State Water Board Reduced to Two Members Only Some important WittiigtiM wore niiiilo ly the Inttt loKlxlaturo in Iho watnr laws and Irrigation and drainage ! irict lnwa of tho Stuto Thi abollsh niont. of the offli-o of Superintendent of Water Division No. 1 rmluroa the Slate Water Board to two members. the State Engineer and the State Water Superintendent. The Stato Rn Kineer was given chaw of the ills Irlhution of the wati'i' of the State. with authority of overseeing the work Noted Writer and Divine Cornea First f the various water musters, which Night, tvork hus lieretofore been under the ur. wiiitMin Radar, author, journal' III and lecturer, who Pomes mi the nil, ninu' nlL'lil nl' ('lumtiiiicHin. Is nne of Division No I was given charge of ,,. )r, ,, ) t.n t llirurcs of the American the adjudication of water rights in platform. Peter Clara McFarland In the entire State and was given the Collier's rales lilm DJ one of the tlon of the district was an Individual or a community Obligation hv fixing it definitely u a coaunuBtty ohiiga- tiou. Another statute was enacted pro viding for the certification of drain age district bonds in the sumo man ner as irrigation district bonds an no w cert I lied. Summing up, therefore, much fav orable legislation whs secured affect ing reclalmnlion. In fuct, the Isat ledlslature seemed to take a more favorable view towurd reclnlmation than Its predecessors. DR. WILLIAM RADEH "Anglo-Saxon Ideals" Noted Lecture Which Has Won Name and Fame for Mrs. Zehncr of Texas uur modes! young returnee som civins man over punni imiiii leri, anil Mllen are mi iii-li more ant lions Dut arrange the d'-innhHtrJ Ions about the fit of their new tlos anyhow- they'll llko 'em. direction of the division aupertntetid- jut. The 8U)erlntendent of Wuter title of State Wuter Superintendent A constitutional amendment pro vidiug for the guaranty of the first lire years' Interest on Irrigation and drainage bonds will he submitted to the people at the coming special election. On account Of heavy dis count on drainage and Irrigation ho mis, this class of reclulmution bonds has been under u severe handi cap, which it Is believed will be lartc ly removed If this amendment is pus--eed. A statutue was enacted providing that irrigation districts may accept a part of the land of any landowner within the district us an offset again st the reclalmation charge on the remainder of his land. This will pro bably serve as a very convenient method of cooperating with the Fed eral Government. The provision of the irrigation tiistrict law relating to the validation X the procedure prior to tho Issuance nf bonds was clarified by the re-enactment of this portion of the irrigation district law. Agricultural lands Included wrtli- twetre ureal speakers of the country. 3 &?(. -?3KnBflBJKeL I:Sjaa I avaattiteai vaJ I iafl ' Mall Mil M&t iB nSev. aawC ' ' 'KflSasaT il Phone B124 ICE and Coal Delivered to your home regularly or as desired. Ice and Coal in Any Quantity FRED A. YOUNG Mrs, A. c. 7.i hner of Dnllaa, Texas das often been called "the heel indy speaker on the Americiiu pfTii furiu." t'eiinlnly i lie is i.i greater demand than nnj oiber woman for lecture work. Vot years she bus been speaking through out the country on "Anglo Hoxon Ideals," nml the deornnUa upon bar time are more timti sho can nil. She bus the happy faculty of clear thinking and bard bitting. Her lecture, al Chautauqua is one of the finest appeals Cot bciuu l:ll!aenhlp you will ever inur. The day Is coming wl all of us who can afford trips to Buropa will engage our passage In an airship. llesldes speed we shall probalm gel good veutllution. Several of I'resldent Wilson's four teen points seem to have been I ist In the scramble. And now Germany Is rallina for than, The style of his address Is marked in the limits of a municipality may wun """Piicuy. niituruiness mm rone. ins purpose is not only to entertain, but to enthuse, Inspire and Inform Would you rather have our sum mer Job in the field or the infield? now be Included In an Irrigation dis trict. This amendment was deemed necessary on account of the large area of agricultural land which Is Dr. Under was for twenty years one of the foremost ministers of Sun Fran Cisco. Of late he has been on the edl- included within the limits of some torial staff of the Philadelphia i'uhllc if the municipalities within or adjac ent to the Irrigation districts. Provision has also been made for the reclalmation of lauds In an Irriga tion district In units. Heretofore, it was necessary that every acre of ir rig-able land In a district should bo Ledger. He brings to the platform a lifetime of travel, study and keen ob servance of men and affairs. WISH AND nl in i:visi: Holland will give up the ex-Kaiser reailllv and itencrouslv. There la sessed the same as every other ir-probably ,otnlnj lhal , would r,thJ or part with. rlgable acre. This brought about a tendency to exclude land from the district, which would Increase the .im against the main body of laud notwithstanding the fact that It might be entirely feasible to Irrigate those binds at a higher cost. It will now be possible to include such lands in an irrigation district as a separate, and assess them according to the cost of reclalmation. Under the Irrigation district law as enacted in 1917, the district could not require construction bonds in excess of 25 per cent of the amount of the contract. This has been cur bed as the statute now provides that no Rii'ti bond shall be less than 1'.". per cent of the construction cost. The drainage district law was also amended In some important features ko that It now corresponds more xlosely with the Irrigation district law and all question has been eliminat ed as to whether or not the obllga- $1500 Reward! Tho or, vim, ?al ifeiniHHiiii Nevada Ll- Stuck H'oice Hell M,iiaJMfloll el which tin- miricr- i.-.i, .1 I iiMMitlirr will live (1,110 (10 n-wnrd tor evl- v (ICIHC icniiiiiit TO ley, ,) the arrest met con a. '! TN-tlnn of iiiiv Par- tyer imrUen utral- iii li nornc, rum or milieu hftouKlnir to an v of 111 mum bun. In addition mil,,, above, the iimteralgnril offer the lamt coildltiou Vm .00 for nl i bOBSS DMadad borM-ahnit liar on both or either Jaw. Brand reronled In elichl rountlea. Rang Harney, Lake and Crook countlea. Uoiaaa rented wheD told. Nena bat grown honwa sold and only In large bunchea, W. W.BROWN rife Oregon. 1 iV'Ws ajJ BREAD Better for the money than you yourself can bake in your own kitchen. Buy it here, and save yourself all the trouble and bother of "Baking Day." Cakes, Cookies, and All Kinds of Delicious Pastry Freshly Made Every Day For the next forty years the Amer ican Legion will occupy the place which the O. A. it. formerly held And thank God. their watchword Is "100 per cent Americanism." I'nrt of the old-time salt's education Is not available for the modern sailor, lie can no longer learn to splice the m. no brace. The farmer has heard the Injunc tion to "raise food." and that Is an excellent thing. Uut unfortunately the profiteer has heard It too. . FY(f- jtFWM -rgr B fl MTU "wD From Frlti to Flics but we're still swat ting 'em. Mr. House Fly. who thourlit h was getting by with something while the nation was busy with Frits idea germs had already found out that I til la going to be a tough year la the C U 8. A. This fa th time to start swatting end remember It's for ba bies welfare eiUy. Why the Essex Motor Car will be the sensation for the coming season Every part and every detail of the Essex con struction is of proved worth. It was designed and built by some of the foremost engineers of America, the same men whose genius produced the Super-Six. Many points of superiority in the Super-six which have proved themselves in yeara of service, have been incorporated into the Essex. The engine, only twenty- nine inches long, cast in one block with detachable head, readily develops more than fifty horse power. Long life is assured by the ample pro portions of the counterbalanced crank shaft, supported by three large bearinga. Eastern Oregon Auto Co. Vale, H. E. YOUNG, Prop. Ontario Will SOMETHING Happen to make you rich ? A rich niu'lt' nun- die ;in leave you a roll, hut leu rich linden have iliis habit. f yon eel richi i Im chance are you will first hove t wive enough ruoney in order to make ;in invesl nn'tit t lint will pay. There are plentv of investments for tho man with m lit i le ready cash. lint it is up to you to hiv rush. The best policy is to di'posit a port ion of your salary. i A Hunk la better than a hole In your pocket throii"!) which your money run slip away. P a I ev Make our Hunk YOUR Bank. CRANE STATE BANK CBANE. OREGON If, - OUR BREAD IS ALSO SOLD BY Farmers Exchange-Emmet Reed Burns Cash Store--Hagey's Lunaburg, Dalton & Co. Page's Sweet Shop 20,000 Acres - SAGEBRUSH LANDS with water rights for sale on Blitzen River in tracts of 80 Acres or more. Reasonable prices one-fifth cash balance easy terms, six per cent in terest. Eastern Oregon Live Stock crane Company Oregon ffl Indorsements The State Federation of Labor. The Central Labor Council of Portland. The City Commissioners of Portland through its Commissioners. m The Portland Kiwanis Club. The Portland Ad. Club. The Portland Rotary Club. The State Chamber of Commerce. The Portland Chamber of Commerce. The Men's Club of the First Congregational Church. The Hotel Men's Association. The Oregon Motor Dealers Association. Seventy-six papers in the State. Portland papers. Fifteen Granges throughout the State of Oregon. Also 1000 letters from prominent men of all walks of life throughout the State of Oregon. Vote 310 X Yes Special State Election June 3rd. Roosevelt Military Coast Highway "Oregon's Road to Prosperity." BBaaWlCaj