The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 17, 1919, Image 8

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    Statement of Condition
The First National Bank
of Burns, Oregon
at close of business May 12, 1919.
Loans and Discounts $586,122.06
U. S. Bonds 97,600.00
U. S. Treasury Certificates 24,000.00
Stocks and Securities 28,193.75
Stock in Federal Reserve Bank 3,000.00
Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 9,000.00
Five Per Cent Redemption Fund 2,500.00
Cash on Hand and in Banks 110,312.37
Capital Stock $ 50,000.00
Surplus Fund .' 50,000.00
Undivided Profits 33,535.73
Circulation 50,000.00
Bills Payable (Liberty Loan Account) 25,000.00
Rediscounts with Federal Reserve and
other Banks 150,115.24
Deposits 502,077.21
United States Depositary
Oregon State Depositary
Accounts Invited
On!, barley and wheat for tale at
Perry's Barn.
James Westotv was hi town for a
few dayn this week from Crane.
Iijer Kins Toilet
Welcome Pharmacy.
W. T. Vanderveer was a business
Tlsltor to our city Thursday.
Tice Schull was a business visitor
to our city the fore part of this week.
Grant Reynolds will grease your
windmill for you dur'ng the sun.mer.
Call phone No. GM7. tf
R. H. Brown spent a few days in
town this week attending to some
business affaire.
It would be a shame if his picture
and record were left out of the Hon
or Roll. Read the list of names on
page four.
Joe Tompson and family and his
mother and Miss Leona Tompson
Tuesday and Wednesday at the W. H.
Robertson farm near Drewsey.
The stock men of this vicinity are
getting together for mutual benefit.
It is time. They Just as well have
things in better shape than other
M. and Mrs. Wm. Farre returned
Monday from Canyon City where
they had been for a few days. Their
little daughter, Kathrlne, remained
in Canyon to visit for a time.
Walter Cross and his son Archie,
accompanied by Miss Cora Shepard
came down from their Trout Creek
home Tuesday. They were here to
do some shopping and to attend the
meeting of the Stock Association.
Mrs. Geo. A. Smyth was in town
for a few days this week in company
with her sister Mrs. A. E. Brown.
They had the privilege of attending
a meeting of the Eastern Star while
in town and participating in a social
time following the business meeting
of the Chapter.
Batteries repaired properly. Jack
I. L, Poujade was in town this
Are there any names missing? Read
page four.
Will he be left out? See the Hon
or Roll advertisement on page four.
James Pirle was in town Tuesday
to attend a meeting of the Burns
Cattle & Horse Growers Association.
Frank Matuey who was operated
on by Dr. J. Shelley Saurman last
week in at the Flreoved hospital mak
ing a very good recovery.
'tunc in and see the bakery goods.
We don't keep it on display In the
window because the sua dries it out
rapidly. Page's Sweet Shop.
Mrs. F. E. Swope and her children
were passengers out on Wray's Stage
Wednesday enroute to Portland
where tbey go to visit for a short
time with relatives.
A. E. Smith, the merchant at Hlit
zen, was in the city during this week
attending to some business. He was
accompanied In by Arthur Moore, a
young man who is his asslateat in the
I. N. Hughet and wife and son
were business visitors from their
ranch near the head of Harney Lake
on Tuesday and Wednesday. P. O.
Smith came in with them to attend
the meeting of the Stock Association
of which lie is president.
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Barber ami !
children arrived here Sunday even
ing from Ashland where they iiad
been since last fall. Mr Barber had
work there with the railroad but had
to return to resume his residence on
his homestead in Callow.
Bruce Parker, son of Mr. and Mrs.
W. B. Parker, of Paisley, Sunday had
the mlsfotune to tear out one of the
fingers of bis right hand which be
came caught In a rope loop while he
was engaged in branding cattle. He
was brought to this city by auto, and
the injured hand was cared for by
Dr. H. E. Kelty. Lakevlew Examin
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Brown and
their sons, Harry and Glenn, were
visitors in our city for a few days
during this week. The boys were
both in the army, Harry getting only
to New York, but Glenn volunteered
before and was In the aviation de
partment. He spent several months
in France and saw considerable ser
vice In his capacity as a machinist.
The young man Hccured some tint M
commendations as to his prnfb itaney
mechanic upon being discharged.
He was mustered out in April.
A reasonable reward will be paid
for Information leading to the recov
ery of a white faced Hereford hull
branded JP on right ribs also IX on
one hip nnd Q on the other; marked others
wattle behind the right ear. -Jamos mmmmm
Oard, Saddlebutto, Oregon.
Mrs. Arthur Turner took her U
parture Thursday enroute to Taiomu,
where she will visit her mother, go
ing later to Yakima to visit with Iht
sisters, Mrs. Beebe and Mrs. Davis.
Mrs. Turner went out in company1
with the Clemens' who were going to
Pendleton to reside.
C. A. Harlan, of the Crane Mercan
tile Co., wu a visitor to our city
Battery and electrical repair work,
oxv-acetylene welding. Jack Mc
Dandelion greens will be the next
seasonable dish. It costs nothing ex
cept ttme and labor.
la his name there? Turn to page
four and read the Honor Roll adver
tisement. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. James and Mr.
and Mrs. Jesse Main were down from
their homes near Harney on Wednes
day. School Supt. Clark arrived home
Monday from Prlnevlllc where she
had been on business for a week and
to visit relatives.
For Sale- J35 Vlctrola nnd 24
double records. Perfect ondltlam.
Price $25. Phone B60 cm iddress
Box 24S. Burns. f
A pair of ladies cream colored kid
gloves was found In Tonawnma fol
lowing the Victory Ball. Owner will
find them at this office.
Tba management of the Victory
Hall still has some trophies on hand
which It will be glad ;j return to the
owner- on proper Identification.
Mrs Archie McGown was up from
Crane (ha fore part or this week vis
iting with relatives and (MottdS and
also attending the Eastern Star Chap
ter Monday night.
Atty. .1. W Mi-Ciilloch Is here from
his ho-"c at Ontario looking alter
some legal business. He Is going
on over to Lakevlew on business be
fore the courts of that county.
Mrs. Prank Dibble and her son
Willie came over from Silver Creek
Thursday and while In town Mrs.
Dibble took suddenly 111 requiring
the attention of her physician. She
Is better.
Mrs. Chas. M. Faulkner and her
children have gone to Lake county
to visit with her mother for a time.
Mrs. Snelllng had been visiting with
them In this city for a few weeks and
upon her return they accompanied
Mrs. J. E. Rounsevello left In com
pany with Lester Hamilton for' the
south end of the county Wednesday.
Word had been received that her
mother was 111, end she hurriedly
made her departure to see what she
could do. .
Cat Clemens and family left Thurs
day for Pendleton where they will
make their home for the next few
years, at least. They have leased
their property In this vicinity and
Will take up tbelr residence upon a '
big farm near Pendleton. They took
their stock with them.
A number of Crane visitors were
up from Crane Thursday evening.
Crank Thompson and J. E. Van Wyn
garden came up to recleve their first
degree In Masonry, and Samuel Tlin
broll for his second. McKlnloy
Thompson. William H. Flser, and
Italph Weaver came up to assist their
friends. v
iir. and Mrs. Obll Rhattuck were
In yesterday from the Experiment
Station for the first time since con
tracting the Influenza Mr. Slial
tuck said It had no respect for his
wishes as he took the disease right
at the tine lie should have lieen
doing some of his most particular
work In the field. However, he got
the work done by the assistance of
Maurlne for Milady's Beauty.
Wnli ii I'l,.ii nun
Try oar banana cream plea. They
are delicious. Page's Sweet Shop, tf
Mrs. Kdward Street, who has been
under the care of Dr. J. Shelley Saur
man at the Flreoved hospital the
peat week, left during tb,o week ror
her home at Fife, Oregon.
George Parsons was brought up
from the Sunaet section during, the
week for medical attention and was
taken to the hospital where he Is be
ing attended by Dr. Smith.
A. H. Hollls, one of the pioneer
stockmen of the Andrews section, has
been in this vicinity for several days
looking after some business interests
and meeting friends. Although Mr.
Hollls has been a resident of this
county for twenty-six years, this Is
his first visit to Burns.
Sale of Red Cross yarn starts Tues
day, May 20, and continues until Sat
urday. May 24, dally from 2 to 5 p.
m. Two doors north of post office,
gray and khaki yarn for sweaters
$3.00 a pound; white sock yarn $2.60
a pound. Money and postage must
accompany all mall orders. Members
are requested to send all yarn and
knitted goods in to the Burns chapter
at once.
i Chairman Knitting Committee.
The First Baptist Chnirh.
Sunday. April 6th, 1919.
Sunday school beginning at 9:46,
A. M.
Preacblngat 11 o'clock.
What God Would Have l's Seek.
Evening worship beginning at 8
P. M.
Be Sure Your Sla Will Find You
Prayer meeting oa Thursday even
ing of each week.
Everybody Is invited to attend the
Services at !!: o''ock.
The Testimonial Meeting, Wednes
day at 7:30 P. M.
The reading room la the church
Edifice, Is open oe Tuesday and Fri
day from 2 te 4 P. M.
Sunday School meets en Sunday el
IS o'clock.
Pupils may be admitted to Its
claaaes up to the age ef 2S years.
The public is cordially Invited to
the Church Sevlcea and te the Read
ing Room. ,
Sabbath school IS A. M.
Preaching, I I A. M
Young Peoples' Meeting 7 P. M.
Preaching $ P. M.
Wednesday evening prayer meeting
Bible study class Friday evening.
HKV. GEO. WARD. Pastor.
B. 8., Pastor.
Sunday school at 10 A. M.
I'nlon services In the Heed build
ing on Main street.
Report of the Condition of the
Harney County National Bank
of Burns, Oregon
May 12, 1919.
Loans and Discounts $371,476.00
United States Bend 34,500.00
Liberty Loan Bonds 65,900.00
United States Treasury Certificates 50,000.00
Bonds and Securities 49,060.42
Furniture and Fixtures 3,500.00
Real Estate Owned 1,000.00
Redemption Fund 1,175.00
Cash and Exchange 128,558.34
Capital Stock $ 26,000.00
Surplus 52,000.00
Undivided Profits 4,458.14
National Currency 23,500.00
Deposits 599,211.62
The Reconstructive Tonic Nothing Better for
Enriching the Blood and Putting "Pen" into
your system. $1.00 per 16 fluid ounces.
The Rexall Drug Store
Is your business standing still? Did you do more f
business last month than the month before?
Perhaps it is your advertising.
Our Autocaster AD ART cuts will lend life and snap
to your copy. Ask about them they are part of our
service free to advertisers. Our service in writing
or preparing your copy is another feature in which I
we have no competition.
iJhone for the Ad Man when you have a problem to
solve. This will insure your ad being typograph
ically the way you want it, and may help to give it1
the necessary "pull" so essential to its success.
Every prospective purchaser of anything
you have to sell or want publicity for in this
county reads The Times-Herald. Has a
greater circulation than all other county
papers combined.
W. B. Johnson was In town Tues
day 'gassing" with his friends. Mr.
Johnson stated to a representative
nf till tiurt,- Ih.l tt... nAnM.-..l I.
w .u... , xni i ,,.. jii ,j,f,nr-i j -
rigaion project on Silver Creek was
progressing slowly. They have or
ganized an Irrigation district and he
Is one of the directors. The pro
position of impounding (be water is
a big problem and the matter requir
es much detail work before the real
work begins. Mr. Johnson said the
mailer of adjudicating the rights of
the riparian owners was out) thing
Mint would be done at O00e In order
to have that out of the way when
the other work begins.
Including the latest and
Spring and Summer
Exclusive agent for Victor
Tailoring Company with a
full line of
Spring Sample for
Women's Suits and
J - IP!
I Mrs. Lelah Millar II j
i uir nt-nwari. rttort'
1 1
Get Ready for the
Burns Chautauqua Week
June 24-25-26-27-28-29
Spend the entire week in the city.
Make your plans now, and be sure of