Bb a r-B i '. R3U.B, , Iti'lvw S '8F "b 5J8 i 'rT--'v . VHfcta? ay I " 'iTfi( .jgssfl gW'lL. v Jil? BttBMJra! aiLyJtSuk w" " 'm iJB I HU 1M U ' flH . VK'k.Z.'lkZ BKZH 'r arr:SSA McvBSafiMKHEatJBES TC X. Practicing what It preached, Washington U planting tree as memorials to fallen heroes of the great war. Secretary David Houston placed a white oak to the memory of soldier dead from the Depart ment of Agriculture, assisted by Colonel Henry Graves, chief of the Forestry Service, and Dr. William Taylor, D. F Tree memorials along our national highways all over the land are the tributes which make a lasting emblem to the bravery of those who gave all that Freedom might live. In this picture, left to right. Dr. Taylor, Seer:" nry Houston and Colonel Oraves. "TWCTWENTY-SIXn WHEAT, feARNES' JOB Julius tl. Barnes Is the man thn whest growers of the nation will look to for the congressional guarantee of $2.26 per 'bushel for tneir I n l D whnut crop. His ap pointment to head the organ ization which will handle this work, came from President Wil son at Purls. Dames has been at the head of the food administra tion wheat corporation during the war. He Is senior momber of tho firm of Barnes & Ames of Duluth. Winnipeg and New York, export ers of grain. Barnes was born in Iowa, wont to Washington state In boyhood, but returned tn Min nesota, where ho built up his for tune In handling wheat. Barnes was one of the "dollar a year business men who volun teered his services for the dura tion of the war. His knowledge of the wheat market of the world made him Important In the food administration affairs. Whan gov ernmental "red tape" at Wash ington Interfered with Ills depart ment's war work, he moved tho offices to New Vork so that the force could work nil nlvhr ir 11... "V occasion demanded. DAN CUPID DEFEATS SUFFRAGE CALL m iirrrr tr mm -. -rrG n I sf "it sit v W&SMm&asa sct ?w mUTOM LIIIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBHIB ' VsVWastCasss? BJbBbI iriMm bbbbWsbbbK I JmKS VH L 1A sH MM a m ATgsKfl .ME ' Ir V - v. ms Miss Clara Louise Howe of San Francisco was known all over tho land as one of the national organ izers of the Woman's party. Then came a tour of the "Prison Spe cial" with Detroit as an Important stop. Miss Howe met Donald Mr Grow there and "tho party" lost. They have Just been married a'1 Washington. Woman Would Visit North Pole in Airplane o9k SU? y 4 . -"& 1 .1 $ i- I BMBajBBr'lfe A, St jl55HHl BL 4 9HBMlgMBBSSHBH3 ' iss in mi'i i 'nmemmmmhmmmmmmimmMmmt With the war end ed and peace virtually upon us, new and startling perform nnrcH by Inventions of the war will be In or der Trans-coniinentut and across ocean (lights by airplane new altitude records wleiess communi cations' developed to an uncanny degree and other scientific stunts, will furnish the news of the lay First Is a woman try ing for a visit to rhe North Pole bv jtr plsne Miss Ruth Law. famous American vt. atrlx. is equipping a , special moi'hlntf o -company the Admiral Peary nartv in a try for a visit to the Pole by the air route Here Is the famous woman fiver in her machine, ready for a trial flight. CLAIM $10,000 BOARD BILL ACMNST CUDAHYS HOUSEWIVES ON TRIAL UF FOOD PROFITEERS P..j -yk JyB BsmJteOBBBBtBW VWiZ jy """"V Tl aSM 1 Jjfll j BIbV sbbF jbw jr sAih TTmRS B B B , . LaBB BIbi sL MWI bT fc Pwife Old High Cost of Living has been cornered. Now comes a court record which talks df a 10,000 unpaid board bill. Suit has been tiled by a hotel company of Pasadena, Cal.. against Jack Cudahy and wife, a son of the famous meat packer, alleging that this sum Is un paid for the housing and feeding of the Cudahy family. Here Is a newplcture of Mrs. Cudahy and her three daughters. Anne, Edna and American housewives are now on the trail of food profiteers .KJu.,,8n Heath- Pr'dent of the National Housewives' League has Issued an order asking all' housewives in the land to boycott HI retsll food dealers who have l,lu r.e.duced Pes to conform with the reductions made by the wholesalers. It Is reported that great stores of foodstuff are being hoarded In the attempt to keep Prices up and save the food spec ulators millions Invested under war conditions. TTHE GOVERNMENT is spending millions right now and is going to spend millions more rebuilding our wounded. Thousands of THEM who left legs, or arms, or health over there are asking you to reach something for them. THEY ARE ASKING YOU TO REACH THE VICTORY LIBERTY LOAN This Space id for and Contributed Thru the Patriotic Cooperation of An expert student of prlmatlve man one, but if prtnltive man had had to states that In the cave drawings all the women are represented as being very stout. From this he argues that, the cave man's type of feminine beauty was a fat woman. Probably it was iiot much more trouble to sup ply a large tiger skin tbau a small clothe his womenklnd in broadcloth at $4.00 a yard, he would doubtless have greatly preferred the slender and willowy type. A number of post offices have of ficial cats on the payroll. Uncle Sam does not pay them salaries, it is true, but he makes appropriations for the food which they consume on the days when rat and mouse hunting are not good. After July 1st hard drinkers will have to take to soft drinks. CIVIL WAR VKTKKAIf- WOULD AID litli:lH Hay Teniae Did Him so Much (too Ho Wants to Utve 10 very Old Holdler a HotUe. "I wish I could buy every old sold lor a bottle of Tanlac, for from the way It has fixed me up I believe it would add years to their llvos," said Frank B. Kundrick, a Civil War vet eran living at 4800 Charlotte avenue, Nashville, Teuu. "Some time back," he continued, "1 had rheumatism so bad, ml went down so fast, that it looked like I was on the verge of a general break down and had aboyt deapalred of ever walking again. I was fast los ing what little flesh and strength I had left and could hardly get from ray bed to my chair. I had uo appe tite, could hardly sleep aud suffered constantly with headaches. "After taking Tanlac a short timt 1 began to improve. I kept it until I have gained thirteen poundi and feel better aud younger than 1 1&V In years. Tanlac just filled mo ilh new life and energy and put uiu oft my feet again, I have a fine uiui'tlt and walk anywhere I want to go ails' hardly feel It at all." Tanlac Is sold in Burns by KeeA Bros., and In Crane by Vale Trading Co. --adv.