The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 31, 1919, Image 1

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The Tillies 'ItereM Roe re
gularly to tnore homos In Har
,.j County than any other
,. pnpor. If )u wish to
ri-iii li ill people ii" tlieae col
umns for your advertlsr-mc-at.
Ttllt 'I'lllia-- I It r.-llfl Is (in old
established tiic ml of l h people
of Harney County where It baa
hmin it weekly visitor for thirty
year. It's job department
equipped to Nerve yoar needa.
NO. 31
i -. W)
Officers Elected Wednesday
J. W. Biggs Elected Preside nl; I. S. Geer I
First Vive-President; William Farce
Memorial Services Fitting
to Occasion; People Show
Much Interest in Heroes
amino- This suggestion was
lopiwltn ii,.. .,ii, and a motion was lztttl"' that ll H money well Spent
We thkt ih.v i.,. ,r....i..,i ....,1 in,. It f generally conceded that high
Permanent organization of tho
Commercial Club was effected at a
sneetirp of the citizens of Burns on
l,jt Wednesday evening. When we
wv permanent ws mean It in the
true sen-c of the word, for from the
Interest manifested and the character
of the men present. It Is an assured
thing that this club is to be a per
manent fixture of this community in
future and that it is going to have
ttt undivided support of the business
ment of the city. This is the pro
per nd equitable method of organic
lac such a body. If it is not given
the substantial and moral support of
the property owners it Is larking In
gjectlveness v e have aroompllsned
good things in the past with organiz
ations similar and with the present
personnel of membership and officers
n may sxpet I even greater result
In the future.
One fact was patent at this meet
ing: I r.e ( ,un is going io lane iiim-
trt fool for a time and find its true
Mace on all matters of public Inter-
Ltt before .ommiting Itself, then push
hard for su. I, things as are endorsed.
The committee of ten who had
aarge of the preliminary work and
eliciting of funds, brought the mat
er before (he meeting in a very sat-
ifactory way These men, who had
lot only given the proposed orgauiz
don their individual consideration.
lad also discused the subject with
hose citizens with whom they came
ta contact with the result that they
rere able to make iUtb recommenoV
tions as met the unanimous approval
(f the men who gathered to assist
a making tbe organization perma ti
1. W. Biggs railed the meeting to
ffder and outlined the suggestions of
fee committee. They were adopted
Ifflost entirely as presented the only
teption being to enlarge In some
flames and to make more effective
It was recommended that there be
Mht men selected as directors and
B following were submitted: James
Ltmpshlre. E. H. Conser, Ben Brown,
toe Thompson. Sam Mothcrshead,
Foiie Reed Henry Delton. The men
rere at once made directors by the
ate of the citizens present.
TV permanent officers chosen were:
jr. Biggs, president; I. s. Geer
!rtvi..- president; Chas. M Faulk
ft second i..- president; (irov.-r
eaon, treasurer; Wm. Farre, sec
tary; W. K Huston, auditor.
The committee of ten futhor re-
mmeiifle.l there be four standing
Memorial Pay exercises were held
at the Liberty Theatre yesterday
morning. The house was filled to
capacity before the program was com
pleted and there was much inter. s-t
shown. .
('apt. A. W. Qowan presided and
gave iin introductory address after
Rev. (ieorge Ward offered invocation.
Music for the occasion was furnished
by a (uartet and the assembly joined
In singing the national songs.
Mrs. C. B. MeConnell delivered
Llpcoln's Gettysburg address and
Kev. J. F. Muhley gave the Memorial
address, Kev. Hughes being absent
Charles V. Kills gave an sddreai
on liolshevlstn.
The service was continued at the
cemetery following the exercises at
the theatre and there were a large
number of people out in earn. The
line of march was headed by return
ed sailors and .soldiers under the
command of Lieutenant Commander
Dr. J. 8. Knur man aud Lieut. F. A.
Fussier, respectively. A few band
instruments were secured and some
of the boys under the direction of
Chester Smith gave some inspiring
martial music for this part of tbe
At the cemetery llev. Oeorge Ward
delivered an address and the usual
ritualistic decoration of graves of
soldiers was done by ("apt. Qowan.
One feature of the occasion that
was a source of disappointment was
the failure of Lieut. Kuykendall to
arrive to present the honor flag to
Harney county for Its excellent work
lu the Victory Loan drive. He came
South American Explorer Coming
tof rmiif aiimia G WitfteM Rsy, F. R.G. S. Has Great
VnaUiailqUa Story of the Sooth American Continent
H , -aAiww I rj
sflr Lam
ML i
O. Whitfield Ray, F. R. (I. g., noted explorer, writer and lecturer. Ih coming
to (Jtiniitauqun. For many years Dr. Buy wns Official Kxplorer for the Bollvlun
(overnment. Mt. Bay. one of the peaks In the mountains of Brur.ll, was
I uumed lu his honor in recognition of his valued services for them. The
Bolivian Government gnve him a grunt of land and made him a cltlxcn. Four
teen years spent In explonitlon has established Dr. Ray's name ait the "Living
atone of South America."
In hearing Dr. Bay you will get more facts about our great Southern
Hep Hi. lbs in an hour than you could gather from dusty volumes In a year, and
Service Men Organize
Military Association
for Mutual Advantage
Service men of the county met in
the Liberty theatre yesterday after
noon and organized an association.
Sufficient officers were elected to
carry on the organization, and also
a i oiamitt. . to draw up a constitu
tion and by-lawn for Its government.
The purposes of tho association
will be to hold together tho veterans
of the World War who reside in the
county, and to promote the mutual
advancement of the members. All
men who saw service in the army,
navy or marine corps during the
titanic struggle, either abroad or at
Ii , will be eligible to member
ship. The association invites all
twice in.n U) Set In touch with the
president or secretary as soon as pos-
Joe Krumhoiz was elected pre
sident of the association; Frank
Thompson, vice president ; Karl
Hagey, secretary; and Henry Geer,
treasurer A very nominal sum was
decided upon for duesf as no barrier
is wanted In the way ot every ser
vice man becoming a member.
The next meeting of the association
will be held on the same evening and
Just before a dance to be given in
honor of returned service men by the
Girls Honor Guard. The date of the
Dates Set for June 24th to
Reservations for Roods Should be Made
Early; Canping Grounds
Kvery citizen within the borders of
Harney county should boost for the
Chautauqua. The dates have been
set for June 24-29, inclusive, and tho
people ot Burns are going to do their
part toward making this the great
est entertainment and educational
feature that has ever been attempted
In the county. Next week it is hoped
to have a representtlve of the Ellison
White Chautauqua Sysem here to aid
in organizing and starting the sale
of tickets and arranging details.
Burns is going to be host to the
entire county on that occasion and
extends a most cordial invitation to
all the citizens to take in the entire
six days of entertainment. It is a
treat worth every effort. Grounds
have been secured and the committee
appointed by the Commercial club
is preparing to put them In shape
and to advertise the great event
meeting and dance will be announced for that ,8 Whttl K '" Bnd what eV"
told In the sliape of a channijn; narrative. Instructive, amusliig und Uirllilngly in later issue, after the Honor ! ery Individual attending will vouch
iutei. si ,,-.
MAHONH GRAND MANTKIt Faulkner of Burns Lodge acted as
VIMITS in its Loik.K. t0ttM, master on this occasion and
this feature proved most entertaln-
F. W. Scltlcmler, Grand Master of lng aud enjoyable as several of the
the Masonic fraternity of Oregon, visitors gave talks and some of the
up to Bend nnd found It Impossible I niade an official visit to Burns Lodge, Io. a! members made remarks. It
to get here in time for the program, No 97 " Ihursday evening. He proved a very attractive affair and
i,,1.r,r, ih.. Urn? I,, iiv the Vrnv "as greeted by a large reprcsenta- one that will be remembered by
Stage with bis regrets.
The day was roost fittingly and
impressively observed and our fallen
soldiers suitably remembered.
Hon of the order and expressed a those present, as it brought together
deep appreciation of the reception many members who had not gathered
extended to him and the excellent for a long time. There were many
work done by the local lodge in con- visitors from out of town, among
ferrlng the Third Degree. them being: Chas. Owen of Silvio;
I Mr. Settleroier came In by way of O. A. (oilier, D. R. Thorn, F. C.
HKCOXSTRI'CTIOX AND Can von city and was accompanied Dibble, W. L. Best, of 8llver Creek;
RK I.AMATION hii.i.s ()V,.r by several Masons from that Clarence Cary, Will Flser, Sid McNeil
j place. These visitors were warmly and Fred Kegler Of Crane, J. It.
Will Oregon be among the states welcomed by the local boys who have Faulkstadt of Happy Valley; Ira
to take advantage of the Govern- L warm spot for the Canyon bunch- Mahon of Cow Creek,
ment's reconstruction program? This one they deserve as they are cer-. The affair was looked after by
will depend upon whether or not theltalnly good fellows. I the master of the Lodge. Chas. M.
constitutional amendment and statute Iq company with the Grand Master Faulkner and some of his officers and
to make it effective would make tho following came over from Can- enthusiastic members. It is a source
possible the expenditure of Four Mil- yen: H L. Kuhl, Jake Blank, Wm ,r pride to the team of the Lodge
lion Dollars In reclamation in Oregon, ajchroeder. Dr. F. II Hunter. Walter that they were congratulated upon
only half of which tho people of T ("lav. and W. C Mason the hitter tl xcollenee of the work the Cnitiil
Oregon would be. called upon to pro. being accompanied by his wife, form-' Master making his praise so genuine
vide No money may be expended ,.ry Miss Gladys Woldenberg. who and sincere they "Were all swelled
for reclamation unless the Federal resided here during her girlhood. up."
Government expends an equal amou-. Following the official visit of the Mr. Settlemler left yesterday
nt. This has the double advantage Grand Master and the Initiation morning for Lakevlew accompanied
of not only securing two dollars for ceremony the lodge was eloeed and n by Chas. M. Faulkner and Henry Dal-
fiuard committee has completed itsi,or B,ler w,lnra",n lne umereni
arrangements. Service men are ,n. numbers to be given us during the
vit.-d to attend both functions. The . ",x Aayn
dame will be public, but men in Harney county has never before
uniform will h :.,l mil i.-.l wit ! "eujpieu sucu an unueriaKing as
TllltKf. ll!I.IHil; misi:
Three small children were burned
to death in a cabin near the Melvin
to finance a thautauqua. but the
people have given the Kllison-Whlte
System a guarantee. The entertain
ment coming will give our children
and those of us who seldom get to
outside points the benefit of the best
talent obtainable.
We should all
one, but also of providing additional ,,. banquet spread before the
safeguards around the expenditure Ku,.Kts. Worshipful Master Chas. M.
of the funds. These funds are not, n
limited to irrigation purposes but
may be used for drainage, dyking,
the reclamation of logged off lauds,
or any other form of land re lain-,
We are expending millions on
road construction with tho full real-1
ton who act as his escort to that
asenhlp each to selected by
R board or directors and the preeld-N-
These committees are Kxe.ut
II; finance entertainment and nol-
let- Tile hl.l , U'r. enmmlt t..,.a l.
of Hire.; members each and
t two of five mem hers. The
Ndent and secretary are to be
1-oS.i i. members of nil commit lees.
Preside,,, Rgg appointed the to!
in? v a (ommiltec. on I, -laws:
(' '' A. W. Gowan, J. J.
PD,,Sai. This committee will Ilka.
In readiness to report at the
"l meeting of the club.
Te soliciting committee that had
PSSVl lng the citizens of the
ISported monthly subscriptions
amount of $307.50 and are
Mdent this w)n be rtti8e( to $350
vTal had not designated the
MM of their subscriptions.
"e Chautauqua was brought up
MIk-ukhIoii ana thl. ,.ub annotated
'omiiiiH,,. , have charge of the
rlln This consists of Julian
fM "arl Conser, Charles W. Kills,
h McDonald and Joe Thompson.
1 Pound 1 bosen for this affair
f"- ih,. , . ..1. ... .1...
.'Ml J.JIM 1,1,111, O, I,,.'
ways should be paid tor by ihe gea ;
eral public even when their conidrtic-
Hon Is of especial benefit to uiljiu cut '
land owners or the immediate coin-1
munlty through which they are con-'
trusted. On the other hand, re-.
la man. .11 is paid for hy the individ
ual who owns the laud which re.eUes
the benefit. In the case of reclama
tion the slate gets Its money hack
with interest in addition to carrying '
ou a public development of state-.
wide benefit.
There are many of those in the1
state who have long felt something
should ho done to facilitate develop
ment along agricultural lines, but
have been skeptical of the various ,
plans proposed. The plan now sub
mitted is so unquestionably sound
and safe that it seems to come as a
long sought opportunity to do some
thing for reclamation.
The reconstruction measure also '
presents an opportunity to get what
(Continued on page 4)
generally expressed that the ploneera
i,e givea tin entire day ot July Ird
and that Hie III, 0! Jul) .el. I. rat ion
annual 1 eetlng of the Harney be turned over to returned ddlei
. c ' aociatlon i lie and sailors.
. on July Srd was I The stub will bold itber pawl
.I was tin- desiie nj on next Thursday evening.
DOM ranch at Fields on last Saturday
The Times-Herald received this
information early in the week but
has not been able to escure much
definite information. Tho scene of
the distressing accident was at a
shearing camp where many men were
at work. The mother of one ot the
children and Mr. Doan were within
a few feet of them when the fire was
discovered but there was but one
door to Ihe cabin and the fire was
between the door and tho children.
According to our informant, it
was shortly after breakfust when It
happened. The shearers had finished
the meal and gone to the corrall for
their work and Mr. Doan had remain
ed In the tent adjoining the cabin to
aid the lady in caring for the dishes !
They heard the children scream and
started to rescue them but the lire
drove them hack. Two of the child-1
ren belonged to Domingo Seholla, who'
lost his wlie last fall with influenza,
the other was the child of a Basque.
All three were under six years of ag
taJte advantge of it. Such oppor
tunities are not often in our reach
and we have had such a long period
of depression doing practically noth
ing but war work and battling with
the flu. Now let us prepare to se
cure some of the worth while things
of life. Hear the best lectures, mu
sic, dramatic readers and give our
children the advantage of refined en
tertlnment. People of this county should make
arrangements to give up the entire
ueek to enjoying this extraordinary
opportunity, Beservations for
rooms should be looked after, or, if
they prefer, convenient and pleasant
camp grounds are to be provided.
1 The weather should he fine during
that week, arid camp lite would be
be an enjoyable feature.
Watch for program and detailed
inform! ion of t lie big show in a later
Mrs. Obi! Shnttuck proved her-
seir a delightful hostess at tho F.v
MII.KK 1.1:1:1 'ni yi COMBS
, BACK TO I'Olt.MFB HeMi: I perlment Station last Saturday even-
flnii when she gave farewell sur-
Miles llrecount. another one of the I pries party to Miss Kthol Hansen.
Harney county boys who volunteered j Miss Hansen has just completed
his service to the government during a term of school in the Bye GraBs
the war, was recently mustered out j district, aud will soon leaw for her
of the aviation department am! spent i hie ,., ia Grande. Oregon. She
a few days In his city during this j has made many warm friends among
week. He vas accompanied lu (hi residents of the district during
from Ontario by his brother Arthur, her short stay, and their good wishes
He met a hearty welcome from his will follow her to her home.
many former friends and enjoyed The evening was spent with do
hls, stay In town. Miles retired with Ughifui music furnished by Mr.
the rank of Master F.lectrlciau. i Homer Keel, Mrs. Shnttuck, and
saw much activity during his sojourn I Miss Hansen. Qemos and guessing
over the sous, going up almost every contests were other features of tho
day. Ills stories of the life of the cventng.'s entertainment Mrs.
army men and of the scones and
customs of tho people of 111 11 war
stricken territory are most interest
ing. Mr. llrecount has not decided
definitely what he will do. At pres
ent he will visit and see what oppor
tunities are offered him He had an
opportunity to go to work for an
auto tire concern In Seattle on a
good salary but declined until he
could visit this section and discuss
business affairs with former associat
es and employers.
Clyde Weittenhlller, of Crane, was
the lucky guesser and received a
large box of homo made candy.
Kosolle Peed received second prize.
Ieo cream and cake were served
at a late hour.
Among those present were Mr.
aud Mrs. J. W. Farson, Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Wheelon and children, Mr. and
Mrs. Homer Beod and Roselle Reed..
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Weittenhlller and
son Lavine, Mr. and Mrs. Rodnev
Cozud and daughter Victoria, Mrs.
Kthel Jones. Mrs. Lena Varlaa,
Misses Lois Sweek, Helene Daltoi.
Pearl BllU. Gladys, M SI PI
Mrs. Raymond Slzmnoro look her
departure Wednesday for Portland
where she will visit with her mother I Franklin Vatian, Shlngledecker. Ka.
.,,, UL,.. -.. . .i..i. W.ivninii.1 will llnwser. Cliarles Delisted,, Aivu
.... .-,.. I,., ,. ....... .............. .....
remain in ihls city for the present iireithaupt. Waller Coolsy, Hen
bat , (,1, templates a trip east and will and William Marl, ami Call l.ui;di.n.
Join his uifo later in Portlaud.
V. Q, Coa, I.