v4t IXX'AIi ANB IM'.KSONAI, into electrical repairs. Jack Mo- Hulr. HiImJ hay at A. A. Perry's Feed :. scrompauiea oy uis two oromers, f Karl and Cortes. Chas. M. r.dy wm over from Ju Day durlug the Week. r'srm implements at bargain jrl at the Btirns Hardware. jnn'H McKee was here from l)ia niond during the week on Buaineaa. Try onr banana cream plea. They , re dfllilouit. Page a Sweet Shop, tf Hadden Klllott was in town yes terday to make proof on his land. He Six hole Home Comfort range for Me. Inquire at Brenton & Hicks. Hugh Tipton, a brother to A. A. Tipton, is at the King hospital un der the care of his physician. Warner Dickenson, son of B. A. Dickenson, is here ou a furlough from Camp Lewis. He does not know when he will be discharged. We huve some new goods. Includ ing Flaxou, Indian Head. Poplin, Voile. Gabardine, and all kinds of white goods. Mrs. E. F. SchwarU. B. F. Johnson of the Oregon West ern Colonization Co., was in town tais week looking after some busi ness In connection with his company. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BlUNS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $100,000. "THE BANK THAT MAKKS YOUR BAKU." ACCOUNTS INVITES). A. K. Richardson. A. A. Traugott, ('apt. A. W. Oowan and Qrover Jame son all arlved home Monday from Portland where they had been with ie road delegation before the State Highway Commission. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Swain and their little son took their departure tUs morning for Ashland where they yo to visit with Mrs. Swain's parents !)r a time. They will stop en route at Dallas to see relatives. The citizens of this city have sore v put out for the past few days by 'ie annoyance of dust which was hauled in on the main steet. Marshal McDonald, as street commissioner, started some improvements in that -iirertton a couple of weeks ago and urliig his absence at the road meet ing in I'ortlatul the material hauled in was not up to standard, as It lack ed very much of being gravel. The 'mines men are kept busy sweeping It out of their places back into the street and the windy weather has not allowed it to remain long In one place. mMM,, . , i .. v ' . t'.i ilIIII "A DOLL'S HOIMI , ' WAS FAMOUS MTAOti NI'CCKM Klste Krmtixoa'N vc t P.mfoplay Wan Produced on London HUH(r ia 181. $36.9i;i.G2 ss.ooo.eo For mor than thirty jears, the plays of l!?urlk Ibsen have held a dlgnttied p: on tla- stuge in this country and abroad. One of the more notable of . iieae dramatic creations of this No.-- lglau master dramatist waa "A Doll's House," which was produced I London in 1889, and which served later in this country as the atarr it vehicles of the leading exponents cf the Ibsen school of dra matic ftcUnp Bnd thought. "A Doll's House wm picturlsed for Artcraft under the direction of Maurice Tour- neur. and , ith Klsle Ferguson as the star. It wilt be displayed at the Lib erty Theatre tomorrow night. This is u realistic story of a doll wife, who. having no Idea of her own. commits a forgery to save her hus band's life, and who falls into tbe toils of an unscrupulous money-lender. When her husband learns of her folly he upralds her, thereby shatter ing the dreams she had entertained that in the event of exposure he would gallantly absolve her from, and assume all blame himself. His failure to do so proves a sad revela tion to her, and even though the In criminating note is returned and the fear of disgrace obviated, she leaves him. sternly resolved to seek a new environment and to be a doll no longer. The story of the photoplay Is one of unusual dramatic power and affords Miss Ferguson and an excell ent supporting cast with ample op portunities for the display of their talents. o As ait example of the accuracy and attention to detail that prevail In the pictures directed by J. Stuart Black ton la the fact that all of the cos tume, from that of the "extra" with limes, from that of the "extra" with the smallest part to the stars, are made especially for each picture. In .S-MMM.M.MMMMMMM, No. uaon (Upon of the condition of the I IltH-V NATIONAL BANK OF 111 BVp in the Stale of Oregon, at the close of business My I :, I9! RKHOl'KCNSj y . LOeas and discounts. Including rediscounts $58,028.7 Deduct notes ami bills , red'M-ou-iied .. 1F0.1 15.'J4 17, S. Bonds (other lhanLlhertv rionds:) IT, 8. Bonds deposited, to scare eiroulatjoo G '.'. H. Bonds and certificates of Indebtedness pledged to secure C. H. deposits 34,000.00 '. S. bonds and certificates if indebtedness pledged to secure postal savings deposits .. 1,009.00 ' iherty I oau Bends: Liberty Loan Bonds, 3H. 4. and 4U pef cent. unpledged , VO.00000 Liberty Loan Bonds, 3 Vs. 4. and 4 K. per cent. pledged to secure U. 8. depoelts 1,000 00 Liberty Loan Bonds. 3 Vs. 4, and 4 , per cent, pledged to secure State or other deposits or bills payable ...., 25.000.00 Bom!, wN-urltlen, etc., (Other than U. B.) Bonds (other than D. S. Bonds) pledged to secure postal savings deposits 1,000.00 Securities other than U. B. Bonds (not including stocks) owned and unpledged 27.103. 75 Total bonds, securities, etc., other than V. 8, Stock of Federal Reserve Bank (50 per cent of subscription) Value or banking house owned and unincum bered 4,800.00 Furniture and fixtures. Lawful reserve with the Federal Reserve Bunk Cash In vault and net amounts duo from national honks Net mounts due from banks, hankers, and trust companies other than Included In last two items above Checks on other banks in the same city or town as reporting bank (other than last Item) Total of last three items 84.7U0.39 Checks on batiks located outside of city or town of reporting bank amd other cash Items Redemption fund with V. S. Treasurer and due from V. S. Treasurer ". 2,500.00 Interest earned but not collected approximate on Notes and Bills Receivable not past due . . 9,083.06 Other assets. If any Advanced to customers on 4th liberty loan 93. SO Russia has issued an ultimatum The brewers are all turning to th against Roumunla, and It will per- manufacture of Ice cream. What If hartf he effective. We have occasion!- they should forget and use some of ally kiiowut Ma tp Issue an ultimatum ' their former ingredients? Beer Ice cream would, .probably become in- C8.400.00 28.192.75 3.000.00 4,800.00 4,200.00 21,817.24 80.289.U2 . against FeVandWie has nearly always gained her point, stantly and universally popular. it Mi. JiilWJJLUL Everything for Everybody Anything for Anybody 3,850.77 620.00 3.743.80 i BUY IT FROM US IT PAYS This is a general store and we are supposed to sell every thinR, and we live up to the general supposition. e You can buy anything you want here, from hardware to groceries, from needles to a good smoke. It pays to buy from us, because we sell for cash, and an enormous amount of goods, and we can therefore sell at a closer margin of profit than some others. You CAN'T lose, and you WILL gam. Now doesn't this line of argument appeal straight to your good common sense? LUNABURG, DALTON & CO. BURNS. :: OREGON T Total .. LIAHILLITIK8 ranUal stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits . Less current expenses, interest and taxes paid. Interest and dlacount collected or credited. In advance of maturity and not earned (approximate) Circulating notes outstanding Net amounts due to national banks . Certified checks outstanding Cashier's checks on own bank outstanding Total of last three Items above Demand deposits (other liun bank da'poMltn) sub ject to Reserve (deposits payable within 30 days ) : Individual deposits subject to check Certificates of deposit due In lean than .'10 days (other than for money borrowed) Dividends unpaid Other demand deposits ....,, Total of demand depositslother than bunk depos its) subject to Reserve. lat four Items ... Time deposit -utijeri to lteterve tpuable after M days, or subject to 30 days or more no tice, and postal savings): Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) Postal savings deposits Total of time deuoslls xuhieet to mr Ian! two "The Judgement House." a plcturiz-i Items at Ion of the novel by Sir Gilbert Par- t nlusl St:.te, deposits Hot her than postal savings) ker the Boer War 46.670.69 4.523.48 719,705.06 50.000.00 50,000.00 41.147.21 6.300.S9 1,480.64 50.000.00 94.11 899.82 5.326.96 I 324.127.98 I I 21.504.28; 50.00 ' 214.20. No! No! 345.896.46 DON'T throw away that old suit ! luring it to our shop first. If we can't make a good looking, new appearing suit out of it by CLEANING DYEING AND PRESSING it, then indeed you may throw it away with a clear conscience. You have no idea how much good there still remains in that dis carded suit. We have reclaimed so many that we hate to see yours thrown away till it really is useless. QUICK SERVICE! Williams-Zoglmann Clothing Company BKNKFICIKNT CROWS. And now they are attempting to jrove that the crow Is not so black as nls feathery coat that be is in fact a helper toward the cultivation of the Melds. We are told that the crow fallows the plow or cultivator so that as may feed upon the numerous lar vae, such as tut worms, wireworms &nd white grubs, which tire turning of tbe soil brings to light. If a nock of crows is observed returning again and again to a particular field It la almost certain that the field ia infest d with noxious larvae. The crow is the only agency which will destroy cutworms and white-grubs. It Is also said that crowa deatroy 'lOtntltleH of mice and young rabbits. and that their activities among tproutlng corn and in tbe poultry yard have been greatly exaggerated. We never expected to aee the crow upheld as an assistant to the farmer. Mid we hope that he is preparing to' dve up to this new and desirable reputation. the time of the picture Is during ; War loan deposit account fact that ul"''r l !"o" suites deposits, including uepon ll . i.f It fl ,) lultiirf hit rtMI,-,.r.. this is approximately a "modern , VBVable w,h Federal Reserve Bank picture. Commodore Blackton would Liabilities other than those above stated Vic not be satisfied with modern costum-. tory loan subscriptions Fashion hooks of the period tlf.BtT.7l 5.850.00 2.717.11 M ''..rut were hunted up and all the costumes Lla,)MU,OT for rediscounts, l-icluding those i copied from them. Violet Homing, Federal Reserve Bank the leading, woman, wears several I verv stunnln aowns which, how-. Total contingent liabilities (last Item above) ever, when closely studied, resemble) very little the frocks of today. "The j Judgment House" U to appear at the; Ith 118.531.88 65.87 8.567.11 25.000.00 22.725.00 719.706.06 150.115.24 150. 116. 241 Liberty Theatre tonight. o What One Mother Dee Mr, I Place, Middletow nave given Foley's Honey and Tar -o my little boy, and cannot recom mend it too highly as I think It is the only medicine for coughs and colds." flti" for croup and whooping cough, as well as coughs and colds. Contains ao opiates. 8old everywhere. There seems to be some difference of opinion on tbe subject of buns. Tbe halrbresser Informs us that they are going out, and the barkeeper says there will be no more to be bad after July 1st, but the baker says they are rau'li in demand and will continue to be so. "The Judgment House," has been one of tbe most popular of Sir Gilbert Parker's novels, converted to photo play form by J. Stuart Blackton, producer of "The Battle Cry of Peace' and others. This is the first of severartproductions by the famous director and author, released by Par amount, and la to be shown at the Liberty Theatre tonight. HTATE OK UKEUUN, COUNTY OF HAKINEY, SB: I, K. II. Conser, Cashier of the above earned bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. K H. CONSKR. Cashier. Correct Attest JOHN O. DALV R. T. MUGHET A. C. WELCOME. Directors Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of May. 1919. HELEN BAYER, Notary Public. My commission expires June 30, 1922. Furnished rooms. Bee Clevenger. ... v We understood that the last war of Mother, who are those Peeple all waa at an end. Then what Is all going about with a Wide Smile? . this about the Roumanian army In My' deer, those, an itae Persons who Buda-Pest and Jugo-Slavla fending subscribed to the Victory Loan., troops to Flame and the Russian Bolshevik! opening their spring Why the Essex Motor Car will be the sensation for the coming season Every part and every detail of the Essex con stauction is of proved worth. It was designed and built by some of the foremost engineers of America, the same men whose genius produced the Super-Six. Many points of superiority in the Super-six which have proved themselves in years of service, have been incorporated into the Essex. The engine, only twenty- nine inches long, cast in one block with detachable head, readily develops more than fifty horse power. Long life is assured by the ample pro portions of the counterbalanced crank shaft, supported by three large bearings. Eastern Oregon Auto Co. Vale, a . YOUNG, Prop. Ontario 1 drives? BREAD Until the luxury tax came Into "ert, prehaps you did not know that candy and ice cream and chewing Kum and face powder were lururles. Better for the money than you vourself can bake in your own KwaVv wwrwuey.a:n"i 1 kitchen. Buy it here, and save I yourself all the trouble and bother of "Baking Day. Cakes, Cookies, and All Kinds of Delicious Pastry Freshly Made Every Day i 1 OUR BREAD IS ALSO SOLD BY Farmers Exchange-Emmet Reed Burns Cash Store-Hagey's ; Lunaburg, Dalton & Co. hi "Trrri Heap Your Market-Basket Full of Money Saved ! That is virtually what you do when you do business with us. When you leave our store with a day's supply of Groceries you also leave with your share of the profits. Our shelves hold the best in Breakfast Food, Canned Goods, Preserves and Spices Markets on the Our service to you in buying and serving our products is merely the fore-runner of the great good you can do for your meals and penny saving problem, when you patronize us. We take LIBERTY BONDS AT PAR IN EXCHANGE FOR MERCHANDISE Farmers Exchange Burns, Oregon Page's Sweet Shop "u will not, however, entertain any A. OTTINGER, Proprietor NATE FRANKLIN, Manager doubts on this head for some time to tome. 393E 3E ,. - III ' I II ' o lllIDaJfe