gPte mtmlh The Tlmo-Hevld goes re gularly to mora homes In II r , , County ill" amy other newspaper. If you wish to mirh the people use Umm ool urona for your advertisement. Tli Times-Herald In an old established friend of tlie people of Harney County where it ha been a weekly visitor for thirty year. It' job department la equipped to serve your need. VOL. XXXII BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON MAY 10, 1919 NO. 28 mmt$ Burns Delegation Meets State Highway Commission I Silver Creek and Crane Also Represented in Effort to Obtain Better Roads for County; More Successful Than Anticipated. Burns had a large and representa tive delegation In Portland this week to meet with the State Highway Com mlfsion to discuss road building. In addition to those going down from Burns (lure were alao wen from the Silver Creek section and later one of the citizen of Crane was present. The 6elegtlu had in mind one particular proposition when it start ed to the metropolis, but upon get ting on the ground and finding en couragement from an unexpected iource, they asked for more and got It. This comes from having numbers and the sporting spirit. The road in mind when the dele Itatinti itarted for Portland was one between Hums and Suntex over on Silver (reek. The delegation had re ceived Information before going that the Department of Agriculture had approved the Burns-Lawen project. It had been the intention to ask fur ther consideration on this route and possibly get a slight change of loca tion that was desired In the Imme diate vicinity of Lawen. but upon consideration it was thought Impossi ble after the approval of the Depart ment. However, In apite of this. It Is to have the attention of the engi neers with favorable prospects. Tbe members of the delegation had been informed by the county court that all available road money had been appropriated for thla year but It can reasonably expect until such which Harney will repny later In pro portion to the amount expended. It Is also committed to prepare as a project the road between this place and Suntex. Harney county to par ticipate to the amount of $20,000, available next year. It was ascertained that Malheur county has pledged $45,000 to use on the Centra! Oregon Highway west from Ontario; the project between here and Crane is settled and the link between this city and Silver Creek is agreeable to the Commis sion In 1920; Bend had a delegation there who proposed to put $35,000 In on the project of an east and west highway and secured the promise of survey eust 17 miles from that place towards Burns and this will be done when a survey can be spared. Complete I at and We-t Iload In 1091. If present plans are worked out It Is expected to have the gap between the two terminals out of Bend and this place connected In 1921 and the connection between Crane and the Malheur county line also done. It will then be possible an all year road east and west through the state to conect with the Columbia highway. This Is how the matter stands at the present time and the delegation feels It has accomplished as much as i Liui rmerica Borrows Calves At'TWilr M '' r'A. ION, JuWVauV akJSjaMfe)f1 auuuuSua uuuut (autV- uuA aSaannnW?L- !"mmmmmSm BSBSKJSsuT "" aSuuuuuuuuV'VauuuuuuuuuM " ilPr E',,',; M' 'WuV dauauutu 1 jlMJ t I r0 l'utL uuuunu ' ' jf5V uuuf&w "Suueuw a buussu -uuut 3 sssuaaauuauuaa ' KB nnBj HETH bMuTHuuuuuI uuuflAfuuuuuTl v '"' ' ii w - i f ' ' ' wtr 1 Our agricultural forefathers went to the bank to borrow money. The present generation of boys and girls gees to the bank, too but their mission Is to borrow calves and pigs. It Is the new keynote of developing "Interest In farm life." Iowa alone this year has placed nearly 1000 high grade dairy heifer calves under the care of boys and girls In the state. The bank buys the calves at reasonable price and furnishes them to the boys at a low rata of Interest, the boy or girl to raise the animal selling at a big profit In the fall. Calf distributing days evolve Into virtually a community holiday, as tbls picture from Decorah. Iowa, shows The Insert shows a member of the club holding two calves which will furnish, the foundation stock for a future Iowa herd. TO HEA) 4d ammrm ;ULTUR1 4 H0USI v the proposition was to present the importance of the completion of the entire distance between this point and Crane this year and try to gt the Commission to pledge ltsolf to luoh a program without further obli gation upon the part of this county. Went niasuftlf for Kllver Creek Post Knad. The post road from Burns to Sun tex, on Silver Creek, as a part of the Central Oregon Highway was the particular business before tbe people and Harney county was ready to pledge $25,000 next year to this pro ject and ask the Commission to com mit itself to the project. Most of the delegates arrived in Portland the day before the meeting and Commissioner Mass and others who knew members of the board, obtained an uudlenee with the result that Harney county was heard from before the regular meeting and the Commission took the proposal under consideration to be answered the fol lowing day when the session began. Got .More Thun Expected. It might have appeared unfortu Bte to some that the Harney County fellows got their "lines crossed" as upon being called at the meeting it was trident there was a misunder standing. This caused a friend to uggest that Harney county get to- $ether and have a better understand-) uig a members of the commission got the idea that It was the intention to abandon the Hums-Crane project t Lawen. the point to which It had seen approved hy the Department of sericulture, and take up the Silver project, That's Just where It was fortunate m. by it,,, delay and the entire dele gation having an opportunity to dis cing tin- iltuatlon a greater program N oncelved. lim Btowart, who has boon using rgy and Ink over in Wheeler JOSftty In pasl years td enlighten the People through his newspaper, sim m "butted Into" the privacy of the Messy county conference end told Mnch I., bo good sports end com troiei right ii- torn n,.-,ii in Mi ,or tolng 1 1 i hey didn't have as Inu',l mom .i tbey found necessary I let Hi- project JuhI ask the '"":1"! Ion to loan 'em soon- RBI Froml - t0 ,..,,. i i,,,.. i, u,!,,,,, ii,w ,,i . .- .... . ,. j n" Tels plan was adopted mid two 'wolulin, .,,,,. drawn up set ling 'Will tin- 1. ii-i.M of llifu i-riinilv with K finite lion. -als of road construc- OBuunliMion to Complete Burns. ('rune Itoud. Alt rei nit of this action the Com committed to complete tbe "' ''"HI l.awcn on Ih Crane nut MflK P the additional funds necessary time as means are provided for more finances. This could only be done through a bond issue which would require an election. Whether this is advisable at this time is a matter of speculation. Pact la, It Is a ques tion whether Harney county has any n'her project that would meet with lavor with the Commission. It ha ether post road possibilities and these should have consideration. Harney Conuty 1-igninu- However this may be it Is pointed out that we are falling behind the procession In not being in a position to take advantage of present favora ble conditions in the way of getting i-id when there are ovailable funds. A'most every county in the state Is bonding and asking for Etate and red eral aid and are getting it too while we are only playing around the i edges. Some are advocating me advisability of getting busy and vot ing bonds while there is considerable money In the state and fedornl funds available. So mur.y aro taking ad vantage of the appropriations from the State Commission that they find they cannot be so liberal as In the past. If we wait we are going to get less In proportion to the amount wo put up. Ask for More Post Itouds. With other post roads In view In this county we should take advant age of our opportunity while funds are available. We may Just as well have more roads In Harney county and every community have one equal- ly as good as the proposed highway if we but take the matter In hand and see fit to pay the price. Other coun- j m- are enjoying this privilege and! having Urge sums expended within J their borders. We ere not all situ ated so as to have a highway at our door but we can have Just aH good roads as the other fellow If we gel busy. The proposition or taxing ior market roads, an amendment to bo VOted 00 nl I h- coming elect loll III June, rIvoh uh an opportunity to se cure more funds within our county for roads. laoaM this bill be iuo- nl, and II will be, Harney coun ty will have to make provision for II otherwise It will be helping to pay for roads In some olh-r county as we in list make an appropriation In Order to secure funds. .Move one DeeohBtua lUilroud toward Burns. The Burns delegation wan Is ' proach-d nl Bend hy citizens of that place with the proposition of advo (aline, the abandonment of one. of the railroad lines up Ih- Dei SUtes, re move the rull'.i und extend In in tO ward Burns, using the road bed UP . sV .auus UUUUBUBsV- JB 03 Us MADLY bomb IN TH Kit MOM BOTTLE i TO TAKE ABVANCKD I'HJKKKS IN MASONKY. One of "The Mnny (Jripplna; Scenes in Hun Within" Coming to The Liberty Hunday. In "The Hun Within", tho special Paramount Artcraft photoplay Just released, there Is one dipping situa tion calculated to draw the audl- A party consisting of V. O. Coxad, and his son Kodney, L. M. Brown, C. H. Voegtly, Henry Dalton, K. Pred Williams, and (has. M. Faulkner, left this afternoon for Canyon City to attend the initiation of a class In the Chapter Degrees of Masonry. The three last named are victims, the Ollbert N, Haugun. congreas mn from Iowa, will be the next -huirman of the House Commit-'-) oi Agriculture, when con ireus meets in the sixth-sixth leebloa. . Important agricultural measures are expected to get ome action, nov that the war is 01 OTTINGKIt IH'VH HTOKK riCOI-Klt'l Y. saee out of their seats. This Is when others going along to chaperon and an Innocent-looking thermos bottle see that they make the Journey safe Is taken from the hold of the steam-; ly. Other members of the order ship crowded with troops, and which hope to lake those degrees at some explodes as It strikes the water and future time. It is possible that a hurls a volcano one hundred feet In- lodge of hat degree may be Instltu to the air. This Is one of the many ted in this city later, thrilling situations in "Tbe Hunj Wlthlitj"jS'hich is to be presented at the Liberty theatre next Sunday. The story deals with spies and lolls how a patriotic young American girl,' aided by Secret Hervtco operatives, frustrates the designs of German plot- : ters and brings them to Justice. The story by Oranvllle Warwick Is one of! xcepilonal beautv and dramatic tl'iiKth und Its direction by Chester! jWlthoy, was in ovi-ry way mss'erlv I uinl artistic. Tho leading feminine1 role Is portrayed by Dorthy Olsli the ilirmliiK (Jrlfflth ti.ii, while (leorge Fawi-tt, a veteran ' -tor of wide po n'liriiy and talent, Ii seen in the role i of a patriotic ; rinau-Americun. wins capital prize as most beautiful The Times-Herald has learned that A. Otlnger, proprietor of this Farmers Exchange in this city, has I Others In the cast are Charles Gerard. this week purchased the bulldtng the """Kins Macl.caii, H.-rt Hutch, Lillian ion- now occupies from 0. A. Be dell. This deal has been pending for a time and has Just been closed. It is the Intention to negotlato for adjoining property and extend the building If possible. In case this is accomplished, the store will add to the present stock of goods, perhaps putting in a complete line of shoes and furnishings In addition to the Que line of groceries now carried. Clarke, the latter having a splendid role, that of a Gorman woman spy, which she bundles with great defi noss and dexterity. KHNr M. A. Bpleer expects to leave next reek; fur BngaBS where he goes to visit two of his daughters for a while, He will extend his Journey to (irunt's 1'ass before he returns where another daughter resides. Washington has gone back to the sport of finding Its most beau tiful woman, proving that the war Is really over. It is Miss Llixabeth Boeder Heitmuller for 1919. according to the Judgment of three prominent artists who awarded her a Tiffany prize as a crowulng glory. i AH' TKHS S WHAT 1 CAlc CtAS$M 'JaW'-x (Continued on page 'four.) Ml I SLOWING HIM UP ' , . i i i y ""H i .jRviifxcsN ' r ,IW. imilTLlA' wr AmMtm . tmMiBm i 1 Ii . I7 J -. H lisluxBuuuuuUkm susvy iirfj. - 'xf feSBPro 7 SHbsMim iNdum-" - -m i i idfjsm'jWBL "i"asuMsunii"i - wt ..Jr.,-.' 17 POISON EXPERT IN TO AID LOCAL RANCHERS D. L. Jameson Explains Bu reau Formula. COUNTY COURT ASKED FOR POISON Pethioaed lo Provide Revolving Fist's With Which Is Aid Eradication of Pests. D. L. Jameson, a poison expert working under the Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Biological Sur vey, made an official visit to the city the early part of the week. Mr. Jameson was sent in by tho Bureau at tho request of local ranch ers who are interested In eradicating the sage rat and rabbit pests. While here the gentleman held a meeting nt the Commercial Club rooms, where he explained the method of mixing and using the poison recommended by the Bureau. The formula for thin mixture was also given, and is pub lished here for the benefit of our readers. The county court has been petition ed to provide a revolving fund with which to aid in the eradication ot these rodents and pests. The pet itioners set forth that it is difficult to do effective work because ot the vast amount ot vacant land and there fore ask that this aid be extended them. There is every reason to be lieve tbls petition will meet with fav or from the court. 1st. Mix Dry; One (1) ounco powdered strychnine alkloid and ono (1) ounce baking soda. 2nd. Make starch paste. Stir one (1) ttiblespooufiil of gloss starch into one half eup of cold water, then pour It into one half pint of boiling water and cook until a thick, clear, transpurant paste Is formed which in free from lumps. 3rd. When paste is formed, add the dry mixture of strychnine and soda. Stir until thoroughly mixed. 4th. Add one half pint of heavy corn syrup (Karo). 6th. Stir in four (4) tablespoon fuls of salt. 6th. Add one (1) ounce of glycer ine (mix well). 7th. Add, while stirring, one (1J teaspoonful saccharine. 8th. Pour this over twenty (20) quarts of good, clean, heavy oats and. mix until each kernel Is coated. 9th. For convenience In handling, the grain should now be spread oat to dry, stirring It up occasionally to prevent drying in cake. A quanity of grain equal to a heap ing teaspoonful Is sufficient for bait. Do not put in little piles but scatter the grain about the burrow or along their trails. If the bait is thus plac ed it will not endanger livestock. It is a waste of poison to throw bait directly In burrows or to put them in piles. If put in piles one squirrel will oat more than enough to kill, while If scattered, the time required to gather the grain and the exercise. will beaten the action of the poison thus causing a quicker death and leaving some of the bait for the next squirrel. AN ACiKD IMONKfclt MOM AN I'ANSi: j)AYtMTSQfi ' BluuuuuuWauuftw Mrs. Rebecca K. Slzemore died at the home of her son, J. E. Slzemore, near the head of Harney Lake on Thursdny after a short Illness, aged stl years. She took sick early in the week SBd Dr. Smith wus called out to attend bar hut held out no hope for her recovery owing to her ad vanced age. Mrs. Btsemore hud resided in this section since 1907, but had resided In Eastern Oregon for many yearn previous. She came with her husband to Baker from Missouri muny yearst ago and upon his death came to thin country to llvo wiyi her sons. I Mrs. Sizomoro was born in Indiana and later moved to Iowa and to Mis souri later. She is survived by eight children, throe of whom reside in thlst vicinity, j. B.i Geo. s. and otus size- ntore. One son Is In Portland, a-i-other in Wyoming, ono in Kansas, one daughter in Wyoming and sn nlliiT in Arkansas. The funeral was held this after noon from Hie HuSSTOM ehunjh vice being conducted by Hev. George Ward und Interment was made In tlui Burns cemetery.