The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 10, 1919, Image 8

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at The First National Bank of Burns,
embodies our capacity and willingness
to handle the financial needs of busi
ness concerns and individuals both
fully and helpfully.
Capital and Surplus, : 9100,000.00
United States Depositary
Oregon State Depositary
First National Bank
of Burns, Oregon
('has. K. Peterson was a business
Tlsitor during the week.
Grant Reynolds will grease your
windmill for you during the summer.
Call phone No. QU7. tf
Oscar Courtright was reported 111
at Diamond during the week and Or.
Smith was called to attend him.
It would be a shame if his picture
and record were left out of the Hon
or Itoll. Head the list of names on
page four. ,,
Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Poujade and
the children were down from their
Cow Creek home during the week
guests at the home of their daughters,
Mrs. Chas. Davis and Mrs. Ira Davis.
Clarence Mace brought Taft Mil
ler ip town yesterday from his ranch
over in the ('lover Swale section. Taft
is suffering from an alack of spotted
feiter. Mrs. Ollie Robinson found
him and had him moved to Haines
hospital in this city.
County School Sapt. Trances Clark
was a passenger out on last Sunday
with A. K. Richardson as fur as Bend'
on her way to Prlnevllle where she
was called upon some private busi
ness. She ..will visit with relatives
and friends a few days before re
turning home.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Farre and their
little daughter Kathrlne, are over in
Canyon City where Mr. Farre was
called In completing some work he
has under way and where they are
guests of relatives and friends taring
the time. They are expected home
next week.
District Attorney Allen Mffl Ml
last Sunday for Pendleton where
he was called to present a case In Him
supreme court. After completing bis
business there he went to Portland
and joined the BOOd, roads di-li-Kat ton
with whome lie returned homo Thurs
day evening.
A. W. Hurlburt is In the city.
Batteries repaired properly.
Are there any names missing? Read
page four.
Wm. Catterson was calling upon
friends in this city during the week.
WIH he be left out? See the Hon
or Itoll advertisement on page four.
M. M. Doan was a huslnostf visitor
from the southern part of the county
during the present week.
A little sijn of Smith Crane under
went a major operation at the Haines
hospital last Thursday at the hands
of Dr.'8mlth.
Come In and see the bakery goods.
Wo don't keep it on display In the
window because the sun dries It out
rapidly. Page's Sweet Shop.
C. T. Miller was In town the other
day looking after some business. He
reported that his daughter. Miss
Ruth, who is attending the. normal
at Monmouth. Is suffering from an
attack of Influenza.
John Sevedge returned homo this
week after spending the winter In
company with his family at outside
I Furnished rooms. Bm Clcvenger.
! Adam Oeorge was In town this week.
Oats, barley and wheat for sal at
i Perry's Barn.
DJor Kiss Toilet Preparations.
Welcome Pharmacy.
W. C. Gleeson was conferring with
friends In this rtty yesterday.
Llojrd .loltnnon was among our
visitors from Lawen during the week.
Battery and electrical repair work,
oxy-acetylene wehilag. Jack Mc-
Is his name there'1 Turn to page
four and read the Honor Roll adver
For Sale $36 Victrola and 24
double record.). Perfect condition.
Price $26. Phone BIO or address
Pox Iff, Hums. !f
0. A. IWMk went to Corvallls this
week after attending to some legal
business at l'eiidlelon before the
supreme court. 0
Thos. Mutton and wife were in the
city yesterday irom their M, agontlro
home, Mrs. llntlon recent v return
ed from a vlsl: with rela res and
friend in Callfon
Mrs. Loggan, iiini her of J. B.
Logcau, went n;i! mI I'uiidiv by way
oi Bend, her destination being Halom
Vbere she Will spend the summer.
.Mrs. IiOKgan bai a daughter living In
that city and she expects to visit
other points before returning home.
Hernia n Huh was in to see us yes
terday id we learned for ihe first
time tl lie had been an Inmate of
the host tnl In this city for t'i last
ten day! it' rinp from a wound In
his fool i a used by stepping on a nail.
He is Inprov'ng nicely and will scon
return home
Misses Uladys McKlnnon and Violet
Itlchani! on went out last Sunday In
company with A. K. Richardson on
their way to Seattle where they In
tend remaining and taking up tele
phone work. They stopped In Port
land for a day or so to rest and aid
the road delegation In gottlngmat
ters in shape for Harney county to
get what's coming to her, then pro
ceeded on their Journey.
The Times-Herald learns through
mutual friends that Dennis Cooper,
a cousin to R. I). Cooper, the civil
engineer, has returned to his farm
home on the bench on Silver Creek
recently with a bride. The young
man went back to his former home
and volunteered his service during
the war and now It seems he has been
discharged from the service and has
brought a bride home with him. The
Times-Herald desires to extend Its
best wishes to Mr.' and Mrs. Cooper
and wish them success and happiness.
James Weston was up from Crane
yesterday on business in connection
with bis Warm Springs bathing pool
Mr. Weston stated he wns arranging
to have Ihe pool cemented and gotten
in fine shape for the coming season.
He hopes to have it In readiness In
Bee our stock of stationary first.
Mrs. A. A. Tipton was in the city
Maurlne for Milady's Beauty.
Welcome Pharmacy.
Try our banana cream pies. They
are delicious. Page's Bweet Shop, tf
Oeorge Cawlfleld was up from tho
Narrows today to attend the funeral
of Mrs. Slsomore.
E. E. Pttrington returned this week
from a visit to Portland. Kuaone and
other outside points.
Ira Mahon went to Bend Thurs
day to meet Mrs. Mahon and their
little daughter who came up from
Portland. Mr. Allen Jones went
over to Bend with Ira to meet tho
family. The little daughter Is now
eleven weeks old and Is having her
first visit with her father and Die
nun h. They went out to their Cow
t' iee it home today.
The Home Industries League of
Oregon has changed Its name to
"Associated Industries of Oregon."
This association Is doing great work
In boost Ing homo products, advertis
ing their merits and the advisability
of their uso In nearly every news
paper In the state. The new signa
ture appears In their advert Isment
entitled "Home Industry Facts" to be
found on page 2 of this Issue.
mwapmammsmmmmma T
I i
The Fintt Baptist Charrh.
Sunday, April 6th, Jftlft.,
Sunday school beginning at 9:45,
A. M.
Preachlngat 11 o'clock.
What Ood Would Have Us Seek.
Evening worship beginning at 8
P. M.
Be Sure Tour Sin Will Find You
Prayer meeting on Thursday even
In of each week.
Everybody Is invited to attend the
IIIm uH'ii hrmiffhi hint . .
n.. ...,,,. ...,., wvt i !.,, ,(,MP f H 11 ri for till MU111MHT Htt
.... I " - - - - - - - .
rrora uena but has returned there
where their son Is employed
w i en
son and It is his intention to roof It
1,1 "'"'before fall. The possibility et a
house at this resort has had
eoiiHlderiitlon from Mr. Weston and
this may also be a realization when
iri umetencea will permit.
then left for Los Angeles to visit for
a short time
Harold Saunders came in by way
of Ilend Thursday to spend a time on
bis homestead. Tho young man for
merly worked In tho Hibbard dairy
and Is well known in this vicinity, lie
enlisted in tho navy and was station
ed at Seattle until recently when be
was permitted to leave bul has nol
received his discharge, therefore is
Hubject to call.
E. B. Hagerman, who spent the
winter at Bend, arrived in this city
Thursday, lie had worked only a
portion of the time he was away, iiav-
ng been in pari or the winter. He
is now Improved In health, however,
gn4 will likely he really to lake up
bis usual work within a lew tl.-n.
after he has rested from his trip uud
iillished his visit with frlanriri
Fred Lunaburg was a passenger
out last Sunday In company with the
road delegation. He remained In
Portland until after the meeting with j GoorK( MKiowan. the real "da.ldv"
the sta.e Highway Commeselon and of urilH, (.olltem,,!uc visit to his
"old stamping grounds" during the
present summer, according to tutor
A reasonable reward will bo paid ",;l110" kIvcii frlonds among the road
for information leading to the reooi ' r'""' Burns whom lie met
ery or a white faced Hereford hull '" l''"'llil"1 l,lih w,l Mr. Mcdowan
branded JP on right ribs also IX on i ''"'"'""''I trlend In tin- delegation
one hi and Q on the other; marked ""ll ,,"'v ll:"1 disposed ,f tnsW BOme
wattle behind tho rlirht ear ..lames '" ''"rlland and were therefore foot
Oard, Kuddlebutte, Oregon. : '""" T,l,'v ,l1"1 U'"K contemplated I
visit to their former home In Munis
After nursing Influenza patients j and would likely take it during the
for weeks without contracting the next few weeks. Oeorge MeOowan
I the friends of Jael Withers' was the first post muster of Burns,
were surprised .to learn this week
that he was a victim out at his ho
near Harney. Dr. Smith was called
out to eo him on Wednesday and
said there was on question about it,
Hint Jack had the "flu."
Services et 11:08 o'-'ock.
S'be Testimonial Meeting, Wednes
day at 7:30 P. M.
The reading room la the church
Kdirice, Is open on Tuesday and Fri
day rrom 2 to 4 P. M.
Sunday Schoel meets on Sunday at
10 o'clock.
Pupils may be admitted to Its
classes up to the age of 20 years.
The public. Is cordially Invited to
the Church Sevlces and te the Read
ing Room. ,
Sabbath school. 10 A. M.
Preaching. 1 1 A. M.
Young Peoples' Meeting 7 P. M.
Preaching 8 P. M.
Wednesday evening prayer meeting
Bible study class Friday evening,
REV. GEO. WARD. Pailor.
B. S. Hughes, Pastor.
Sunday school at 10 A. M.
Union. services In the Reed build
ing on Main street.
The Harney County
National Bank will ac
cept from customers
and others Victory
Notes for safe -keeping,
without charge.
1 L
Harney County National Bank
Burns, Oregon
mm i
.Inst in New antl Complete Assortment
Fishing Pole, Line, Flies and
Everything Necessary to Land
Those Big Fish .
The RexHll Drag Store
SB BKEv 9KB MM HT in ill ifm Hi
m. Precedent In any way rules the political affairs of the nation
then the United States will have a "war" president following the
election of 1920. say students of the game. Already both big parties
are looking over the lists of nui available on such a platform In
the Democratic ranks, Secretary of War Newton Baker is mentioned
ts a logical candidate to give a good race to any opponent put for
ward, while the great personal friendship which existed between the
ate Colonel Roosevelt and Major General Leonard S Wood, makes
the latter a candidate who might be acceptable to both wings of the
Kepubiloan party and at the same time furnish all the military tim
ber needed to win.
Memorial Services will he held in
the Nazarene Church Sunday mora
le lit eleven o'rlock May IS ;n font r
ol tfiOre who died during the ejiiden..
I Of liilliienza. The Bl mian will be
p ached by Rev. Oeorge rVatd and
ill il.e rehillvM and t'riei -Is of tho
aeceastel are especially lovitcil to at
tvllll. 0
Diirmiin Leonard and .lack linn h
torf lei t Tueaday via Bend tor a short
visit in Portland and Eugene, Toe
boys were former etodentl in the Uni
versity of Oregon before resiioiidliig
to the colors. Upon their discharge
thev decided to not enter aalu until
ear as the time was aliort, hut
they wauled lii go down and see Hie
school and have a visit with so ol
their classmates for a short time.
J ney are expected back nest week.
a- .
Including the latest ami
Spring and Summer
"" "" " ISS , -J i , npW
Exclusive ap;ent for Victor
Tailori no-Company with a
full line of
Spring Samplen for
Women's Suits. and
That is what everybody wants to do. It is what people DO do when they
buy their groceries and provisions at this store.
We are always on the watch to keep an inferior article or a high price from
creeping in. We don't like that any more than you do, for we are strictly alive
to the fact that as long as we sell quality goods and make lower prices than the
other-fellow we will hold your trade, but that the moment we allow him to get
ahead of us you'll go right over to him and we couldn't blame you.
That, plainly speaking, is why we ALWAYS make it possible for you to
Eat More and Pay Less" when you trade with us.
Idalily or Wigwam Flour
Sack' $3.05; Bbl $12.20
White River Flour
Sack $3.40; Bbl. $13.50
Beans, all colon but Lima 124c
Fancy Dried Peaches, 25
lb box 4.50
Sugar, 50 lbs $6.10; 100
lbs $12.00
Stock Salt, 100 lbs 1.75
Dairy Salt, 50 lbs. 1.50
Hand Packed Tomatoes 4.50
Solid Packed Corn 4.50
II Mrs. Lelah Millar
At the Schwartz. Store