SECTION TWO ffc I taw n jlw' imesMerM AUTO CAiTDH NKWH PIOTOftUL AND VICTORY UHEHTY IOAN VOL. XXXII BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON APRIL 26, 1919 NO. 26 OUR COUNTY FACES THE LASLTRENCH mm -1 ,-. hiifawai rl .1 kill persevering . tommy Spring's Here!! oh goodie, good-iei STILL AFTER CUP ....... . . ... iutdv wirnnn BUILD A DlKli HOUSE. A luuhiri TftVAiiwi V . . 1 l-' J 'v I WWi k. u R4 -. "Stp? isBjBvJHBfi t S &&&&- - -T Win I ' ' - . . ..'-I JML i III Mgg wNMWCtQ f) vw ICA o c o Sir Ihomu Upton. thst pcr Mvcrlni Hrltlhh yachtsman, Is again at bis old tricks of trying to lift the cliamplonahlp cup from America Me haa Juat arrived In New York to complete arrange meets for the big International event nil Sandy Hook this sum mer Uptons' boat was built da lore the war ,Tbe yacht here ihown It the American cup de fender the Resolute. , ji,yivh, ji -y r v :ppMa bird ?. JFH e!F'L"- till r-S . rW 8ay boys, how about a house or houses for our feathered friends They are easy to mak- ' Any boy with a work bench can take this model and build a homo I which appeals most to the robin I Clncb bugs by tho million are de stroyed annually by our bird friends, to make homes for them Do not paint the inside or en trance to a bird house. tPut saw dust or excelsior on the floor Nest week, the wrens' home Daddy Pershing Waits for Him "Jolnlnr darfdv nvr thr" w. th. ambition of many American boys In ar days and even now, but Walton Pershing, son of General Pershing, la the only one on record who has realized auch a wonderful event. Sergeant Joe Welti, wearer of three decoration for feats performed during the fight. ing, was the man selected and commie, Bloned by General Pershing to come to America and tako the boy acrosa. Gen eral Pershing lost all members of hla lumiiy except mis boy now 10 years old HI -.'ME"" - - 'WtSBMB 's'Blwr a '-Hf' IWi '. si HIhhB1 . V a. tSspcBi WWWriMjv'i 'i ikFr, km. - lsWrf a - Ilkwi tea ' SBJBFBBBl 4 HHBIBBBBBBvar7' m SBKib a W9mtmwamww U BBhSx -ttmsimWK& ' iSbV HI 'ttfll Bil ToWuaf an sff aFB ' i V!a.' ' Tc give little children like thin from the aJtlM a vacation In tho country thla summer, la the mo tive back of the appeal to l.c made of the American public by the Salvation Array in a campaign, May 19 to 26. Thirteen million will be asked. N. Y. TO WHITE HOUSL IN EIGHTY MINUTES - 1 WS& ST 6 A - '- ''f " a53BBgJ fc m J T TJrlL 1 Eighty mlnutea between New York and Washington by alrplui" shows in a small way what may be ttxported In transportation de velopment of the future. I' u Lucas (on tho left) i-arr; ti.i; Colonel M. A. Dargue (on tbs right), as passenger, made UiU new record Hying a Delia vi; i . plane at 178 miles an hou BBS) WVM mW.mW L ' r "'r-1 .'" i;- "i il' ' sss9 Bhw .. asBBSBsiB ' " '.A"" m" B ijT1rak ill )JJt u V ... K The American Field of Honor It is a patch of soil in France where sleep our dead. It is Spring now and poppies blood-red cover the fresh turned earth of the graves. While the marks of the spade still linger can we forget the sacrifice those American boys made can we break faith? We can carry on the work they died for. We can keep faith with them. We can sacrifice here and there to take, each of us, our share of the VICTORY LIBERTY LOAN. Keep faith. Thl Spur Paid for and Contributed Thru the Patriotic Co-operation of 3Firat Matumal I ft! lank OF BURNS