The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 31, 1919, Image 4

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    The Times-JIerald
Ha Tfc. Largest Circulation Of Any
Newspaper In Harney County.
JULIAN HYRD . . Manager
On. Yar $2.00
9U Moatfca 1.00
Saturday, Mity 81, 1010.
(Continued from page 1)
have always felt was coming to us
from the Federal Oovernment, take
part in the l)ig reconstruction move
ment ami develop Oregon's (treat ag
ricultural resources. The plan under
Which, the money will be expended,
"viz., in cooperation with the Federal
Government, removes the danger and
uncertainties o( state reclamation.
Lnt us not lose this opportunity to
take a progressive step and begin the
development of Oregon's great re
sources in a large, substantial way.
It requires a vote for both th3
institutional amendment, ballot No.
:!06, "Yes" and also a vote for tlM
statute putting the constitutional
amendment into effect, ballot No
.".12, "Yes," to make these funds
available We should not only favor
this proposition but get out and vote
for It.
The reconstruction measure In ad
dition to providing for the issuance
of two million dollars for reclama
tion in cooperation with the Federal
Government, provides funds for land
settlement, the construction of build
ings at the Oregon Agricultural Col
lege, the University of Oregon, the
millionth Normal, hospital build
ings at Pendleton, buildings at the
Soldier's Home at Koseburg, a peni
tentiary at Salem and armories at
Astoria, Baker. Bend, LaQrande,
Medford and Marshfield.
speak their own language among
themselves. There Is no reason why
taxpayers should support school
chteanrs to perpetuate any language
but our own unless It forms a sub
ject In the curriculum.
Nobody requests these aliens to
come here. Nobody will object If
they decide to depart. But, if they
wish to partake In our destiny, let
them remove the barriers of aloof
ness, and learn to share our Ideals,
instincts, and language.
I o
M. O. Nease and some of his as
sociates in the nit prospecting field.
who are Interested in the oil well ing in their shoes.
at Dog Mountain, are still iu this
vicinity negotiating for leases of pro
perty in the vicinity of their well
Mr. Nease says this Is necessary for
the protection of the stockholders of
his concern and that It Is not the
intention to open the well and do any
more work until this is accomplished,
lie hopes to have the matter In shape
to wire for an expert to come In and
open the well within a few days,
but tbls depends upon his sucess In
securing the nooessary land to Justify.
II members of MM f.lxty-Bixlh eon
r.res.. realize all that the nation ex
pects of them tbey are probably shak-
Nn matter the toll and the travail
of the day, tf, at Its close, we can
settle down in a quiet corner with
our favorite volumn, care and fatigue
drop from us a discarded garment
and consolation is always found.
There are many more luxuries In
France than In this country. Where
anthracite coal Is $80. 00 a ton. but
ter $1.40 a pound, beefsteak $1.00
and up, eggs $1.60 a dozen, and milk
20 cents a quart, these must all be
reckoned as luxuries.
A man likes to make his vacation
as much or a contrast to his ordinary
life as possible. A railroad conduct
or simply loves to spend his vacation
making appointments and being a
little late In keeping them
Smith Crane has changed the date of
shipment of horses consigned to the
Range Horse Sale form June 8 to June
6. This is for the benefit of horsemen
in order to place the stock in good
pasture close to market to freshen up
and rest before entering the market
pens. See big adv. on page 3.
Mr. Albert Maraaty of Pittsburg is
president of the Holvak League of
America, and be seems to ho; worried
by the activities of the interior de
partment touching the subject Of
Americanization. A conference held
by the department hah been attended
j i. v representatives of foreign-bora
residents of the United Stains, and
the latter hare lifted up their voices
r rebuke. ' "
Many of tho speakers gvto warning
roust no attempt should ho made toj
force American cjtipiashlp upon an
Jilieo, for that would give h in) a rea
n to believe that this country was
bttempting' to" submerge minority
Nationality.',., Ami Mr . Wamaty was
joud Indeiiouuclng any 'attempt to
tsake foreign born residents or cit
izen discard the use of their national
I Before these foreigners tell us not
lo dare to do this or that they should
first find out the details of our pro
gram. Before accusing a man of
liuder it is advisable to produce a
urpse us evidence or at least, some
;.roof that a certain party is missing.
Who is trying to force citizenship
an aliens T 'Who is forbidding for
eign born residents to speak their
native tongue? And it would be in
teresting to learn what argument
there is against the submergence of a;
miscellany of nationalities dn tbls
moIi. Is not the American nationality
jropd enough? -'
: The attempt is obviously to cloud
Ike issue. There is, very properly,
a' movement to prevent schools from
-etching subjects in any language
ut Kuglish; there is no attempt be
inp made to forbid foreigners to
I1 tin
Payroll money puts life in
to any community. The
more payroll money put in
circulation In Oregon, the
afster we grow and stronger
we become.
Help by your patronage
to build up Oregon indus
tries whose products, sold
n the markets of the world
mean bigger payrolls for
Asocinteil Industrie-, of Oregon
In the practice of medicine
many different drugs are used.
These have frequently to be
mixed or "compounded." In
this compounding great care
must be used. Sometimes a
few grains too much of a drug
would prove fatal to the ,
patient. Or substituting one
drug for another vould be
equally dangerous.
The one great aim of this
store is
Accuracy in Prescriptions
Every ingredient must be of known purity and
strength. All must be in correct proportion.
Our prescriptionist is a master of his profession
and gives personal attention to every order. ..
We solicit your prescription custom. Our PROS
PERITY must be based on your SECURITY.
Up-to-date Novelties in
Shirley Masoned CrnestTruex
June 24-2fc-2$r2Z-fcJ$
Buy Season Ticket.
a an. i
3 i
- "
S .BBn ,n yQ jSsnvJF PasN w
wome y n in r
' 'd-tti'. itU al ilvirx ju lor. fc fci
I.. .:''.. -.Iv.i'
J SNtSW rIP 4-.n..- -J ttei i
'it- ie itftj -c jttP
y ,'"IN imkkson .fvd amtsi LOOI pirei by Mf. RM1RSOK
''-'' ' ' ' a . . :li?. ' -" j
Liberty Theatre Sunday, June 1st
-jnrv xra:
's i.
f -r
Check the list of names below for your relatives or friends who were in
active service. Help make the list complete for Harney County.
Some new names this week.
John Orotund Asmas, Herman
Muz Auerbamer. Melvin Acton, Eus-
rlK) Azii.-res, A K. Allen, Peter Itse
lf Acton, Howard C. Anders,
Arthur E. Aosgood, Donald W. Alsier.
ii. Algaard.
Walton Brown, Harry Buck, Walter
Beckley . L. L. Brown, Willis Beckley.
Olenn Brown, 'Harry Brown. Don
Bartlett. J. C. Bartlett. Carl Bartlett,
it. C. Bowman, Horace Burdette, Hod
lck Bain, Miles Brecount, Prank Ben
nett, Homer Bennett, C H. Blair, Roy
Leslie Beede, Arthur Louis Beede,
Qeorge L Bevans, Jean Bart Hal
comb, Emmitt 8. Blddle, Jess Bain,
Homer A. Barber, W. H. Barber,
Wm. M. Bennett, Jerry Barber, Robt.
W. Brown, Claud M. Baker, Qeorge
W. Baker, Chas. L. Brogan, Thos. N.
Bailey, Oren P. Brown, Thomas B.
Browning, Christ Bakopunos, ChaH.
M. Breedon, JameH Uuh-r. Nathan
Brown, Oliver Belzar, Wm. M. Ben
nett, Clarence Beckley.
A. W. Cross, Dudley Campbell,
Fred Crump, Roy Clark, J. O. Cawl
field. Charles Cawtfleld, Henry M.
Coesfleld, Peter Caldwell, Jease R.
Claypool, Augustus A. Collins, Harry
Clark, Qolded A. Collins, Arthur W.
Cox, J. A. Capps, 11. N. Culp, Qeorge
Carrol, John Carrol, Raymond Curry,
Ray Culp, Harry Custer, David Cox.
Charles Erman Dlllman, Qeorge
Dickenson, Arthur Davis, Jesse Def
enbaugh, Joe Duhalme, Treff l)u
haime, Will Duhalme, Ora E. Dick
enson, Pred B. .Dickenson, John D.
Drlggers, W. B. DaVls, Dr. Deiiman.
Melvin Denman.
Hadden Elliott, Hanry Eberly.
Ellsworth Egll.
Ouss Prahin.jTDm Pftxgerald, Floyd
Feasler, Oliver Fellows, James Pel
lows, William Frank Foster, Roy
Feely. ,
Pred Qlbbs, Qroff Robert, Qeorge
Otlbert, Henry Oeer, John Qordon,
Charley Qeorge, It. C. Qeorge, Edwin
Roy iJriiiiii, Fred Qreen, JameH
Qreen, Rufe QHorge, Cliff Ottohsl,
ItufuM Oeorge, Othel Qoff. Ed Qcod
roan, Orover Qould.
Leonard Hebensr, Roy Holly.. Eari
Hagay, Harry Hansen, Hugh liastle.,
Archie Huff, Ralph A. Holly. Cecil
fluffmanvaorrtan Vaagkn Hall, 'Rob'-'
art I. Hall, Duncan C. H,ibard. Bi L.
Haines ' '""'
Walter llnlnz. Chart Hansen,
Bhomaa Helgrr.4rtlH Milton Huh
et, Oliver D. Hotckklss, Homer' f.
Humphrey, A. L. Howard,, R. Baley
Hayes, Clifford . Hall Henry H.
Hathaway, John Q. Hoagland, MiaJb
Hecker, Jr. Albert llnxhot.
Ralph E. Irwing. David Irwin.
E. W. Jenkins, Hoy Johnson, Earl
Johnson, Hans Jetley, Jesse J. Jonesi
Joe M. Joiiuh, Arthur Jetley, True M.
Jones, Martin JOfCB, Warm-r J. Jen
keimon, Donald Joklsch, Floyd Juiiim.
Joe Kriiuiliiill. BuIhII Kirch, Jos
Koehler, Cliarlos K tnurd. Hmiry Kli
enbeck, Samual N. Keuney, Karl Key
ser, Vernie Kern, ChuHtor Known,
Adolph KlttloMou, Vit ul II. Kruger.
Albert Deaf, Deouanl Locher, Nor
man Luckey, Robert Lowe, Dorman
Doonard, FrueHt Dui-as, Itoy Dlpford,
'ililml Lewis, Kuii'iy l.tnlinir, W W.
Dawrence, Paul Dalku. MuKinley
Lowe, James Lewis, 8. D. Long, An
drew Deaf, Timothy Dane, Heury Dar
sun, Fred 11 Doreiu.
Roy Mlllerlng, John Morrell, Virgil
McCall, CharleB Myers, Earl Miller,
(Jordan Mc Williams. Dloyil Mosley,
Roy McDuffey. Lee Miller, Ralph
McKlnnou, Clarence McKjnnon, Pete
Miller. Qall C. Miller, Roy Miller,
Roy McCameron, Jack Moore, Bill
Maichaw, Dee Miller. O. E. Michel,
Rufus I. Moore, Alexander Mul'hall,
Clyde Manning, Jas. McWIIIIaniH,
Eric N. Mathows, Rodney Mat-Arthur,
William Murphy.
Traver Norton, Morris Newton.
I'Mward Natuska
Arthur B, OafOOdi Albert Olofson,
Bun oi. in .i Bert Orandorff, James
OakH, Emesi 10 Osterhout, Bni) 01
Hon. Bon Odell, Frank Outuiun. Frod
Daryl Potter, Dale Porter, O. C
Proctor, Roy C. Perry, John P. Proc
tor,, John Porter, Oliver Pour, Bmmlt
Parker, Harry Parker, Robert and
Jason Plcklesimer.
Walt Roller. Claus Rimer. Claud
Rimer, Pay Rayburn, B. B. Ralston,
Rounsevello, Dealler Riley, Henry D.
Hlchardaon, Kounsovuile, Clifford 8.
Richardson, Earl Roblsou, J. Rhodes.
Prank Smith, Robert Saunders,
Rye Smyth, Roy Skeins. Eldred Sim
mons, Henry R. Scott, Thomas Syl
vester, J. D. Singleton. Charles W.
Spencer. Do Roy Oliver Btelnke, Virgil
Eugene Shields, Oscar P. Selk. Thom
as Jefferson Blppy, Jeff Davis Hippy.
Paul Stowait, Prank Sheeban, Oliver
Soumle, Herburt Scott, Arthur E.
Simpson, Oscar P. Roll. John Sher
man, R. D. Stehpens, Alba M. sUono,
Arthur I). Schwartz, Orogory Skaletz
Charles P. Swceiniaii l'olenmn
Sklens, Lloyd P. Sherbon. Walter It
Smith, Levi B. Simpson. Prank
Smith, Alphona Shurben, Qeorgo
Smyth, Kmll Stone. Ernest Smith, Dr.
J. Shelley Saurman, A. J. Soumlea,
Qoorge Shaw, Cyrus Sweek.John Sher
man. Frod Taylor. Russel Taylor, Ralph
Taylor, Lloyd Tryan, Elbert Taylor,
Joseph Tipton, Ernest Thompson
Claud Talcott, Erucst Uraut Thomp
son, Frank W. Trlska, Frank D.Tlp
ton, Cameron Trimble.
R. W. llmbarger, Walter H. Quier.
Bert Vlnvent, W. M. Varien, . .
William Wlckert. Louie -WKAert.
Frank Wiseman, Will Walkup, John
Walkup. Foss Winn, Elijah A. Ward,
Herbert K, Ward'0. Ward,
civil.- u inn. Dee E. Waun, William
Edgar Williams, Cluud Tburlow Wil
fongT Earl Wells, 8. A. Wetterstrom,
Qeorge II Williams, Fiauk H. Walk
or. Rodny II. WllllaniM. Ff.'d A. Will
son, Anton J. WolsHont'olH, Forrest I..
Winn, Fred Walker, Joe Winters.
Alva Woodruff.
Hen Young, William Young, Clio
ter, W. Yotllt, Merl Young, August
Ino Yocum. Harry Zaugsiuu.
Name .
. a w ol
- : .5 v.; p
tin Kb ' " bfUi -
Born ..
Son of
i i - . ' . ..
- . r 1
7 (Both Parents)
Date of Promotion to rank of
Date of I i Ion to rank of
Date of I'romotlon to ruuk of
:r- ifr;
Date of Promotion to rank of
Wounded at Battle of
Date k. XLZ
Killed at Battle of.
Date .' ...
Died: Place
The Honor Roll of Harney County, Oregon
D. POTTER, Publisher
Office in Burns