' !j to icn -rm op IH AMiKUTtlFL 1 "fOU'U JUST ry SU IT OHF0RtC SAK6, r0l 5TIU pn;rv HOME SWEET HOME lth A JIFFX, WIU VoO.AH' vtt qct'creve!' him. U A 56CWOr Inert l"X. ould lot imp- I fw is vboo 7 x f.r.L ,tZ,j oer ootta w way i rzr 1 nrnirnT'km w ft0"r, Yes "-" -tm a 1 I Ss-arv rJg?" i CfifTSsEJ aikr f Easy yp iTN-ivl 1 vwiua : i iswts? Jbm pbiHiiP wwss? MMk-m'-i . by (J uKm i O' Jsck All .rHwJA Wilson V-l I'SfeiR'M to to iit- lcd gan root fog nt led "ITU te d ML J. Shelley Saurman, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office at I. II. Holland Residence Hums, Oregon DR. B. F. SMITH Physician and Surgeon Burns, Oregon Office at residence. Dr. liridith nii-r home. Phone No. it for 0. CU. CHARY r s Phvsiclan and Surgeon. Burns, - - - Oregon. Officr on second floor Tonawnma Bldg. 'Phone Main So. DENMAN & DENMAN. Physicians and Surgeons Oills answered promptly night or day Thone ll.irnmati. Harriman, Oregon L. E. HiBSARD DE1TTIST Office first door i-l photo gallery Barns. Oregon. Toilet Accessories The appreciative woman take! very Keen interest in ber personal appearance, which she should do. Every woman's first duty is to herself. Nature will do much to preserve good looks, but art can assist greatly. Toilet accessories, if used with discretion, are very helpful. See our lOtendid assortment of Toilet Soaps, Medicated Soajw, Toilet CrMUML Toilet Water.-, Talcum Powdeir, Complexion Powder, and Perfumes in an endle-ss variety. WELCOME PHARMACY REAL ESTATE Wit h tin return of normal condition t here trill come u demand for lienl Kutote injlm ney County. I do nol particularly waul an option on your property uor m coutrac'l tor (tale on, cornmiHMion, I 1 1 1 i denire ;i iisi of every kind of property, ieal r perHonal, fop nala or de in Uarney lloutity in order to ja;ive full and accurate information to mimeroiiH inquiries from prbHpective inventors, and to lrini' ln ern .'mil M'll i n tog(-?l hi r. (Jan offer dcnirabli) town lota, acreap and choice city property h ouk and hayranchew raw or partly improved Huireb-rtiKh laml for nale uIho farm uear Burnt! fop lease. LAND PRACTICE I 'ilii-it your busineuH such aii upplicationw foretll i'.v, si iov lugs, nflidii its, coutei tfl ami trials before the Local Land Ofitco, aud fippeals etc., before t (ri'iiirni Land Offlw t he Interior. INSURANCE IJe absolutely safe in i In- ( olonial Of "Aoitli lint II Ii '.lit ile". My Companies pay all pi ompl I; . Wm. Farre Tonawama Building Burns, - - - Oregon OiAUkfi W. EULIS LAWYER Burns, - . Oregon Practice fore tin- I the Stalo Courts mill he I .mi-1 Otnee. IIKUM UN VON SCHMALZ A ' orney at Law I miteiis HI ! ic'iee hefom ' . S. land i 'like a specially uiti.e: ftj P.Mjj. next door to poat i llli'' llurna. Oregon (Jhsv. ii. Leonard, A'l TDKSKY-AT-r.AW, Careful attention given to Colled tiotiH unit lioal Estate iimHers. 1'iro Insurance. Notary Pultlio Uuhnb. Okkuon. BRUCE R. KESTER Attorney at Law Land Office Practice Land Scrip for Sale Vale, Oregon M. A. BIGGS Attorney at Law I. O. O. F. Bldg., Burna, Oregon lie ' 'oi.iniis iontM' i and t In- Mecrel it i t t and insure your property a- Mer- lossi'S NOT108 M)lt PtlULIOATION. IWITBD HTA'i KH LAND OVPIOl IliiniM, Oregon, April IS, lilt! N'ollee ia horeby given that Dole Smith, or Hurmi, Oregon, who, on, April IS, 1914, made Homestead Bn tr. No 07:t8ii. for HWKSWV, . 21: N'NMi, 8M1NW14, SW'4N.:li, Beotlotl 'i'i. Townaliip 20 8., ItiniKe :to k. vVlUaiutta Meridiun, baa tllsd notloa Of Iiilentlon to make final1 three-year proof, to Mtabliib olalm to tb" '; nl iiliove denrlbed, before Etefblter and Itoeulver, at lliirn, ore gon, on the 11th day of June. 1919. Clu. mant namoM ax witnesses: l.uie Mine, tieorge R Wliltlng, Ida WblfliiK. liuil Fluke, utl of Burna, Oregon. I V. G. C'OZAD, Keglater. NOTIOI FOB I'l'HLIf.V I II ) UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE II iriiH, Oregon, April 28, 199 , Notho la hereby glvn that William w. Nli hols, of The Dallas), Oregon, who. en June 1, 1909. made Desert-1 Lund Blltry. No. 0324:1. Tor HWVi, Beetlon 17, Townaliip 26 S., Kauge :il K.. Wlllrt'iiette Merldinn. has filed notice of intention to make final proof, to eTtabtlsa claim te the land above described, before Raglatsr and e. gl Hums. Oregon, on Ihe 31st day of May. 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Bd Iforgaa, Bdward Koeaemann Charles N Ibanti a. D. Jones, all of Narrovs, Oregon. V. G. COZAD, lttglater. KOTTCB fXP. PUBLICATION DN1T8D STATE8 LAND OFFICE Burns, Oregon, April 14, 1919 Notice la hereby given that Jacob M. K'i bsaapargsr, of Uatesviiie. Ore gon, v!:o, on July :!0, 1914. made Homestead Entry, No. 07(545. lor EV4, Section IS. Townahlp II B RanaU -I B.i Willamette Meridian, has riled notice of Intention to make final three-year proof, to establish claim to the land abOfS ds i rlhed, before W. N. Monroe, I'. H. Commla siouer 'i his offtos, at Cajlow, or. gun, on ihe ir.th day or June, 1919 Clatn amea as witnesses: Oliver Miller. Johnson Downs. Aubery Uebner, n. F. K"iie. all or i itlov ' . oi v o, COZ n. '- itater. NOTICE FOR lt 'BLICATION UNITED 8TATE8 LAND OFFICE Burns, Oregon, April 5. 1919. NOtlCS Is hereby givi n that I' Kirseb, heir of Basil A. Kiraeb, of Staytou, OreKon. who. on I September 2&. 1916, made Home Stead Entry No. 08366. for NElH I SK ' , , :'E ', NE ' , See. I I , N ''jSW ' i . I w. . Sec. 12. Township' II B Rsns II F . Vlllamelle Meridian, h.i I Ud DOties Of Intention lo make .inai thrss year Proof, to satabllab liiiin t.i the land abOTs described, before Itegistor and Reesirer, at Burns, Oregon, on tho 24th or May, lilt, I'iiltnant nainea an witnesses: ii. (i Wlsegarver, of Bend, Oregon ; Meivin Kundert, of Bocaiey, Oregon; Wm Carroll, of Hurna, Oregon; and hriu.c's Klrsch, Of Criterion, Oregon v. c. vi),t. Register JOHN (JKMIJKItlilNG, Jowelor ))! K'lil.i I ,ll'l-.l ( I . .111(1 Pine Witch Repairiasj a Bpocialty. .. ---.; Inland Empire Realty Co A. A. TRAlUOTT, Proprietor REAL ESTATE Bought soltl and exchanged Farm Ranch and Building Loans MILUEPRlMirS LOANS MADE ON APFLHA 'HON DIRECT IN VESTMENT IUIOKER Phone 30 or G 120 NOTIOII or t'ONTKHT UNITKD 8TATKS I.ANO OfFIOl Hurnu, Oregon, May 1, I !l ". Notloa Ih hereby m i v i 1 1 that Robert A. Hauder.i, of Huntex. Orei;on, who. on June 10, I9i:i, nuule llonieatead Entry, No. or4, fer w;.. '', KViSWVi. Hertlon , TowiiMhlp L'2 8., ItangH 26 K., Wlllamnttn Meridian, Inn. filed notice of Intention to make rinal three-year proof, to extabllah iliilm to the hiiiil above deKirtbed. be fore Keglater and Keeelver. at Hurnu, Oregon, on the &th day of June, 1919. Claimant iiuniea as wltneHHea: Krunk V. Dibble, W. Bauer. II. A. Dibble and Itlley, Oregon. V. O. Win. Amort, all ,f COZAD, Keglater NOTIOB FOB PUBLICATION UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE Bunas. Oregon. April IS, 1919. Notice Is hereby given that Morris Klkaii. of Seattle. Washington, who. on May 29, 1911 made Desert-Land Entry, No. 06481, for NE'4. Section 8, Townahlp 2li 8.. Katige 30 E , Wil lamette Meridian, baa filed notice !' '"' '""" '" "" "nal I 'roof un - " i'icraph or Act of Marsh : "" '!y uurt1"tt"' , l1"1'" l",1,h" "u"1 u,nuv.r fJMTlsSjd. before Beglater and Benlver. at Hums, Oregon, on tho 26th day of ' May. 1916. Claimant mimes as witnc.isex: Henry PCUSS Hiid Alonzo I'ease. both or Venator. Oregon; D. E. Mor gan, or Bums, Oregon; and George Parson, ol Narrows, Oregon. V. O. Coxad. Bcglster PUBLICATION. NOTICE FOB UNITFD STATES LAND OFFIC. Burns, Oregon, May 5. 1919. Notice la horeby given that An drew Tai:gart. of Sllvle. Oregon, who. on June it, ivit. miii aiurcn ; 21. 1010, ti.aile llomedead Entries,1 No. 076&3--08581. for NWUNBU.I :. ',:sw ', . sw4.nwv4 V'4-NWV' sw',sw4.(out ()f ,,. (Mr,.ul rourt of fn 8ta( , , "" ?'" r.daf Oregon, for Harney Countv. and nshlp 19 S.. Kange ..2 , . ()r,.,..(1 ,, ti, 2th day of I See. 17; SE Sec IS, Tow Iv. Willamette Meridian, has filed not lee of Intention lo make final throe-year I'roof, to establish claim to the land above deterlbi d. before Register sad Recetiwr, ai Buros. Ors : 1. 1. on the ll'ih day of June. 1919. Cl'.umuiil names aa w line Dave Craddock, Charles O. Owe-ja, Ai.l.." i r;)im. anal Earl Mattix. all ot siivi.i. Oregcn. v. Ci. Cosad. ileglslMr. SUMMONS. a IX THE CIRCUIT OOUBT OF THE STATE OF OREGON. BOUNTY OF HARNEY Dora ii. Waid. Plaint Iff, vs. Charles Waid, Defendant. TO CHARLES Waid. Defendant:- IN 'I HE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON You are hereby re quired to appear and answer tho Complaint tiled agulusl you In the above entitled Suit on or before the 14th day of June. 1919; and ir you fall to so Appear aud Answer, for want thereof, the I'lalntlfi will apply lo the Court for the relief prayed ror in iia'd Complaint; namely, a Decree of Drvoros disserving the bonds or matrlmOB) CXUtlng between I'lain- .f and Defendant, and for siioh Other a'"! further oelier as to tho Court may seem oiiillahh Thli publlcaUon IS made pursuant .an Oi'l'i' of Hon II C. L-veiis. ii Hie County Court nr the Mate of Oregon, Countv of Hulliey, ; .id (ill' red ill Hie ylniv l I illeil Mill On Hi" I ' dSJ of Mil'1, IBIS, directing thai said publication bs made ai least ones a week tor six oil oonseoutlve week., commencing I, mm. i w bioos F. B. SWOI'E Allorni yi lor Plaintiff, Voegtly Building, Burns, Oregon. Dat of i tral Publlcatfoni May I, : in Date in Luht Publicatien: June 14, 11)19 ' Burna, Oregon NOTIOi: i'OII PirillJOATION. I'NITia) 8TATK8 LAND OFFICE Barbs, Oregon, May 14. 1919 Votlefl la herebv gtrefl that Thomaa FliKgernld, of Hurnu, Oregon, who, on I'iMiniber HO, 1914, made Homeatead Kntrv No. 07905, for Lota 6, 6. 7, N ViSK'i . See. 32, T. 30 B., R. 29 B Lot 1 , 8K 'A HK Vi , Her. 4 ; NK U NK Vt , Hee. 9, and NWUNWA, Suction 10, Towimhlp-31 8.. Range 1MI ., Will amette Merhllan, baa filed notice of Intention to make final three year !imr to establish claim to the land above described before ReglatSf and He.eiver at HuriiH. Oregon, on the 18th day of June, ihih. Claimant names as witnesses: Martin O Malley. Dennis O'Connor. Con Taylor and Jack Flynn, all of Lakevlew, Oregon. V. G. COZAD. Beglater. I AOttCH FOB PUBLICATION. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE Burns. Oregon, Muv 14. 1919 Notice Is hereby given that Martin O'Malley, of Lakevlew. Oregon, who, on September 2H, 1914, made Home- , StSi , IK n ry No. 07741. to, -Lot 2 NJ ' m. ,. n8WV4 snM4 lTLmmd . , r . 4, ' WHBWH, 8ec," 2. Town .', I, t tp I 31 S. Kange 29 E., Wll'amette .Meridian, has riled notice of Inten tion to make final three-year proof to establish claim to the land above described before Keglsterand RoOS Iv or at Hums. Oregon, on the I sib day of .llllie, till Claimant names as witnesses: Thomas Flttn raid, or Hums. Ore- ! gon. Dennis O ( onnor, Jack lynn. Con Taylor, utl or Lakevlew, Ore-1 iKon. I V. G. COZAD, Beglater. NOTICE OF SHEBIFF'M HALE Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue of an execution, duly Issued April, 1919, upon a Judgment and decree In foreclosure, du'y rendered, entered of record and docketed In and by aaid court on the 291 h day ot April, mm, In a certain BUll then in nald court pending, wherein the Stale Land Board, composed of Jgaes Wlthycombs, Qovernor, Ben w. oiiott. Secretary and Thos. B. Kay. Treasurer of the Slate of Oregon, wus plaintiff, and Esper Creathouse, A. O. Skotterud. Charles II. Mulkey and i Georgia Mulkey, his wife, were de- fendants. In favor or plaintiff and against said defendants, by which ex (.(.lltlon , am ,.omninnded to sell the rin, . i ui,i ,.,u.tinn nrf 1 hereinafter described, to a-' the Hums j due the planltlff or $ 1 67 1 .L!2 with In- ' terest thereon at the rate of six per Seal per annum from April 29, 1919, until paid, and the further sum of $125.00 as plaintiff's attorney's r-es. .W. ...W,-V.., ... ... W.H..W.. .... togetner with the costs and disburse ments or said suit, taxed at $46.05 and the costs aud expenses on said execution, I will on Saturday the 3 1st day or May, 1919, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M., at the front door of the county court house, in Hums, Harney Countv, Oregon, sell at public. auction to the highest tiidder, for cash In hand, on the day of sale, all the right, title. Ii, terest and estate which ihe tald defendanta, or either or any of them, and all persona claim- In if mirier t!iiMi Mih mii'Tit tn i he goth ,,.,, , Au. ll;, ,.,, llil(l ,.,. !,,. i.e.rilrcd or now i,nve of. in and I in aaid real property herein bs oiled and described as follows, lo wit: Mi of N'w.i , swv, or ni:v, and m; of SW ', lection I I In T. 21 s 1 11. 10, E w. m , in Harney County, in mi. containing 1 00 acres. 1 lag "ii waier rights spperto therein, together, sritb the tenements, bered taments and appurtenances thereunto belont lug or in anj wise ap pertaining. Baid sals being mads subject to redemption In tbs manner proi iv law, Dated this I'IMh day Of April, l!U!l. W. A. GOODMAN, Sheriff of Harney County, Oregon, Patients receive the best of care a the Firtoved Maternity Hospital. 'k-'V-v iSfll ,?tA(A- " " Liberty Theater Wednesday Night ' I H'i Vivian tvw 1 WM I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UNITKD STATES LAND OFF1CB Burns, Oregon, April 10. 1919. Notice Is hereby given that Jama W. Nesbot, of Biley, Oregon, who, on May 26, 1914, made Homestuail Entry No. 07B01, for Lots .!. 4, SVi nwa. Section 2. Township 2S a.. Bangu 26 E., Willi in.oi, Meridian. h.i.i filed null. i. of intention to rneio final three-year I'roof, to ostabllah claim to the land above described, before Beglater and Becelver, at Duma, Oregon, on the 17th day ef May, 1919. Cllamant names as witnesses: Alfred Johnson, Robert .1 Williams. Floyd Klssenger, and Frod Kllllcnt. all of Biley, Oregon. V. O. COZAD. Register ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THB STATE OF OREGON. COUNTY OF HARNEY. In the Matter of the Estate of E. P. Sylvester, deceased. NOTICE IS HBRBBT GIVEN That the Undersigned. KATIE A. SYL VESTER, has been duly appointed by the County Court of Harney County, Oregon, Administratrix of the Estate of B. P. Sylvester, de ceased; and has duly qualified aa such Administratrix. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby not'i'lid to pr sent the same, duly verified, to gether with proper vouchers there for, at the office of J. W. Bigga, Voegtly Building, Burns, Oregon. Attorney for said Administratrix, within six months from date hereof. KATIE A. SYLVESTER Administratrix. Dated this 12th day of April. 1919. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S HALE. NOTICE IS HBRBBT GIVEN: That, WHEREAS, on the 9th day ef April, mm. Ill the Circuit (Viurt ot Oregon tor llamer countv, a Judg ed. t was mad" and entered in favor of J. L. Bits, BS Plaintiff, against I. Weinaleiii mid C'aia D. Wemtein, hie wire as Defemlauts, for the sum ot gtlnn.AO, wlMi Interest th'-'eon from October 10, 1917, at the rate of per cent per aur.utii; and the further sum of $125.00 attorney's feed, and ends and disbursements taxed at $20.00; And. WHEREAS It was furl her Ordered and Decreed by Bald Court that I'laintllf's mortgage on the folluwiag described property situated in Har ney County, Oregon, namely: "All of block One ( 1 ) in the town of Lawen," Harney County. Oregon. Also that parcel of land described aa follews: Commencing 80 feet du north of the northwest comer ot Hlock One ( 1 ) in the Town of La won. Harney County, Oregon, and running due north 75 feet; thence due eaat too feet; thence due south 75 feet; tbenee, due west 100 feet to place of, beglnnini The same being situate in Lot Three (31, Township IS louth, Range MM Basl of the Wii- !-,i..etie Meridian, In Harney County, Oregon," bs foreclosed; and all the rtpht. title ami Interest In sad described press- a cr hold hy .sa'ii iieren- :( on the lOiii day of October, 191 7, (! Id tune acquired, be ,' mid hv Hie Bherlfl of Harney Couuty, Oregon, in the maner provided by i hv lew inr Ihe sale of real properly on foreclosure; And. j WHEREAS, on the 19th. day of : April, 1919, an Bxeoution In Fore- ,('.n .lire ;i duly i sin d bv the Clerk of said Courl commanding me, the I undersigned sheriff, to lerj upon , and sell. In the manner provided by law for 1 lie i ale of real property upon ei ion In toreslo hit i, all of the . title ami Inten of said De . fendants In and to hind mortgaged ' premls ; ! NOW, THEREFORE, In obedience , ti the commands of laid Writ aud by .authority thereof, l v til on Monday the Ind ,;i' 01 june, mm, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. no of said day ai the com 1 bouse door In the City 01 Burns, Oregon, offer for salo to the blghoal bidder for oasb all the right, litis sod Interest of said De fendants, or either of them. In and to aid desert I real 1 ronerty, to vatls iv -si iii Judgment, accruing interest. atorm sad disburse- monts, subject to the Right of R demptlou and the Confirmation of 'ourt, QOODMAN riff of Harnej County, Oregon. By 9, T Randall, Deputy. first Publication.: Ma) 8, mm. Lai 1 Publicatien: Msj S i. 1919, ( lit This OlH It Is Worth Money DON'T MISS THIS, Cut out this sii). encloss wltb Be to Pole-. - Co. Slielfield Av,. . ChlOggO, III.. writlni your nams and address olaar ly, You will receive In ndurn a trial pai kaae containing Foley's Honey and 'Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup, Foley Kidney Pills and Foley Cathartic Tablets. Sold everywhere.