAL ("Ultra CHOOSKH FltlDAVS MH MKKTINUH. The Commercial Club met on last Thursday evening for the purpose ol hearing the reports of committees and taking op such other matters as ! might come before It. The f liuuttiiiqun commit tc made! '- a report and alt the club members I, Mrs. C. H. Voegtly left Wednesday were urged to use their best efforts fpr Canyon City to join Mr. and MrH. toward the success of the undertak ing. The committer on by-laws asked for further time, which was ganted. A general discussion of what might be taken up by the club and the time of meetings followed the report of the committees, and It was decided by vote that the club would meet each Friday evening for the present. Other subjects were discussed, among them the advisability of holding the membership open to out of town peo- I pie and the suggestion of inaugurat ing weekly luncheon meetings. . TO OMAHA IIOHSK HALF Carroll Cecil, K. J. Williams and Albert Oakcrmsn all accompanied! their consignment of horses to thai Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Smith, ae big horse sale at Omaha. It will companled by Mrs. Harry Z. Smith bring back old times to these fellows lend her little daughter. Norma, left as this was formerly the custom wheni Thursday morning in their closed car shipping stock for the owners to go ' f r Portland, where tl.ey will visit with the consignment but of recent, the Hose Festival and take in the years most of the shipping has been nights for a short time. They will done by buyers and the ranchers mske the entire Journey in the car, stayed at home. With Smith Crane and use it to represent Harney county to chaperone them that bunch of " S parade during the festivities. Silver Creekers ought to have the ' Mr. Goldberg of the Farmers Ex- time of their lives" back there J'hT was also a member of this Nebraska. H.K KM ill III. V. Married Sunday, June 1, at the Presbyterian manse In this city, Charles W. Lohrey and Sophia Fleck. Kev. II. S. Hughes performing the lerenionv Mr. Lohrey is a stock man of the Stein's Mountain section and his bride has been a resident of' Catlow Valley for a time. The Times j Herald Joins friends In extending best wishes for a life of happiness and; prosperity. ! MFYTf i THINS MAN HIS EVEN INCAl I- THOUGHT Of, THAT THINE HIS HE DANE v.r - aiiiaaaaaiaaasj .- . Sjjajaas -- ss-sMasc ucattonal aid. market roads fait, and Irrigation bonding. The others loft, Harney county vote stoed: Six per ' cetot Indebtedness, yes 20R, no 266;! in company with his local represent. ' Industrial hospital, yes 172, no 279; ' alive, Frank Johnson, returned to Irrigation bonding, yes 22, no ISfi; ' this point from the Prlnevllle country I $fi, 000, 000.00 bond amenbment. yes .the lore part of this week. They j 189, no 2f; lieutenant governor, ys , report having disposed of several Ml. no 313; Konsevclt highway, yAn ! thousand acres more of grating and 221, no 269; $0.000, 000. 00 bond bill, ya 180, no 283; Soldiers' aid, yes 271, no 196; maket" roads tax, yes 107, no 246. w OK A IXK'AL NATCItK. Mrs. Chas. King Informs us she bns one Influenza patient at her hos-k pita!, the victim being Mrs. MeCue ' (Tom over on the Trout Creek. She : Ass a light case and is doing fine. ; Claud naason in an auto trip to Port land where they will attend the Hose festival and take In tbe Masonic and Kastern Star Orand Lodge doings. The stage from Canyon to Seneca same on over and took Mrs. Voegtly hack to Canyon. Bailey Hayes and Lloyd Johnson were up from Lawen with their daughters on Wedresday. They brought up the election return from that place and a ropy of the result was given this office. Those lellovru down there didn't believe Iu the amendments, at leaat a majority of them didn't, as no', ono measure voted on carried party. Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Cook and son Joe will leave tomorrow morning for an extended trip to coast points of the Northwest. They will go down over the Columbia highway to Port land and after a short stay in that city will go on to Seattle where they will he Joined by Miss Jean Cook at tl lose of the Cnlverslty of Wash Ington. Th party will go as far ax Hclllngham snid return to this city ths latter part of the month or the ' "r Jul- More Range Land Sold by 0. & W. . Colonization Company President W. I. Davidson, of the Oregon Western Colonization Co., ' agricultural land on their trip to and from Prlnevllle. Mr. Davidson was particularly in terested In the result of the vote on the measures on Tuesday and was seeking information from this office. He made a fcvagcr with the manager of this great religious weekly which he will have to pay when ho shows up here again, as be lost. The wager was on the result of the vote on the proposed Irrigation bonds Interest payment by the state. However, Mr. Davidson will cheerfully pay that bet as he wanted that measure to carry. They went on over to Crane where they had more land sale prospects. Among those who purchased from them since they went to Prlnevllle are the follewing: W. W. Brown, 3,200 acres; N. E. Melton, 800; B. D. Fox, 40; F. M. Wood, 1.2 mi; J. T. and H. J. Faulk ner, 1,920; Mariai. Morgan, 2,560; Itose Logan, 640; K. It. Price, 640; N. F. McCain. 60; Dave Jones. 80; L F. Willoughby, 80; H. K. Norvall, lie. Bullet Joe's Bet Pitcher "Bujlet" Joo Bush of the Boston Red Sox made a wager be could throw a baseball from home plate to second base and at no lime would the ball be over ten feot from the ground. A rope was stretched that distanco ten feet from the ground. "Bul let Joe" won his bet. That was two seasons ago BUT It Is tbe reason he Is nursing a sore arm this year and virtually useless to (be chniepioi s this season. Frank Keuny and John Koontx are In town from the Catlow country. Mr. Kenny Informed a representative of this paper thut he had a fine sea ton so fur with his flocks of sheep with un exceptionally fine wool clip, but Indication! are not favorable for lute summer range because of lack of moisture. Pater Petersen has completed shear ing his flocks and now has the wool ready for transportation to the rail road. The Times-Herald is informed from different sources that the wool Clip this season is exceptionally good and the price Is also good. This brings much money to tho growers of this county and Is no small Itism toward i lie prosperty of this pines. Owen (awlfield arrived home this week, after serving for many months with the American forces over In France. He saw much activity across the water and Is impressed with -the seriousness ot war and Its effects We huve not talked with him con darning his personal experience, as In pust instances we find the boys are t.oi very communicative on that DOlnt. ENTERTAIN RETURNED SAILORS AND SOLDIERS Banquet and Dance by Girl'' Honor Guard. MILITARY ASSOCIATION WILL MEET Big Event Planned for Men Home fr am Service in Army and Navy; Open to Public. The date set for the Oirls Nation.f Horor Guard dance for our returned soldiers and sailor:: is June I8rd the day before Chautauqua opens. Tfca occasion promises io be one long jo be remembered by Harney county boys as a flme when they recelvt-t royal treatment from the fair pa triots whose lot during the war wav to stay at home. A banquet at the Odd Fellows ban quet room will open the festlvitieri of' the evening at seven o'clock. Ade quate preparations are being made to Insure a sufficient supply of goes things to eat to satisfy a large nura ber of the ravenous ex-warriors. A few of the Items may be reminiscent of old army days and other delica cies such as no army ever saw, eveia at Christmas, and of a nature U make them think perhaps Mother didn't know all about cooking, will be provided. Immediately after tbe banquet the service men will adjourn to the Com mercial Club room down stairs and hold a business meeting of tbe re cently organized Military Association. At this time tbe committee on con stitution and by-laws will make its report submitting tbe result of their work for adoption. Other Important matters will also be taken up, ameng: them the observance of July 4th. Following the business meeting tber boys will again be guests of the Honor Guard ut a dam e in Tonawa mii. Kxcellent music, prctly girls, and the khaiki and blue of nullum, should make a combination to assure an enjoyable evening. No efforts. will be spared to show tbe boys then war time service was appreciated, aui that Harney county girls have not lost their patriotism because the nai ls over. Tbe dance will be open to the public, and a cordial Invitation in extended to everybody. Men in uni form will be admitted witbout charg. as guests of the Honor Guard girls. Personal Invitations to the banquet and dance and notice of the busiues; meeting will be sent every serviei man who can be reastied. In cast any man is overlooked, the Honoi Guard wauls It understood that Hit reason was simply because his namf was not found on the list with whfeli they have hecn provided, and noL intentionally. The schedule of the evening will be about as follews: llauquet at sev en; business meeting at eight; itrl the dame ut nine. Ol.'l. MAS-WITH KKH. (Contributed) Miss Lillian M. Oilman arid Joh'u E, P. Withers were united in holy matrimony at 4 p. m. June fith. in Burns at the Hotel Lovon- by Kpv B. S. Hughes of the Presbyterlai church. The bride is a daughter e( J. K. Oltman of this city. She is u graduate of Idaho schools and han. re sided hero the past two years, dur ing which she has made A wido' ac quaintance of friends and gained pop ularity at social gatherings. The groom is the son of Mrn. tteuu. Withers of Harney and is a wJI known young stockman of that Vj-. thin, having lived here all his life, excepting four years Hpent at hfgb school and university at Eugene. Hei enlisted in the marine corps daring: the war, hut the armistice was signed before he was culled. ' '4 The young couple left ii'l mediate ly for an extended trip to Portland and other coast points, also Butte. Montana. They will make thefi honie al Harney, where the rtu.to has a slock ranch and is engaged In stock raising. Their ninny frierfVfn; wish them a long, happy and pran perous future. Walter Ciohs and hi; son Alboi : were In town Wednesday, OfOOHISM' led bv Misses Cora and Jsgslf Wit ard.